
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 12.

by Jackie J

At breakfast, following the previous night’s introduction to the ways of lesbian love, Jess was the first to table. Lizzy served eggs and smiled.

“Colour in those pretty cheeks of yours this morning, missy”

Jess shyly smiled taking her plate there was colour in her cheeks there was colour in her mind and her whole body from her awakening, she had not felt like she did since, she had never felt like this. 

“Thank you Lizzy all is well with the world this morning.”

Cathy was the next to arrive in the kitchens quickly followed by Peggy and the girls sat either side of Jess. Cathy hutched close putting her hand on Jess’s apron covered thigh and giggled.

“Good Morning Jess how are you today?”

Jess turned to Cathy and placed her own hand onto Cathy’s looking into her eyes. Cathy seeing the wanton look in Jess’s eyes pulled her hand free and whispered.

“No Jess stop it, don’t, not here.”

Jess’s face was a picture she looked like a little girl who had had her sweets taken from her.
Cathy, her voice still conspiratorially low continued.

 “You mustn’t let Lizzy or Maud see us Miss Hutchings is very strict about things like, well you know what we did.”

Jess whispered back a hint of desperation in her low tone.

“Have you kept the key, please say you have.”

Peggy overhearing intervened.

“Shhh, you two and that key is going back where it came from or we will all be for it.”

Cathy had already dropped the key back on the counter with the other items.

Lizzy approached the table with Cathy and Peggy’s plates in hand.

“What’s all this then, all this whispering, you three better not be up to anything, Miss Hutchings will have your hides.”

With Lady Isabelle and Lady Downton having returned the routines on the upper floors changed. Each morning the beds were stripped and made with fresh linen and the vanities laid out just so. The other duties remained the same the daily toil of scrubbing, cleaning and polishing. They remained the same but not for Jess, Peggy giggled to herself at the way Jess looked at her. Jess’s mind was in a whirl filled with thoughts of Peggy and Cathy about her body their lips crushing to hers their tender delicate touch. In stolen moments in the seclusion of the store room Jess spent time under the skirts of Peggy her tongue eager to please and pleading for her belt to be removed again.  Jess her mind ravished and filled by her carnal desires was becoming obsessed forgetting all else, what else was there?

The chastity belt that had previously hung without care now the focus of her frustration she had to be touched, she had to touch herself.  Risking all on two occasions Jess Crept into Peggy’s and Cathy’s rooms in the dead of night to slake her lust, something not discouraged by the two grateful maids, but this only served to fuel her need. Her own sex secured her lashing tongue in the wet receptive silken honey pots of her fellow maids had her squealing in desperate frustration tugging forlornly at the leather and steel about her. What was happening to her what had happened to her, the belt had become her master and who owned the key she would surely serve.

Miss Hutchings had noticed a difference in Maid Jessica she had become furtive and needy the way she was with Cathy and Peggy something was afoot and she intended to find out.

Called into Miss Hutchings office Jess curtsied and stood with her hands across her apron head slightly bowed.


Miss Hutchings stood picking her strap from the desk.

“You have been acting strangely these last few days Jessica do you have a problem something I should know?”

Jess bobbed a curtsy staring at the strap dangling from Miss Hutchings hand.

“No Miss.”

Miss Hutching slapped the strap against the desk.

“You will tell me Jessica, now unless you want me to beat it out of you, talk, tell me.”

Jess cowered back a little.

“Miss the belt Miss, the chastity belt, none of the boys have tried anything could it not come off now Miss?”

Miss Hutchings smiled it seemed a plausible reason for how she had been acting. The belt had been locked to her since her arrival. Of course, Miss Hutchings knew the belt was nothing to do with male attention and was unaware that Jessica had been plundered by Cathy and Peggy. Perhaps Maid Jessica was ready, ready to serve the key holder? Miss Hutchings could not have known just how ready and accomplished the timid maid stood before was to serve the key holder.

“Mmmm, I see the belt, yes you have been held in chastity for quite some time now haven’t you Jessica.”

Miss Hutchings smiled her sadistic nature never far beneath the surface.

“Do you want to touch yourself Jessica, is that why you wish for the belt to be removed, would you like to touch yourself now, lower your knickers and lift up your skirts girl.”

 Miss Hutchings went to her safe box for the key, rummaging through the box she remembered she had given the key to Lady Downton. Her amusement of unlocking the belt and having Jessica stand unable to touch herself then relocking her into chastity would have to wait.

Miss Hutchings walked back to Jess who was stood holding up her skirts the gleaming belt on display and chuckled pressing her hand against the steel sheath catching a whiff of stale arousal.

“Oh my, I have a feeling you would do anything to have that belt removed wouldn’t you Jessica.”

Jess couldn’t lie, wouldn’t want to lie and neither could her body.

Miss Hutchings pressed again and again and again and Jess gulped her knees sagging and Miss Hutchings giggled feeling the tell-tale squelch of her aroused pussy.

“O dear Jessica, so it’s not only boys with you is it, have my maid’s been teasing you, Cathy and Peggy my little love birds, so that’s why you want your belt off mmmmmmm, let those two little scamps at you?”

Miss Hutchings went to the door and turned the key in the lock. Walking back to a quivering Jess she smiled.

“Well girl Miss Hutchings gets first call on you now on your knees.”

Jess wilted to her knees and looked up at Miss Hutchings towering above her, Jess now embarrassingly wet. Miss Hutchings bloomers where soon lowered and her skirts draped over her maid. Jess breathed in her scent and a gentle hand of encouragement guided her lips between the flabby thighs of Miss Hutchings.  A pouting pussy awaited the maid’s tongue, a tongue that tried hard not to disappoint. Miss Hutchings was less than impressed with Jess’s efforts, enthusiastic yes, practised no, this girl would need tuition if she was to satisfy the mistress of Stoneleigh.

Miss Hutchings stood back and Jess sat down on her bottom wiping her face on her apron watching Miss Hutchings raise her knickers. Miss Hutchings smoothed down her skirts and stared down at Jess and laughed.

“Well you will not find a girlfriend with that technique but don’t worry practice makes perfect and perfect you will be and when you are perfect perhaps we can look at removing that belt of yours.”

Jess got to her feet and adjusted her dress before standing in front of Miss Hutchings who smiled and ran her fingers down Jess’s cheek.

“Pretty aren’t you, lovely skin not like the other girls, nice and soft on the inner thigh, now run along and send Peggy to me.”

Jess dropped a curtsy

“Yes Miss.”

Miss Hutchings unlocked the door and, before Jess disappeared down the hallway and up the stairway to find Peggy, asked a very telling question that Jess answered without thinking of the consequences.

“So, Jessica who do you like best, Cathy or Peggy?”

Jess turned in the doorway a tell-tale sign in her eyes and upon her face.

“I like them both Miss.”

Back on the landings and left alone Jess picked up her cloths and started to clean and polish the doors of the rooms the taste and scent of Miss Hutchings still on her lips. She had been offered a way to be released for the insidious chastity belt but at what price? Her mind wandered strangely not to her life of luxury at Cranwell, to those lazy carefree days, her mind thought only of Cathy and Peggy maids, maids just like her. A door on the corridor opened and Lady Downton stepped from her rooms.

Jess stood back against the wall her head bowed and curtsied.


Lady Downton stopped and smiled looking the maid up and down and couldn’t resist a tease, was this really the prim and proper Lady Florence Cranwell, the pretty thing that stole her man, willingly accepting to be nothing more than a common house maid.

“Jessica the new maid at Stoneleigh, from Cranwell, Lady Florence’s maid, tell me girl are you happy here at Stoneleigh?

Jess bobbed a curtsy.

“Yes Miss.”

Lady Downton adjusted Jess’s crooked cap and watched Jess’s reaction when she continued.

“Good, I hear from Miss Hutchings that you are to remain here until Lady Florence can be contacted, it seems she is still away. That could be some time I understand, do you know why your Mistress, well it could be your former Mistress if she doesn’t respond, would want to leave you here at Stoneleigh?”

Jess knew exactly why, what she didn’t know was that Lady Downton also knew.

“No Miss but I am sure she will come for me.”

Lady Downton smirked.

“Indeed, well if she doesn’t come for you there is work here I am sure or perhaps I may take you to Downton hall to be a maid there, not as grand as Stoneleigh but plenty of work for maids.”

Lady Downton reached for Jess’s collar and gave it a gentle pull.

“Of course, you won’t have to wear this Jessica, no you will wear one of my collars, I may ask Lady Isabelle, would you like Jessica.”

Jess did not know how to respond, to become a maid in Mary Downton’s household, the irony of that? Lady Florence would laugh in her face but Jessica Thornberry would be grateful of such an offer and a neat curtsy and her words confirmed just that.

“Yes Miss, thank you Miss.”

Leaving Jess to continue her cleaning Lady Downton strode down the corridor chuckling to herself, Lady Florence Cranwell a maid, having her to be a maid at Downton hall, exquisite just exquisite.

Whilst Jess continued her cleaning Peggy was on the end of Miss Hutchings strap a quaking Cathy stood awaiting her turn. Whilst initially denying everything and still stopping short of admitting to having had use of the key and full rein of Jessica’s body Peggy sobbingly admitted to restricted intimacy with maid Jessica.

Miss Hutchings having strapped Peggy’s backside crimson beckoned Cathy to take her position.
“I knew you two little snakes couldn’t keep your hands off her, I just knew it, that girl is belted for a reason and you both know why, she was to be left frustrated and needy ready for Mistress not for you two to bring her to the brink.

With both girls summarily and suitably punished Miss Hutchings walked to the cupboard and removing two belts threw them down onto her desk.

“Right you two get these on I will teach you to mess with other people’s property.”

Both sniffling the two maids donned their belts locked them tight and handed the keys to Miss Hutchings.

“Now back to work the pair of you.”

They couldn’t blame Jess they knew she was forbidden fruit being prepared for their Mistress. They both had been belted on their arrival at Stoneleigh just like Jessica to be left frustrated without stimulation. When offered the belts removal, no different to Jessica, they were ripe and ready to serve their Mistress and her guests. Miss Hutchings had been lenient with Cathy and Peggy allowing their Sapphic relationship to blossom but what they had done had to be punished.

Jess was mortified when she learnt of the punishment handed out to her two friends. Cathy and Peggy told Jess it was not her fault though she felt responsible for what had happened. Jess would be leaving soon to return to Cranwell and she feared for what may happen to them when she was gone. If Jess knew what was being planned she would have been well advised to have saved her concern for herself.

 That evening after supper Jess was returning to her room, Miss Hutchings stood in the shadows and took her arm.

“Come with me Jessica.”   

That night was her first of many lessons and with the incentive of believing she would be freed from her belt and the sting of Miss Hutchings strap Jess learned quickly. Lady Florence Cranwell had never even heard of the word cunnilingus yet Jessica Thornberry was about to become an expert in the art of feminine oral stimulation.