
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 28. Conclusion.

by Jackie J

Wendy knew the protocol for conditioning rebellious women brought to the pens, she knew her job and did it well little knowing the piggy she was conditioning, hidden within its pig snouted cowl was Jessica, that was until the Thursday of the second week. Having spilled a slopping out bucket over the head of her charge she had to raise the cowl to clear the eye slit, Wendy rocked back in horror and almost slipped to the floor seeing the empty eyes of Jess staring blankly back at her? Jess’s ass now littered with welts from Wendy’s cane and her pussy open and bruised Wendy went into a panic, what had she done?

Jess showed no emotion or reaction her mind already beginning to fade and Wendy closed back the cowl, she had to see Maggie?

Maggie showed Wendy the signed letter from Jess asking, but how it read, more demanding Maggie put her into a harness, cowl her and leave her in the pens. Drawing Wendy into her conspiracy the cunning, lying Maggie explained that she had to do it, Jess had insisted, she had made her do it to her many times, longer periods each time. This time she wanted to be left for longer treated like one of the guests brought for conditioning,

“I was sworn to secrecy not to tell anyone that’s when she gave me the letter making me deputise for her. “

Maggie sensed that Wendy was swallowing her tale and smiled.

“So now you know, you will have to keep the secret as well, perhaps you will enjoy the conditioning of that particular pet more now you know who it is.”

Wendy smirked and giggled.

“Yes, I think I will she is almost there already, what will happen to her when she is conditioned she surely won’t be able to be head maid anymore?”

Maggie chuckled,
“Well you don’t want to work in the pens longer than you have to, when we get her out of the harness, not for a while yet of course, perhaps you can train her up to take your job and with me being head maid I can find you a nice position in the main manor, how does that sound Wendy?”

Wendy smiled.

“That sounds fine to me I had better get back to the pens then.”

On returning to the pens Wendy opened up Jess’s cowl again and pushed back Jess’s filthy matted hair and smirked. Jess’s empty eyes staring blankly back at her Jess was obviously on the cusp of lunacy. Having closed and locked the cowl back Wendy laughed and taking her cane whacked Jess’s stained ass and laughed.

“You dumb bitch!”

More whacks had Jess scurrying out of her pen and into the grazing area mixing with the Bona fide guests.

The whole Manor was pristine and gleaming when Sharista returned from her travels and was rather surprised to see Maggie in the head maid’s regalia meeting her at the doorway.

Sharista scowled at the curtsying Maggie.

“Where is Jess, what are you doing in her uniform?”

Sharista did not wait for an answer and marched up the glistening hallway to her office Maggie scurrying behind her.

“Well girl explain what is going on.”

Maggie feigned reluctance but then unfolded the two letters and placed them on the desk in front of Sharista and stood back.

Sharista’s eyes tightened having read the two documents and glared at Maggie then scanned the text again?

Sharista stood.

“How long have you been acting head maid?”

Maggie meekly curtsied under the withering look from her Mistress

“Three, nearly four weeks Miss.”

Sharista strode to the door opened it and ushered Maggie out into the main corridor.

“A tour girl every room every hallway.”

Maggie walked the Manor with her Mistress every room in perfect condition every hallway immaculate not a thing out of place. Each maid they passed showing due deference not just to Mistress Sharista but also to Miss Maggie curtsying before them.

“Mistress, Miss Maggie.”

Back in Sharista’s office Maggie was offered a seat and a small glass of sherry.

“It would seem that you have deputised well Maggie the manor is in excellent condition and the staff seem to have more respect for you than they ever did for Jess.”

 Maggie was beginning to relax a little but that was short lived.

“So, Maggie I am not a fool and neither is, or maybe I have yet to see, was Jess. So how did you do it, get Jess to write these disclaimers for you and into a harness to be left in the pens so you could take her job to be head maid?”

Sharista stood from her desk and thrashed her crop menacingly on the arm of the chair in which Maggie was sitting.

“Don’t lie to me girl.”

Maggie’s denials were soon thrashed out of her, weeping welts across her backside and tears streaming down her cheeks bearing testament to her futile resistance to Sharista’s demand for the truth.

Sharista chuckled listening to Maggie eventually sobbing out the details of her scheme for Jessica and both were soon heading across to the east wing.

Wendy warned by Sharista that she knew everything demanded to see Jess.

Encouraged by Wendy’s cane Jess was wobbled in front of Sharista and Maggie.

Looking at Jess’s welted ass and abused pussy Sharista glared at Wendy.

Wendy was quick to defend herself.

“Mistress it is what she wanted Maggie showed me the letter.”

Wendy silenced by the mere raising of Sharista’s crop opened up the pig snouted cowl and all three gazed at the slavering dead eyed wreck of Jessica.

Sharista stood back and nodded for the cowl to be resealed.

“Well there is nothing we can do with that, fortunately Maggie you have done well being acting head maid so I suggest you go back to the main manor and continue your duties.”

Sharista pointed to what remained of Jessica.

 “Wendy three more weeks then strip it out of its harness, shave its matted hair off, scrub it clean, leash it and bring it to my office, looks like I will be having another pet.”    
With that Sharista left the east wing and returned to her office.

Jess, in due course was presented to Sharista following her self-imposed ordeal in the harness which had been facilitated and extended by the scheming Maggie and, stupefied and crippled into her posture, spent the rest of her days oblivious to her privileged past crawling behind her Mistress on the end of a leash. Lord Cranwell’s feminisation could never be a complete success and it wasn’t, but he was kept in skirts all the same and put to work in the kitchens and the laundry. Maggie became the consummate head maid and Stoneleigh Manor and Sharista continued to thrive, that is until... Well that’s another story!


  1. Hmm I was hoping to hear Jess's thoughts as she was in the harness and slipping away.

  2. I'd give it about 8/10. Bits of it I really enjoyed. I did like the pig-play stuff too but perhaps it was a bit out of place in a LTM story?

  3. It was interesting, that is for sure. But Lady 2 Maid 2 pig? The whole story was to me. A jumble of smaller vignettes. Sorry, that is how I see it.

  4. I thought the start was great but it quickly spiralled into something barely recognisable from that.
    I think it's obvious it was written on the fly and the ending feels rather rushed.

  5. Good story as always but the ending seemed a little rushed

  6. Hi Folks,
    I accept the story rambled for that I apologise, I ask don't judge me to harshly. Too many threads to pull together hopefully my future efforts will be better and of course I always look forward to reading your stories here on Camille's site.

    Hugs to all
    Jackie J

    1. Jackie J keep on writing for us. Not to many of us write stories and I know it's harder then might seem. Good, bad or indifferent, thank you

  7. This story is truly a mess. Sorry. The tide just went low tide waaaaaay beyond really. ...... D:
    Its okay.....keep writing....

  8. Thank you for finishing the story. It is quite an undertaking to write 28 chapters and bring a story from beginning to end. Congratulations on seeing it through!

    I generally enjoyed the story, though I think there were too many twists and turns. Particularly, too many characters started getting their comeuppance in rapid succession, starting I think in Ch 18. This resulted in Sharista taking over, which wasn't entirely satisfying since she was introduced to the story so late.

    Everything Sharista did could have been done by Winifred, and you would have had a much tighter story, with a more satisfying conclusion. This would have kept a more traditional story arc with the antagonists getting their just desserts at the end of the story instead of the middle.

    1. And the innocent Lord Cranwell was victimized by the unpunished Sharista.

    2. Orc Dominion
      Thank you , thank you a lot and I accept all your comments constructive and succinct very much appreciated hopefully lessons learned let me know if you get to read my future offerings here on Camille's site

      Hugs and Kisses

      Jackie J

  9. As others have said each chapter could have been part of a reasonable story, but there was no overarching theme. I thought Sharista was an interesting character but if so she should have been in at the beginning and a main character at the end. I admit the story had too much raw cruelty in it for me. Also there were some themes which were just repeated with different characters, prompting the question why write the [much the ]same thing twice?

    1. Most of the stories here are essentially a first draft and could be improved with a second and third rewrite. Sometimes it can take multiple attempts for a story to come together, if at all.

  10. Ok my friends , I say friends because if we share here we are
    I get it
    It did not work out, my last apology

    Yes parts were OK not great but OK parts were not it could have been condensed I could have spent more time on an edit and another edit then I could have looked again and then said no its not right why bother? All of it would not have seen the light of day. I am thankful to Camille for giving amateurs like me, writing straight from the heart to the pen for a forum. I take on board all points raised and will always try to improve but believe me sometimes things come to mind and you write, you are there, you are within those characters its a great place and you want to share but sure enough we are not all that articulate and it can become a mess perhaps this story is a case in point. I hold my had up one last time. sorry to disappoint.

    All the same, my friends
    Hugs and Kisses

  11. Your contributions are most appreciated. There's no need to apologize. You might think of yourself as an amateur but you've got way more experience than anyone else here. That makes you the "old maid" of this site.
