
Monday, March 12, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 13.

by Jackie J

There was no tenderness in her tutoring, not the tender young giving flesh like with Cathy and Peggy but the slack hairy pussy of Miss Hutchings became her acquired taste. Jessica’s state of mind already weakened by her servile roll of maid at Stoneleigh made her easy prey for the skilled dominant Miss Hutchings. Strange that Lady Florence Cranwell would ever crave the taste of a housekeeper’s sex but for Jessica Thornberry, descending ever deeper into the life of a full blow submissive, her ritual worship of that sloppy shrine moved from an unpleasant but necessary chore to a want and finally to a need Jessica started to welcome and revel in her degradation at the hands of Miss Hutchings.

Miss Hutchings had informed Lady Downton of Jessica’s activities with Cathy and Peggy and of how she was grooming the little slut. Lady Isabelle, still unaware of who Jessica really was, showed surprise at how sanguine Lady Downton was about Miss Hutchings having use of the new maid that she had specially belted for her.

“I thought you would want to break in the new maid Mary you seemed keen when I told you about her?”

Lady Downton smirked.

“From what Miss Hutchings tells me Isabelle, the girl was ripe and those two little bitches had opened her up anyway. No, I am happy with the progress Miss Hutchings is making. If what Miss Hutchings tells me about the little tart is correct the display Miss Hutchings is organising for us after dinner this evening should be quite interesting.”

Lady Isabelle smiled.

“Well Mary you know that Lady Catherine is coming to Stoneleigh in two days time, if she decides to take Lady Florence’s maid for herself all Miss Hutchings preparation of the girl will be wasted, you will have little time with it yourself.”

Lady Downton raised the decanter and poured a healthy measure of wine before taking a sip. Of course, she knew Lady Catherine was coming to Stoneleigh she had been instrumental in making sure she did and when she does visit Stoneleigh she will certainly not be leaving with Lady Florence’s maid. Lady Catherine had been given her instructions by Lady Downton on her recent visit to Cranwell, whilst Lady Isabelle was still recovering, and knew what her role was to be.

Lady Downton chuckled.

“Isabelle, I have a sneaking suspicion that maid Jessica is going to remain at Stoneleigh for quite some time. I suspect Lady Catherine will not be minded to accept responsibility for Lady Florence’s maid, I really do. What did Lady Catherine put in her letter informing you that she would be visiting, did she mention collecting a maid, asking you to make arrangements for Jessica’s collection?”
Lady Isabelle shrugged her shoulders and poured herself some wine.

“Well no not specifically, she wanted to see the progress that Lady Florence’s maid had made during her time here. I just assumed that when she sees her she would want her, Jessica is a totally different girl to when Lady Catherine brought her here and I am sure the fees would not be an issue.”

Lady Downton took another sip of her wine.

“Well let’s see shall we.”

Jonathan had a furious argument with his mother before he left to rejoin his regiment, Lady Catherine continuing to denigrate his wife and Jonathan vehemently defending her, blaming himself for Florence leaving him. At Lady Catherine’s suggestion, that he should consider Mary Downton to be a more suitable choice of wife, Jonathan said that if he could not find and convince Florence to return only then would consider remarrying and that Mary would not necessarily be his first choice. 
Jonathan was to return to his regiment and resign his commission so he could commence his search for his wife.

With his recent promotion and the medal ceremony still fresh in the press coupled with the war still raging his general, whilst fully understanding his position, could not accept his resignation until the current hostilities were concluded. Reluctantly Jonathan left on the next vessel to rejoin the fray.
Lady Catherine was happy that Jonathan had accepted her version of why Florence had disappeared and with the connivance of Mary Downton all she had to ensure now was that Florence remained beyond the reach of any search by Jonathan. With Lady Downton’s instructions for her visit to Stoneleigh well rehearsed, Lady Catherine made preparations for her visit.

No longer involved in serving meals to Lady Isabelle and Lady Downton, being an upstairs maid now, Jessica was a little surprised when Miss Hutchings told her that she would be serving dinner to the Mistresses that evening. Jessica was disappointed she would not be attending her usual session with Miss Hutchings. She was more than disappointed she craved her ritual nightly degradation at the hands of Miss Hutchings but she needn’t have worried.

The meal served impeccably and the crockery withdrawn to the kitchens by the two maids Cathy was dismissed and Jessica told to remain.  

Lady Downton sat at the dining table with Lady Isabelle sipping their wine smiled when Miss Hutchings entered.

Lady Downton stood and walked to Jessica.

“I understand from Miss Hutchings that you have acquired some new skills Jessica is that correct?”

Jess looked at Miss Hutchings a slight blush, but only slight growing on her cheeks then back at Lady Downton fully aware of the skills that she was referring to. 

Jess curtsied.

“Yes Miss.”

Lady Downton chuckled.

“Well my pretty maid I would like to see how accomplished in these new skills you have become.”
Lady Downton turned to Miss Hutchings.

“You may proceed.” 

Jess was not resistant when told to strip, why would she be, she now welcomed the dominance of Miss Hutchings over her, the way she was treated during their sessions together. Stood naked, but for her chastity belt and collar, before a smiling Miss Hutchings Jessica recited her practiced mantra, words that had been trained and reinforced into her increasingly submissive mind.

“Miss, I beg that you allow your maid to taste of your sex that my tongue may please you.”

Miss Hutchings prepared herself on a chair raising her skirts, lowering her bloomers and spreading her thighs wide before giving Jess her signal to lower to her knees and engage her tongue.

Lady Downton watched her own arousal growing and realised Miss Hutchings was staring right at her whilst Jess’s head bobbed between her flabby thighs. For Lady Isabelle the display was nothing special she had seen it before with other maids but for Lady Downton, knowing who that licking maid really was, it was special, very special. Not only had Lady Florence submitted to the life of a maid she now, in full display of Lady Isabelle and herself, eagerly lapped in the pussy of Stoneleigh’s house keeper. 

But there was something else, seeing Lady Florence naked her breasts jiggling, belted and collared willingly if not gratefully accepting her degradation at the hands of Miss Hutchings, a shiver of jealousy ran through her.  She saw herself on her knees, naked, belted and collared no different to Lady Florence paying oral homage, to her better, to her hired help, to her mistress?
Lady Downton stared back at Miss Hutchings and her tongue involuntarily and lazily ran across her lips.

Miss Hutching smiled seeing Lady Downton’s reaction and if Lady Downton had imaginings of being knelt before Miss Hutchings, Miss Hutchings, having seen the look in Lady Downton’s eyes, knew that she soon would be.

Miss Hutchings had little interest in Jessica getting her off, that had all passed during the little tarts training and raising Jess by her hair took her towards a wide-eyed Lady Downton whose pants were down at her ankles and her dripping slot awaited the snaking tongue of the eager maid.
A gentle caress at the back of Jess’s head and the naked maid smothered her lips about the smouldering honey pot of Lady Downton. Unlike Miss Hutchings she did want to be brought to orgasm and Jess did not disappoint her. The thought of having her love rival lick and lap at her spread wetness was all too much for Lady Downton who much to the amusement of Lady Isabelle and Miss Hutchings squealed her delight.

That night in a shared bed Lady Isabelle and Lady Downton squirmed, kissed, rubbed and touched into the early hours Lady Downton unable to get the vision of Lady Florence from her mind. Being strapped and locked into the harness, cowled and left in the pen deaf, muted and helpless to be teased and sexually abused by Miss Hutchings was one thing but this, this with Lady Florence was another level altogether.

Another day and Jess was at her work with Peggy the bedrooms cleaned and prepared both maids were back in the store room. Peggy stared at Jess.

“Were you with Miss Hutchings again last night Jess?”

Jess looked a little sheepish replacing a mop head.

“No, well yes but, I was put to the Mistresses, Lady Downton.”

Peggy sighed and gave Jess a cuddle.

 “Oh Jess, I knew this would happen you are just like me and Cathy now, you truly are a Stoneleigh maid but did Miss Hutchings say when you can have the belt removed?”

Jess looked forlornly at Peggy.

“No, she never said, but she did promise, so hopefully soon.”

A commotion in the courtyard Peggy and Jess looked out of the open window at a rearing horse at the front of a livered carriage. Jess instantly recognising the livery, the crest of Cranwell manor and stepping from the coach Lady Catherine in all her finery.

Lady Isabelle had obviously written to Lady Catherine or so she thought, explaining that Lady Florence’s maid Jessica was trained and ready to be returned to Cranwell.

Jess’s heart pounded at last, after all this time she would be able to escape the clutches of Stoneleigh. Jessica Thornberry had faced the trials and tribulations; it was Jessica Thornberry who had forsaken all to slake her discovered lesbian lust. The belt and collar would be removed and she would return to Cranwell to rediscover her old life and put this awful adventure behind her. No one would be the wiser that Jessica Thornberry was actually Lady Florence Cranwell. Jess felt giddy almost faint at the prospect of her release from her servitude.

Polishing the banisters after mopping the landing floors Jess along with Peggy instinctively jumped to her feet and curtsied when Miss Hutchings appeared.

“Jessica to the parlour girl, follow me.”

Jess curtsied again.

“Yes Miss.”

At the door to the parlour Miss Hutchings turned to Jess.

“Straighten your apron and cap girl Lady Catherine is here from Cranwell and wishes to see you.”

Jess entered walked forward and curtsied in front of Lady Isabelle and Lady Catherine. Lady Downton was sat by the fire in a large leather armchair apparently disinterested but in truth the puppet master of the charade that was about to take place.

Stood adopting her position head lowered hands across her apron Jess waited.

Lady Catherine smiled at the maid being presented to her it was obviously Lady Florence but not having seen her for some six weeks the subtle changes over that time, whilst perhaps not considered by Jess were quite marked. Her fine defined cheek bones masked now by her chubby face, her short hair and mop cap exaggerating her weight gain. Walking around the maid Lady Catherine smiled at Jess’s swelled hips and ass that did not try to hide. Jess’s pronounced backside prominent below the neatly tied and bowed apron tapes. Stood close Lady Catherine caught Jess’s scent the unmistakeable plain distinctive odour of service, cleaning materials mixed with a light sweat.

Lady Catherine returned to the side of Lady Isabelle and was handed Jessica Thornberry’s file.
The two Ladies sat demurely to be joined by Miss Hutchings, Jess remaining stood before them. Lady Catherine looked through the file hiding her pleasure at seeing what Lady Florence had been put through noting how the punishments had reduced over the weeks indicating her compliance and developing skills in the work of a maid. The detailed notes regarding Jess’s dalliance with Cathy and Peggy perhaps the last thing Lady Catherine expected to read had she not been briefed by Lady Downton.

Miss Hutchings was the first to speak.

“Jessica tell Lady Catherine about your training here at Stoneleigh I am sure she is anxious to know and hear it from you. Raise your head girl and speak clearly.”

Jess was probably unaware it had happened gradually, most if not all of her conversation had been with Cathy, Peggy, Lizzy and Maud and she had adapted her vocabulary and diction accordingly, especially having been teased by that group about how she spoke when she arrived at Stoneleigh.

Lady Catherine stared at the maid retelling of her time at Stoneleigh of all the tasks she had undertaken and skills she had learned. There was an air of pride in her tone but it was not the content of her explanations it was the delivery. Words shortened, slang used, hesitation, her nervous faltering words punctuated with Miss and Mistress. Gone the confident light voice of a Lady replaced with a more earthy common tongue. Jess had adapted well to her environment speaking like a common house maid.

Lady Isabelle turned to Lady Catherine.

“I understand that Lady Florence is still away from Cranwell but I am sure she will be pleased at the progress of her maid here at Stoneleigh when she returns and chooses to take her back to Cranwell. Do you know when that will be Lady Catherine?”

 “Well Lady Isabelle you and Miss Hutchings must be complemented on the training of this girl I am sure Lady Florence will be delighted that Jessica has made such progress during her time here at Stoneleigh. Quite remarkable there can be no doubt this girl is now a competent maid and the file you have confirms just that.” I am afraid that still no word from Lady Florence so I would not know when she will require the services of such an accomplished maid.”

Lady Catherine turned back to the maid.

“So girl you have learned much here at Stoneleigh and whilst you did not mention it I read that you have developed a taste for your fellow maids, this Cathy and Peggy you have been intimate with them, I would not judge myself if that is your desire, but I am not sure that Lady Florence would condone such behaviour under her roof.”

Lady Catherine stared into Jess’s eyes.

“And I am sure Lord Cranwell would be mortified to know what you have done in that regard he is my son however so he would have to be told. Well girl what do you think Lord Cranwell will say when her hears of this?”

Jess just stared back at Lady Catherine speechless, what was she saying why was she doing this?

Miss Hutchings saw the expression of Jess change and a blush grow on her chubby cheeks.

“Don’t be so hard on the girl Lady Catherine we do not frown on such behaviour here at Stoneleigh would you rather you found her banged up by some rampant stud, some use she would be to Lady Florence with a bun in the oven.”

Lady Catherine smiled.

“Yes, a good point you make Miss Hutchings.”

Lady Downton stood from her chair and walked towards the group and Lady Catherine feigned her look of practiced surprise.

“Lady Downton? Mary? What are you doing here?”

“Lady Catherine how nice to see you, did you not know that Lady Isabelle was my great aunt? I regularly visit here to Stoneleigh.

Lady Catherine tried to look awkward and glanced to Jess.

“No, no I didn’t Mary a small world indeed”

“Isabelle told me you would calling I was quite intrigued to know Lady Florence’s maid was here to be trained. How is Lady Florence by the way everything still alright with Jonathan?  I cannot say I took to the girl, weedy thing, what Jonathan saw in her I will never know, still his choice.”

Lady Downton turned to a concerned looking Jess and smiled.

“So, Catherine what are your plans for this pretty thing, quite the perfect maid I understand, I guess you could leave her here at Stoneleigh until Lady Florence returns, where is she by the way?”
Lady Catherine was good she had practiced a look of awkward concern even stammering slightly, perfect.

“Erm, erm well erm, I am not sure to be quite honest Mary, travelling, I haven’t heard from her?”

“Oh well no rush to return her maid then why should you be burdened with her domestic servant, she sent her here let her come and collect her when she returns from her travel’s.”

Lady Catherine looked at Jess whose eyes were pleading for her dismiss such a suggestion.

“Well erm, erm I intended to take her back with me, I erm I erm.”

Lady Downton looked at Jess and smirked speaking in a dismissive tone.

“Nonsense Catherine, why should you, Miss Hutching put the girl back to work Lady Catherine and I have much to discuss, you will stay for lunch of course Catherine, why we can have Lady Florence’s maid serve us you can see firsthand how she has progressed.”

Jess wanted to scream, confess all but how could she, unknowing that Lady Downton had recognised her at their first meeting, she could not let Lady Downton know that it was actually Lady Florence who had so enthusiastically licked and lapped at her sex. 

Miss Hutchings guided a confused Jess from the Parlour and into the hallway.

“Well Jess it seems you will be staying with us for some time yet, go and change your apron ready to serve lunch to the mistresses a chance for you to impress Lady Catherine.”

Jess looked forlornly at Miss Hutchings was she really going to remain a maid, was Lady Catherine going to desert her, leave her here at Stoneleigh, return to Cranwell without her, she couldn’t could she, she wouldn’t, would she?  Jess’s mind was in turmoil and instinctively dropped curtsy.

“Yes Miss.”


  1. This is incredible and I really appreciate the fact that it's moving on so well and not moving round in circles. Still not sure how the reveal will happen but can't wait for an eventual downfall even further when her identity is revealed. I'm really enjoy physical changes too and the little hints you've given us about Jess getting chubbier etc would be something I would love to hear when Lady Catherine eventually sees Jess naked - would love to hear a thorough and derogatory description, especially of her getting saggy and unshaven etc. So far this is describing (along with Secret Slave the other current story) pretty much my ultimate fantasy but the physical changes would just be the icing on the cake!

    As always with my comments you can just ignore them as I know everyone has their own preferences but I'm really waiting on tenterhooks for the outcome of this story!

    Want to be Jess so much! (But I'm quite fickle and want to be everyone in these stories!)

    Thank you xx

  2. Ps just in case i sounded like i was trying to influence the story too much i just wanted to emphasise how much I'm enjoying it and how grateful I am for you writing and Camille posting it. Thanks! I check daily to see if it's been updated. Jen again x

  3. I am loving Jess's journey into a submissive slut, but I'm also loving the conflicted mind of Lady Downton. I'm looking forward to her asking Miss Hutchings to put her into a belt and a collar for her own subjugation. I can imagine that Miss Hutchings will start taking more and more liberties with her Ladyship when she is under her control. exploiting her submissive nature and taking her further into 'the rabbit hole' than she really wants to go. Priceless!

    I can't wait for the next installment, and I can't thank you enough for bringing this wonderful fantasy to us all.

  4. I agree with the above comment, though I also think that these stories work best when they keep the overall emphasis simple - i.e. In this context it's the complete subjugation and coercion of Jess... and I'm really enjoying the superiority of Lady Downton... seeing her "weakened" by becoming submissive takes the focus off of me imagining myself as Jess. It's a difficult balance. Again I'd love a really unflattering description of Jess when she's finally stripped in front of her mother-in-law. I'm also intrigued to see just how low she can go - is there any station in life below that of a maid in this story?

    Jen x

  5. Very nice indeed. Yes the jealousy that Lady Downton felt will make it easy for Miss Hutchings to bring her to heel. I'm looking forward to it. The fact that Lady Downton didn't mind Miss Hutchings using Jess whether spoiled by the other maids or not is no small thing. She didn't mind because she deep down sees Miss Hutchings as her superior.
    Great chapter and story.
