
Sunday, April 22, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 19.

by Jackie J

Sharista chuckled taking Winifred’s hand.

Part of the deal for Sharista to take Lady Downton was that Winifred had agreed to be Sharista’s for one night to do has she wished with, just one night how bad could that be? She was about to find out. 

Both Sharista and Winifred had been pupils together of Madame Sarcosi. Taken from the streets in their early teens who knows what would have become of them had they not been taken under her wing? Before taking the position with Lady Downton, who now shivered, befuddled naked her hair hacked and belted under a meagre woollen blanket in the darkness of a locked room, Winifred had lived and worked here at 27 Grafton Street.

Whilst never a client of Sharista’s Lady Downton had visited the lair of Madame Sarcosi many times to indulge her fantasies having paid well for Winifred to accommodate her needs. When Madame Sarcosi suddenly passed away, the unfortunate result of a stray blade, it was Sharista, the most dominant of the pair who assumed control of 27 Grafton Street taking the name of Black Cat. There could only be one Queen at 27 Grafton Street and when Lady Downton made her offer to Winifred Hutchings to be highly paid to supervise her needs on an ongoing basis, Winifred turned her back on Grafton Street and headed first to Downton Hall then on to Stoneleigh manor a perceived betrayal that Sharista had never truly forgiven her for.

Sharista guided Winifred past a number of occupied suites high born males and females bound and helpless wriggling and gasping having paid handsomely to be abused at the hands of Sharista’s leather clad beauties.

“Don’t you miss this life Winifred you are welcome back anytime you know that, many of your old clients still visit?”

Winifred lingered at one doorway recognising one of her previous clients Lady Monroe dressed in plain maid’s regalia her bottom being aggressively spanked.

“No, not any more Sharista not anymore.”

Sharista smiled she knew Winifred would never return voluntarily she obviously had something bigger, better and more rewarding going for her and Sharista intended to find out just what that something was.

At the end of the hallway Sharista smiled unlocking the last of the ornate doors.

“Well Winifred time to pay the piper as they say.”

Winifred hesitated then entered the room a room that she was all too familiar with the same room into which she herself had taken many a client, a room that was the divide between their reality of life and what lay beyond to satisfy their lustful fetish whatever that maybe. 

Winifred surveyed the plain walls of the ante room and breathed in the perfumed air staring at the solitary piece of furniture, a leather sofa, and memories flooding back forced a weak smile.
“Just tonight Sharista, just tonight like we agreed, I must leave in the morning.”

Sharista opened the cabinet on the wall and pouring two short measures into crystal glasses offered one to Winifred.

“But of course, just tonight Winifred now a toast to what lays ahead.”

“Happy days.”
Winifred took the glass and returned the toast “Happy days” and having gulped down the contents turned unsteady to face a smiling Sharista.

“Now wh...............................................”

Sharista placed her untouched glass back into the cabinet and chuckled watching Winifred slowly crumple to the floor in a heap.

“You silly cow, now to find out what you are up to.”

Back at Stoneleigh Jess was becoming concerned four days and still no return of Miss Hutchings and Lady Isabelle was showing little sign of recovering and returning her senses. Jess had sought an exit from the east wing of Stoneleigh but the only doorway was sealed by the heavy steel gate. Jess reconciled that Winifred must be looking after Lady Downton. If Mary Downton was in a similar state to Lady Isabelle she too would require help and attention. Jess had cleaned the harnesses and placed them at the side of the pen and whilst tempted had resisted trying one for size for fear of becoming trapped although the thoughts of being helplessly confined had not left her mind.

Spoon in hand, without success, Jess encouraged Lady Isabelle to take more soup. Jess sighed wiping a mixture of soup and drool from Lady Isabelle’s lips and chin wondering if she would ever recover. Jess felt somewhat responsible for her situation, sure both Lady Downton and Lady Isabelle both wanted the torment of the harness, Winifred had told her they did, but surely they had not been like this before, surely not.

Roused by the sound of the steel gate being unlocked and creaking open Jess was out of her bed and heading to the doorway anxious to see Winifred on her return. The smile on Jess’s face turned to a concerned frown seeing a tall dark-skinned woman pushing a bath chair into the east wing accompanied by an even taller muscular woman of similar hue. The woman pushing the chair caught sight of Jess and shouted.

“You girl, Jessica isn’t it come here now girl quickly.”

Jess unsure what was happening but compliant stepped forward.

“Well girl a curtsy what sort of maid are you?”

Jess curtsied.

“Sorry Miss.”

Jess stared at the contents of the bath chair wheeled in by the woman and dashed forwards.
“Oh, my goodness Winifred, Winifred what happened?”

Sharista smirked.

“Pay no attention to that. Where is Lady Isabelle? Take me to her at once, girl.”

Jess fussed around a semi comatose Winifred ignoring Sharista.

Jess’s attention to Winifred was short lived a strong grip of her arm dragging her away and a sharp slap across her face getting her attention.

“Leave that now girl, Lady Isabelle take me to her.”

Jess cowered away the vice like grip of her arm retained and she headed back to the accommodation and the chamber of Lady Isabelle.

Jess pushed to the wall and told to stay Sharista stood by the bed and examined Lady Isabelle who just stared into space like she had since being released from the harness.

Sharista turned and glared at a trembling Jess.

“Stay there, girl. Don’t move.”

A short delay and the woman returned pushing an empty bath chair, the same bath chair in which Jess had seen Winifred sprawled in when this aggressive woman entered the east wing.

“Right, girl. Get Lady Isabelle comfortable in the chair she is to be taken back to her chambers in the main manor where you will continue to care for her, do you understand?”

Jess looked blankly at the woman, who was she, why was she here and Winifred what had happened to her, where was she now, she was in the chair before?

Another vicious slap across Jess’s face made her wince and cower back against the wall.

“I said do you understand girl?”

Jess instinctively curtsied.

“Sorry Miss yes Miss.”

Lady Isabelle worked into the bath chair and covered with a blanket the woman pointed to the door.

“Well on your way girl don’t dawdle.”

Jess pushed Lady Isabelle out of the accommodation into the main hall passed the pen her eyes filling with horror seeing the taller of the two women putting the finishing touches to sealing a naked and collared Winifred into one of the harnesses. A tear ran down Jess’s cheek seeing a recent decorative tattoo scrawled across her back and hearing her groan watching the cowl close and jerked back the thick leather phallus spreading her slot and pressing deep into her. The tall muscular women turned towards Jess and smiled then whipped the already welted buttocks of Winifred Hutchings making her scuttle forwards and into the pen. 

Sharista following not far behind Jess let her witness the demise and penning of Winifred Hutchings before swishing her own crop across Jess’s rear.

“Get a move on girl that is no concern of yours just yet.”

With Lady Isabelle settled in her chamber Jess was summoned to the Kitchens with the rest of the staff.

Sharista flanked by the other woman slapped her crop on the main table getting the gathered groups attention.

“There are changes at Stoneleigh Lady Isabelle is taken ill and will require constant care which Maid Jessica will attend to. My Name is Miss Sharista Matrina and I am now the Mistress of this manor and its estates. You will address me Miss Matrina; your new house keeper will be miss King. Miss Hutchings no longer holds any rank in this household. If you wish to keep your positions here at Stoneleigh you will obey Miss King without question. You will find me strict but fair now back to your work. 

The staff of Stoneleigh sheepishly drifted away and Jess turned to join them trooping out of the kitchens.

The sharp tone of Miss Matrina halted Jess in her tracks.

“You girl, Jessica to the study.”

Sharista smiled at the nervous girl stood in front of the desk she was sat at.

“Sit, make yourself comfortable”

Jess sat and meekly looked at the new Mistress of Stoneleigh.

“Well your lover told me much, reluctant at first but in the end, she told me everything. So, let’s start with you shall we Lady Florence Cranwell?

Jess gulped at the revelation and Sharista sat back laughing then spoke in a sarcastic tone.

“Oh, dear you didn’t know that Winifred knew who you were, of course not why should she tell her little fuck toy she knew she was once Lady Cranwell?”

Jess sat with her head in her hands softly sobbing listening to Miss Matrina’s ridicule of her. Whilst she had been reluctant at first Winifred had indeed told her everything and that was everything. Miss Matrina knew who Jessica used to be holding nothing back laughing at Lady Florence for her stupidity in agreeing to train to be a maid and making it clear that a collared maid she would now remain at Stoneleigh. 

Miss Matrina mocked the relationship she had started to develop with Winifred, telling Jess what she had done with her lover back at Grafton Street. That there would be Mistress of Stoneleigh Miss Hutchings would like Lady Downton and Lady Isabelle remain in the harness until her mind like theirs, dissolved to mush and her pussy sagged and gapped like a leather bucket.

Along with nursing Lady Isabelle and feeding Sharista’s pet pig Jessica was to become the personal maid of Miss Matrina. Sharista anxious to feel that giving tongue of hers a thrashing tongue she had heard so much about. Before Jess was dismissed she was warned that should she displease her new Mistress a harness awaited her in the east wing.


  1. I'm loving the twists! Don't lose confidence because people are being grumpy about the plot twists... just tell your story how you see fit :)

    Would love you to keep savouring things and don't feel you have to speed up - love detailed description!

    My personal requests for Jess would involve weight gain, hairiness and anything vaguely animalistic and really close description of how she's changing... love how brutal you've been with description of what the machines have done to the other women physically...

    I check in for updates daily and I desperately want to be Jess! Loving the story. Thank you
    Jen xx

  2. Love this story. Keep going. The turn of now having. Real severe dominatrix in charge"Black cat" will certainly assure miss Hutchings is finished.
    All of the twists are perfect.
    Lady Bella

  3. What may be beneficial would be not completely ruining miss Hutchings but maybe reeducating her through the harness. Take her close to being as Lady Isabelle is now and as the Lady Downton was before she was removed. Make an example of power out of Hutchings have her become the lowest form of maid at the estate. Make her a constant reminder where is is always belted and bowled unable to speak while performing her duties.Each week punishment of her in front of all and allow her to show her devotion. This will show tremendous power and put fear into all at the estate.
    Lady Bella

  4. When will it be Jess's turn for the harness

  5. An Appreciative ReaderApril 24, 2018 at 7:56 AM

    I know the twist I'd love to see... I'm not going to mention it in case it's the one you're planning lol, but you are certainly keeping us on our toes, or perhaps that should be metaphorical harnesses.... ;OD

  6. You go Jess. When will we find out more? The next chapter?
