
Thursday, October 4, 2018

Story: It Was All For Charity, Wasn't It? Chapter 11.

by Jackie J

Following her discussion with her housekeeper the Countess was all prepared in her rooms for the arrival of Madeline when the door handle turned but it wasn’t maid Maddie who entered her chambers but Miss Jennings.

Countess Polanski looked shocked stood in her maid’s attire.

“What, what are you doing here I thought you were sending Maddie up to my rooms?”

Miss Jennings smiled looking the Countess up and down.

“Well, well you told me about this but I had to see this for myself.”

Miss Jennings walked to the Countess and lifted the hem of the Countesses dress and the cheap nylon underskirt that both hung loose on her calves and chuckled.

“Underwear as well, the full ensemble, even the stockings and the heavy shoes, Countess Polanski the chaste maid of her maid, things have moved on for you, haven’t they? Don’t worry I am not going to interfere perhaps this day was always coming for you?”

Countess Polanski smoothed down her dress and apron stepping back from her housekeeper stuttering.

“What, what, what do you mean this day was always coming?”

Miss Jennings smirked then her eyes tightened.

“Like I said earlier when you came to see me you want this, need this, I saw it in your eyes when we spoke, perhaps I should have known all along it would come to this in the end. There is no need to deny it Countess, this is what you want isn’t it, to be like this, just like Lizzie, Annette and Madeline and all those before them perhaps even more?  If you do, don’t worry, we both know I can arrange that for you, don’t we? Let me know, but perhaps you already have, and I will make sure you become a perfect maid for me.”

Countess Polanski gulped nervously at the words of her housekeeper and staying silent stared at Miss Jennings. She wasn’t being serious, was she? Miss Jennings would have her be a maid in her own manor, not for games in her room’s, she was suggesting much more than that, stripped of her privilege to be put to work by her own housekeeper? Countess Polanski knew how effective her housekeeper was at subjugation and the breaking of will’s, she couldn’t risk that, could she? These thoughts racing through her mind, especially being dressed like she was and locked into the chastity belt, were making her feel weak and aroused no, no she couldn’t. 

Yes, of course she could, wasn’t it her deepest hidden desire? She had watched Patricia transform all those rich young women that had passed through Sharston from confident, often arrogant socialites, into mere maids. Had she not lived vicariously through them? Watched with suppressed desires at their supplication? There would be no need to be a voyeur any longer and Patricia would look after her, not let things get out of hand of course she would, wouldn’t she?

Miss Jennings smiled looking at the questioning expression and deep into the eyes of Countess Polanski sensing the Countesses need but also her reluctance to commit to taking her private passion into a more public domain. Stepping close to the Countess Miss Jennings straightened the Countesses lace cap pinned into her scrapped back hair and fastened the top button of her high collared dress her softly spoken words making Countess Polanski quiver.

“Perhaps it will be a collar for you, my special maid.”

Those words and the two small and what would appear insignificant actions from the firm fingers of Miss Jennings brought a soft sigh of Countess Polanski’s capitulation to her inner demons and her weak eyes looked back at her grinning housekeeper.

“A Sharston maid must always look her best mustn’t she, what would your Mistress say when she arrives? Yes, Countess it will soon be time for you to leave these privileged chambers, that’s what you want isn’t it, to serve me, to become one of my maids?”

Countess Polanski could not help herself and lowered a curtsy speaking through trembling lips.

“Yes Miss.”

Miss Jennings smirked.

“Of course, it is, well we will need to make the necessary arrangements for you, won’t we.”
The week passed and Saturday arrived, it was time for Lizzie’s Stepmother to collect her. Miss Elizabeth Jones Spencer as was, sat in Miss Jennings office wearing the same pretty summer dress that she had arrived at Sharston in. Outwardly, apart from the short bob hair style, no different to the young women who arrived at Sharston manor full of expectations of a dream stay with a Countess in her beautiful opulent manor house, Inwardly however very different.

When her stepmother entered accompanied by Miss Jennings Lizzie sprang to her feet and curtsied.


Jacqueline smirked the arrogant little cow had refused to address or even recognise her to be her Mother or even Stepmother previously and had done all she could to come between her father and herself. Jacqueline was going to make the little bitch suffer for that and removed a worn baggy, shapeless grey smock that had been stuffed into a carrier bag that she had brought with her.

Walking briskly to Lizzie she slapped her across the face.

“Mother, how dare you girl you will address me correctly.”

Lizzie cowered away.

“Sorry Miss, I thought..."

Another slap silenced her.

"Thought, you don’t think girl, now get that dress off and put this on." 

Lizzie removed the pretty summer dress and pulled the crumpled shapeless smock over her head letting it fall to her ankles.

Jacqueline glared at Lizzie.

“Now get those shoes off, you won’t need those.”

Miss Jennings looked at Lizzie bare foot, head lowered dressed in the rag of a smock. Lizzie had been a good maid when trained and would be missed around the manor but a replacement was already taking her place.

 “You have something for me?”

Jacqueline pulled an envelope from her purse and handed it to Miss Jennings.

“Thank you, Miss Jennings is the Countess, not available this morning?”

Miss Jennings chuckled to herself.

“No unfortunately not, she is rather busy she had an early start and needs to get things done you know how it is.”

Jacqueline shrugged her shoulders.

“No matter, well thank you again I will be certain to recommend your services.”

Jacqueline grabbed the arm of Lizzie and they made their way out to the car, Lizzie pushed into the back and they were gone.

Watching the car passing through the main gates, before turning to walk back into the manor house, Miss Jennings wondered whether it would have been better to have had that bitch of stepmother for training.

Madeline was sat in the conservatory reading a book from the library with Annette at her feet painting her toe nails and smiled at Miss Jennings when she entered.

“Lizzie has been collected by her Stepmother and our new maid is in the laundry, I trust that you have contacted your parents like I told you and that all is well?

Madeline giggled four days now out of her maid’s attire having swapped situations with the Countess.

“Yes Patricia, they have organised carers for my grandfather and my grandmother is recovering well. I have invited them to dinner next weekend and explained about the situation here like you told me, hopefully our new maid will be presentable by then, I know you won’t disappoint me.”

Miss Jennings smiled.

“Don’t worry about the new maid Mistress all is in hand in that regard and I must say I do like what you did with her hair gives a degree of permanence to her new position here at Sharston, I am sure she appreciates that.”

Madeline looked down at her friend Annette carefully painting her nails, the same friend who had always been in charge, the richer of the two now, by a turn of events, her willing servant.

A week of indulgence and Madeline was getting used to being the Mistress of the manor but it was clear Miss Jennings was the one really in charge of Sharston following Countess Polanski’s decision to sacrifice all and take up the garb of a Sharston maid. The Countess still belted and now with her head shaven Miss Jennings made no allowances for the Countess and treated her with the same disdain and harsh discipline she would with any new maid at Sharston. This was agreed at the outset and if Countess Polanski had any regrets of her decision it was too late now. 

Hectored and harried about the manor she had already found the futility and cruel reward for any attempt to backtrack from her agreement. Especially when left in tears after her young Mistress ordered her head to be shaved following a display of petulance, her delicately shaped eyebrows soon followed. Well into the second week it was a compliant barely recognisable curtsying Countess that left her maids quarters each morning to begin her tasks about the manor.  Whatever the perceived perverse pleasure she had sought to gain from her experience surely the reality was something different or was it?

When the Lamont’s arrived at Sharston Manor to join their daughter for dinner they did not know what to expect they had been told that the Countess was away and in her absence Madeline was to be the Mistress of Sharston until such time the Countess returned.

Christine complimented Madeline on her beautiful dress when they arrived also inquiring about her jewellery. Dinner was served, Christine and Charles recognising Annette but not the older maid, she did seem somewhat familiar but paid neither maid’s little heed whilst they went about their exemplary service.

Over drinks, Madeline further explained about the Countesses sudden departure and how she had been left in charge following the script given to her by Miss Jennings. Madeline’s parents had no reason to question their daughter it all seemed quite plausible. When the older maid came to collect the empty glasses from the lounge Christine could not help staring at the shaven head of the woman and whispered not wanting the busy maid to hear her.

“Madeline that maid, the older one who just took the glasses away, her head is shaven and she has no eyebrows, was she here during our last visit she looks familiar but I am sure I would remember a maid with a shaven head? 

Madeline giggled and spoke clearly so the Countess could overhear.

“No that’s a new maid she took over from Lizzie when she left. She was very keen to take up her appointment, we, I say we, Miss Jennings is hoping to keep her on beyond her probation period probably indefinitely. It seems she worked in a brothel before joining us. She doesn’t speak and wears a chastity belt.”

“Girl come here show my parents your chastity belt.”

Countess Polanski knew better than to disobey her young Mistress and so consumed by her own wilful self-degradation took some strange sexual gratification from raising her skirts and exposing her confiscated sex to an astonished if not alarmed parents of a smirking Madeline.

Christine could not help staring at the stout medieval construction locked about Madeline’s new maid.

“Oh, my goodness Madeline can that infernal thing not be removed from the poor women.”
Madeline looked directly at the Countess whilst her skirts fell about her.

“No mother she wears it to remind her of her past a past that she has now left behind for good.”
The evening over Madeline waved goodbye to her parents.

Driving back to their home, a good few miles away from Sharston Manor, Charles suddenly slammed on the brakes and looked across at Christine.

“Fuck, fuck I have just realised who that older maid was!”

Christine smiled.

“Yes, I know but who are we to interfere darling. I shudder to think what goes on behind the walls of Sharston Manor and who would have thought it, our sweet daughter a budding dominatrix and her first sub a Countess no less. Countess Polanski shorn belted and reduced to being a maid in her own manor. I must say watching her exposing her belt to us made me feel quite horny, let’s get home before it wears off. "

Both laughed and the clutch engaged they were back on their way.


  1. Sooner or later Miss Jennings must find her turn to play the maid has come...

  2. Housekeeper was of course at top of the household staff hierachy in 99% of establishments, and i was told that the Lady of the House rarely questioned a Housekeepers actions, trust was total and it needed to be as purse strings in reality were held by the Housekeeper on day to day basis.

    So the extra 'power' Miss Jennings has is in fact built upon foundations discussed above.

    Servants are there to meet needs of the Countess, and in unconvential way these needs are indeed being met.

    I like the way Miss Jennings can exert her persuasive control by merely her voice, words or a few subtle touches like correcting the Countesses uniform.

    A excellent read, covers the power, submission and subjugation perfectly, thank you for your efforts, they are very much appreciated.
