
Saturday, February 10, 2018

Story: Daphne and the White Apron. Part 6.

by Monica Graz

Lita/Daphne was full of contradicting feelings and emotions as she was walking fast towards the Arnellos residence. She was still wearing the blue uniform dress that Rosie gave her. She felt slightly embarrassed as she realised that they were strong discolorations at the hem of the dress most probably from the use of cleaning chemicals, but as usually nobody seemed to pay any attention to the young woman walking in the streets of Mayfair. She was obviously a cleaner or a maid going to or coming back from an errand.

A whole new chapter of her Lita persona has been opened widely as she acted as a maid during the past few hours at the Ahmad’s residence, a chapter that touched her profoundly. She had experienced in a disturbingly exciting way that being a maid in a ‘real life’ situation was something that kept her very alert and alive. She let everybody in the Ahmad residence to boss her around and to give her orders and instructions and peculiarly enough she found that this ‘putting her down’ situation was bringing constant waves of secret joy and sexual stimulation. She simply couldn’t understand what was happening to her. She had a feeling that an inner force had taken over and was pushing her Lita persona to new unheard and totally unpredictable situations. 

She found herself suddenly in front of the Arnellos residence building. She automatically used the traders’ entrance and the service lift that took her up to the apartment. She entered from the back door directly to the kitchen.  She removed her cardigan and automatically put her white half apron on. A thin smile crossed her lips as she then realised that this little white piece of material, this small apron, had started everything!

She was wondering if Miss Magda was at home and if she would have to prepare dinner for her, as she was washing her hands in the kitchen sink, when she heard a noise and turned. 

Miss Magda was looking at her disapprovingly. “I told you before Lita that is not hygienic to wash your hands in the kitchen sink; you should do that in your own room using your own basin.” 

Lita blushed as she hurriedly dried her hands in a tea towel. “Sorry Miss Magda, I just came in and I completely forgot about that.” 

“Try to remember next time please, I don’t like to repeat myself girl.” 

“Yes, Miss of course,” Lita answered blushing even more and continued, “Would you like me to prepare some dinner or you have other plans for tonight Miss?” 

Magda, looking more excited now, said, “Never mind that girl, I’m not hungry, let’s have a cup of tea and you can tell me all about your day at the Ahmad residence.” 

She instantly felt more relaxed as she heard that, she certainly would like to talk to someone who could understand her Lita persona and her uniquely unusual day.

 She put the kettle on as Magda continued talking, “I already talked to Mme Ahmad; she just called me before to tell me that you are informally hired to work there every other day. She said that you appear to be a good domestic worker and Rosie approved of you. She even said that you are as good as any Filipina maid, you must have liked that didn’t you Lita?” 

Lita blushing again said, “It is true, Miss, working next to Rosie brought back memories of my childhood and the original Lita. I even had the chance to talk a bit in Tagalog with her.”

“How very interesting”, Magda chuckled, “I’m glad you were able to liaise with a fellow Filipina maid. She looked again as Lita was standing preparing the tea, “Is that a different uniform dress you have on? I don’t remember seeing it before. In fact it looks quite worn out.”

Lita smiled and as she was serving the tea, she said the story of Mme Ahmad demanding that the two maids had to wear matching colour uniforms and that the dress was an old one that Rosie has given her. Magda chuckled and added ironically, “Now you are getting the hand me down clothes from other maids, it must be quite appealing to you I guess.”

Lita blushed uncomfortably as they both sat down around the kitchen table for a chat.

“Now Lita I want you to tell me everything. How did you find the family, how was Rosie with you, how you felt yourself; come on speak up girl,” Magda said impatiently.

Lita started talking quite freely, there was no need to try and hide anything from Miss Magda; after all she was her only ally in this weird adventure of hers. 

“So, you are telling me that Rosie was able to understand that you were not what you appeared to be? She was able to tell that you were pretending to be a maid and in reality, you must be a different person?”  Magda asked in a slightly worried tone of voice after Lita finished telling her how Rosie questioned her about that. 

“Yes Miss,” Lita answered equally uncomfortably, “She could tell because of my ‘posh’ and educated accent when I was talking to her.” She paused and immediately added, “She is a very clever person that Rosie Miss, she is quite educated herself, she studied to be a teacher but…”

“Yes Lita, I know all about it, we talked before and she told me her story. But in your case, you seem to be forgetting yourself. I told you before that you should adopt a more uneducated heavy accent; after all you are not British yourself. The posh voice is a huge give in.”

She stopped and looked more worried now, “Did you actually tell Rosie who you really are? Did you mention your connection with the Arnellos family?”

“Certainly not Miss, I’m not that stupid,” Lita answered defiantly but then added all blushing, “She actually pressed me a lot and I had to admit at the end that I like to be a maid, I like the uniform and I like to be ordered around.”

She turned beetroot red as she finally said, “Yes Miss Magda, I had to admit to Rosie that I am a submissive and I like to act as a servant. Now Rosie knows as much as you do. The only thing she doesn’t know is who my family is.”

“I see,” Magda sceptically said, thinking how she was going to handle the whole Lita situation. She had a feeling that they both have entered unchartered waters and their movements had to be well planned and cautious from now on. Daphne might want to play her Lita fantasies but Magda had to think of her position in the family and the income that comes with it. Any wrong movement now and she could easily lose her job.

An awkward silence followed and then Magda said excitedly, “I think a found a way for you to stay in Rosie’s good books without revealing anything else about your personal situation. You can even profit from Rosie’s presence to become a better maid and improve your Tagalog; in other words, to become a substitute Filipina maid. You would like that Lita wouldn’t you?”

Lita looked expectantly at Magda, she wanted to find out what she had in her mind; she simply said, “Yes, I would like that providing that we play it safe and there is no danger of exposure which could be detrimental for both of us Miss. So, what’s in your mind?”  

“Rosie is always in need for extra money, she has a large family to support back in Philippines so you simply leave your wages with her. That way her weekly income will be increased by £150, a considerable sum for Filipino standards. Then you will treat her like she is your mentor and start acting like a junior maid taking orders from her and ask always her opinion.”

Magda stopped to take a sip of her tea looking for Lita’s reaction. She could tell that she was excited as she was playing nervously with the edge of her apron. Then suddenly it dawned on her. Lita was definitely getting some sort of sexual arousal from all that maid persona game. She could see it in her dreamy and slightly watery eyes!

“And of course, you must learn to act the part,” she continued, “No posh and educated accent for you, just basic English. And speaking of that you should try that in this house as well when you communicate with me; try to talk in simpler terms with a heavier accent like any uneducated foreign girl would. Do you see my point here Lita?”

Lita looking even more excited now said already using a different voice and accent, “Yes Miss, I agree with you, I try to use simple words. Can you probably talk to Rosie about not me collecting the money and she can keep it all? I can not tell her that, I am shy like that Miss.”

“Good Lita, that was brilliant,” Magda exclaimed, “This is the voice and accent you should practice. And don’t you worry about Rosie, I’ll talk to her tomorrow and explain everything. Of course, we keep that a secret from Mrs. Ahmad. She is your employer and she must always believe that you are paid properly for your work in the Ahmad residence.”

“Yes, Miss, of course,” Lita answered slightly uncomfortably. She always had in the back of her mind the unusual if not weird situation she let herself in. But once more she realised that she couldn’t control it, a peculiar uncontrolled drive was pushing her to that direction.

Then she heard Magda’s voice again, “All of a sudden I feel very hungry, could you please prepare one of your nice fresh salads, I’ll have it in the dining room with a glass of chardonnay. You have your dinner after you serve me here in the kitchen, then bedtime for you, you must be very tired.”

“Yes, Miss, right away Miss,” Lita answered as she started collecting the tea cups. “Dinner will be ready in half an hour Miss.” She tried again to modify her accent realising that she should be constantly vigilant about that, until it would become a second nature to her.  


  1. Both with this and the Secret Slave i see such strong potential for the main character to get trapped. i really love this story. it also reminds me of another favorite story, Arriving in Milan.

    1. I hope she doesn't get trapped. I hope she relinquishes her position by choice - that's what makes it submission imho.

    2. she already did relinquish her position by choice. being trapped would just put her in touch with the reality and show her that it's not a game.

  2. Great to have a new Monica Graz story! Any chance Monica's longer works will appear on Amazon?
    I REALLY prefer a heroine who chooses her immersion in downward mobility. It adds to the perverse thrill.
