Thursday, August 30, 2018

Story: It Was All for Charity, Wasn't It?

by Jackie J

Chapter 1

Annette de Court and Madeline Lamont giggled together. The posters were finished, most of the tickets had been sold and both were looking forward to raising more funds for the homeless charity they ran.

Annette and Madeline both spoiled to point of decadence by their wealthy parents lived an idyllic life behind the high walls of their large family homes. Both having attended the same boarding school for girls and gone on to the same university together, they had been friends since early childhood. Neither had married or followed a career and now in their mid-twenties had found their only purpose in the charity they ran. This much to the annoyance of their parents having realized they had on their hands a pair of feckless parasites who were bleeding them dry, but what could they do? The de Courts were much wealthier than the Lamont’s and Annette was always ready to remind Madeline of this, more of an issue for Madeline’s mother than her daughter who could not stand her daughter being second best.

A coin tossed both chuckled and teased each other but the decision was made, it would be Madeline who would be leading the auction and Annette? Well this is where the story begins.

Annette and Madeline had held a number of charity events coercing their friends, acquaintances and particularly their parents to participate and parting with their cash but this event was to be special. A run-down terrace in the nearby town of Wheelstone had come on the market which would make a perfect refuge for the lost souls of the area. They knew that they could never raise enough from just the normal attendees, who were of course generous, but the net had to be spread wider. They also knew that something special, something different had to be on offer to attract the attention of a wider audience, but what? 

The pair had gathered together a number of lots for the auction of varying value to give everyone the opportunity to bid in line with their pockets. However, the star lot of the auction was “A Maid for a Month” a strap line that they hoped would bring in the crowds. The toss of the coin had decided that it would be Annette who would be placed on the block to offer her services to be a maid for a month to the successful bidder.

All was arranged and with her parents both away for the summer, at their chateaux in France, the event would be held at Annette’s home Cragdale. When Annette had mentioned to Mrs. Burnside, the housekeeper at Cragdale, what Madeline and her were planning she shrugged her shoulders and tutted. Housekeeping was her profession a profession she was proud of. How could a spoiled, headstrong young woman like Annette possibly carry out maid’s work?

“I hope you know what you are doing Miss, maid’s work is not easy, a stroll in the park it is not, mark my words.”

Annette made light of it.

“Mrs. Burnside, it will probably be someone I know who wins the bid, a friend, I expect some teasing for sure but I don’t think they will expect your level of expertise”.

With expensive cars filling the driveway and courtyard at Cragdale Madeline peeped through the curtain of the makeshift staging. The main hall was packed with standing room only. The tickets alone had raised a healthy sum and Madeline turned to Annette full of excitement.

“Annette this is going to be memorable it really is there is a massive crowd out there.”

Annette took a peep herself seeing some of their closest friends still taking tickets and showing guests into the large main hall.

A shudder went through Annette, she was not taken to nerves but the sight of so many strangers made her feel a little apprehensive about the whole idea of being paraded for auction. Thankfully, despite incessant pestering by Madeline to wear a frilly French maid’s uniform, she had resisted.
Annette turned to Madeline who was fussing with the microphone.

“Madeline, I am not sure I can do this, will you do it instead?”

Madeline laughed.

“NO, you lost the toss, you must do it and besides I am better at raising the bidding than you.”
Annette’s shoulders slumped, Madeline was right, she had lost the toss, unbeknown to a double headed coin, and Madeline always teased out the last cent from those bidding.
Madeline could see that Annette was uneasy.

“Annette, remember it’s for charity, for the terrace, it will be fine, now go and change I will start the auction, Jennifer is presenting the lots for us, give her a nudge on your way out.”

Madeline loved the role of auctioneer and tapping her gavel brought the assembled throng to order.
Lot after lot displayed by Jennifer went under the hammer and bidding was brisk. Madeline constantly reminding those gathered of the good cause the money being raised was going too.
Annette, sat in front of a mirror in the side room, fussed with her hair and finished her makeup, butterflies dancing in her tummy. Hearing Madeline stirring the crowd she stood pulled down the hem of her skirt gave herself a quick spray of perfume and took a deep breath, this was it?
Madeline hammered down her gavel.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we all know why we are here, the terrace in Wheelstone is available and with your generous contributions we hope to make a difference for all those less fortunate than ourselves. So, to our final lot, “A maid for a month” Annette de Court, who many of you know, offers herself unconditionally to be your maid for one month.”

Annette climbed onto the makeshift stage to the sound of cheers feeling awkward shuffling her feet smoothing down her skirt then looked out into the sea of faces trying hard to force a smile.
Madeline could not help herself she was on a roll she had worked the room well raising a small fortune already from the lesser lots and continued.

“Here she is Annette de Court, this rich socialite for your maid, have her scrub and clean and polish, do your shopping, laundry, for a full month now what am I bid.”

 Madeline had banter with the friends she knew sat close to the front and bids rolled in until starting to falter around the thousand-pound mark. Madeline raised her Gavel looking out into the room, going once, going twice. A figure raised her hand at the back of the hall and the buzz and chatter silenced in an instant as if a collective muting had consumed all within the room, you could have heard a pin drop in the grand hall when in a clear crisp accent, the tall elegant lady spoke.

“Fifteen thousand pounds.”

Annette gulped and looked towards Madeline who had dropped her gavel.

The crowded room parted like the red sea when the elegant statuesque lady stepped forward into the centre of the hall her gaze fixed firmly on Annette and repeated her bid.

“Fifteen thousand pounds.”

Madeline stooped to retrieve her gavel and slammed it onto her wooden block and screeched excitedly.

“SOLD! SOLD! SOLD, fifteen thousand pounds to the lady in black!”

Annette looked at Madeline and shrugged her shoulders and mouthed.

“Who is that?”

Madeline stared at the smiling woman walking towards the stage, who was she indeed, she had never seen her before?

Madeline tried hard to compose herself, fifteen thousand pounds plus the healthy sum she had already raised from the other lots, it was enough to buy the terrace and perhaps a little more besides.

Madeline was all excited and giggling pointed to a nervous if not worried Annette.

“There she is Madame your maid for a month, to be used at your will.”

The women fixed Annette with a cold stare making Annette shiver, who was she, why had she bid so much?

The women took the microphone from Madeline and smiled out into the chattering hall.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you are probably wondering why such a preposterous bid? The previous lots raised six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds, fifteen thousand pounds short of the asking price for the run-down terrace in Wheelstone. Now there is enough to complete the purchase.”

Loud cheers and applause filled the room and the lady held out her hand for Annette to join her, which sheepishly she did. Under the roar of continuing applause, the lady took a firm grip of Annette’s wrist and leaned down to whisper into her ear, her cold tone increasing Annette’s unease.
“Don’t worry dear you will be a good maid, I will make sure of that.”

Madeline could not contain her excitement.

 “Wow, wow, thank you, it means so much to us doesn’t it Annette?”

Annette fought for her words.

“Erm, erm, yes, yes of course.”

The lady walked to a small table and having removed a cheque book from her purse scribbled out the detail and handed the cheque to Madeline.

“There we are dear seven thousand five hundred pounds, half the amount; I will pay the remainder when my maid satisfactorily completes her month’s service.”

Madeline looked at the lady in admiration. Raven black hair, minimal makeup but bright red lipstick contrasting against her pale skin. Pencil heeled boots, a tight tailored black skirt, its sharp hem just below the knee, a pure white translucent blouse - definitely silk - and a tailored black jacket buttoned tight into her waspish waist. She was stunning, elegant even.

Madeline took the cheque and smiled.

 “Seeing you have won the star lot with such a generous bid please join us for a glass of wine. Madeline Lamont by the way and you know Annette de Court.”

The lady smiled.

“Yes, I know, I know you both I am Countess Polanski, I have followed your fund raising for some time. The idea of the maid auction to boost your funds certainly worked for you.”

Madeline stood by a glum looking Annette.

“Come on cheer up Annette we have just raised nearly twenty-two thousand pounds.”

The three sat for a drink of wine whilst Jennifer sorted the other lots with the buyers and the crowd slowly dwindled away.

Annette said little whilst Madeline fawned over the Countess she could not thank her enough for her generosity.

Annette eventually managed to get a word in asking when and at what times of day she was to visit the Countess’s residence to be her maid.

The Countess turned with a questioning look that sent a shiver down Annette’s spine.
“Annette, this is not part time, you are to be my full-time maid for a month at Sharston Manor. You will be leaving with me directly to start your duties.”

Annette looked at the Countess then at Madeline then back at the Countess.

“But, but I thought……

The Countess cut Annette short and looked at Madeline.

“Of course, if I have misunderstood what was on offer perhaps I should take back my cheque?”

Madeline smiled.

“One moment Countess I will have a word”.

Madeline pulled Annette to one side out of earshot of the Countess.

“Annette, what’s wrong with you, we have all this money, so the Countess wants you to be full time, your parents are away, what else would you be doing? Fifteen thousand pounds Annette and she probably lives in some palatial home it will be fun.”

Annette spoke in almost a whisper.

“Madeline I am worried, yes a bit scared to tell the truth I am not sure I can do this. I don’t know what it is about that woman but I ……”

Madeline laughed and giggled giving Annette a hug.

“You silly thing, she is a Countess, a rich Countess at that and she has supported our charity. The way you are talking anyone would think she was some sort of evil Madame. Scared indeed, Annette de Court scared I don’t believe it, anyway you can’t wriggle out of this you agreed to be a maid for a month for the winning bid. It could be worse what if Angelica or her mother had won the bid?”

This last comment brought a smile to Annette, Angelica and her Mother almost did have her for their maid but for the Countess’s over bid. That would have been truly embarrassing and demeaning Angelica a school rival who Annette and Madeline had teased remorselessly would have made her life hell, her mother having once been the cleaner at Madeline’s home.

“Look you will have your mobile with you, we can keep in touch, just see out the month then back to normal and we can buy that property in Wheelstone for the homeless. So, are you alright now?”
Annette looked over at the Countess stood admiring some of the paintings on the far wall.

“Yes sure, I will do it, just my over active imagination I guess, that foreign accent and how she is dressed and the way she looked at me I felt, well I felt vulnerable, you have another glass of wine and I will go and pack some things.”

With Annette off to pack for her time away Madeline joined the Countess by the paintings.
The Countess smiled when Madeline approached.

“Is Annette alright, she need not worry she will be very well taken care of, this is a lovely picture of her, such a pretty girl.”

Madeline confirmed all was well.

“Yes, she is fine she thought she would be just popping in to do chores rather than being a live-in maid for you, she has gone to pack some things she will be down soon. The picture, yes she is pretty, lovely hair.”

Annette returned with a small suitcase, telling Madeline she would send for more things later.
The Countess reached for and took hold of Annette’s hand.

“Madeline it has been a pleasure to meet with you and I wish you well with the purchase of the Terrace. I must take my leave now I am sure my maid is anxious to get started.”

“Come Annette my car is outside.”

Chapter 2

A last hug with Madeline then out onto the gravel drive of her home, her hand held firmly and being gently persuaded along by the Countess towards her waiting car. Annette looked back at Madeline who had been joined by the de Court's housekeeper, Mrs. Burnside, on the steps by the main door. A last nervous wave goodbye before a smartly dressed chauffer opened the door into the rear of the limousine and Annette stepped inside, the door closing silently behind her. The Countess entered from the other side of the vehicle and slid onto the leather seat beside Annette and the car slowly pulled out of the driveway. Annette turned looking over her shoulder through the blackened glass at Mrs. Burnside and Madeline both waving.

Mrs. Burnside sighed watching the car turning out of the drive.

“I do hope you two know what you are doing with this “a maid for a month” thing. That’s the Countess Polanski taking Annette away, she has quite a reputation, I knew her previous housekeeper, she quit because of her house rules.”

Madeline waved the cheque she had received.

“Look Mrs. Burnside, and this is only half of what she paid us we can buy the terrace in Wheelstone.”

Mrs Burnside chuckled looking at the cheque.

“Money isn’t a problem for the Countess it is what goes on inside the walls of Sharston Manor you should be concerned about. I just hope that Annette keeps her wits about her.”

The car travelled smoothly on with Annette staring out from the window at the passing countryside as the limousine glided along the winding lanes Annette accepting a glass of champagne from the Countess.

Annette began to relax the Countess showing a genuine interest in Annette and Madeline’s charity work, asking about her time at university, what she studied, any hobbies that she had. The Countess describing Sharston manor in enough detail for Annette to gain a most favourable impression of the place she was travelling too.

Annette distracted by their conversation had little idea of how long they had travelled or indeed where to. By the time Sharston manor came into view high on the hills above a forest Annette had developed a totally different opinion of the Countess. From her original feelings of dread she was quite looking forward to spending time at Sharston Manor.

The large iron gates of Sharston Manor swung open when the limousine approached and the car swept up the long driveway to the main entrance.

Annette smiled looking out of the car window at what will be her new home for the next month. A large dated gothic building, stone steps leading up to an imposing set of double doors. Stood at the threshold a smartly dressed woman no less imposing than the doors she was standing in front of.
Annette worked herself from the back of the car and stood on the driveway feeling small gazing up at the large building before her.

The Countess appeared at her side and smiled.

“Charles will bring your things from the car Annette come let’s get inside.”

The lady at the top of the steps opened the door and smiled.


 Countess Polanski turned to Annette.

“This is Miss Jennings my housekeeper she will be looking after you whilst you are here, but all that is for tomorrow come I will show you to your room.”

Miss Jennings stood aside to let them pass and smirked at the wide eyed pretty young thing being taken into the manor.

“I will see you in the morning dear.”

Annette followed the Countess into the manor up a broad staircase, along a hallway and opening a door Annette was ushered into one of several guest rooms.  Annette was used to luxury but the opulence of the suite she had entered was a good few notches above luxury, it was breathtaking.

“O’ Countess Polanski, this room is beautiful, magnificent, it really is.”

Countess Polanski smiled watching the naive Annette de Court gazing around.

“Yes, Annette it is our best guest suite. Now settle in, your things will be up shortly and dinner will be at seven thirty in the dining room, I am sure you will find it, left at the bottom of the main staircase.”

With the Countess having left, Annette bounced onto the large bed and giggled rummaging in her purse for her mobile she could not wait to tell Madeline.

The signal was poor, needing many re-connections, but Annette managed to describe every detail of the suite to her friend. Confirming that her first impressions of the Countess were obviously wrong, what a nice lady she was, that the manor house was like a castle.  After yet another loss of reception the girls agreed to text each other to keep in touch. Ping, ping, ping texts went back and forth with Madeline beginning to become a little jealous of her friend obviously being treated like royalty at the Countesses residence. The last message from Annette, “battery low” made Madeline smile, Annette never kept her phone properly charged.

Madeline had counted all the monies raised from the auction including the large cheque from the Countess. At dinner that evening with her parents, Madeline could not contain her excitement telling them about the huge bid for Annette’s services, from a Countess no less, which had raised enough to purchase the terrace in Wheelstone. Charles and Christine Lamont showed delight for their daughter and her friend to have raised so much, why wouldn’t they?

Charles took a sip of his wine and looked across the table at his daughter.

“This maid for a month scheme certainly seems to have raised an awful lot from this benefactor, a Countess you say? Where did that idea come from?”

Madeline smiled.

 “Well I told Annette it was my idea but it was in a letter I received about the charity, not sure who from but it certainly worked, never thought it would raise as much as it did though. The de Courts housekeeper, Mrs Burnside knew of the Countess, seems she is very wealthy. Would you believe it, she actually knew the asking price for the terrace and the money she offered for Annette was to make up the shortfall from the other lots at the auction.”

Madeline’s Mother smiled.

“A maid for a month! Poor Annette, I doubt she has done anything domestic in her life.”

Madeline giggled again.

“That’s more or less what Mrs Burnside said but I spoke with Annette earlier and she seemed very happy with the arrangement she is staying in a fabulous suite at the Countesses manor house, which she says is like a castle. I doubt Annette will be doing much work from the sound of it I think the Countess is treating her more like a guest than her maid.”

Charles smirked.

“Well if I had paid out that sum of money for a maid, Countess or not, I would have her working from dawn until dusk and it would probably do her good, see how the other half live, some real work for a change, neither of you have had to earn your keep, perhaps I should take you up to this manor house of the Countess’s let you join your friend?”

Madeline laughed.

“O’ Daddy don’t be silly, I have just said it’s not like Annette is going to be a real maid is it? Mummy tell Daddy not to be such a meanie pants.”

Christine put down her glass.

“Your Daddy does have a point Madeline neither of you have had a proper job since leaving university it would do you both good, make you appreciate just how lucky you are.”

Madeline huffed.

“Now you are both being silly Annette and me being maids, how ridiculous.”

Having made use of the facilities Annette showered and wearing a towelling robe, looked out of the large window over the manicured gardens to the forest beyond. The view no less stunning than the room she was in. A gentle knock on the door and a very plain looking girl entered, a similar age to Annette, dressed in a smart but unflattering maid’s uniform she curtsied and smiled.

“Your case Miss, Mistress said to bring it up for you.”

The case placed on the floor by the door the girl curtsied again and without a further word left.
Annette shrugged her shoulders and placing the case on the bed flipped the catches and started removing the few things she had brought with her.

Makeup applied her hair brushed to a sheen Annette dressed and slipping into her heels smiled admiring herself in the full-length mirror on the door of the dressing room.

Seven fifteen and Annette made her way from her suite, down the wide highly polished staircase, turned left and entered the dining room. The countess already seated at the head of the large table smiled and stood when Annette entered.

“Good evening Annette, what a pretty dress that is you are wearing, please take a seat.”

The compliment made Annette smile.

“Thank you, Countess, I wasn’t sure what to wear.”

Annette took the seat prepared for her on the side of the table next to the Countess. Everything on the table and within the room glistened and gleamed, the glassware the cutlery set perfectly.

“Let us eat Annette and welcome to Sharston Manor.”

With that Countess Polanski raised a small golden bell from the table and with a delicate shake and resulting tinkle the girl who had brought up her case to Annette’s suite entered and curtsied.

Countess Polanski smiled.

“You may begin service Lizzie.”

The girl curtsied again.

“Yes Mistress.”

Three courses of perfectly presented food followed, the neatly attired girl, with a practiced presence of virtual invisibility, discretely serving without a word, the Countess hiding her amusement at Annette’s fascination with her maid. Annette was nervous she had never eaten in such regal surroundings and in such a formal manner. The Countess led the conversation in a friendly tone and eventually with the last course served the matter of why Annette was here at Sharston manor was raised. 

“So, Annette I take it you have not done much maid’s work previously?”

Annette hurriedly swallowed the last spoonful of her desert.

“No, no never.”

The Countess continued.

“No doubt you helped your mother around the house though, perhaps when you were younger?”

Annette thought for moment but felt enough at ease to be frank.

“Well to be quite honest Countess no, I had a play house that I used to keep tidy when I was very young but I don’t think that really counts.”

The Countess chuckled.

“How amusing, no matter Miss Jennings is a good teacher, you will learn quickly I am sure of that. Lizzie, the girl who brought up your luggage and served table this evening, had little experience before she entered service here at Sharston, but I am sure you will agree she is quite the consummate maid.

Countess Polanski smiled staring directly into Annette’s bright blue eyes.

“Perhaps you to will make a perfect maid Annette.”

Annette looked at the Countess questioningly, surely, she would not be expected to become like the girl who brought up her suitcase and had served dinner?

“I doubt I will be able match your maid Lizzie Countess.”

The Countess smiled.

“Don’t put yourself down, a smart girl like you will soon pick things up but that’s all for tomorrow. It will be an early start for you in the morning so I will not delay you any longer get a good night’s sleep and Miss Jennings will come for you at six O’clock.”

Annette made her way up the staircase to her room. Having laid out her jeans and a tee shirt for the morning Annette snuggled down under the cool cotton sheets of the large bed and pondered what lay ahead being the Countess’s maid for a month.

Chapter 3

An undisturbed sleep was roused with a sharp knocking on her door and a bleary-eyed Annette looked at the clock on the nightstand and sighed, five thirty? It’s not even six O’clock?

“Yes, yes what is it?”

“You are to come with me Miss Jennings is waiting for you.”

Annette stumbled out of bed.

“Wait, ten minutes, I need to wash and dress the Countess said six O’clock it is only five thirty?”

It was not ten minutes but almost twenty before Annette, showered, her hair brushed, makeup applied and into her jeans and tee shirt, opened the door to her room. Standing impatiently outside in the hallway was the girl who had served dinner the previous evening looking all prim and proper in her neat uniform making Annette feel quite underdressed. The girl smirked and turned towards the stairway.

“Follow me.”

Down the stairs, passed the dining room, along a hallway, down another set of stairs Annette followed the girl to a large door. The girl knocked, waited then stepped inside holding open the door for Annette to enter. The girl walked towards the seated Miss Jennings and curtsied.

“The girl the Countess brought for you yesterday Miss.”

Miss Jennings stood looked at her watch and smiled.

“That’s all Lizzie off you go, you have your duties for the morning.”

Lizzie curtsied.

“Yes Miss, thank you Miss.”

With Lizzie having left, Miss Jennings pointed to a chair in front of her desk speaking in a brisk tone.


The room was not over large, windowless and very office like; a large desk at which Miss Jennings was seated, filing cabinets behind and beside her and a large chart on the wall, the detail too small for Annette to read from where she was seated. Looking around her it reminded her of the headmistress’s room at boarding school in which she and Madeline had been sent too many times at Roedenton school for girls all those years ago. Miss Jennings matronly attire peering at her over the top of her glasses adding to that impression.

“Well young lady, so you are here at Sharston Manor to be a maid. Our Mistress told me the other evening of the circumstances for your arrival here to be a maid but that is of little concern or consequence to me. I have a household to run and our Mistress has entrusted me to ensure you are proficient in carrying out a maid’s duties. How you perform will reflect on me so be assured I intend that our Mistress is not disappointed. You will find I am strict but fair, follow my instructions, do as you are told, learn quickly and you will have no trouble from me.”

Annette sat silently and smiled nervously at Miss Jennings uncompromising words.

Miss Jennings stood from her desk.

“Right follow me let’s get you settled in our Mistress wants a private word with you before you commence your duties.”

Annette looked at Miss Jennings with a slightly confused expression? Settled in? She was settled in wasn’t she, in the guest suite?

Annette followed Miss Jennings, but not back up into the main manor?

The long corridor leading from Miss Jennings office ended at a stairway and Annette was encouraged up the stairs to a shorter corridor and a room on the left. Miss Jennings unlocked the door and smiling stood back.

  “In you go these are the servant’s quarters and this will be your room.”

Annette stood in the doorway took one look at the cramped basic room and turned to Miss Jennings.

“What? My “Quarters” what do you mean I am staying in the guest suite, surely the Countess explained, I can’t stay here?”

Miss Jennings smirked.

“The guest rooms are for guests, last night you were Countess Polanski’s guest, today you are her maid, these are your maid’s quarters.”

Annette hesitantly entered the room ushered in by Miss Jennings.

Annette felt numb entering the small room, what had she agreed to? This was not what Madeline and she had in mind when “A maid for a month” idea was suggested; some shopping, a bit of cleaning, perhaps washing cars not a residential placement to be an actual maid?

Miss Jennings stood by the door looking Annette up and down.

“Jeans and tee shirt for a mid at Sharston manor I don’t think so. You will find your uniforms in the closet and drawers. When you are dressed come back to my office I will be waiting, don’t make me wait too long and clean that make up from your face before you come down.”

The walls of the room were bare giving an austere ambiance and Annette inspected the basic facilities. A simple plastic draw curtain separating the bedroom from a wash basin, toilet and shower, very cramped. Opening the closet, a rail of black mid length dresses trimmed with white petal collars and lace to the short sleeves, just like Lizzie’s? Highly polished low-heeled black shoes at the bottom of the closet. Plain underwear in the drawers, slips, bras and knickers Annette frowned holding up one of the garter belts, she had never worn stockings? In the top drawer neatly folded aprons, stockings and cute lace caps. She was to dress like the maid who had served her, like maid Lizzie?
Annette looked out of the small barred window with a restricted view of the courtyard were the cars were parked then sat on the bunk like bed and laughed at herself and her situation this could not be happening to her, could it?

Having sat for a while pondering how she could possibly extricate herself from this situation she resigned herself to go along with things, what alternative was there. Miss Jennings was quite intimidating but she could speak with the Countess she seemed quite nice, she would understand, perhaps she would let her go back to the guest room. Miss Jennings wouldn’t necessarily know but the Countess knew Annette was from a wealthy family, used to nice things, she would see that being made to stay in this room was so demeaning.

Stripped to her panties and bra, with no vanity and mirror, she stood by the sink and wiped off her makeup like she had been told by Miss Jennings and then smiled into the small mirror above the sink at her reflection, without makeup Annette looked much younger than her years.

Removing her pretty underwear, she reluctantly started to dress. Knickers, not the cute panties she was used to and the bra purely functional. Unsure about the garter belt she eventually worked it out choosing to work the broad straps inside her roomy knickers. The stockings were of a coarse denier and Annette clipped the fastenings high on her thighs. The slip, cheap nylon with a lace hem hung below her knees and she frowned smoothing her hands over her hips looking at the rail of dresses.
Selecting the one from the rail she held it up in front of her and sighed, what was she doing?

The dress whilst unflattering and frumpy fitted well, very well, it could have been made for her, never suspecting that it actually was! The shoes were heavy with a low block heel and slipping her feet into them, like the dress, they were a perfect fit.

An apron taken from the top drawer and tied around her waist she fiddled with one of the lace caps and with a clip perched it at a jaunty angle to the front of her long pretty hair.

Annette took a deep breath smoothed down her apron and looking at her reflection in the mirror above the wash basin gave a heavy sigh. She looked and felt so different without makeup and dressed in the well-fitting but unflattering uniform of a domestic servant and smiled at the ridiculousness of her situation.

Leaving her room, she made her way down the back stairs to Miss Jennings office.

Miss Jennings smiled when Annette entered and stood awkwardly in front of her desk.

“I see your uniform fits well, now let’s sort your hair out. We cannot have it hanging on your shoulders like that can we? Whatever will our Mistress say if she sees you like that?”

Working Annette’s lovely long blonde hair into a tight bun and clipped Miss Jennings replaced Annette’s lace cap noticing Annette’s expensive jewellery and smiled.

“Much better always wear your hair up when in uniform dear much smarter.”

“Before I take you on a tour of the manor and run through your work rota our Mistress wishes to speak with you.”

Taken up into the main manor house the Countess smiled and invited Annette into her parlour.

“Thank you, Miss Jennings you may leave us now, I will ring for you when I have finished with your new maid.”

Countess Polanski turned to Annette and asked her to sit on a high-backed chair the Countess taking a seat opposite on one of the comfortable sofas.

“I thought I should have a word with you before you start your duties.”

“I see your uniform fits you well, so how are you feeling, are you ready to start your service here at Sharston?”

This all seemed very formal but Annette still felt comfortable with the Countess and spoke freely.

“Well as ready as I ever will be I guess Countess. I know I am to be your maid for a month but do I really have to wear this uniform and stay in the servant’s quarters. I feel such a frump in this dress and the shoes are very heavy. The room Miss Jennings gave me is very small I would much prefer to be in the guest suite that was lovely.”

Countess Polanski smiled cleverly discounting Annette’s requests.

“My dear let’s not forget why you are doing this, for the homeless, the terrace in Wheelstone. You are to be a maid and treated as such here at Sharston manor for a month, you are to wear a maid’s uniform, carry out a maid’s tasks and will stay in the servant’s quarters, a small sacrifice to make for such a noble cause.”

The countess let her confirmation that the wearing of a maid’s uniform, how she will be treated and that the cramped room will be her home for the period she will be in service at Sharston sink in.
Annette looked at the smiling Countess feeling a little stupid she had agreed to be a maid for a month? What did she expect? It was for a good cause and just for a month?

The Countess continued in a slightly condescending tone seeing an expression of acceptance to her situation growing across her new maid’s face.

“Now dear I realise this will all be new to you, I ask have you ever done any acting?”

Annette looked at the Countess a little puzzled at this strange question but answered none the less.

“Erm, no not recently I was in the school play, I had a part in that and we did role play at University of course if that counts?”

The Countess leaned forwards.

“Perfect, role play you say, that is just what you must do to be a good maid, get into character and I can help you with that.”

“Let’s start with your name Annette, if Miss Jennings and I keep calling you Annette, well, Annette de Court is a beautiful well-educated young woman and definitely not a house maid so there is a confusion there before we start? Annie, yes whilst in my service you shall be called Annie, you can build you character around Annie, Annie the maid.”

Annette looked at the Countess with a bemused expression changing her name? But it seemed to make sense. Being called Annette would only remind her of what she was missing, if she was to get into the character, of being a maid, it would probably help and acquiesced to this suggestion.

“Well, I guess that makes sense Countess, Annie it is.”

The Countess smiled.

“Good then Annie it shall be Annie now something else.”

“Whilst in my service you don’t refer to me has Countess that term of address is for a friend, guests, social equals, being a maid, you are no longer any of these are you Annie, you are just a maid so you will address me as Mistress, yes that will also help you get into character Annie.

Annette thought on what the Countess had said if she was a maid she would not be so familiar and the Countess was indeed the Mistress of Sharston manor.

“What you suggest makes sense Count...... sorry Mistress, so yes, I accept that, that’s fine with me.”

Annette made what she thought a little joke.

“Next you will be asking me to curtsy to you and Miss Jennings like Lizzie.”

It was the turn of Countess Polanski to frame a questioning expression.

“Yes of course you shall curtsy to your betters Annie, When you enter or leave the presence of your Mistress or Miss Jennings you will curtsy as a sign of respect and deference, this will help you to embrace your character and distance yourself from that rich young lady Annette de Court you were before you entered service to be my maid, to remind you that you are just a maid here at Sharston. One other thing to remember you will also only speak when spoken to and knock before you enter a room like the good maid you are Annie.”

The Countess continued with a comforting smile.

“Now Annie tell your Mistress that you understand how you will show your respect for your betters here at Sharston manor”.

In the brief time she had sat with the Countess in her unfamiliar uniform of service Annette was feeling more like a maid than who she really was and the Countess was guiding her down just that very path? Could she really retreat into the character of Annie the maid? What choice did she have, Annette de Court would never contemplate or accept the demeaning display of laying a curtsy to the Countess and definitely not to her housekeeper Miss Jennings and of only speaking when spoken to? But Annie the maid would? Annie the maid would meekly do as she was told and give unconditional respect to her Mistress and her housekeeper. Annie the maid would behave no different to Lizzie, wouldn’t she?

It was strange, perhaps it was the uniform she had been made to wear or the acceptance to be called Annie, the matter of fact way in which the Countess had talked at her rather than with her but the confident Annette de Court was already beginning to feel humble in the presence of the Countess, her Mistress, and the words leaving her mouth without thought already reflecting this subtle and encouraged change in persona.

“Yes, Mistress I understand, Annie will do as she is told Mistress.”

Countess Polanski smiled at the naivety of yet another well-educated young woman accepting her social downgrade so willingly. She sensed that Miss Annette de Court would soon be no less servile than Miss Elizabeth Jones Spencer, Lizzie, and rang her bell to summon Miss Jennings and for Annette de Court’s subjugation to begin.

Chapter 4

Miss Jennings on hearing her Mistresses bell joined her Mistress and her new maid in the parlour. Annie remained seated an unknown mistake she would not repeat, she would soon jump to her feet and curtsy at even the thought of Miss Jennings or her Mistress entering a room that she was seated in.

Countess Polanski did not admonish her new maid on this occasion and politely asked Annie to stand and show deference to Miss Jennings.

“Annie, on your feet and greet Miss Jennings like we have discussed!”

Annie stumbled to her feet faced Miss Jennings and dropped an awkward curtsy.

“Miss Jennings”

Miss Jennings Smirked then strode past Annie who was unsure if she should remain standing or retake her seat opposite the Countess. When her Mistress stood her question was answered and remained standing.

“Mistress, I apologise for not correctly preparing this girl correctly to enter service at Sharston.”

The Countess smiled and then a frown slowly grew across her face realising Miss Jennings mistake.

The Countess joined Miss Jenkins at the side of a slightly bemused Annette.

Annette forced a smile when the Countess ran her hands over Annette’s shoulders looking at Annette’s necklace.

“Jewellery and quite expensive by the look of it Annie not something a maid would wear is it? Remove your necklace and your earrings, the watch, bracelet and rings too I will put them in the safe for you.”

Annette was unsure but it made sense Annie the maid could never afford and wear such expensive items of jewellery, could she?

Placing everything into the Countess’s out stretched hands the Countess smiled at Annette de Court. Her lovely hair scrapped up into a tight bun beneath her lace trimmed cap her face looking plain and youthful being bereft of makeup, stripped of her jewellery, wearing her neat but unflattering, practical maid’s uniform and of course duly aproned. Quite a transformation from the confident and giggling pretty young thing dressed in her designer clothes that she had collected from her friend Madeline at the auction the day before. Annette de Court's whole unsure demeanour exuding a girl ready and willing to be subjugated into a life of service, ready to become Annie the maid.

Countess Polanski stood back from her new maid.

“Now Annie, think on with what I said about getting into character I am sure that Miss Jennings will also help you with that, I look forward to receiving good reports on your progress to become a good and of course obedient maid.”

Annette could not help herself the way she was dressed how she was made to feel already struggling to resist being absorbed into Annie to think of herself as anything other than Countess Polanski’s maid.

Annette dropped a spontaneous curtsy making Countess Polanski and Miss Jennings smile.

“Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress.”

Annie, ushered from the parlour by Miss Jennings was taken on a whistle stop tour of the manor which passed like a blur for the confused socialite. Room after room even visiting the guest suite she had enjoyed when she arrived at Sharston which was being meticulously cleaned by Lizzie, not a trace of Annette or her belongings remaining. Taken through the dining room in which she had sat for dinner the previous evening with Countess Polanski, this now to be a place of work, not enjoyment and Annie sighed.

Concluding the truncated tour of the manor Annette was shown her name Annie, alongside that of Lizzie, on the rota of duties pinned to the wall of Miss Jennings office.

Following a brief familiarisation of where cleaning equipment and materials where stored Annie was put to work scrubbing, cleaning and polishing throughout the manor house.

Two and a half weeks of being constantly tired from her labours, harassed and harried from pillar to post, task to task by an increasingly strict Miss Jennings, the progressively ever more malleable new maid at Sharston manor sought solace and mental refuge in what was becoming no longer an act but the dominant adopted personality of maid Annie. It was not Annette de Court who was being treated in a childlike manner with disdain and ridiculed for her shortcomings and indiscretions and failings it was Annie and Annie deserved that treatment didn’t she? Miss Jennings had told her so over and over and over again that Annie was a naughty girl and must become a better maid until it was becoming engrained in the poor maid’s befuddled brain. It was not Annette de Court who was being punished, culminating during the second week with being humiliatingly spanked on her bare cheeks in front of the Countess by Miss Jennings it was Annie, Annie the incompetent stupid maid.

Basic meals eaten in silence in the kitchens, the maid’s room she had at first sight and inspection thought squalid and inadequate now her welcome sanctuary. Uncounted days passed and merged into a continuum of drudgery and debasement for the hapless Annie.

If Annette de Court could be held up to be the personification of a wealthy, confident, pretty young women about town then Annie was becoming the polar opposite. Nervous and unsure almost mouse like curtsying and cowering from the regular tirades and punishments delivered by Miss Jennings, being berated and scoffed at for the merest of misdemeanours.

Having access to Annette de Court's mobile phone, girly messages were being regularly texted by Countess Polanski between Annette and her friend Madeline. Madeline being convinced, by tales of light duties and how well she was being treated, that Annette was enjoying her time being a maid for Countess Polanski. So, it was no surprise when Annette texted her friend telling her she would be staying on in Countess Polanski’s service after the agreed maid for a month period had passed. Madeline thought it a little odd but never the less accepted her friend had found something she liked and enjoyed doing. Besides the Countess and Annette had become good friends hadn’t they, Annette had told her so in her texts, more of a companion than a maid.

To reinforce the subterfuge Countess Polanski had met Madeline to hand over the balance of the payment and discuss the purchase of the rundown terrace in Wheelstone. Madeline excited with acquiring the terrace accepted the Countesses explanation that Annette was too busy with some project or other to join them.

Eight weeks of servitude and subjugation Annie had become a compliant and obedient maid, she had been given no choice by the aggressive Miss Jennings. No more tears for maid Annie those days had long gone along with thoughts of Annette de Court the rich socialite. Initially to protect her sanity but bolstered by the continuing encouragement and forceful reinforcement Annette de Court had embraced and retreated into and become consumed within her new reality, she was Annie just a maid, a maid of Countess Polanski, maid Annie. 

Annie dressed in her maid’s uniform, a now accepted shroud of her domestic enslavement, had become almost a mirror image in appearance of maid Lizzie, like two peas in a pod. Annie took little convincing that her beautiful hair was actually messy and fussy and welcomed having her hair trimmed into a neat short bob just like Lizzie’s, her gaze now willingly and submissively lowered in the presence of her Mistress and housekeeper Miss Jennings.

The work weary shell of what was the rich socialite Annette de Court now exclusively inhabited by the persona and thoughts of the competent submissive and meek maid Annie that she had become.
Out of sight out of mind is an oft quoted saying and with Annette staying on with the Countess Madeline was spending more time with Jennifer. The texts, supposedly from Annette, having slowed to a trickle was of little concern and raised no alarm Annette was happy doing what she was doing wasn’t she?

Learning Damian and Nancy de Court, Annette’s parents, had returned from their chateaux in France Madeline called to tell them about Annette. Seeing her own parent’s car in the driveway she assumed they were there to spread the same news.

Madeline found the four parents sat in the lounge whose conversation stopped when she entered.
  Annette’s father stood.

“Madeline we were just talking about you, take a seat your mother and father have just been telling us about your auction and Annette moving to Sharston Manor to be a maid for Countess Polanski. It seems we have all been invited to dinner at the manor on Friday evening I understand you have not seen Annette since she left with the Countess.”

Madeline took a seat with the group unaware of what had been said in her absence.

“That’s right but we have been texting the reception at Sharston manor is awful.  I met the Countess a few weeks ago when we purchased the terrace in Wheelstone. Countess Polanski told me that Annette had fitted in very well at Sharston that she was like a different person, such a busy little bee. Annette texted me telling that she was going to stay with the Countess that she was finding the work different but not to worry about her and that the Countess had told her she was becoming a perfect housemaid.”

Madeline giggled.

“You lot are always on at Annette and me about getting proper jobs, to stop our gallivanting, it looks like Annette has found one with the Countess.”

Damian de Court smiled which was more of a smirk.

“Yes, indeed it does Madeline and not before time, it seems her wings have eventually been clipped doesn’t it.”

Madeline was somewhat surprised at the lack of concern by both of Annette’s parents that their daughter had settled to be a housemaid for a chosen career? Her own parents also seemed quite sanguine about the situation.

“So, you are happy for your daughter to be a maid Mr de Court?”

Nancy de Court spoke whilst her husband left to bring another bottle of the fine wine that they had brought back from France.

“Madeline, we have been looking to move to our chateaux in France on a permanent basis for some time now, to make it our home, but have been reluctant to leave Annette to her own devices. I am sorry to say that Annette has been spoiled, admittedly our own fault, and despite our efforts to encourage her to become more responsible she has been reluctant to change her wayward behaviour. If it is, and we will see on Friday at the Manor, that a change has taken place whilst being a maid for the Countess well perhaps our move to France will be sooner rather than later.”

Madeline was aware of the de Courts plans to move to the chateaux. Annette and Madeline had discussed, giggling and laughing, what they would do when Annette’s parents moved to France many times. It seems their plans for none stop partying at Cragdale had been compromised by the maid for a month scheme?

“So, you would leave Annette to be a maid when you moved to France Mrs de Court?”

Nancy smiled.

“Madeline dear if Annette is happy to be a housemaid for the Countess then I am delighted she has found meaningful work. I find it strange myself but from what you have told us Annette is more than content in the service of the Countess and we will see this for ourselves quite soon. Perhaps there is more to being a housemaid than we know.”

Damian returned to the lounge and recharged everyone’s glass with a fine wine. Madeline was astonished when Mr de Court raised his glass for a toast.

“To our daughter Annette, the perfect maid.”

Each in the room apart from Madeleine took a sip and joined the toast.

“To Annette the perfect maid.”

Madeline texted Annette a few times during the coming days without a reply, the Countess smiling sharing the messages received on her maid Annie’s mobile with Miss Jennings.

The Countess eventually tapped out a reply.

Hi Madeline hon, sorry not to have got back to you sooner I have been really, really busy, giggles. Yes, I know about my parents plans to go to France sooner than I thought but it was going to happen someday and I also know that you are all coming for dinner tomorrow evening, I am so excited. I have worked really hard at being the perfect maid for the Countess. Now I don’t want you to spoil things for me, this is like an examination. I have changed a lot whilst I have been here at Sharston but don’t say anything just accept everything I do. Tell Mummy and Daddy and your parents to do the same. I am a maid now and strange I know but I love it, Countess Polanski is a perfect Mistress for me and if I pass this test she may let me stay. The Countess will probably have a word with you all when you arrive but please, please, please don’t spoil it for me, remember I am just a housemaid at Sharston now so treat me that way won’t you, please?

Googly ticks

Madeline hearing her phone ping went to her messages with eagerness seeing the message was from Annette.

Madeline read the message, purportedly from Annette, a few times, Annette obviously wasn’t concerned about her parents moving to the chateaux in France and leaving her behind and it looks like she is ready to become a full-time housemaid for the Countess? Changed a lot? Whatever does she mean? Madeline giggled at her own imagining’s Annette de Court dressed in some formal maid’s uniform or other, with the mention of a Mistress Madeline visualised Annette de Court curtsying to the Countess? As if she ever would Annette would never put up with that would she? She would have been on her way back home like a shot. Madeline shrugged her shoulders. Well if it is what she wants who am I to say anything I will just have to see for myself tomorrow evening at the dinner.

Madeline showed the text message to her parents thinking they may share some concern especially about Annette saying she had changed a lot during her time at Sharston Manor but they just smiled.
Madeline’s Mother Christine, always the complete snob chuckled under her breath.

“Well Madeline I guess we will just have to go along with all that and not spoil things for this maid friend of yours. I am not sure what your other friends will think about you having a housemaid for a friend, I know I won’t be happy with it, perhaps you will have to reconsider that relationship, especially if the de Courts leave for France.“

Madeline stared at her mother she had not considered that aspect at all? If Annette was to be a mere maid and Annette’s parents left for France. With the de Courts wealth no longer there to support Annette she would be in a different social class altogether? Madeline Lamont with a maid for a friend what indeed would her circle of rich friends say?

“Oh, Mummy I never thought of that, I couldn’t possibly have a maid for a friend, could I?”

Christine smirked.

“Not unless you were also a maid, Madeline.”

Madeline shivered at that comment.

“Oh, mummy no I couldn’t possibly please don’t say such a thing”

Friday arrived and with the Lamont’s dressed and ready the de Courts car pulled into their drive.

Charles Lamont smiled at his wife and gave her a hug.

“Don’t worry dear this is all for the best”

“Come on Madeline time to go we don’t want to be late.”


  1. Ooh, is that the end? I think it is..Good story anyway. Very cinematic in fact. Makes me wish that someone would make some LTM films!

  2. Interesting. Will there be a follow up? A 5th & 6th chapter?

    1. Indeed. It would be good if during the dinner Anne and the countess dupe Madeline into trying to be a maid for a month as well

    2. How about a turnabout where the countess finds herself obliged to become a maid?

  3. A excellent twist on a common theme, a charity auction very clever indeed.

    The texting subterfuge fitted perfectly, again a clever addition.

    Enjoyed the story immensely, thank you for posting it

  4. Another story of misery rather than embraced adventure...:(

    1. Hi LE,
      I have had a few starts at this type of story Madame Deville is probably the closest I got. It will happen at some point.

  5. Brilliant as alwaays Jackie!
    Thank you.

  6. Thank you all for your supportive comments
    further chapters are underway like houseboyforu says many directions possible but only one can be chosen? We will have to see.
    Thank you all again for reading and pleased you enjoyed
    Jackie J

  7. Thank you very much for a brilliant story, Jackie. I've enjoyed it immensely. I'm not sure if the story needs further chapters, a sequel. As it is, it can stand alone. I particularly enjoyed Annette's barely alluded attraction to Lizzie - or alt least her condition; a driving force for Annette to embrace her fate?

  8. Awesome story! I can't wait for the next chapters
