
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 24.

by Jackie J

Janette looked at the floor of the carriage when it entered the gateway to Stoneleigh to his surprise and relief the security at the gate waved through the carriage knowing exactly who it’s occupant was. Drawing up to the main entrance to the manor the door of the carriage was opened by a uniformed footman who bowed respectfully.

He knew well not to raise his head until Miss Cat had passed.

Janette stumbled little on the steps caught up in his skirts and a helping hand from Sharista steadied him.

“Relax Janette eyes are on you.”

If Sharista’s words were meant to calm him they didn’t and he was becoming increasingly aware of the restrictiveness of his skirts gathering around him.

Inside the entrance Sharista took his trembling hand with painted nails and guided him down a long corridor.

Jonathan if nervous before was beginning to fill with dread, why did they pass through security so easily, how does she seem to know her way around this place, why are people making way when we pass? Jonathan did not have to wait long for his answers. Opening a door Sharista ushered her girl inside.

“Sit down Janette; in that chair that’s a good girl.”

The tall girl that was inside the room when they entered hovered behind Jonathan, when he sat pulling his skirts around him and with a nod from Sharista his arms were tightly grabbed and his wrists secured behind him. Jonathan tried to stand but was easily pushed back down into his seat by the girl.

Jonathan started to shout cursing and swearing wriggling in his chair.

A shake of her head and another nod by Sharista and a leather gag silenced Jonathan into muffled silent moans.

“Janette, Janette, Janette your shouts will not help you here why Stoneleigh is filled with screams from my clients.”

Sharista laughed out loud.

 “Some even in pleasure.”

Jonathan’s eyes stared wide and bulbous in their sockets at Sharista’s revelation she was Black Cat.
Sharista walked towards Jonathan still struggling forlornly trying to free himself.

“Stop that Janette, you cannot free yourself and dressed how you are where in heaven would you go? Now settle down and listen to me.”

Jonathan settled back Sharista was right even if he did manage to free himself where could he go he certainly could not run in his skirts dressed like he was his corset alone restricted his breathing, how could he get that off?

Sharista smiled seeing her girl settle.

“Good that’s better Janette.”

“Now why are you here and dressed like you are? You are here because of a chain of events started by your mother Lady Catherine. She along with her co conspirator both now paying a heavy price for their deceit and betrayal of none other than Florence the wife you thought had deserted you and of course you yourself. Your mother for her sins reduced to the life of a maid; there will be no redemption for her a maid she will remain. Lady Downton, Mary, your Mary, well you know what became of her. Prepared for shipment with broken whores here within these very walls by a heartless bitch seeking the main chance who you may be pleased to know lives her life on the end of a leash my stupefied pet. See there in the corner in its cage. There was some collateral damage Lady Isabelle, but she is well cared for she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time that’s all. So, what did these wicked people do?  Florence, lady Cranwell was tricked into coming here by your mother to train to be a maid, why Florence agreed to this heaven knows but she did and your mother made sure she remained here to be a housemaid. Much has changed for Florence, she was given a new identity that of Jessica Thornberry but I do like to tease her from time to time calling her Florence.”

Jonathan shook in his chair screaming silently into his gag tugging on his bindings almost shaking free his bonnet and wig. Florence here at Stoneleigh all this time?

Sharista stood back and glared at her girl.

“Settle down Janette settle down or your mistress will change her mind about what to do with you.”

Breathing heavy and with eyes still filled with rage Jonathan calmed himself and Sharista continued.

"That’s better, now you may already have guessed that you will not be leaving Stoneleigh. No one knows you are here and Janet at Cranwell was told that you had left to continue your travels. You will not be missed and no one will be looking for you. You are mine now Janette, Lord Cranwell is lost to the world. But I am not wicked like your Mother and Mary Downton although of course I intend to keep the income from Cranwell manor, Downton hall and Stoneleigh. 

Now, like I told you before, much has changed in the life of the girl you divorced, your beloved Florence. Don’t be alarmed but her preference is now to lay with girls not men and my proposition to you my sweet thing is this. You had a dalliance with femininity before with that witch Mary and should you prove yourself to be a good girl for your Mistress perhaps, my head maid Jessica and you, Janette, could rekindle your relationship. Katrina, the girl stood behind you, will be guiding you into your new life of femininity and when you are ready, which I know will take some time, but time we have, your reward for embracing a life of frills and lace will be your ex-wife Florence."

Janette just stared at Sharista who prowled in front of him.

“Of course, there are alternatives for you. You can be put on display for my clients, many of whom you will perhaps know, I am sure they will gain much amusement from seeing the hero of the Crimea, the gallant captain Lord Cranwell being paraded, prettied up, bewigged, corseted, perfumed bloomers and petticoats and in that beautiful dress you wear, why you could become a main attraction at Stoneleigh.

“Then of course there are the pens, Katrina will show this feature, this is where Lady Downton and Lady Isabelle lost their minds. I would hate to see such a potentially pretty girl like you suffering the same fate.”

“So, Janette accept your fate or, well I have explained the consequences if you don’t, and you will get to be reunited with you true love Florence.

Sharista smiled and then laughed.

“Why I may even organise a wedding for you, two pretty girls in wedding dresses how nice will that be for you both.”

Tears were now streaming down Janette’s face disturbing his powdered cheeks having listened to what his mother and Mary had done to Florence and what was to become of him, a broken man yes but he wasn’t to be a man any more was he?

Sharista approached the restrained Janette whose shoulders had slumped and spoke in that same hypnotic voice that had bewitched him and brought him here to Stoneleigh. Taking a lace handkerchief Sharista dabbed his tears.

“There, there my dear don’t cry, behave, embrace your femininity and you will be treated well here at Stoneleigh, now off you go with Katrina she will look after you.”

Jess was all of a fluster Maggie the upstairs maid had been taken ill again, some bug or other and she was behind in preparing the suites for a new group of guests. She giggled seeing a beautifully dressed bound and gagged girl being taken down the corridor to one of the secure suites by Katrina. Obviously, it was one of Sharista’s clients wanting some bondage experience and someone special if Katrina is looking after her. Jess turned and carried on with her work not wanting to get further behind.

Guided up two sets of stairs bound and gagged Janette, through her tears did not recognise or really notice the pretty maid holding a hand full of linen on the corridor she was taken down. Katrina was of a healthy build with a firm grip of Janette’s arm and having unlocked the heavy door to suite 206 ushered Janette inside.  Janette stood passively whilst her gag and wrist restraints were removed staring at the barred windows. Her cell yes and whilst the room screamed femininity it was not small, in fact quite palacious, Sharista having made sure the room contained everything a young woman would require. The door locked and left alone Janette flopped onto the large bed and sobbed
Jess was back on the corridor when Katrina was walking back. Jess dropped a respectful curtsy to Sharista’s assistant.

“Someone special Miss, another rich girl wanting to experience being treated roughly I saw she was already in tears perhaps not what she thought she had signed up for?”

Katrina smiled more of a smirk.

“That’s right Jess someone very, very special a guest Mistress Matrina expects to see a significant change in, however long that takes. Now back to your work girl and don’t dally.”

A quick curtsy form Jess and Katrina was on her way.

“Yes Miss.”

Jess giggled she had seen many young women arrive in grandeur wearing fancy dresses with a totally different perception to what will happen to them at Stoneleigh. Most being high spirited daughters or wives of the wealthy handed into the care of Black Cat to be reminded of their station in life. The girl in tears must be one of them. Little did Jess know that the transformation of this particular girl paraded past her would be more significant than most.

Jess watched Katrina’s shapely form wiggle down the corridor, Katrina could be quite formal and strict during the day but she was one of Jess’s favourites and was most tender when they were between the sheets together.

Jess had changed since Sharista took over Stoneleigh, with Maud leaving her food helpings had reduced and Sharista did not want slobs for maid’s she expected them to be smart if not attractive and Jess had regained her lithe curves not much different to when she arrived at Stoneleigh for her training.

It was mid afternoon when Jess was summoned to Mistress Matrina’s offices.

Jess waited nervously to be called through hoping it was in connection with what she had been told by her Mistress the previous day.

Katrina beckoned Jess into Sharista’s inner office and closed the door.

Jess curtsied in front of her Mistresses desk and Sharista smiled.

“Well young Lady I have good news about Lord Cranwell I told you I would try and track him down for you and I have. You will understand in the years you have been here he has changed, quite a lot in fact. Now I don’t want to get your hopes up just yet Jess but if all goes to plan I will do my best to see that you are reunited. Like I say don’t get your hopes up just yet.”

 “Now to more mundane matters, Maggie your upstairs maid ill again I see and you are doing her work, my head maid cleaning and preparing guest’s suites whilst Maggie sleeps in her bed? Miss Katrina found Maggie in the kitchens laughing and not looking ill at all, you will need to be stricter with that girl. You will punish her and if she feigns illness again she will be dismissed from service do you understand?”

Jess her head lowered curtsied.

“Yes Mistress, sorry Mistress.”

Katrina tapped Jess’s bottom when she left the offices and whispered to her.

“See you tonight, Jess.”

Jess giggled



  1. Why does this look like its going to be a type of love story. No no no it needs to be Jess being in the harness

  2. when are you gonna publish new stories?, i feel it has been months since you publish a new role swap story and not just a part 20 of an old story

    1. New stories can be posted as soon as people write them.

  3. Anyone know when the secret slave will have a new release

  4. ..when new release for "Executive Stress" and "Alison's Attitude Adjustment?.....

  5. OK, Camille, now your fans are getting officially worried. I can't remember you being incommunicado this long. Are you all right?

    1. No need to worry, everything's all right. Thanks for asking. Spent the weekend working on the next chapter of Secret Slave, it still needs more work though.

    2. These are good news. Any indication when it will be published...?

    3. Please, don't feel obliged to post something just for the sake of posting something. Your faithful readers are prepared to wait. As always, "better fewer but better".

    4. Cant wait to read a new chapter of the secret slave. Checking this site several times a day...

  6. Hi Camille,we're anxiously waiting for any episode and/or story. Your devoted readers are getting withdrawal symptoms!

  7. I like jackie j story I hope continue ,and I request continue molly please
