
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 17.

By Jackie J

Lucy Fairbright, head maid and house keeper at Downton Hall, giggled taking the letter addressed to her from the coachman who had delivered her Mistress to Stoneleigh. She rarely received letters and opened it with eagerness and expectation. She struggled with her reading being only self-taught but smiled at the text.  It was from the housekeeper at Stoneleigh, a Miss Hutchings, writing on behalf of Lady Downton informing her that, should anyone inquire, Lady Downton had joined Lady Florence Cranwell on her travels and that she should ensure that Downton Hall is secure in her absence which could be for some time.  Lucy had only ever heard her mistress speak in derogatory terms concerning Lady Florence but assumed matters between them must have healed, why else would she have joined her?

Lucy twirled and smiled clutching the letter to her chest. Her Mistress was often away for a couple of weeks when she visited Stoneleigh to spend time with her great aunt but this sounded like she would be away for an extended period leaving Lucy with free reign at Downton hall.

Jess could not reconcile why Lady Downton and Lady Isabelle would actually want to be treated like this but followed Miss Hutchings instructions to the letter. Having hosed down the sewer grid and backsides of her charges she watched the pair nuzzling in the feed trough. Entering the pen Jess pulled back the cowl of Lady Downton and smiled into her weepy, weak begging eyes before winding the mechanism that swung from her belly.

 Five days Jess had been locked into the east wing and she had come to ignore the pleading eyes and grunts and groans of protest from her captive pets. Jess flicked the switches of both Lady Downton and Lady Isabelle and sat back on the rail of the pen. The cowls should be closed of course but Jess had found a fascination in watching the facial contortions framed by their lank matted hair. The flicking vibrating brush tipped probes working their magic the squelching sound of the dongs grew in unison with the buzzing of the devices and the grunting groans grew to a crescendo of sexual capitulation and abandonment of dignity. Lady Downton’s eyes, which had been fixed on the chuckling Jess, rolled and lost focus, her restricted body convulsing her mind and body consumed by lustful depravity. 

Jess watched in amazement feeling twinges of her own arousal the scent of Lady Isabelle’s and Lady Downton’s fresh sex in the air. The two exhausted harnessed bodies eventually slumped to the floor and Jess, hopping down from the rail snapped shut the cowls. Miss Hutchings having returned to Stoneleigh following her two days away had backed down the clitoral stimulation to what could appear a random application but it wasn’t. A timetable of tease designed to accelerate the disorientation of the captive mistresses. Each session meticulously logged by the dutiful Jess.
Leaving her pets to recover Jess returned to the comfort of the apartments.

Jess had become totally submissive to Miss Hutchings and those submissive tendencies toyed with her mind laid in a freshly prepared bath tub. Jess reflected on the helplessness of being restricted in one of the harnesses. The remorseless mechanical stimulation of her clitoris and the probing of her sex, with these thoughts her fingers dangled idly about herself until she thrashed herself to orgasm in the splashing cooling water. 

The sugar paste and razor that Jess had found in the apartments had left her legs quite smooth again but not the fine delicate legs that carried her to Stoneleigh, being polite one could only consider her calves and thighs to be sturdy her knees marked and reddened from her kneeling toil. Jess’s legs were not the only physical change since her arrival at Stoneleigh her once pert breasts enlarged sagged towards a well fuelled belly and spread hips. Running the sponge over her fattened working arms Jess sighed at her blotchy skin no longer pampered by oils and creams.

The fine clothing she had discovered in the closets whilst tempting there was no way her swelled figure could adorn such beautiful clothes. Even the foundation garments available could not squeeze her into them, although she did giggle trying hoping that the small rips would go unnoticed.
Hearing the clang of the large iron gate which separated the east wing from the main accommodation of Stoneleigh Jess draped herself in a silk robe and walked out into the hall where the pen was situated. Miss Hutchings was wheeling a large churn of slops from the kitchens and Jess helped her mix bran into the sloppy mess. Pouring a portion into the feeding trough Miss Hutchings poked her cane at the swollen clitoris and baggy pussies of her harnessed pets as they pushed their snouts down to feed.

“Mmm, the Phallus seem to be doing their job, getting them both slack and loose, perfect hardly the pretty pert pussies one would expect of a lady Jess. There are pots of balm by the sink give them both a smearing when you stimulate them from now on and keep the cowls closed.”

 Unknown to Jess during the two days Miss Hutchings had been away from Stoneleigh she had been making certain arrangements with an old associate of hers in the less salubrious part of the nearest city; a low-end bordello where the infamous black cat dominatrix held court. The sloppy baggy busted slots important for what she had planned.

Jess giggled when Miss Hutchings held her and gave her a kiss. Since being in the east wing, out of sight of the other staff, Miss Hutchings had become increasingly affectionate with Jess. It was a possessive relationship and one that Jess welcomed, she had been an obedient wife to her husband Jonathan and Miss Hutchings, whether she realised it or not, was starting to fill that void for her. Miss Hutchings was strong and caring and took control between the sheets what more could a dutiful wife want?  

Jess had prepared a light meal for herself and Miss Hutchings and sat at the table Jess could not help but ask.

“Miss, I have been here for a week, how long do you intend to keep them like this, Lady Isabelle just stares into space now when I open her cowl, her eyes are just dead and Lady Downton is not much different.”

Miss Hutchings chuckled dabbing her mouth with a napkin.

 “That is why you will keep the cowls closed from now on Jessica. How long will they be like this? I will have to wait for the sign, trust me Jessica I will know when they are ready to be released.”
Jess scanned the timetable of tease prepared by Miss Hutchings, a further five days which told her that the harnessed pair would be staying in the east wing for some time yet.

The meal finished Jess cleared the plates from the table and returned dropping curtsy, a coy smile on her face.

“Should I put the dress on for you again Miss?”

Miss Hutchings smiled.

“Oh, Jessica you are such a tease you really are, yes go and put on your nice dress and I think we can forget the curtsy’s whilst we are here and call my Winifred.

Sat by the fire Winifred and Jess sipped wine and after playing some cards Jess ended up like she had previous nights, laying against Miss Hutchings breasts held in her embrace with Miss Hutchings fingers stroking gently through her hair both staring into the glowing embers.


Jess giggled using the unfamiliar term and Winifred gave her a gentle squeeze.

“Yes, Jessica what is it.”

Jess hutched around and looked up into Winifred’s eyes.

“Are, are we, are we lovers now?”

Winifred looked down at Jessica’s doe eyes looking up at her and softly smiled. She had grown fond of Jessica, perhaps something beyond fond, what had started with what could only be described has abuse had turned into something quite different, she wanted to be with Jessica and knowing it was a lady that was becoming besotted with her was fuelling those desires.

“Is that what you want Jessica is that what you really want.”

Jess closed her eyes and snuggled against Miss Hutchings and softly sighed feeling Miss Hutchings comforting embrace gently tighten around her. Lady Florence’s journey into maid hood had been brutal and uncompromising at the hands of Miss Hutchings. Berated slapped, strapped and humbled into the persona of Jessica Thornberry, a Stoneleigh maid, a maid with a developing girly crush on her tormentor.

Jess did want Winifred to be her lover she wanted Winifred to love her, not just in bed, although when she was taken by Winifred between the sheets her whole being was given to her commanding, demanding, tantalising, teasing touch in unconditional worship, but to care for her keep her safe. Jess perhaps wanted more than to be Winifred’s lover perhaps what Jess really wanted was to be in effect her wife. Opening her eyes looking deep into Winifred’s with a look of total devotion she whispered.

“I do Winifred, I want to be yours”

Winifred smiled and working Jessica from her stood holding out her hand to take Jess’s hand in hers.
“Come on then I think I know what you need, missy”

Jess stood and giggling was led into to the bed chamber.

Laid in the afterglow of their love making both had the same thoughts in mind, from different perspective’s but the same thoughts never the less.

For Jess how could she not reveal who she was or in truth who she used to be if her relationship with Winifred was to become more than it was, she had to tell her she had to. For Winifred, cuddling her infatuated maid laid in her arms, she thought of telling Jessica that she knew who she was or who she used to be before entering Stoneleigh. Winifred, during her recent time away from Stoneleigh, had learnt much about the disappearance of Lady Florence Cranwell. The higher echelons of polite society had closed ranks to avoid any scandal taking verbatim Lady Catherine’s testament of events. 

The dissolution of the marriage with Lord Cranwell swift and discreet, announced in the screaming silence of a few column inches of the national press. Florence, for that is all she was now stripped of her name and title, where ever she was, had been discredited and disavowed her name no longer to be spoken within the walls of Cranwell manor. Winifred stroked her fingers through Jess’s hair and smiled when Jess hutched around and looked up at her. No, she wouldn’t say anything Jessica would tell her in her own time and what good would it do anyway that life was over for her she was just plain Jessica now. Jess wanted to tell Winifred but this wasn’t the time, she would wait and their shared secret remained.

 Winifred out of bed and dressed left the east wing she had much to do. Jess lingered between the sheets a while before attending to her pets. A loved-up Jess didn’t bother to dress and wandered out into the hall naked. She quickly returned to find some shoes seeing that the pair of them had defecated and urinated on the floor of their pen rather than over the sewer grid. Surely this could not be normal? Cleaning up the mess then hosing down the pen and pets Jess filled the feeding trough and Lady Isabelle and Lady Downton nuzzled in the slops. Whilst neither of her charges could hear Jess berated them for fouling the floor then laughed at the ridiculousness of it all they really were like animals.

Jess’s pets became more lethargic during the following week and Jess had to be cane them aggressively to get them to exercise around the hall the fouling of the pen now a daily occurrence.
At first Jess was concerned about the red welts left across their ass’s but determined to get them to scuttle around the hall she cared less and less and by the Thursday of the second week she had them parading to the tune of her cane striping at their backsides. Jess’s mind content that both the harnessed pets wanted this treatment, Winifred had told her they did.

Friday evening and Winifred arrived at her usual time but carrying bundle of what looked like rags and Jess smiled.

“What have you there Winifred?”

Winifred tossed the pile of clothes down at the back of the pen. Not quite rags but plain and well-worn clothing.

“Time to release one of your pets Jess, that one, Lady Downton get it free from the harness and dressed, it’s going on a journey.”

Jess stood back and looked down at the two pets laid on the floor of their pen.

“What you are going to dress her in these old clothes not really what a lady would wear Winifred, she will look like commoner!”

Winifred smirked.

“Yes, it will, but better than being naked in the harness. Jess, now get on with it, I will sort Lady Isabelle out.”


  1. Interesting. It would be better if Jess didn't get any dominant feelings and became even more submissive

    1. Well it is implied that Jess would like to try the harness. Perhaps Winifred would indulge her since the 2 pets are leaving Stoneleigh.

    2. I think Jess should join the 2 pets as she is no different from them. They all want to be in the harness

  2. An Appreciative ReaderApril 2, 2018 at 9:11 AM

    Lovely tease at the end... Looks like certain ladies getting their comeuppance whilst poor Florence, while no longer a lady, is finding happiness and a measure of redemption. A slightly different course from other tales, looking forward to the next chapter!

  3. Very appropriate for Lady Downton. I wonder what the next chapter holds. Beautiful story
    Lady Bella
