
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 26.

By Jackie J

Jess entered the store room used for work related to the pens and found Maggie cleaning one of the harnesses which had recently been vacated by a satisfied client who was now being attended by one of the working girls in the recuperation suites.

Jess looked down on the glistening metalwork and shiny leather of the harness she had never lost her fascination with the device, a few modifications had taken place since Sharista took over at Stoneleigh but still the same basic restrictive design that had held Lady Isabelle and Mary Downton the first time Jess had encountered the contraption in operation and subsequently her lover, Winifred, Miss Hutchings.

Jess, whilst the main refurbishment of the East wing was being undertaken to accommodate the extra pens, had dallied with the devices. Never entrapping herself fully but working herself into the harness had aroused feelings that led her to understand the perverse pleasures its use would bring to the incumbents. 

Maggie was aware of Jess’s fascination with the harness and all that entailed and smiled at Jess watching her hand glide over the leather straps of the opened and inviting harness. Maggie aware that Mistress was away from Stoneleigh and that her assistant Katrina was rarely around had picked her time well.

“Miss its very quiet I have cleaned the pens and all the guest pets have been fed, with no one around could I take my break leave you just to watch things whilst I get back, please Miss?”

Jess still feeling a little guilty for condemning Maggie to work in the pens smiled of course she had her own reason to agreeing to Maggie’s request.

“Well, no more than an hour Maggie off you go”

Maggie hid her excitement and thanked Jess before leaving closing the door behind her.

The door closed and no one around this was an opportunity Jess could not resist removing her clothing and neatly folding it and placing it on a chair her eyes never left the device laid out open and waiting on the floor. Her naked body trembled and having worked her torso under the steel spine bar squatted to push her legs into and through the splayed steel thigh plates then tugged tight the leather straps of the spine bar and leg braces with the buckle locks dangling loose. 

Jess was now panting and with difficulty worked her arms beneath the shoulder plates and into the arm restraints. Jess’s mind thought of how she could possibly secure the straps and buckles to her arms, she should have been more careful what she wished for.  Jess’s eyes darted to the opening door of the store room recognising the hem of Maggie’s dress and boots. Jess wriggled trying to free her shoulders so she could look up as the footsteps approached. Without a word nimble fingers tugged the arm restraints tight threaded the buckles and snapped closed the locks. The locks to the spine bar and thigh plates likewise were quickly closed.

Maggie chuckled watching Jess’s neck strain to look up at her,

“Well, well, couldn’t resist could we I thought not, want to lift that pretty head of yours do we, well we have something for that don’t we.” 

Jess moaned her hair pulled and a posture collar brace was clipped around her neck and wound up into position making her back arch against the spine brace her head now held high.

Maggie sat on the floor in front of Jess and laughed.

Jess wriggled helplessly and glared at Maggie.

“Maggie, Maggie get me out of this.”

“What so you can punish me again, you put yourself in there and its fine with me if that’s what you want to do, it’s not the first time you have worked yourself into one of the harnesses is it. With you putting me in charge down here perhaps we can come to some arrangement?”

Jess began to relax a little which eased the tension in her neck and back making speech easier.

“What do you mean an arrangement for goodness sake Maggie get me out of this?”

Maggie smirked and stood to check all the bindings were secure adjusting those that weren’t and then walked to the shelving and removed a pair of hand and foot hoofs.

“No, I don’t think so I know you have been eager to know what it is like to be truly trapped in one of these harnesses the girls have told me what happened to Miss Hutchings and what a fine stupefied pet she now makes for our Mistress.”

“Now let’s get these on shall we.”

Jess’s resistance was futile and soon both her feet and hands where securely locked into the tough leather hoofs.

Jess was beginning to panic.

“Look Maggie please set me free what do you mean arrangement.”

Maggie chuckled.

“You want to play piggy in the pen and whilst there is a space I will let you, no one need know. You cannot secure yourself into a harness on your own so you will need my help, today can be your taster session.”

Jess considered what Maggie was saying she had wanted to know what it was like to be trapped in the harness and it was true she couldn’t do that on her own and Maggie seemed willing to do it but what was in it for her?

“But what’s in it for you Maggie why are you doing this?”

Maggie had her plans but she was not going to share them with the bitch that put her to work down here in the pens.

“Well I don’t want to stay down here longer than I have to I want to go back into the main household. I let you have a few sessions down here and you reinstate me to be the upstairs maid again.”

Jess struggled to strain her neck to follow Maggie returning to the shelves.

“And what if I don’t what if I don’t agree what then?”

Maggie returned and knelt by Jess holding a cowl and fixing bracket and started to fix the cowl to the harness.

Maggie sniggered and ran her fingers into Jess’s wetness making Jess squirm.

“You will agree, won’t you Jess.”

Jess tensed, squirmed and moaned, Maggie gently rubbing Jess’s budding clitoris, and breathily sighed her response

 “Yes, yes alright, alright.”

Maggie chuckled.

“That’s right now just relax we will speak later.”

Maggie fastened the last bolt of the cowl bracket in place and lowered the head piece restricting Jess’s vision before winding up the jaw plate making Jess grunt now unable to speak.

The click of a leash to the collar and Maggie pulled her latest resident to a vacant pen and detaching the leash pushed Jess inside.

Jess disoriented half blind and muted circled grunting in the confines of her sty and Maggie laughed poking at her exposed pussy and ass with a cane.

“There now you are my pet piggy Jess, enjoy the food.”

Maggie laughed leaning on the rail.

“Sorry, I haven’t cleaned the pen out. After the last resident it smells like a pigsty, doesn’t it?”

This was the start of Maggie’s plan and given all went well it would not be the last time Jess comes to play until it is the last time that is.

Maggie went about her work leaving Jess scuttling around in her pen like the paying guests. Jess found eating difficult with the jaw brace but did manage to gulp some water from the trough. Jess had to urinate and did over her grid. How long Jess had no idea but the stench of the sty’s seemed to fade and with practice Jess found the least painful way to move around. Jess was pleased that Maggie had foregone the accessory of the dildo that she had seen rammed insidiously into the sex and ass of other captives. Flopped in the filth of the pens floor, resting her body from its unfamiliar configuration, the sound of Maggie’s voice roused Jess from her light snooze.

“Piggy piggy piggy.”

Jess raised herself to her hoofs and Maggie was quick to attach a leash to her collar and lead her from the pen. Back in the seclusion of the store Maggie removed Jess from her bondage tossing the filthy harness by the door.

Jess rolled onto her back and sighed.

“Fuck that was awesome, I better wash off and change.”

Maggie smiled.

“Well I am glad you had fun but before you go you will clean out the pen you used and polish up this harness, it’s only fair.”

Jess getting to her knees looked at Maggie.

 “But I can’t clean out the pigsty in my uniform it will be ruined.”

Maggie chuckled.

“No, you can do it like you are giving the guests out there a treat.”

Jess protested but Maggie was adamant it was to be part of the agreement.

Maggie stood at the store door for awhile to watch a naked Jess sluicing out the pen she had been using then prepared the polishes for the harness.

Jess still naked sat on the store floor polishing the harness whilst Maggie looked on.

“So, Jess you will be back for more will you?”

Jess looked up at Maggie sat on the bench staring down on her whilst she buffed the leather to a sheen. Jess smiled inwardly at the paradox; again, she was doing Maggie’s work and now naked whilst Maggie sat idle. But if she wanted the use of the harness, which she did more than ever now, she would have to go along on Maggie’s terms. 

It probably did not mean to be but naked polishing at Maggie’s feet Jess’s response came over quite submissive and wanting.

“Well yes if I can when shall I come?”

If Jess’s response appeared submissive and wanting in equal terms Maggie’s answer was authoritative and commanding making Jess shiver not from fear but from anticipation.

“I will send for you until then you will write a disclaimer explaining your wish that you want to be strapped into a harness here in the east wing, I don’t want to get in any more trouble if we are discovered doing this......”

Maggie then added a further condition as if an afterthought which of course was not.

“O and you may want to prepare a note that should you be indisposed I am authorised to deputise for you.”

Jess looked questioningly at Maggie but Maggie was quick to ally her fears.

“Not that anyone is going to know you are indisposed trussed up in a harness, but if you are, I can then cover for you, they won’t ask any awkward questions if I show them that. You know me I can always make something up.”

Jess shrugged her shoulders.

“Alright I will prepare something for you, now I had better get cleaned up and back to the main manor.”

No visit from Katrina again that night and in the loneliness of her room Jess reflected on her adventure in the East wing and how good it was of Maggie to go along with it. Maggie could have left her in the harness exposed her but she didn’t? Jess smiled to herself perhaps she is genuinely trying to reform; she did say she wanted to get back to being upstairs maid. Jess giggled knowing how Wendy was struggling perhaps one more go in the harness then I will switch Wendy and Maggie back to their original roles. Mistress is away and Katrina is never around, yes one more visit to the East wing then I will do it. By the time Mistress return’s and Katrina starts to show an interest again everything will be settled. Seems Maggie is not so bad after all.

Jess pulled her covers around her, nestled against her pillows and drifted off to sleep all she had do now was wait for Maggie to send for her.


  1. Yay thank you for the chapter. I was hoping for jess to end up in the pens. And it seems like she will happily deliver herself there
