
Saturday, March 17, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 14.

by Jackie J

Changed into her more decorative serving apron Jess returned to the kitchens and awaited her instructions. Cutlery gathered, tray in hand, she went to the dining room to prepare table. All perfectly set Jess sat in the Kitchen watching Lizzy prepare lunch for Lady Isabelle and her guests. What was happening, why had Lady Catherine not just thanked Lady Isabelle and taken her back to Cranwell? What did any of this have to do with the interfering Mary Downton, why had she got involved?

Lunch ready it was a dutiful maid that served lunch to the ladies. Lady Catherine, forcing herself not to giggle, watched a collared Lady Florence at work in her lacy apron bobbing curtsies and perfectly serving table. The ladies chatted whilst Jess stood attentive at the back of the room ever ready to serve their needs. A little more salmon a drop more wine before and after each action a respectful curtsy.

It was Lady Downton that held court around the table ensuring Jess could overhear her conversation which revolved mainly around Lady Florence, not all flattering. Why she would send a maid for training then disappear travelling leaving Lady Catherine to pick up the pieces, how selfish the women had been. Jess considered what was being said and what Lady Downton was saying, under normal circumstance would be true. 

But these were not normal circumstances surely Lady Catherine would defend the situation but she didn’t and it became obvious with the direction of the conversation Lady Downton was convincing Lady Catherine to leave Lady Florence’s maid Jessica at Stoneleigh. The meal finished Jess, cleared table trying hard to catch the eye of Lady Catherine without success never thinking Lady Catherine was deliberately doing so.

The luncheon over, Jess was dismissed to continue her work on the upper floors with Peggy, the ladies retiring to the comfort of the Parlour. Lady Catherine was quite convincing that she had been persuaded by Lady Downton that Jessica should remain at Stoneleigh and Lady Isabelle believing Jessica to be just another maid saw no issue with it. It was agreed that Lady Catherine would return to Cranwell without Lady Florence’s maid and that when Lady Florence returned from her travels Jessica could be collected at such time.

Jess looking out through an upstairs window watched in horror to see the livered carriage of Lady Catherine leaving without her and heading down the driveway. Jess felt weak and collapsed in a sobbing heap below the window and Peggy dropping her polishing cloth came rushing over.
“Jess, what’s wrong what is it Jess, Jess, speak to me are you alright what have you done?”
Jess was inconsolable and clung to Peggy like she would never let go sobbing her heart out. Lady Catherine couldn’t leave her here at Stoneleigh she couldn’t why would she?

Peggy continued to ask Jess what was wrong but maid Jessica just sobbed and held her tight.
Jess eventually spoke through her sobs.

“She…left me…Lady Catherine.. she…left me… she’s gone… left me here. I should be taken… back to Cranwell. Oh, Peggy… She…left me here.”

Peggy cradled her crying friend and gently rocked her back and forth in he arms.

“There, there, Jess. It’s not the end of the world, you will get back to Cranwell. Of course, you will, we are only maids what does it matter where we work? We get fed and looked after, it’s not all bad here at Stoneleigh, you have Cathy and me and Lizzy and Maud.”

Peggy giggled.

“And Miss Hutchings, she likes you, likes you a lot, you know she does.”

Jess looked up at Peggy her eyes red and full of tears.

“You.. don’t understand Peggy,” she tried speaking though her sobs. “I should be back at Cranwell!” 
When Miss Hutchings heard the sobbing she made her way up stairs to see her two maids in an embrace and Jess in a state of distress. Neither girl stood when she approached.

“What’s all this then, what’s going on have you had an accident I hope that nothing is broken or there will be hell to pay?”

Jess just lay in Peggy’s arms and Peggy spoke.

“It’s Jess Miss, she thought she was going back to Cranwell today with the lady”

Miss Hutching stooped down then knelt and showed a tenderness neither Peggy of Jess had ever witnessed.

“Hey Jessica come on stop your crying girl don’t you like being here at Stoneleigh? So, Lady Catherine decide you could stay here I am glad you are staying, your Mistress is still away travelling so you could not serve her if you returned to Cranwell. Lady Downton convinced Lady Catherine that she would have no use for you, she has her own maid. Don’t blame Lady Catherine if anyone is responsible it is your Mistress Lady Florence and when she returns from her travels you can go back to Cranwell to be with her. Until then you are to stay with us here at Stoneleigh.”

Jess just stared at Miss Hutchings reflecting on her last words which confirmed her worst fears.  Lady Catherine had been persuaded to leave her here by Mary Downton and worse she was to remain at Stoneleigh until Lady Florence returned from her travels. Jess knowing Lady Florence would never be returning to Cranwell from her travels, how could she?

Jess’s face turned into the breasts of Peggy and Peggy’s hand gently cupped her head. For whatever reason Lady Catherine had deserted her and only Lady Catherine knew where she was, why had she done this to her? She would have to tell Lady Isabelle or perhaps Lady Downton, yes Mary it would be embarrassing for both of them but Mary was her only hope now if she was to get away from Stoneleigh she would have to confess all to Lady Downton.

Miss Hutchings helped Jess to her feet.

“Peggy take Jess down to the kitchens and let her compose herself you can finish off here later.”
Down in the kitchen’s Peggy made a fuss of Jess and settled her down with a mug of strong tea.
Her eyes still red but her tears dried Jess looked toward the door when Miss Hutchings appeared.
“Miss would it be possible to speak with Lady Downton please.”

Miss Hutchings looked at Jess.

“I know you are upset girl but Lady Downton? Why would you want to speak with her ladyship and why would she want to speak with you?

“Please Miss, I beg you will you ask please Miss.”

Miss Hutchings shrugged her shoulders.

“I will ask, but she may be cross, I doubt she will see you”

When Miss Hutchings told Lady Downton that maid Jessica wished an audience with her she was surprised at her response and went back to the kitchens to fetch Jess.

“Well girl Lady Downton will see you, come with me.”

Jessica entered the parlour and curtsied.

Lady Downton smiled at the curtsying maid and told Miss Hutchings to leave.

“Well Jessica what is it girl I understand you are upset at having to remain at Stoneleigh.”
Jess took a deep breath and told Lady Downton everything. The challenge with Lady Catherine, coming here to Stoneleigh to train to be a maid, how she could not understand why lady Catherine had left her here at Stoneleigh and begged Lady Downton to help her to return to Cranwell.
Lady Downton smirked.

“Well quite a story JESSICA”

Jess looked at Lady Downton a puzzled expression on her face.

“No, not Jessica. I am Florence, Lady Florence Cranwell. I have just told you, Mary.”

Lady Downton picked up the file from the table, Maid Jessica Thornberry’s file and smiled.

“So, you say but this file says different, does it not? This is your photograph? And this is your hand print? And correct me if I am wrong but this is the signature of Lady Florence Cranwell committing YOU, Jessica Thornberry to train to be a maid at Stoneleigh?”

Jess became exasperated

“Yes, yes but No, No I have explained Mary stop this, I am Lady Florence I am, you must believe me.” 

Lady Downton laughed stepped forward and rotated the Stoneleigh maid’s collar around Jess’s neck.

“No Jessica this collar and the file proclaim otherwise, no you used to be Lady Florence I knew who you used to be when I first saw you here at Stoneleigh but Lady Catherine and I have decided that those days are over for you girl. No one knows what happened to Lady Florence or where she is and I doubt they ever will, all that is known is that Lady Florence is travelling, confirmed by Lady Catherine no less. No girl there is no Lady Florence here just you Jessica and here you will stay a maid, a common house maid like you wanted to be like you have been trained to be.”

Jess through herself down on her knees in front of Lady Downton begging and starting to sob.

“Please Mary don’t do this to me please, help me Mary.”

“Help you, why should I, you stupid girl? You have brought this on yourself and if you know what’s good for you, you will forget about your past life of privilege, you are just a common house maid now, you took my future and now I am taking yours.”

Jess offered one, and what would be her last, forlorn gesture of defiance before becoming accepting of her fate.

“You, you and Lady Catherine can’t do this to me you can’t.”

Lady Downton smirked.

“Can’t? Jessica, I think you will find we already have.”

Jess stared up at the gloating Lady Downton what she had said was true, through her own stupidity she had forfeited her identity, agreed to become someone else, sacrificed her life of privilege, to become Jessica Thornberry, Lady Florence’s trainee maid. The facts in the file testified to just that and with Lady Catherine’s connivance no one knew where she was, she was trapped and hidden behind the high walls and seclusion of Stoneleigh. She had been willingly aproned, trained in the work of a maid and wore the uniform and collar of a Stoneleigh maid, she was a Stoneleigh maid, she truly was Jessica Thornberry.

Lady Downton reached for the bell cord and gave it a swift tug to summon Miss Hutchings, little knowing that Miss Hutchings had been listening at the door and had heard everything that had been said.

Lady Downton pushed Jess away with her foot and laughed.

“On your feet girl I have things to which I must attend and if you every address me as Mary again I will have strapped do you understand”

 Jess struggled tearfully to her feet and lowering her head curtsied.

“Yes Miss, sorry Miss”

Miss Hutchings entered the parlour.

“Is everything all right, Mistress?”

Lady Downton smiled.

“Yes, Miss Hutchings everything is fine Jessica was upset and a little confused but now she understands why she is to remain at Stoneleigh and she is happy to do so, that’s right isn’t it Jessica?”
Jess turned to Miss Hutchings and curtsied unaware that the housekeeper of Stoneleigh also now knew the true identity of Maid Jessica or who Maid Jessica used to be before she accepted to be aproned and so cunningly and effectively reduced from a Lady to a Maid.

“Yes, Miss”

Miss Hutchings took Jess’s arm looking at the smirking Lady Downton contemplating the fate she was already planning for her mistress.

. “Come Jessica. Peggy is waiting for you upstairs there is much work to be done.”


  1. So is this the end? hope not. Not alot about Maid Jess, but hoping there might be more.

  2. Another great chapter. Now that Miss Hutchings knows the truth she has a very valid reason to "attend " to Lady Downton. Can't wait for the next chapter. I love how this story is evolving.
    Lady Bella

  3. Seems like miss hutchings is gonna end up being the winner in this lady to maid story.

    1. An Appreciative ReaderMarch 21, 2018 at 1:17 AM

      Indeed. I am quite enjoying the impending karma where in her moment of triumph I fear Lady Downton and all are about to take a fall... Looking forward to the next installment!

  4. Really enjoying this. Jackie could you indulge me and when Jess (as she has become) next strips for Miss Hutchings and Lady Downton could you really focus on the description of how she looks and feels at that moment, especially now she knows that they're aware of her downfall? I'd just love that.
    Jen xx

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