
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 3.

by Jackie J

Whilst Catherine and Lady Isabelle retired to the comfort of the parlour to be served tea Florence was ushered along the main hallway to a set of steep stone steps and down the narrow passageway into the lower levels of Stoneleigh manor by Miss Hutchings.

“So girl who got you all dressed up like a princess, a dress like that must have cost a pretty penny more than a maid can afford I’ll be bound?”

Florence felt awkwardly embarrassed even though the dress she had chosen to wear was not her finest it was quite grand for a mere maid and quickly sought to distance herself from its ownership.
“My mistress gave it for me to wear Miss wanted me to look my best for Lady Isabelle.”

Miss Hutchings laughed.

“Indeed, well you will have no need for fancy clothes here girl we will get that dress and all the rest of your garb sent back to Cranwell.”

Entering the steam filled kitchens a large fat armed girl was stirring a large vessel with a wooden paddle and Miss Hutchings stopped and inspected the laundry within in.

“Maud this is the new girl Jessica”

Maud folded her arms across her heaving chest and smirked.

“Why isn’t she the little princess Miss Hutchings dressed like she is, like a little doll she is, what good is that for work down here, best keep her up top Miss?”

Something Florence had perhaps not considered when she envisioned her training was the interaction with other staff and their crudeness and, like Catherine, Maud was someone else who doubted her ability to carry out a maid’s work.

A tug on Florence’s arm and she was led out through the side of the kitchens to a back room.

“Right girl strip down everything off put those clothes in the basket.”

Florence’s hesitation saw a swift change in demeanour form Miss Hutchings.

“Now girl and be quick I ain’t got all day. Get that fancy outfit into the basket.”

Florence had no option but to follow Miss Hutchings instructions and Florence soon stood naked covering her modesty her clothing laid neatly in the basket.

“This way follow me, you got fleas at Cranwell.”

It was a rhetoric question.

The shock of the cold water and the odour of the disinfectant that she was doused in head to toe made Florence gasp for breath and stir wide eyed at a smirking Miss Hutchings.

Miss Hutchings laughed at Florence’s obvious discomfort and tossed a bar of cheap soap to the shivering waif.

“Wash off girl why anyone would think you never been in a sluice before how did they wash you down at Cranwell?”

A naked shivering soaked humiliated Florence was made to face the wall and spread her legs whilst Miss Hutchings fat fingers probed at her intimacy.

“I thought so a pretty one like you, like a rodding do you girl, look like butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth but you’ve taken a few studs up there hey?” Single girl like you should be ashamed, well you will get none of that whoring here I’ll make sure of that you little tramp. Stoneleigh maids don’t get banged up.”

Florence had put maid Jessica to be unmarried on the application form, a big mistake it would seem, she was married and enjoyed vigorous sex with her husband her busted virginity bearing testament to that. For a married woman a used pussy would be quite normal but for a single girl something quite different.

Still naked and wet Florence was dragged from the sluice and sat onto a stool. Maud was shouted from the kitchen who, at the instruction of Miss Hutchings, stood behind Florence and gripped her arms.

Florence looked in horror seeing Miss Hutchings approaching with a pair of shears in her hand.

“No please you mustn’t please no, no, no.”

Miss Hutchings grip around Florence’s neck was vice like and the shears snipped and cut at Florence’s long wet strands of hair.

“I don’t know what you did at Cranwell girl but Stoneleigh maids have no time for bushing hair”

Tears flowed down Florence’s cheeks whilst Miss Hutchings finished shearing her hair into a crude short bob.

“There let her go Maud I’ve finished back to your laundry.”

Florence just sat sobbing looking at the remnants of her hair scattered on the floor until a brush and dust pan was thrust into her hands.

“Now clean up that mess girl then we will get you into your uniform, go on get on your hands and knees and clean that up.”

Florence was cold and in shock at how she had been treated not in her wildest imaginings had she considered this, what was happening to her. Stooping to her knees she whisked the sodden hair into the dust pan until not a whisp of her beautiful hair remained on the floor.  Still tearful and having dispatched her shearings into the trash Florence was taken along a narrow corridor and into a dingy room. A bunk, a set of drawers, a closet and a wash basin clean and basic this was to be her quarters.

Miss Hutchings pointed to the bunk.

“Sit there and wait for me I have something for a tramp like you.”

Florence sat her fingers touching at her short hair what had she done, why had she come here, how could she get away?

The door opened and Miss Hutchings returned and Florence hutched back on the bed towards the wall her eyes wide in fear and disbelief.

“O no please Miss Hutchings not that please, I’ll be a good girl, I promise please no don’t.”

Florence’s pleading went unheard Miss Hutchings had found in her inspection that Jessica, a single girl, was too fond of the boys and would need to be protected from herself. Her trainee maid would not be distracted from her work in that way and getting pregnant was not an option for a Stoneleigh maid.

Physical resistance was futile for the lithe Florence and with the mechanics completed the stout chastity belt was secured in place around maid Jessica.

Florence looked up forlornly at Miss Hutchings regretting that she had written that she was a single girl she could have said she was married to a soldier away at war but how could she have known of the draconian regime for wayward maids at Stoneleigh.

Right girl let’s get you into your aprons Lady Isabelle will want to inspect you then you can be put to work.

The underwear was plain no ribbons and bows and working herself into her restrictive uniform under the gaze of Miss Hutchings she sniffled back her tears. Coarse hosiery and heavy boots serving to reinforce her feelings of subjugation and when she was helped into her long-bibbed apron and her cap clipped into her short hair her transformation was complete. This was not Lady Florence Cranwell, how could it be?  The clean scent of the disinfectant about her, her hair shorn, placed into chastity and wearing the regalia of a Stoneleigh maid, no she wasn’t Lady Cranwell to all who would see her now she was maid Jessica, a Stoneleigh maid.

Her dismissive treatment, the ignominy of her sluicing, the shearing of her beautiful hair, the humiliation of being belted and now uniformed Florence was in a state of shock her mind struggling to comprehend what had happened to her in her short time at Stoneleigh and stood quite timidly in front of Miss Hutchings.

“That’s much better girl looking more like a Stoneleigh maid now I am sure Lady Isabelle will be quite pleased with your appearance.”

In a trance like state the new maid of Stoneleigh was taken from the lower quarters back up into the main residence carrying the neatly tied bundle of the clothes which she was wearing when she made the fateful decision to come to Stoneleigh.

Stood in front of a large wooden door Miss Hutchings knocked.

“Miss Hutchings your ladyship.”

Miss Hutchings entered leaving Florence alone with her thoughts stood waiting by the door. After what seemed like an age maid Jessica was summoned to enter.

Florence stared at the two seated ladies, Lady Isabelle and Lady Catherine, beckoned forward Florence knew no different and curtsied respectfully.

Lady Isabelle stood and walked around her new maid, Lady Catherine hiding her amusement at seeing what had been done to her daughter in law.

“Give me those girl.”

Lady Isabelle snatched the garments from her maid and placed them on a vacant chair turning to Lady Catherine.

“She will have no need of these fancy clothes that Lady Florence must have given her to wear, please see that they are returned to Lady Florence.”

 Catherine smirked.

“Yes of course Lady Isabelle, I think my daughter in law wanted her maid to look her best when she came here but I must say that Jessica looks perfect in her new uniform, just perfect much more in keeping with her status.”

Florence wanted this to prove to her Mother in law she could handle doing a maid’s work, agreed to come to Stoneleigh to be a trainee maid but now she was regretting ever mentioning it. She never imagined it would be like this. Within a matter of hours, she had been stripped of her dignity, shorn of her hair and, taken to be a girl of loose morals, locked into a chastity belt. The clothes she had hoped to return to Cranwell in being taken away her only vestiges now being those of a Stoneleigh maid. Florence felt strange, vulnerable, weak, powerless and what Lady Isabelle said next made her blush with shame reinforcing all those feelings, the feelings of being an owned maid.

“Miss Hutchings tells me you are overly fond of the boys Jessica?”

Lady Isabelle turned to Catherine.

“I am surprised Lady Florence would allow such a thing from her maid well we have none of that behaviour here at Stoneleigh I can assure you of that Lady Catherine.”

“Well girl show Lady Catherine what we do with girls here at Stoneleigh who are loose with their virtue so she can inform Lady Florence, perhaps something she herself should have considered.”

At first Catherine could not hide her shock when Florence was made to lower her bloomers raise her skirts and reveal the stout device of concealment about her sex, but then a smile slowly grew across her face.

Florence stood in a tearful humiliating daze with her skirts held high her knickers to her ankles and the chastity belt displayed to a smiling Catherine.

“Well Lady Isabelle I am sure Lady Florence would be more than pleased with your actions keeping this wayward child safe from her carnal desires, I trust she will be kept in chastity during her training?”

Lady Isabelle smirked.

“Of Course, Lady Catherine”

Florence felt her spirit draining from her pulling up her knickers and smoothing down her skirts and apron and stood her head lowered in burning shame at her humiliation.

Lady Isabelle motioned with her hand.

“Take her away Miss Hutchings I will write to Lady Florence advising her that her maid is now in training at Stoneleigh.”

Catherine stood and smirked.

“Good bye Jessica.”

Lady Florence Cranwell, by her own hand and pride had placed herself to be a willing captive within the walls of Stoneleigh manor. She had presented herself unwittingly and unknowingly into the clutches of Lady Isabelle with the connivance of Lady Catherine where she had foolishly offered herself to trade her life of a lady to that of a Stoneleigh maid. Miss Hutchings, through strict discipline, would ensure that journey was completed, for her trainee Jessica to become what she had desired, a perfectly trained but also, which Lady Florence had not considered, a truly servile and obedient maid.

Florence having curtsied was trooped from the room for her training to begin.

Florence stopped in the hallway and stared back at the closing door an overwhelming feeling of despondency, abandonment and despair overcoming her at Catherine’s parting words and the perceived inferred permanence with which they were spoken “Good bye Jessica.”

Miss Hutchings sharp tone brought Florence from her thoughts.

“This way, girl. Don’t dally, let me show around the manor.”

“Yes, Miss. Sorry, Miss.” 


  1. Good story , she become catherine maid and janet become her supervisor , she lower status than janet

  2. Good story , my advice when she back her home , her status lower than janet, and janet become maid supervisor

  3. this is awesome love how she was just suddenly showed into all the transformations. Can't wait till the next part

  4. The training has commenced, chastity will prevail, focus on training rather than her own 'needs'.

    A excellent chapter in this wonderful tale,
