
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Story: It Was All For Charity, Wasn't It? Chapter 7

by Jackie J

Clean panties; make up applied, and a liberal application of perfume Madeline made her way to the dining room. The Countess smiled when Madeline entered and took her seat at the table.

“Madeline my dear how pretty you look, that dress fits you perfectly.”

A shake of the Countesses bell and Annie appeared and curtsied.


“Annie you may serve breakfast.”

“Madeline will kippers be alright for you?”

Annie raised her gaze and looked directly across the table at her friend Madeline sat in one of her own dresses and Madeline offered an unreturned smile.

“Yes, Countess. Kippers will be fine. Thank you.”

Annie curtsied and left and the Countess smiled seeing a somewhat awkward expression on Madeline’s face.

“Strange for you I know Madeline seeing your once good friend now my housemaid humbly serving you at table. Tell me, how does it make you feel seeing her like this aproned, curtsying to her betters?”

The previous evening with Annette’s and her own parents with her it was different it was an occasion of sorts this was more mundane, an everyday situation, the stark differentiation between servant and master obvious and clear. It had been the same earlier when Annie served morning tea in her room.
“Well Countess I must say it is a little awkward Annette was always one step ahead of me in most things, not that she rubbed it in or anything like that but I always felt, you know a little below her, status wise, Annette having more money to buy better things.”

Madeline giggled.

“Like this beautiful dress and the jewellery for example.”

The Countess poured tea and moved a cup and saucer towards Madeline her eyes tightening into a smile her tone soft and seductive.

“Indeed, well we can’t say that about Annie now can we Madeline? I suggest you forget Annette and accept Annie for what she now is having a status much below yours. That is unless you have thought on the two options I gave you last night to be served or serve with her, would like to trade that lovely dress for one of my pretty uniforms tie on an apron and join your old friend to become my maid? 

Annette’s parents will be leaving for France soon and are quite happy for Annie to remain a maid in my service, what would your parents say when maid Maddie was presented to them?

Madeline felt a chill run through her unable to break her gaze from the enigmatic Countess and gulped at the prospect of becoming like Annie the thoughts of her intense masturbation following the Countesses gentle caress of her flooding into her mind a dampness returning. She had to denounce such a prospect she must, but remained silent.

The Countess watched Madeline’s expression and her eye’s flutter and chuckled.

“Don’t worry Madeline, just teasing you I have enough with two maid’s Lizzie and Annie are adequate for Miss Jennings needs to run the manor.”

Annie entered carrying her tray, curtsied and served her Mistress and guest with their breakfast. Madeline had to force herself not to stare at the Countess what was happening to her, why was she feeling like this, why was she, why was she OMG attracted to her?

Following breakfast Countess Polanski took Madeline on a tour of the manor house and grounds, the pool, the gym, the tennis court suggesting that Madeline could stay for a few days if she wished. Being invited to play some sets of tennis with the Countess sealed the deal and with her mobile being unreliable, with the poor signal, the Countess offered the use of her landline to inform her parents.
Mummy, it’s Madeline.

Yes, yes, I have. She brought me tea in bed this morning and served breakfast.

No, I haven’t spoken to her. The Countess told me I had to follow protocols and that you had said I was not to be familiar with Annie being just a maid now.

No not today, the Countess has invited me to stay for a few days I will let you know when I need picking up. What, why, when you didn’t mention this before? Oh, I see hospital, poor grandma, give her my best won’t you. No, I understand you go I will be fine and I will see you when you get back.
No that’s fine Annette’s clothes are here that I sent for her, we are the same size, well we were Annie looks to have put on a few pounds.

No, I won’t get involved with her the Countess told me how I must treat Annie whilst I am her guest, don’t worry. NO, NO I won’t but what if I did would you look down your nose at me like with Annie? O’ Mummy you are such a snob you really are I might do it now just to see your face when I curtsy to you and Daddy.

Yes, I will take care I am playing Tennis with the Countess later there is a court here in the grounds.
Madeline blushed even though she was on the phone with her mother’s next comment.

Yes she is, Mummy, very pretty.

The call ended following a few good-byes. Madeline’s mother and father were going to visit Christine’s mother who was in hospital following a fall and would have to look after Christine’s father who was wheelchair bound. It could be a week, two or longer depending on how soon her grandma recovered from her fall.

When the call ended two receivers were placed back on their cradles Madeline’s in the main hallway and the Countesses who had listened to the conversation in the conservatory.

The Countess walked back towards the hallway.

“Is everything alright for you to stay a few days at Sharston, Madeline?”

Madeline smiled.

“Yes, no problem in fact. My Mummy and Daddy are going to see my Grandma, she has had a fall and is in hospital.”

The Countess approached Madeline and embraced her.

“Oh, you poor thing, well you are welcome to stay as long as you need, it will be good company for me.”

Still in the Countesses loose embrace, Madeline looked up into her eyes and felt herself melting in her gaze.

The Countess stood back taking hold of Madeline’s arms and smiled sensing the unawakened wanting and weakness within her.

“Right tennis is it young lady, let’s find you a nice tennis dress to wear, shall we?”

Taking the Countesses hand Madeline was led up the stairs, passing Annie knelt polishing the banister, to the Countesses rooms suitably prepared for her conquest.

When they entered the Countesses chambers Madeline could not help but breathe in the heavily perfumed aroma that filled her senses watching the countess draw down the zipper of her dress whilst she strode forward towards an open door. In one perfect movement the dress slithered from her shoulders gathered below her knees and her shapely legs stepped from it. The Countess framed in the doorway turned and smiled holding her disrobed dress in her hand.

“Come Madeline, come.”

Madeline slowly walked toward then through the opened door which the Countess gently closed behind her.

Countess Polanski surveyed her prey her tongue sliding across her glossed lips.

“Don’t be nervous, just relax.”

Madeline unsure wobbled on her heels and stuttered.

“But Countess, Countess I, I, I, have never..."

Countess Polanski lips pressed to Madeline’s and has her eyes rolled and closed Madeline felt gentle hands on her bottom easing her forward to press her gait against a firm thigh.

“Oh, no, please, nooo, ohh.”

Madeline lips once again engulfed, the feel of the Countesses tongue sliding like a serpent into her mouth made her grab and cling to the soft bare flesh of the Countesses shoulders. The Countesses stocking clad thigh working against her mound Madeline’s weak leg’s parted and then gripped at the strong thigh between them.

Madeline was worked back towards then laid onto the awaiting bed to be sensuously stripped, her nakedness smothered in soft seductive kisses. Madeline squirmed and squealed, writhed and bucked, moaned and groaned in unknown pleasures to the Countesses expert touch.

Her head pressed back on the soft scented pillows, fingers playing in her wetness, a busy thumb toying at her engorged clitoris, a tongue licking long and languid along the length of her neck to her chin Madeline’s back arched, numbness filled her shaking body and she screamed out her release and submission to her lust like a banshee.

 Her pussy still gushing its appreciation Madeline’s face was soon pressed between the thighs of the Countess and she feasted in the flowing scents of her seductress. Her naive tongue thrashed at the wet pink streaming folds tipping at the glistening pleasure bud in her oral worship of the Countesses honey pot.

Left panting for breath sprawled face down over the soiled sheets Madeline squealed when arms wrapped tight around her waist and the wide girthed ridged, long dong of the Countesses strap on drove deep into her. Skewered and bounced on the bed bent double, her face into the pillow, her tits swung free whilst she was fucked from behind until she hung limp in the Countesses possessive embrace. The dildo slurped from her Madeline’s sweat slick body flopped down at a smiling Countess Polanski’s knees. The tip of the strapon dangled to the quivering lips of Madeline her eyes and mouth opened together and, without encouragement and wanton expression, her lips wrapped around the hot sticky dong.

The dildo sucked and licked clean Countess Polanski unbuckled the strapping and tossed the device to the floor and smiled down at Madeline gently stroking the matted hair from her face and giggled.
“We must play tennis again, Madeline. You are very good.”

Madeline had never been with another woman, had never felt like she did, had never been treated like she had, been used like she had, her whole body was tingling and her mind in a whirl of confusion. She had been with fumbling boys but this was so, so different bordering on ethereal, magical even. There was no guilt or shame she just wanted to be held and when the Countess nestled down beside her and held her close she sighed and pressed her head into the Countesses firm breasts. They lay together until the fluttering of Madeline’s heart and her breathing settled. Madeline could not have known that this awakening, euphoric though it was, would leave her a prisoner to her Sapphic desires.
Madeline and the Countess showered together Madeline unable to stop smiling and staring at the lithe toned body of the Countess.

Dried and dressed the Countess did find Madeline a pretty tennis dress and told Madeline she looked forward to seeing her wearing it on court later.

Madeline made her way back to her guest suite in a trance like state and smiled seeing Annie still busy at work with her polishing. Madeline was bursting to tell what had happened but how could she possibly confide inner most feelings in just a maid?


  1. Yay. Now dress up Maddie so you can confide with Annie about it

  2. The language describing the end of the last scene clashes very jarringly with the rest of this story’s prose so far.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Renegade Spirit

  3. Hmmmmm. I am wondering how Madeline can tell her old and dearest friend Annie about here adventure with the Countess, especially now that Madeline is way above the simple maid Annie? Well. Thank you again Miss Jackie. Cannot wait till the next chapter. =)

  4. Well Jackie that got very Sapphic and graphic in equal parts, i think one could say it awakens the reader in double quick time.

    My interpretation of 'events' in the bedchamber are yet more power games by the Countess, showing her ability to switch from nobility to 'ravisher of fair maidens' and then return to ladylike genteel pastimes like tennis in a instant.

    Regarding the way the Countess views the young ladies under her roof, i cannot help but think of the quote from Heather McVeas book - Becoming Forever

    “You’re candy to her. Something sweet, but nonessential.”

    The face to 'down cast eyes' meet between Madeline and Annie will be a special interaction and i for one am looking forward to it immensely.

    Thank you Jackie for taking us on this wonderful journey.

  5. Madeline will be the new young mistress
    I hope that Lizzie takes the place and the role of housekeeper and Annie becomes the a lowly maid of all works at Sharston Very nice Thanks ML

  6. I quite liked this chapter. I suspect Grandma is fine :)

    1. I'm afraid my reaction was: who cares about Grandma!

    2. If Grandma isn't really hurt then her parents are leaving her to be the Countess' plaything.

  7. Camille and Jackie J : Was wondering why most if not all of your stories have an English flair? It's not necessarily a bad thing, but unless people are specifically interested in Victorian times or a British setting, it might be a little tiresome over time for some readers. Do you both live in the U.K. or are you from there? Please forgive me if I'm treading into privacy issues.

    1. Do you think a British setting can be a put off for some? Never thought of it this way. I can't speak for Jackie J, but for me there is a strong association between Great Britain and class society with everything that it entails (including servants). Even if that society is gone to a significant degree and its largely a stereotype now (if anything, there are probably more per capita maids in the U.S. not to mention East Asia these days), I am still emotionally attached to the good ol' days. Ditto for my love of all things Victorian.

    2. This is only my personal take on this is, why would a author step outside of the area of their expertise be that in time, place or person, not suggesting the authors could not or should not, but i am strong believer 'if it is not broken, don't try to mend it.

      I concur with Camille i am strongly attached to the era of servitude at 'The big House' that often were owned by titled folk, and Victorian times were oh so synomynous of this.

      The class system is so British, it had a in built hereditary hierachy, which is perfect L2M material.

  8. I would think, the reason for the English flair. Is because nowhere else is there a society with Maids and Butlers and such. At least in the normal way of life. I know here in America, we have maids in Hotels and such. But there might be few, if any real maids in service to the rich and powerful.

    1. You think so? You'd be surprised how widespread maids (admittedly rarely called "maids") are in the U.S. Who do you think is cleaning all the Beverly Hills or Greenwich mansions? Clearly not their residents!

  9. No. When is the next chapter I am having a not finishing crisis lol

  10. Thanks so much for the great story. Love the story line and characters. I'm sooooo looking forward to the next chapters!
