
Friday, March 2, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 11.

by Jackie J

It was laundry day at Stoneleigh and Maud was huffing and puffing, sorting laundry with steaming tubs around her. She turned to the cook.

“Look at this, Lizzy, Miss Hutchings brought these in for cleaning, velvet trousers and this bolero jacket they don’t need cleaning, I am just going to sponge the jacket. The trousers are fine.”

A tinkle on the stone floor and Maud stooped to pick up an ornate key that had fallen from the jacket's pocket.

Maud laughed.

“I thought that was money, Lizzy. It’s just a key.”

Cathy was sat at the table taking a well-earned rest from her morning's toil and her ears pricked up when Maud, inspecting the key, remarked on the ornate numbers embossed on it. The same numbers she had seen scribed on Jess’s belt. A shiver of excitement ran through Cathy. Maud busy at her work placed the key by the sink with some other less significant items that had been left in the pile of clothing she was preparing to laundry. 

Lady Isabelle and Lady Downton, having been released from their torment by Miss Hutchings, were recovering in the salubrious annex of the East wing. They would remain there for two days until they fully regained their senses after what had been an especially traumatic experience for Lady Isabelle.
Cathy, under the pretext of Miss Hutchings wishing to speak with Peggy, ushered Peggy into her store room leaving Jess at work on the upper floors and removed a key from her apron with a giggle.

“Look what I have found, Peggy.”

Peggy looked questioningly at the fancy key she was somewhat annoyed at having been dragged away from her work.

“A key so what, were did you find that, look I need to get back to Jess. If Miss Hutchings finds us here like this we are for the high jump that’s for sure.”

Cathy smiled.

“The numbers on the key, they are the same as the one’s on Jess’s belt, it’s the key for her chastity belt, it fell out of a pocket in the laundry”

Peggy giggled and took hold of the key examining the numbers.

“O Cathy, someone is in for a treat.”

Peggy then realised the consequences of being found with the key let alone using it.

“Cathy we can’t, put it back where you found it, I am not getting involved it’s too risky.

Cathy smirked.

“Lady Isabelle is still away and I overheard Lizzy telling Maud that Miss Hutchings would not be dinning this evening meaning she will also be away. Come on Peggy you know you want to and poor Jess locked in that belt we both know she wants it, she is dying for it, every time you touch her with the balm, you know what she is like.”

Both girls giggled and Peggy, having been convinced they would not be discovered agreed to Cathy’s plans.

“Alright Cathy I will get one of the guest rooms ready, but just tonight then the key goes back.”

Peggy returned to the upper floors to re-join Jess at her labours and Cathy continued scrubbing the flags of the hallway floor.

Sat at the table that evening and finishing their meals nothing was said and Cathy having declined her pudding left the kitchens. Peggy smiled at Jess.

“When we have finished we need to finish off one of the guest rooms before we retire some visitors are coming at the weekend, I want to get it out of the way tonight we have enough to do tomorrow.”

Jess shrugged her shoulders looking towards Lizzy for a second helping of her suet pudding.

“Sure, that’s fine, let me have some more of this then we can go.”

Peggy took Jess’s bowl.

“No, you have enough pudding come on let’s go.”

Peggy lit one of the lamps on the landing and Jess and Peggy entered the prepared guest room. The room was heavily scented and Cathy was already laid on the large bed. Cathy and Peggy had used the room previously when the opportunity had arisen for their intimacy.

Jess looked at Cathy on the bed and turned to see Peggy locking the door.

“What, what’s going on?”

Cathy held up the key to Jess’s belt.

“We have a present for you Jess; it’s the key for your chastity belt.”

Jess stared at the key starting to feel aroused, she couldn’t help herself.

The belt had become a permanent fixture masking her sex since her arrival at Stoneleigh only the brief dalliances with the balm had offered any stimulation. Peggy was already unfastening Jess’s apron and nibbled at her neck. Cathy smoothed her way across the bed and Jess stood motionless in fear anticipation, apprehension and excitement whilst the pair of them started to seductively peel away her dress and underwear.

Cathy stood behind a naked shivering Jess and placed the key into the lock, a half turn and belt fell heavily from Jess like a cracked chrysalis leaving the pretty butterfly to spread its wings, a pretty butterfly that would be soon be entrapped in the sticky web of Sapphic temptation.

With the belt removed Jess’s instinct was to touch herself but Cathy’s gentle touch was already there making Jess sigh. Her knees weak Jess was manoeuvred onto the bed. Cathy and Peggy kneeled by her side and quickly stripped all three maids naked but for their brass collars around their necks.
Peggy and Cathy looked down on Jess at her bewildered eyes, Peggy thumbing Jess’s firming nipples and Cathy gently and delicately running her fingers over Jess’s quivering tummy.

Jess was starting to pant.

“O please I am not sure I have never been, I have never, I don’t know what to doooo….”

I thumb pressing against her clitoris made Jess’s eyes roll and her whole body quaked in forbidden delight.

Cathy smiled and giggled.

“Don’t worry Jess just relax we do.”

In the ensuing two hours Jess was licked, sucked, touched, teased, kissed and caressed into euphoric oblivion. Her pussy streaming its gratitude onto the eager lapping tongues of her seductresses.

Jess herself taking her first taste of a feminine flow, three writhing bodies slick with sweat contorting across the bed until exhausted they lay kissing, touching and softly sighing.

Jess purred like a cat resting in the afternoon sun snuggling between the two warm bodies of Cathy and Peggy. Emotions had been awakened in Jess that would not easily find the solace of rest.   

Lady Florence Cranwell’s body plundered and enjoyed by two Stoneleigh maids, the scandal would know no bounds but for Jessica Thornberry, a Stoneleigh maid herself, who would care. Cathy was apologetic but Jess knew it had to be done and her chastity belt was locked back in place. This had not been sex, this had been much more. Jess’s gnawed nipples, tender clitoris and fused mind bore testament to that. There had been little tenderness in Jonathans love making laid on her back his cock seeking self-gratification and little more. Jess’s doe eyes watched Peggy and Cathy dress her shy smile reflecting her blissful contentment from her Sapphic awakening.

Cathy tied her apron and smiled at Jess who had worked herself back beneath the sheets.

“Come on girl out of that bed and get yourself dressed.”

Jess reluctantly slithered from the bed and slowly dressed.

Not a thing out of place and clean sheets to the bed the room was returned to how they had found it. Only the dissipating sweet scent of their passion remained. 

Alone in her bunk her saucer eyes staring into the darkness Jess did not quickly find sleep that night. The aftershocks of the tantalising, teasing exploration of her body by Cathy and Peggy keeping her wet until eventually she drifted off into blissful slumber.  Things were changing for Maid Jessica a new and undiscovered world of erotic pleasures opening up before her but more importantly for Lady Florence Cranwell. Would her submission and capitulation, to her new found lesbian lust, be total and beyond redemption, or a passing fancy to be controlled. The smile on the sleeping maids face and her gentle squirming during her lucid dream filled sleep suggesting this Pandora’s Box had been well and truly opened.

Whilst Peggy and Cathy were enjoying the pleasures of the new maid Jessica’s soft white, wanting, willing flesh Miss Hutchings was attending the needs of Lady Isabelle and Lady Downton.

Miss Hutchings had been rather harsh with her leather phallus remorselessly probing and pounding her captive and helpless Mistresses presented slots. The design of the steel harnesses keeping their upper thighs spread and ass’s in the air. It was a humiliation that Lady Downton demanded of her and she was only too eager to oblige. Lady Isabelle was slow to recover but Lady Downton was soon back on her feet and plotting how best to exploit her knowledge that Lady Florence Cranwell had been taken to be a working maid at Stoneleigh. During her period of “Purification” she had considered a number of possibilities.  Sat brooding in her silk negligee and peignoir she made her decision.

Leaving Lady Isabelle to continue her recuperation Lady Downton dressed and followed by Miss Hutchings left the East wing and returned into the main manor. Not in the best of moods Lady Downton striding past a curtsying maid along the hallway kicked over Cathy’s bucket of dirty water splashing the contents all over the clean floor that she had spent hours scrubbing.

“Don’t leave that in my way, you stupid girl, now clean up that mess.”

Back in the parlour Lady Downton instructed Miss Hutchings to prepare her carriage she would be visiting Cranwell Manor to see Lady Catherine and asked for the file of Jessica Thornberry.
Lady Downton chuckled reading the notes once again Lady Florence had been a working maid held in chastity at Stoneleigh for some five weeks. She had been treated no different to the other maids under the harsh treatment of Miss Hutchings and said nothing, she now even wore the collar of a Stoneleigh maid? Why, why would she do it, how did Lady Catherine convince her to put herself through this?

Lady Downton closed the file and smirked. Whatever the reason the answers lay at Cranwell with Lady Catherine and she intended to find out.

Later in the day, dressed again in a pretty dress exuding femininity, Lady Downton arrived unannounced at Cranwell Manor.

Janet welcomed her inside and announced her arrival to Lady Catherine.

Lady Catherine entered the hallway obviously excited.

“O Mary, did you hear, did you know.”

Linking Mary’s arm Lady Catherine guided her through into the Parlour.

“Look who is here, Jonathan, home from the war.”

Jonathan looked up and forced smile Mary having to quickly adjust her agenda.

“Jonathan you poor thing, I heard, your mother told me about what that wicked woman did to you, awful just awful how could she be so callous, leaving without a word?”

Mary moved towards the seated Jonathan who stood and accepted Marys embrace tears of emotion filling his eyes.

“Mary, O Mary I do not know what to do.”

Jonathan pointed to the pile of letters scattered on the table.

“Florence never opened them, I can’t believe it, why, why, she loved me I know she did it’s all my fault, I must find her, bring her back to Cranwell I must, will you help me Mary?”

Mary let Jonathan regain his seat.

“Jonathan you poor boy of course I will, but Jonathan, and I know this is hard for you but she has chosen another path, if you love her and I know you do, you must let her go.”

Jonathan stood and grabbed the letters.

“Never, I am sorry Mary but you and my mother are wrong I can never let her go, I must find her, I must.”

Jonathan left the Parlour and his heavy booted feet tramped up the stairs to his rooms.

Lady Catherine ordered tea and the two ladies sat.

Lady Catherine explained that Jonathan would only be at Cranwell for two days then he would be re-joining his regiment.

Janet served tea and Mary pulled her leather satchel close to her chair. Taking a sip of her tea her eyes tightened into a smirking smile.

“So, Catherine, how did you do it?”

Lady Catherine put down her cup and looked at Mary questioningly.

“Do it, do what Mary, what are you talking about.”

Mary took another sip of her tea.

“I believe you know my great Aunt, Lady Isabelle at Stoneleigh? You delivered something to her recently, a maid for training, Jessica Thornberry? I have recently visited Stoneleigh and met this Jessica Thornberry, a very obedient and proficient maid by all accounts.

The colour drained from Catherine’s cheeks and Mary continued reaching into her satchel to remove the file of Jessica Thornberry handing it into the trembling hand of Catherine.

“An interesting read and the picture of the girl look familiar, does she?”

Mary sat sipping her tea and let Catherine digest the contents of the file.

“You see the problem Catherine, my Great Aunt and her staff, at no small cost, trained a maid for Lady Florence but we both know that Lady Florence will not be requiring that particular maid don’t we, because we both know who Jessica Thornberry really is don’t we?”

Catherine gulped down her tea and quickly poured herself another cup.

 “I know why you wanted rid of Florence and I must congratulate you on your wicked scheme. You have convinced everyone Florence deserted Jonathan, why even I was convinced when you told me and I may be minded to remain convinced, ignore what I have discovered and accept your version of events. I care little for that woman just a commoner and seeing her aproned and curtsying to her betters like a good maid should, I must admit was pleasing to say the least.  Having her hidden away at the reclusive Stoneleigh Manor is perfect; no one will find her there, not even Jonathan.”

Mary helped herself to another cup of tea from the pot.

“So, Catherine we may be able to reach an accommodation in this matter but I ask you again how did you do it, get Lady Florence to agree to become a maid at Stoneleigh of all places?”  

The colour started to return to Catherine’s ashen face, Mary had no problem with what she had done with Florence, she appeared pleased, and taking a deep breath told her all.

Mary sat back and listened whilst Catherine told her how following from a jovial conversation with her friend, her scheme was hatched and brought into being. Mary stared at the cunning Lady Catherine who showed little if any concern or sympathy for her daughter in laws plight explaining how she had tricked a naive Florence with her challenge of maid’s work.

Mary laid her cup back onto its saucer.

“Well, well, how perfectly exquisite, that goes some way to explaining why she continued to accept her treatment at Stoneleigh and the silly woman still believes her days of being a maid are temporary.”

Mary smiled and handed Catherine a list of her conditions.

“Well Catherine this is what I propose and if you agree, which I know you will, I will see you at Stoneleigh by the end of the week.”

Catherine glanced at the list and smiled.

“I see no problem with this, Jonathan will come around, leave that to me.” 


  1. Another great chapter. Loving this story.

  2. If there's one suggestion I have for Jackie, it's that she should be more creative with her titles. Most are what I would consider to be bland and uninspired as they are simply the character's name. She does herself a disservice in doing this and I think it would be to her benefit to make her works more distinctive. At present, they all kind of blend together. For example, I couldn't tell you off the top of my head which lady did what in their particular stories. The names are all a blur and an original title for each would help in that regard.

    1. A good point I am not sure about the feasability of renaming Retrospectively but perhaps that is a possibility but I will certainly consider this going forward.

      Thanks Anonymous

      Jackie J
