
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Story: Florence, Lady Cranwell. Chapter 2.

by Jackie J
Florence did not sleep well that night tossing and turning.
How dare she doubt my word, only a trained maid can do maids work well, rubbish, nonsense.
Florence thought of Catherine’s proposal.
Catherine had informed Florence that Stoneleigh, a manor house in the next county some twenty five miles north of Cranwell, were seeking a maid. The plan would be that under the deception of having already been a maid in training at Cranwell she would apply for a position of maid under an assumed name being personally recommended by herself Lady Cranwell, the position would be that of a trainee maid. If she passed the training then she would have proved her word and if not, which Catherine had kept emphasizing that she would have no hope of doing, then her words would have been just bluster and bluff.
Anger at her mother in laws inference that she was incapable of doing a simple maid’s work eventually tired her into a restless sleep.

At breakfast Florence said nothing about Catherine’s proposal but did again take more notice of Janet about the table. The beginning of the week passed without incident and the boredom that had haunted poor Florence remained unrelenting. Catherine said nothing either regarding the ability of Florence to carry out a maid’s work but smiled each time she watched Florence eying Janet at her duties.
Florence had considered what being a maid, albeit for a short time, would be like. Janet’s life was not so bad, she carried out her duties efficiently, nothing was too onerous, rarely was she reprimanded and never had to be punished, she kept herself to herself, was always polite and neat and tidy in fact the more Florence thought on the matter the more convinced she was that proving what she had said to her mother in law Catherine would be no hardship at all. Jonathan was away, she was bored with little to do and she would only be away for a week or two?  A maid’s work how hard can that be really?
After Luncheon on the Thursday before leaving the table Janet brought the mail tray and curtsied.
“A letter for you Miss”
A high-quality manila envelope addressed to Lady Florence Cranwell, the seal proclaiming its origin to be Stoneleigh manor.
Having read the letter enclosed Florence chuckled and looked across at Catherine.
“It’s a letter from Lady Isabelle at Stoneleigh Catherine accepting my trainee maid Jessica Thornton into her household for a trial, I presume you chose the name when you contacted Lady Isabelle originally?”
Catherine was passed the letter and perused its contents and the accompanying application form.
“Yes, I just picked a name at random but I presume you are not going to take up the opportunity at Stoneleigh? I suggest you just write back declining the offer for Jessica to join the staff at Stoneleigh, I am sure Lady Isabelle will understand. Let us just say you made a mistake about what you can and can’t do with regards to a maid’s work and that I was correct and we will agree that it requires special talents to be a maid.”
Catherine hid her delight when Florence took back the letter and giggled.
“Maybe and maybe not”
Catherine stood to leave the table with a smile of concealed contentment.
“Well you did say if there was a way to prove what you said you would do it so I will leave Jessica’s Mistress to complete the application for her if that is what you want.”
With pen in hand Florence looked at the application and started to fill it in. Unlike Catherine Florence knew little of Stoneleigh or Lady Isabelle and if she had known the response would have been a polite letter declining the invitation for her fictitious maid Jessica.
Name, age, hair an eye colour, height, weight, waist, hips, bust, shoe size, the detail was quite extensive but, within the hour the application was completed. All that remained was a letter from Jessica’s Mistress authorising the training of her maid to the high standards of Stoneleigh.
Florence had giggled filling in the application form and writing the letter of introduction and authorisation found it quite strange but also delightfully furtive describing herself in the third person. That she was a sweet and shy girl well-spoken and educated and was sure that she would not let her Mistress down during her training. That she looked forward to being advised of a successful outcome for her maid Jessica, that she had passed all that was required of an accomplished maid.
The letter having been sent Florence reconciled that should any problems arise she would just leave Stoneleigh and return to Cranwell.
Florence sat in the gardens reading the latest letter from her husband. He seemed in good spirits and whilst little detail of the actions he had been involved in where contained within the letter she took it that all was going well. His regiment was being readied for battle at a place called Balaklava and was hopeful that he would soon be able to return home to Cranwell.
At dinner that evening Catherine asked Florence if she had written to Lady Isabelle telling her that Jessica would not be joining her staff. Florence smiled.
“No, I have not Catherine on the contrary I have written advising that Jessica will be joining Lady Isabelle at Stoneleigh, Jessica to be delivered on Tuesday next.”
Catherine laughed.
“My goodness why in heavens name have you done that Florence you won’t last two minutes doing the work of a maid. I never thought you would actually go through with this nonsense. Look you must write tomorrow telling Lady Isabelle it was a mistake that you want to keep your maid here at Cranwell.”
Florence put down her glass and spoke in a determined tone.
“Catherine, you doubt I can do this and it seems the only way to prove me right and you wrong of course is to actually do the job. We agreed that it cannot be done here at Cranwell and Lady Isabelle is minded to accept Jessica for a trainee. Once I have proved myself to be competent in the duties of a house maid I shall return and that will be an end to the matter.”

Catherine shook her head feigning disapproval whilst in truth her plans for her daughter in law could not be progressing better, Florence being adamant that she would go through with a maid’s training at Stoneleigh oblivious to what that would actually entail.  
“Well I hope you know what you are getting yourself into Florence that’s all.”  
It was ridiculous but over the coming days Florence had to actually convince Catherine it was the right thing to do to settle the matter and plans were laid for maid Jessica to be taken to Stoneleigh, Catherine being insistent that she would accompany Florence on the journey.
The night before they were due to leave Cranwell, Florence sat in her rooms convincing herself all would be well and penned a letter to Jonathan. She mentioned nothing of her impending trip to Stoneleigh or its purpose, why would she, it would all be over by the time he returned wouldn’t it, and his mother would be put in her place, wouldn’t she. Florence missed him badly and told him so wishing his safe and speedy return.
Morning came and after breakfast Catherine joined Florence in her boudoir to help her get ready, one of her plainer dresses, a shawl, older shoes and bonnet. She had to dress down but even the clothes she wore could still be considered superior for a maid. The coach brought to the front of the manor and Catherine having shepherded Florence inside a crack of a whip and the coach rattled down the driveway, through the gates of Cranwell and towards its destination of Stoneleigh.
There was little conversation at the outset of the journey a nervous Florence clutching the brief letter of introduction she had written the previous evening for her maid Jessica to give to Lady Isabelle.
Many miles behind them the horses stopped for water in a small village and Catherine took hold of Florence’s hands.
“Now you are absolutely sure you want to go through with this we are over halfway to Stoneleigh and I shall not ask you again.”
Florence hid her reservations she had come this far there could be no turning back now.
“Yes, I am sure.”
Catherine continued
“Very well then Jessica, remember you have been in the Service of Lady Cranwell for only a short time. Lady Florence is to be away travelling and whilst she is away she wants you to be treated no different than Lady Isabelle’s other maid’s and to prove yourself to be a good maid.”
 Florence was irritable listening to Catherine reiterating what she herself had decided and indeed had written in her letter to Lady Isabelle.
“Yes, yes, yes Catherine, I know.”
Catherine smiled at Florence.
“Catherine? Calling me Catherine will never do will it?
Florence looked at Catherine.
“What do you mean?”
“Well Jessica you are a maid and I am your Mistresses mother in law, Lady Cranwell and due deference should be paid should it not?”
Florence frowned and huffed.
“Well yes I suppose?”
Catherine sat back with a smirk and Florence looked out of the window at the passing countryside angry at being rebuked like she had but knowing Catherine was right a slip like that and her ruse would be exposed.
Pulling from the roadway the carriage made a sharp turn and onto a tree lined avenue. Having passed through woodland the coach halted at a set of large steel gates and a face appeared at the coach window and aggressively demanded to know the occupant’s business. Catherine leaned forward.
“I have a new maid for Lady Isabelle, Jessica Turnbull, I am Lady Cranwell I am expected.”
The gates opened and when the coach passed through two large dogs barked and strained on their chains making Florence feel uneasy.
Florence turned to Catherine.
“What a rude man and those dogs how vicious did they look, what is this place?”
Catherine smiled.
“Yes, what an awful chap and I wouldn’t want to come across those hounds on a dark night but this is Stoneleigh dear obviously well-guarded.”
Another mile up to the manor along a winding drive and the coach stopped in the courtyard.
Florence took a deep breath, gulped and followed Lady Catherine out of the coach.
Catherine turned to Florence.
“Well this is it JESSICA, your new home, remember your place now.”
Florence looked up at the impressive building she wanted to grab Catherine, tell her to take her back to Cranwell but it was too late the large solid doors opened and two ladies stood looking down the steps at their arrivals.
At the doorway, having been greeted by the two ladies, Catherine introduced herself and pointed at Florence.  
“This is Jessica the maid my daughter in law wishes to be trained here at Stoneleigh.”
Catherine grabbed Florence’s arm quite forcibly pulling her forward.
“The letter girl for Lady Isabelle that your mistress gave you before we left, come girl stop fumbling quickly the letter”
Florence was taken aback by Catherine’s aggressive manner but if she was in any doubt it served to reinforce her place and quickly lowered her gaze and dropped a curtsy offering the letter to the Lady of the manor.
“From my Mistress Miss.”
Lady Isabelle the taller and more elegant of the two ladies took the letter and smirked.
“I am your Mistress now girl remember that well. This is Miss Hutchings she will be supervising your training.”
Lady Isabelle ran her fingers through Florence long fine hair which flowed from beneath her bonnet and chuckled before taking Florence’s wrists and turning the palms of her hands upwards.
Lady Isabelle sighed
“O well no matter takes her down into the quarters Miss Hutchings and prepare her, show her what is expected of a maid at Stoneleigh then bring her to the Parlour when she is ready.”
Miss Hutchings took hold of Florence and pulled her through the doorway and down into the maid’s quarters at the back of the manor.
Lady Isabelle smiled at Catherine.
“Come through to the parlour Lady Catherine we shall take tea before your return journey to Cranwell.
Sat in the sumptuous surroundings of Lady Isabelle’s parlour a young maid appeared and dropped a curtsy. Her uniform pristine her hair tidy and short beneath her cap she stood awaiting her instructions.
“Tea for two Jenny”
Another curtsy.
“Yes, Mistress thank you mistress.”
Lady Isabelle smiled watching her maid leave.
“Soon have your daughter in laws maid up to speed I must say she looks a spoiled little creature her hands look like they have never seen work and not at Cranwell long from the letter I received? Still she is here to be trained and trained she will be, Miss Hutchings is good at what she does. Jenny the girl who just left came here with quite an attitude but that didn’t last long.”
Maid Jenny soon returned with her tray and poured the tea for her Mistress and guest without a word dropped a curtsy and left the room.
Lady Isabelle peeled open the letter from Lady Florence and smiled.
“Away travelling, the lucky girl and you chose not to join her Lady Catherine do I suspect there is friction between you and the new lady of the manor?”
Catherine sipped on her tea.
“No not all, it’s different now at Cranwell of course but we have to make way for the new generations don’t we. Florence insisted on this latest trip but I must admit it is not something that I myself would ever consider and who knows when she returns things could be quite different at Cranwell travel can have that effect on people don’t you find Lady Isabelle?”
Lady Isabelle nodded her agreement continuing to scan the letter.
“Now that’s a strange turn of phrase, prove herself to be a good maid, how odd, one can only deduce from this that the girl is not quite meeting expectations is that correct Lady Catherine?
Catherine shrugged her shoulders.
“Well I guess she would not have been sent her for training if she was but it is not really my place to say. Lady Florence can be quite forgiving of her staff and spare the rod spoil the child hey Lady Isabelle.”
Lady Isabelle put down the letter and laughed.
“Well Lady Florence need have no worry of that here at Stoneleigh and I am quite sure that Jessica is already finding that out.”


  1. It would appear that poor Florence might change her mind real fast!
    But with strict mistress and a fortress like manor she might be forced to overcome her relucatance - by any means necessary :-)
    Love it! Can't wait till the next chapter.
    Thank you Jackie.

  2. This is very promising. It seems that the strap or the cane is in frequent use, here at Stoneleigh? I wonder what accommodation the trainee maid will have? A thin mattress in a draughty attic? Or perhaps a damp and chilly windowless cell off the scullery? I’m hoping either Miss Hutchins or Lady Isabelle believe in locking the junior staff in for the night, because I’m sure it will soon occur to maid Jessie to run back to Cranwell in the dead of night....

    Of course, that could result in her being arrested for vagrancy, couldn’t it? I think a night in the local magustrate’s stipone cells, and arraignment the next morning, and the prospect of 6 months hard labour might, just, put her in a more receptive frame of mind to learn how to serve her betters.

    Looking forward to more

  3. Replies
    1. Ojette for some reason it's like impossible to comment on your blog. It says my OpenID cannot be confirmed. Anyway, I'm Mana Ray and it's always nice to see new people join here. Have recommendations

  4. Very nice development. I'm enjoying this piece

  5. This could turn out to be one of the authors better writings so far. Well done.

  6. Thank you all for your comments and I do hope the progression of this story meets with your expectations and gives you as much enjoyment reading as I do writing this.

    Hugs to all

    Jackie J

  7. Jackie,could I possibly have a chat about maid idea's, totally understand if you are pushed x

  8. This progression is well written, very evocative if i may say.

    I am liking this serial greatly.
