
Thursday, April 12, 2018

World's First Lady-to-Maid poll. We need your vote!

One of the readers had a wonderful idea to poll this blog's readers so that we know once and for all what is that most of us like and don't like in this peculiar genre. Please take a minute to fill out the form below. Really interested to see what results we get!


  1. I enjoy stories that begin with a nuanced approach. That might mean a reluctant heroine who is pressured into descending the social ladder by her circumstances or someone whose interest in doing so is not too extreme. It can get a bit silly when some well-to-do lady suddenly decides that she wants to be the maid and pretty much abandons whoever she was before that. Blackmail (within reason) would be acceptable to me, but kidnapping and imprisonment would not.

    I think it’s better, narratively speaking, if things gradually spiraled out of her control. Once the walls have closed in around her, there’s really nowhere left to go expect to torture her with various depravities.

    The second question could be have worded better. You can find realism in fantasy and science fiction and implausibility in “realistic” stories. I’d be fine with a well-written excursion where a lady finds a portal to the past (ala 11/22/63) and she uses it to change her fortunes or is there sent (Outlander) and finds work as a maid. A modern businesswoman in medieval times could make for a good fish-out-of-water story.

    Black Mirror has an episode “White Christmas” where a lady orders a personal AI assistant and unbeknownst to her, that AI is actually a copy of herself. The scene itself is a minor part of the episode, but helps to slowly build the world we are being presented with. They are holding the audiences hand so they don’t immediately declare it as “unrealistic”.

    Game of Thrones is a fantastic example. The fantasy elements are introduced gradually. If viewers were handed a plate of dragons and magic in the first episode, people would have been turned off by it.

    1. Interesting observations, thank you for sharing them. Obviously realism is a relative term. What I meant is plausible motivations and behaviour in a realistic setting. I am also fine with an otherwise realistic story that uses a fantasy or sci fi plot device (time travel is an excellent example), but not if magic etc are overused to the point where you can no longer connect to the characters.

  2. Several options seem to be missing, judging by the results. I would have voted for chastity belts and royalty swap (prince and the pauper type stories are some of my absolute favorites).

    You also missed what I would consider to be a very basic question. You pretty much assume that we’re all into maids. I don’t have any particular interest in them. What I DO like is the idea of a social downgrade. Businesswoman to intern would probably be more up my alley simply because it’s more relatable to me. (Bossy to bossed around.) Honor roll college student to dropout would be good. I am content with many ways in which a woman might become less than she was before.

    Other things you may wished to have inquired about is what people look for in these types of stories. I’ve seen comments asking for elaborate descriptions of the uniform that is being worn, especially in any dressing and undressing scenes. I find that stuff to be boring. It takes a backseat to the plot for me, while some may not even be reading for the plot.

    What types of endings do they prefer? Do they want her to be “stuck” or given the option for a return to normal? Should she be happy with where she is now or would they rather she be miserable?

    1. I agree with royalty swap idea, it is very interesting social drop. It can be blackmail, foolish curiosity or habits of the royalty. Emma Finn and several other author get some positive feedback in that kind of story.

      Maybe Camille often used maid as a comparison because there is real social difference between owner and maid depicted in historical story of some countries such as France, Britain, Chinese,Thailand. Slave, slum ,or maid is often used in downgrade story.

      Some people get the thrill from dress to uniform swap, dressing and undressing scene. It's like a symbol or regalia of higher social status drop to the bottom as they deprived of what they usually have.

      The ending type is really one of the option that should be added to the poll

    2. Well, you can't foresee them all.Royalty swap is an interesting scenario if only because it is the most extreme one as one goes fron the highest possible position to the lowest one. The distance between a businesswoman and an office cleaner or sone bored rich wife and ger maid is a lot less, they may have even gone to the same high school...

    3. THe things with 1 vote are stuff people wrote in other

    4. There are many plot and stories in royalty swap idea with roll coaster of feeling, with many possible option of slow or fast degradation, prince and pauper style or cinderella style but with degradation route in the end. Degradation from high and mighty or arrogant to lowest give lot of thrill too.

      queen or princess swap can be started from may route:
      -thirst for power between sisters and ended up degrading both of them.
      -maid realizing her princess or queen unknown fetish.
      -sole heir of kingdom but no real experience and easily deceived.
      -plot from prime minister.
      -the royalty running away from problem such as invasion, arranged marriage, pressure from being ruler.
      -Lookalike or royalty body double.
      -Forbidden temptation between royalty and butler, while maid make use of it.
      -No one really know the heir and the one who posses the tiara or other thing can be the royalty, while the princess tiara/dress/identity item is stolen.

      from that point on, the story can be widened to many branch for play:
      -blackmail route, selfish desire route, maid or servant fetish route, dress play, sexual route between servant-royalty, humiliation play, and few other routes.

      which will lead to:
      -identity crisis, gradual temptation, irresistible fetish, authority or speech play, misconception of noble or people around, sexual addict, forced or own will to accept degradation contract.

      after a while:
      - lost identity, get some fake hope, deeper temptation, lost sense of morality or personal worth, use the princess/queen authority to make the maid a princess or prime minister, public or noble party humiliation, try to rely on other with authority like queen.

      and in the end:
      - another fake hope, become sex slave for noble or army, slavery, maid personality or role swap, mind break from harsh reality of no possible way to return, lost everything and become peasant, ended up betrayed by last hope, true perpetrator come out in light, the queen or partner also have the same situation/fetish and end up the same way, continue as princess/queen while in public and become maid/servant when in small community circle or in castle.

      Sadly, there is only few or almost non existent story with slow degradation. Another thing is erotic content is optional, but authority play or dress play is good for this type of story.

      Thank you Camille

  3. About "unrealistic" stories, I am fine with stories that have some contrived or implausible or "unrealistic" scenarios, but I do not like stories with sci-fi or magic/fantasy elements. For example I would be fine with a story about a boss or CEO who has more power over her employees than a CEO would realistically (or legally) have in a real-life scenario, but keep the magic and sci-fi out of it, please.

    Like the other anonymous poster, I also would have liked an option to vote on maids vs other forms of social demotion. Personally I think that stories that aren't about maids work better for modern settings, which I personally have more interest in ("exec to sec" for example). Even if maids do still exist in the 21st century, the I feel that the idea of lady aristocrats and uniformed maids conflicts with the modern settings which I like better.

    1. Love exec to sec stories too, but I think I have the same problem with them I used to have with maid stories and that prompted me to start this blog: what's out there tends to fall short of my expectations. A lot of them are mind control and that is a story killer for me. Also most such stories are basically BDSM scenarios in an office environment with little to no plot. I personally prefer stories that slowly describe the descent from a position of power, use believable motivations and focus on the main character's realization of her new station in life. There are very few exec2sec stories that are like that.

  4. For me, realism comes down to the characters. Do they act like real people or are they retarded? There are a lot of stories where someone simply goes along with something because they “have to”. I tend to roll my eyes at those moments.

    1. Yes, can't agree more. If a scenario itself is unlikely in real life it does not mean that the characters can just go with the flow to make sure all the fetish buttons are pushed.

  5. Excellent comments, thank you so much. I heard you and added a question on how a story like this should end. Please feel free to come back and vote for that one.

  6. What I'm a little disappointed in about this poll is that it didn't ask any questions about the readers themselves. I'm curious what kind of people are reading these stories!

    1. Perhaps I can do one later. I am particularly interested what share of readers are women.

    2. I'd definitely like to see a survey of followers of the blog, regarding age, occupation, nationality, region of residence, education, occupation, &c.
      Do please, Camille, keep in mind that gender identification can be a touchy subject for some people -- at the very least, you should provide a third, "I Choose Not To Answer" option.

    3. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

    4. Thanks, Arcadia. I may do something like that. I have my own ideas and it will be interesting to see how far off I am.

  7. Interesting survey and results. I'm tempted to do something similar regarding my own stories, although i doubt i'd get quite so many responses.

    1. It is very easy to set up. Give it a try! There us a huge community for your genre out there.

  8. An Appreciative ReaderApril 14, 2018 at 1:10 AM

    Interesting comments. We all enjoy this particular genre but each has their own blend of facets that make stories more or less appealing. Personally I like a cogent logic to the story, it has to be believable within its own parameters. I like description too, I want to hear about the clothes a lady wears, her surroundings, her life of leisure - and to contrast that with her new demeaned status and loss. I do find themes of loss of power, status, and switching very appealing. I know there is a divide in readership over whether the journey voluntary or non-voluntary, I fear I tend towards the latter but it's more important that the story is well written; Molly's fall from grace for example I enjoyed, the self-imposed transformation from respected academic to lowly and barely literate house maid.

    It has to be said there is a fantastic breadth of story writing already on this site, for which we are all grateful. You will find something you like, and we each have our personal favourites. I'd like to see some more stories completed! I'm aware this is done as a hobby by both Camille and the authors and it's free but it would be good to hear the final fate of some of our protagonists, but read that as a compliment, the story is good so I want to know what happens!

    I completed the survey before the ending question was added, I think I don't mind, just give me an exciting story that draws me in :)

    1. Thanks, AR! I think we are largely on the same page as far as our preferences go (although I do prefer voluntary or semi-voluntary change and being stuck due to own stupidity/miscalculation).

  9. I find that I like stories that start with foolish curiosity as the protagonist willfully begins a journey down a slippery slope and events conspire to ratchet in more and more changes training the protagonist either through legal means, physical changes, training /conditioned responses, and identity loss.

    Jackie J's Madame DeVille and Belledonna's Whose the Maid Now? are two of my all time favorites.

    I also really like gender transformation especially when hormones and physical changes take place as that adds the ratcheting effect of permanent bondage / chastity / change. Camille's story Scrubbing His Record Clean is one that I reread again and again. I also love Belledonna's work in this genre as she has several stories of rich powerful men becoming maids or secretaries. The Contract (continued by another author as well), Assuming the Position, Life Swap are repeat reads for me that I wish had further chapters. I like how the characters find themselves trapped in a world they helped create. It's only for a little while becomes ...

    1. Yes, that scenario is my favourite by far. Once you have an evil manipulator/kidnapper that removes much of the fun for me. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy "forced" stories, but I like for the main character to keep at least some of her free will. Otherwise you might as well be writing about a mannequin.

  10. Sci fi etc is a definite story killer for me, the implausibility of a story is open to interpretation, as frankly many stories here are in the real world implausible but very much to my liking, so for me i don't consider the implausible issue, i just enjoy and immerse myself in the story.

    Explicit sex scenes for me personally add little to a story, and on L2M heterosexual sex description actually does kill the story for me.

    Other than the above dislikes any story that follows the Lady2Maid ethos of power exchange and social 'demotion' between females is gratefully read and enjoyed by myself.

    Regarding the kinks likings questions, we of course each have our own, one in that list i would not want to read of in a story is Crossdressing/Transgender, that is not based on a prejudice as have friends who are CDs and Trans, but just it again not in my literary likes.

    The genre covered on L2M is exciting, i am truly grateful firstly for the work that Camille puts into running this site, all the authors for your literary efforts and lastly for the other readers who leave story comments.

    1. Thank you for your comments. Interesting that heterosexual sex is a story-killer for you (assuming not lesbian sex though, correct?). Judging by the voting results you might be in the absolute minority. Would you like to elaborate why that is? Is it just because you think it takes the focus off its downgrade/social drop elements?

    2. I will be open and say that i am not heterosexual, so yes lesbian sex not story killer for me, but likewise i must say it not important part of the story line for me either.

      I am a very big fan of Lady2maid stories because they primarily are interactions between females, and for me it is the power exchange, the downgrade and social drop elements as you mentioned, between the females involved that are my preferences, and selfishly perhaps i do find sex within story does take focus off for me.

      But likewise I know the majority like the sex scenes, so i take from the story the bits i like, and can assure you i am a satisfied reader as a result.

      I have realised that my 'preferences' are indeed in the minority both here and elsewhere, and i am totally fine with that.

      Thank you once again from a grateful visitor to the marvellous Lady2maid site.

  11. i would like an island resort setting where a lottery takes place and depending on what you draw you become royalty ie queen or princess , or a manager or a free woman or a houseskivvy and slaves etc. It would be goodf if a raather shy youngish lady about 20 who works as a waitress say becomes queen and more socially confident middle aged wealthy intelligent woman a houseslave

    1. Life itself is like a lottery. You roll the dice when you are born and the results decide an awful lot about where you'll end up. A society that takes the "luck of the draw" literally could be an interesting premise.

      If I were to put my own spin on it, I'd have the two women trade tickets with each other.

    2. Interesting idea. Another spin could be that they'd swap roles after a while.

    3. Someone wrote that already: "Lottery in Babylon", by Jorge Luis Borges. "Like all the men of Babylon, I have been proconsul; like all, I have been a slave. I have known omnipotence, ignominy, imprisonment."

  12. I really enjoy all of the stories,and I thank you Camille and the others for all the work that you have been doing. What brought me to this site was the fact it was called Ladies to Maids and all your themes should stay in that mindset. The exec to cleaner fits into this as well.One of my favorites is "Maid for Mannington Manor". I am also really enjoying the "Secret Slave" and the "New Employee".

  13. Forgot to mention that the story entitled, "Molly" is also one of the best i have read and also "Miss Jaqueline Symonds". Thank you very much again.

  14. I think of "lady-to-maid" stories as falling into two broad categories. In one category, the change reflects submissive urges. Usually that involves sexual submission, but not necessarily. The other category could be called the "slumming it" story. In that kind of story, rather than seeking to submit, the heroine is seeking liberation from the constraints of middle-class morality and her personal social role. My personal preference is for the second category, but I can enjoy the other kind of story, as long as its told with psychological plausibility. I have no interest in stories that don't explore the heroine's inner conflicts plausibly, or in "Perils of Pauline" style melodrama, or in stories that are simply framing devices for a bdsm tale.

    1. Don't forget that not everybody wants to be a maid (even subconsciously).

      There are occasions in which a lady goes into hiding to prevent something bad from happening to her, where she goes undercover to find something out, where she is blackmailed, where she has some sort of agreement (contract) that she has to fulfill.

  15. My least-favorite stories here are the ones that make me think "kinky Downton Abbey fanfic".

  16. It would have been interesting if you had included a question on readers' nationality. I get the impression that a major proportion of readers and contributors here are British. That would tie in well with the more prominent role of class in British society. It's often been observed that race is for Americans what class is for the British. From that viewpoint, it's interesting that several stories here have conflated racial and class changes.

    1. There would be no need to ask that as Camille would already have that information in her Google analytics.

    2. Well, if you are interested:
      USA - 32.83%
      UK - 18.73%
      Germany - 5.31%
      Canada - 4.99%
      India - 3.58%
      France - 3.17%
      Australia - 2.80%
      Italy - 2.25%
      Poland - 1.68%
      Belgium - 1.45%
      followed by pretty much every country and territory on the planet-)

    3. I guess the "Hispanic Cleaning Lady" trope is a bit too on the nose for Mexicans. That India is ranked so high is both surprising and not surprising. It's not surprising because of their caste system and surprising because none of the content was created with them in mind.

    4. Very interesting indeed. There are 57% as many UK readers as US ones, though the UK only has 20% the population of the US. That's a ratio of about three to one, which would confirm the idea that this theme is much more resonant for British readers. It's interesting that Belgium is also overrepresented, despite the language barrier. The ratio of Belgian to US readers is 4.44%, while the population ratio is 3.49 I'm afraid that I don't know enough about Belgium to speculate on what that might imply. From what I have seen of the country, it seems to be a curious mix of cosmopolitanism and provincialism. It would be interesting to know whether there's a difference in readership between French and Flemish speaking Belgians. Camille should consider a collaboration with a sociologist. There are all kinds of potentially significant correlations that could be explored.

  17. I have voted. Is it possible to see the results without voting again?

    1. Yes, I can email them to you. But easiest way is indeed voting again. Dont think you even need to answer any questions, or at least you definetely dont need to answer all.

  18. Hadn't been here in a while,just voted in the poll,wanted to comment.

    I am a heterosexual male and like stories that appeal to heterosexual male desires.
    I am into broad areas of "downward mobility",and while some stories I like may focus on a very strictly defined role I can also be happy with tales where she winds up a stripper or a prostitute.

    Question 1:
    I voted "has to be voluntary,at least in the beginning" but to add more detail,I want stories where though the transformation eventually goes well beyond what the woman first intended,it is managed in such a fashion that what passing unease she may feel at one or another step down the slippery slope never turns into outright rebellion.If she is ever coerced the person who does so must be punished,and not by someone else who also coerces the leading lady(to maid)...her willingness to go further must be cultivated.
    I don't want a "see how stupid it is to have this fetish" story.

    Question 2:
    I like fantasy/science fiction stories,I like realistic stories.I believe I voted for the first choice because I don't like lazy writing,but a story can be in a fantasy setting (not considered among the "contemporary" or "historical" choices later on) and lose nothing for that.And some story elements like race change only really become plausible IF there is a science-fiction-ish explanation for them.
    Give me logical plots and believable characters.

    Question 3:
    I picked contemporary so as to free the downward mobility from particular period encrustation but fantasy and futuristic settings can also be interesting as long as they're not just handwavium for desired plot developments,but background against which realistic characters move.Class boundaries invented for the story purpose are interesting if done well.

    Question 4:
    Like a lot of readers,I prefer the woman in her twenties,at her physical peak with plenty of future (of course F/SF offer extended lifespans but that's not a key thing).I feel more regret when a woman with a track record throws it away.

    Question 5:
    There should be sex (M/F) but how much varies with the particulars of the story.

    Question 6:
    Interestingly,the most popular response was one that's a story-killer for me..."humiliation by former equals/friends".I think that's totally opposite to my goal of her wanting to keep going further.Nor am I into the strict/demanding mistress though I can tolerate small doses (femdom is not my thing).French-Maid type uniforms (not flat-out bedroom garb but stuff that facilitates her being ogled) are a plus if her role is as a domestic.BDSM/sex games make more sense in some downward mobility sagas than others,not particularly connected to maid role.
    Race/cultural change and new legal identity/name are definite interests to the extent they can be justified in story terms.I like age regression stories though I don't particularly link them to maid role (a woman who can pass for underage should be encouraged to do so though this can't be a longterm bedroom terms I like Adult Baby girls but don't connect that to maid stuff at all).Haircut/makeunder,weight gain,age progression were all used to interesting effect in "Annabelle's New Role",though the ending of that one weirded me out...I am only rarely into tattoos in stories (never in real life),and they go only with hardcore slave stuff for me.I wish the author had taken the old lady/incontinence angles further.

  19. I ran into a length limit and am saving this in 2 pieces.

    Question 7:
    I like the story to end with her completely committed to her new life...I voted for "maid of her own free will",but that doesn't contradict "stuck with no feasible way of going back".It's possible she may not even remember her former name or language if the story takes her that far in a believable way,she may totally believe the past created for her new identity.

    Question 8:
    I have one of the longest fetish lists on FetLife,including many things not here.
    Of the ones that are on this list the only definite NO for me is the CD/ women must be women.Not much into ponygirls,though.
    Why no mention of bimbification?...reduced intelligence can be a key part of the new persona.
