
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Story: It Was All For Charity, Wasn't It? Chapter 5.

By Jackie J

The car seemed to know its own way along the winding roads junction after junction in the failing light of the early evening. Madeline commented on the benefit of modern satellite navigation never realising it was not switched on!

Dark when they arrived at Sharston Manor a red light blinked above the heavy steel gates that swung open when the car approached. Along the winding driveway the manor came into view Annette’s description of the manor to Madeline had been correct. The manor house was more like a castle but looked a little eerie in the darkness when Madeline peered through the gloom, this impression reinforced by the mist swirling around the main entrance when the car approached. 

The elegantly dressed group left the car to be met on the steps by a no less elegantly dressed Countess Polanski.

“Good evening, I decided to meet you personally my staff are preparing dinner for us.

Introductions made in the large ornate hallway the party were ushered into the sumptuous lounge.
Countess Polanski smiled knowingly at Damian de Court.

So glad you could all make it for this special evening.

Raising and ringing her bell the Countess summoned service and the ever-attentive Lizzie entered the room, curtsied and offered flutes of champagne to the Countesses guests from the silver tray she was so expertly holding.

When the girl entered heads turned and all eyes focused on her. A plain but pretty girl dressed in her smart unflattering uniform. Each took their drink and sat in the comfortable chairs. Countess Polanski dismissed Lizzie and smiled watching Madeline follow her every step to the door.

“That was Lizzie Madeline she joined us at Sharston a month before Annette she knew little of domestic service before she came but I am sure you will agree what a proficient maid she is?”

Madeline stuttered a little, surely Annette had not become like that, had she?

“Very impressive Countess I doubt Annette could match that?”

Countess Polanski took a sip of her drink.

“Madeline you could not be further from the truth, Annette has been an absolute revelation. Of course, I had my doubts when she came here, I had intended her to be more of a guest than a maid but Annette would have none of it. The first day she was wearing an apron insisting she helps Lizzie. 

With my housekeeper still addressing Annette as Miss de Court and Lizzie calling her Miss, Annette surprised us all when she told us that a maid would not be called Miss and Annette just did not sound right for a maid. We all laughed when Annette suggested Annie for her maid’s name, but Annette was adamant and we have called her by that name ever since. Of course, we had no uniforms for Annette, like the one Lizzie wore, but again, at the insistence of Annette, Miss Jennings organised a uniform for her. Annie was of course given all the light duties but she asked Miss Jennings if she would treat her no different than Lizzie sharing the work equally. 

That was when Annie moved into the less salubrious rooms of the maid’s quarters rather than the guest rooms. Annie worked like a Trojan alongside Lizzie. When the maid for a month period ended we were ready to say goodbye to Annie but you could have knocked Miss Jennings and me down with a feather when Annie said she wanted to stay on, to learn more, to become a good a maid like Lizzie, it was like a competition for her.”
Countess Polanski paused.

“Annie explained that you were away in France Mr. and Mrs. de Court and I insisted that Annie let you know Madeline, to explain that she was going to stay on at Sharston to be my maid.”
Madeline smiled and looked at her own and Annette’s parents.

“Yes, that’s right she did I was very surprised but now you have explained I can see why, she was obviously enjoining her work here.”

Countess Polanski continued her fabrication of the facts

“Well after Miss Jennings and I reluctantly agreed that Annie could stay on at Sharston, to be a maid, Annie just became more and more engrossed in her role. I told Annie that she did not need to be but during that first week of her extended stay she curtsied and called me Mistress just like Lizzie. Annie’s own word’s mind you, If I am truly to be your maid I must pay due deference to the Mistress of the manor just like Lizzie.”

Damian and Nancy de Court said nothing and just smiled as if their daughter becoming skilled in domestic service, to be proficient in the work of a housemaid was an achievement for their degree educated daughter.

The Countess stood.

Now the only thing I ask is that you allow Annie to display her skills. Being family and close friends, it would be easy to compromise the protocols she has worked so hard to master, this will be a true test for her and I am sure you will be impressed. Think of and treat Annie no different than Lizzie just a maid and I am sure things will go fine for her. Shall we go through to the dining room?”

Madeline was unsure whether to mention the text she had received from Annette but felt comfortable to do so.

“Annette, sorry I mean Annie texted me to say she was excited that we were coming for dinner and like you say Countess that we should all treat her like a maid that this was some sort of test for her.”
The Countess feigned a look of surprise.

“Oh, she did, did she the little imp, so she has been texting you, hasn’t she? I had just told Annie it would be a good test for her, if she could convince all of you that all she was just a maid here at Sharston then all her hard work would be worthwhile. I did mention that if she could treat her family and close friend like strangers that would be the true test of being a maid. I really do hope she can pull it off and that you will all help her”

The door to the dining room opened all entered and took their seats.

Countess Polanski’s bell rung and all eyes turned to the door when the two maids entered and in unison curtsied.


Countess Polanski smiled.

 “You may commence service girls.”

Madeline could not believe her eyes Annette had chopped her beautiful hair into a short severe bob, just like the other maid? She was wearing no makeup? Annette never left her bedroom without diligently applying her expensive cosmetics? There was something else, something apart from the uniform making her look plain and dumpy, no earrings, no bracelet with the charms, no necklace no jewelery at all even her rings had gone? Annette always wore them? Annette had told her that she had changed, but Madeline never expected this, Annette had changed alright. The way she entered the room looking so meek, the curtsy in front of the Countess with her gaze submissively lowered? What has happened to her, is she really happy doing this, is this an act?

Difficult as it was for Madeline, although Annette’s and her own parents seemed to have little problem with it, in accordance with Annette’s wishes, conveyed in her text message to Madeline and requested by Countess Polanski, prior to the dinner, maid Annie was allowed to serve table without comment or recognition. Madeline had to admit she was impressed Annie was certainly an accomplished maid about the table.

Having dropped her fork to the floor maid Annie was soon at her side and Madeline had to stifle her giggles when the girl she had always been second best to bobbed a curtsy called her Miss and handed her a piece of replacement cutlery. Madeline’s mother, having witnessed this overt display of servitude to her daughter, smirked across the table at Madeline who shrugged her shoulders. Christine Lamont inwardly gloated, the girl who, always having Lorded it over her daughter, now a timid plain Jane by comparison, willingly accepting the role of her servant.

The meal over Countess Polanski and her guests retired back to the main lounge to take coffee and mints. The party chatted everyone was in agreement that Annie had been the perfect maid at table during the dinner. A giggling Madeline recounted the incident with her fork to everyone’s amusement. When Madeline asked about Annie’s new hair style the Countess convincingly confirmed it was another of Annie’s suggestions, finding her long flowing locks totally impractical for a maid’s work.

Countess Polanski smiled at Madeline, looked at her watch, then to the seated parents
“Gosh is it that time already? You will understand that my maids will be busy for some time yet cleaning from this evening but thinking Madeline may wish to spend some time with her friend I had the maid’s make up one of our main guest rooms for Madeline. If your parents don’t mind you are welcome to stay Madeline and catch up with Annie tomorrow I am sure she will have lots to tell you.” 

Madeline thought it a little odd that after the meal Annette, well Annie had not joined them to chat, to see her parents but if that guest room was the same one that Annette had described on her arrival at Sharston Manor she was definitely up for that which perhaps distracted her from the oddest thing, why were Annette’s parents not anxious to see Annette?

“Well Countess that’s most kind of you yes I would love to stay and catch up with Annette”
Madeline giggled.

“Sorry I mean Annie”

Miss Jennings entered the room and the Countess introduced her.

“This is Miss Jennings my housekeeper, Miss Jennings these are Annie’s parents Damian and Nancy de Court and this is Madeline Annie’s friend and her parents Christine and Charles Lamont. They have all been very impressed with Annie’s service this evening. Madeline is going to stay so she can catch up with her friend and perhaps learn what it takes to become a good maid.

Miss Jennings smiled at Madeline.

“The guest suite is prepared for you Miss I will take you up their when you are ready?”

Damian stood from the sofa, Madeline a little puzzled by is words but he was probably right and she would be seeing and spending time with her friend in the morning, wouldn’t she? Damian’s last comments making her chuckle obviously a joke wasn’t it?

“Well Countess I must say I am indeed impressed at the transformation you have brought about in our daughter and she seems very content in your service, being a housemaid suits her well. We will not disturb her routines she is obviously a busy girl. We plan to move to France but should you tire of her I am sure the Lamont’s will take her off your hands.”

Damian laughed and turned to the Lamont’s.

“I think you would like a low maintenance maid wouldn’t you Christine.”

Christine smiled already considering the prospect.

Miss Jennings opened the lounge door for the Countesses guests preparing to leave.

“Would you like to say goodbye to Annie Mr. and Mrs. de Court, I can bring her up from the kitchens?”

Nancy, who had said little during the evening, looked at her husband with pleading eyes who nodded.
“That would be lovely Miss Jennings, thank you.”

Annie knew what she must do and what she must and must not say when she was to meet her parents. The brutal consequences of noncompliance to Miss Jennings instructions for the poor maid far outweighing any suppressed lingering yearnings to return to the life of a rich socialite she once knew, the young woman she once was, Annette de Court. Knowing her words would seal her fate and condemn her to her life of servitude it was Annie who meekly trudged up the stone steps from the kitchens behind Miss Jennings.

Annette, her eyes devoid of their vibrant sparkle forced a weak smile and curtsied.

“Mother father, how nice to see you I hope my service this evening was satisfactory.”

Nancy, not having seen her daughter for three months and seeing the change in her resisted the temptation to hug her daughter thinking it unseemly in front of Miss Jennings.

“So, you have taken the name Annie and cut your hair and I always said you looked pretty without all that make up, it takes years of you dear and you look very sweet in your uniform the Countess only had praise for you.”

Annie curtsied again.

“Thank you, mother.”

Damian stepped forward.

“With you being settled here we will be leaving for France shortly Cragdale is to be sold but the Lamont’s, Charles and Christine are not far away if you need them. Madeline is staying this evening so you will see her tomorrow. Is there anything you need before we leave?”

The subjugated Annette de Court was silently screaming for her parents help but trapped inside the facade of a uniformed maid and gagged by the complicit consciousness of Annie, she stood meekly before her parents and it was maid Annie that replied in a measured tone, not robotic but with a rhythm of deference devoid of the confident familiarity of family.

“That will be nice for you both father moving to the chateaux, don’t worry about me I am happy here in the service of the Countess, she is a very kind Mistress and I have everything I need here at Sharston Manor. It will be nice to spend time with Madeline and comforting to know Mr. and Mrs. Lamont are not far away.”

Nancy smiled.

“Well we will not keep you from your work dear write won’t you let us know how you are getting on.”

Annie compelled by her training curtsied.

“Yes Mother of course.”

Leaving Annie with Miss Jennings the de Courts met up with the Lamont’s and the Countess chatting in the main hallway by the door.

The Countess smiled.

“Was everything alright, the poor thing will no doubt be tired it was a busy day for her today preparing the meal and serving after her other duties around the Manor?”

Damian looked at his wife then back to the Countess.

“Yes, everything is fine and thank you for a lovely evening Countess, and of course everything you have done, quite an achievement developing our daughter into such a polite housemaid.

Countess Polanski smiled.

“Thank you but the pleasure was all mine I assure you.”

The Lamonts and the de Courts chatted heading for the car and seated inside they pulled down the driveway without a return glance to see the teary face peering through the small barred window of her room at the disappearing rear lights of her parents’ car.


  1. Yay. It's time for Maddie to change

    1. Hmm I wonder if there will be something like a bet with the countess. To show Madeline if she can understand why Annie chose to be a maid

  2. I luv where this is heading. I too say "YAY" for soon to be maid maddie.

  3. I'm not sure it's obvious what hold the Countess has over Annie? Partly this is why I think I'd like to see some stories in which the main protagonist actively seeks out her transformation rather than being an unwilling participant.
    Still enjoying this story all the time and look forwards to the next episode.

    1. That is absolutely my interest as well...the woman whose being intrigued with the maid role snowballs as she sinks deeper and deeper but can't help wanting to go further.

  4. I would like a story in which the main character is tormented by her fascination with servitude, knowing it's wrong but being unable to relinquish her obsession and being tempted into becoming a maid by a character such as the Countess.

  5. The excitement and anticipation grew increasingly line by line for me in this chapter.

    The creation of the scene in which Annie was to be Serving her parents, best friend and her best friends parents in the setting and manner described was truly incredible.

    As a reader i never tire of reading of deference to 'ones betters,' the curtsy, eyes downcast and ultimately accepting of ones downgraded status, this chapter ticked those boxes for sure.

    Thank you for this wonderful chapter, you made this reader very happy.

    1. For me,a downward mobility story should take the woman away from anyone who knew her before...she should learn to bow down and suck up to people her old circle thought beneath them,not her old circle themselves.

  6. This story doesn't make any sense. If Annette didn't want to be a maid, why did she continue to go along with it long after she isn't required to? Why does she not ask for her parents help? Not that she needs it, nothing is actually keeping her a maid.

    1. I think you are forgetting the submissive attitude she has adopted whilst working as a maid. So I believe that Annie would have trouble adopted to doing something outside of her duties after she was broken and reformed.

  7. Thank you all for taking the time to read the continuance of this story and all your comments and encouragements are welcomed. Now what about Madeline?
    Hugs to all
    Jackie J

    1. I think Madeline shouldn't become a maid, so there will still be social class difference between her and Annie

    2. I disagree. I think Madeline should become maid Maddie. But eventually returned to her parents as a well trained "housemaid" A broken daughter, but a better maid. But only my opinion.

    3. I don't know, I just like the idea that Annie's (former) best friend suddenly becomes superior to her :)

    4. I just want the two friends to always be together

    5. I think Madeline should be given or take Annie back to her household where she becomes her personal maid. That would be the ultimate turnabout in their relationship. Annie's parents could even tolerate it as at least she is in the care of one of her "friends" rather than the strange countess.

    6. But that seems to be a reacuring theme. Best friends become Upper class and lower class. But never a story about one becoming a maid and the other following. Would be interesting to see how that would work out ?

    7. I agree with the 'Annie back to be Madeline's personal maid' camp
      Christine Lamont would absolutely love to have Annie under her thumb. She'd be the perfect low-maimtenance maid

    8. I feel like we have seen the theme of friends leading other friends into being maids as well. As it has been established that Annette was always higher class than Madeline and always made her feel inferior it seems like having her end up as her friend's maid would be more fitting in this story.

    9. I am sorry. Are there other sites like this one? I have read every story ever published on this blog and have not come across one where a Lady turned into a maid then leads her best friend into joining here. But then again, I could have missed one? Areader. If there is one like you mentioned. I truly would love to read it. Point the way. Thanx.

  8. Hi Jackie
    I love your stuff! Some of your scenes are just oustanding. I like the idea of the new maid having to serve her own, unconcerned parents. And the closing paragraph as they drive away leaving her in the hands of the Countess is great.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
