
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Story: The Secret Slave. Part 8.

by SW

When the shopping party arrived back at Cypress Hill the ladies immediately freshened and changed in their rooms and then repaired to the porch to sit with cooling drinks.  After assisting their mistresses toilette and serving lemonade and cakes Rosa and Sophia were told to change to work dresses and return at once and, when they did so, Mistress Caroline ordered, “Sophie, come kneel by me girl.  You can rub my feet - they are aching dreadfully after town and Rosa, you see to Miss Elizabeth.”

Sophia moved to do as bid and as she knelt and leaned to massage Mistress Caroline's finely sculpted ankles, feet and toes she became very aware of Elizabeth's watchful gaze as she performed the 'devotion' and she tingled with excitement.  The brass ring about Sophia's elegant neck glinted in the sunlight and Elizabeth remarked, “I wonder if you might have the slaves wear their nice bright collars for the party on Saturday Caroline, they would match their new yellow dresses delightfully I'm sure.”

Sophia glanced furtively to the other girl, who knelt at Elizabeth's feet, to see if there might be a reaction expressed upon her countenance but she worked dutifully and comported herself without any visible reaction - not even when Mistress Caroline returned:

“Yes dear, I was thinking the same.  They do suit them so; each of them shall indeed wear a collar,”  then speaking down at Sophia she continued, “You will keep it on until after the party.  There's little point in removing it now just to replace it in two days time.”  Sophia nodded and replied, “Yes'm Mistiss Caroline Ma'am,” and she thrilled, for she found the wearing of the collar to be most intoxicating and arousing.

Presently Philip joined the ladies on the porch and Sophia was released from foot duty to fetch lemonade for him.  As she served the 'Young Massa' he glanced at her and said with a careless air, “Elizabeth, I wonder if you might spare me this girl after dinner for a while.  I have shoes and boots in want of polishing and Jane has evening chores made up for Ruby and Rosa.”

Elizabeth smiled and answered, “Of course Philip, she can attend you, but not for too long please as I shall need her to help me bathe this evening.”

And so it was that after dinner, Sophia, her belly fluttering with nervous excitement, collected polishing cloths and went up to Master Philip's chamber where she found him seated by the fireplace.  Pointing to his feet he said immediately, “Come kneel Sophie, you can do my boots while they are on me.”

She curtseyed coyly and replied softly, “Yes Massa,” and he chuckled at her shyness.

As she began her work he reached down and removed her bonnet and running a hand through her tresses he said, “You are a very pretty wench girl, very likely indeed.”

Her eyes cast down to her task, Sophia blushed and murmured, “Thank yo' Suh.”

After some time in which he had watched the girl at his feet closely he asked, “When did you last have a master Sophie?”

“I ain' nevah had no massa since I was a chile Suh.  Missa bought me when she became a widder lady Massa.”

Philip smiled and continued with his questioning of her, “Have you never been a bed wench Sophie?  A girl as pretty as you must have been used for pleasure surely.  Perhaps one of your mistress's guests had an eye for you?”

Sophia flushed again and staring studiously at his boots she answered, “Oh no Suh.  Mistiss don' 'llow me ter pleasuh no gen'lemens Massa.  Missa says Ise ter stay pure until she reckons it right time fo' me ter have chilluns Suh.”

Philip laughed, “Yes, I've been warned that she guards your virginity and watches over you like a maiden aunt,” he sighed and went on, “I'm told that you are nineteen!  It is a pity and a waste that a wench like you, and of your age, has not be allowed to serve a master as nature demands.  You must be the only nineteen year old untouched slave girl in the whole of Georgia.”

Sophia had finished her task and, head bowed and face burning with embarrassment, she asked, “Is there mo' boots fo' cleaning or will that be all Massa?”

Philip laughed again and ordered, “Stand up and remove your dress.”

Sophia rose and fumbled with the buttons of the bodice; she had been expecting the command and her belly and sex reacted strongly.   The work dress slipped to the floor and she stood before him in her scanty under rags and with her head lowered.  He appraised her with great admiration and said:

“Well now, what a fine girl you are!  Turn around slowly and show me your behind.”

Made to present herself to his leering gaze she felt her face and body heat with humiliation and arousal and Master Philip said, “Come kneel again girl.”

Sophia nodded and did as bid and dropped her eyes in anticipation of what was to come; to take hold of his 'thing' and please him.  The moment that she had thought about often; to become intimate with a man, to learn the ways of nature in relations between the sexes and to give and, she hoped, to receive pleasure.  But in her thoughts and dreams she had envisioned very different circumstances - it would be her wedding night and the man who would know her would be her husband.  How odd, she thought then, that her introduction to intimate relations would be kneeling as a slave girl at the feet of a man who had no care other than that she pleased him satisfactorily; there would be no feelings of love nor even affection - she was there only to obey and serve - a circumstance that, hitherto, would have been not merely unlikely in the extreme for the young plantation mistress but absolutely unimaginable.  As these thoughts tumbled in her mind she was vaguely aware of the sound of clothing being undone and then, flush-faced and staring at the floor, she stiffened and raised her head in surprise; a whip had been lightly tapped against her naked bottom.  When she looked up she saw that Philip had freed his erection and she gazed at his manhood wide-eyed and with wild surprise: it was much bigger than she had expected and it both fascinated and frightened her;  she exclaimed.  “Oh Massa!”

“Now gal, don't take on so.  You'll put your hand upon it and rub it, your time for learning this duty is long overdue.”

Sophia hesitated for a moment; eyes fixed upon the tall staff and he said firmly,  “Do as you are told gal, we don't have long,” and he tapped her again - a little harder this time - with the crop.

She reacted quickly to the warning, reached up and took him in her hand and instinctively began to work her fingers.  She was astonished at how hard it felt under her grasp and, as she moved her hand and stared in amazement, her own sex responded with equal ardor.

Philip smiled and said, “That's the way girl, you are learning well.  Now, when I tap you once you must slow your movements, twice is to increase and thrice is to stop.  Do you understand?”

“Yes Suh, Massa.”

Philip smiled as he looked down at the dusky-skinned and almost naked young beauty at his feet and said, “Good girl Sophie,” then he flicked his crop twice in rapid succession on her left buttock and leaned back and closed his eyes.

Sophia's body started a little to the touch of the whip and she began to move her fingers rapidly and looked up at him.  He seemed to be enraptured and it thrilled her that she could have such an effect on a man.  In that moment, when her mind swam with manifold thoughts and emotion, it occurred to her as singularly peculiar that even a slave girl might enthrall a proud and aristocratic man.

In this manner Sophia worked upon him and as she did so her gaze flitted between the stiff member in her hand and the intensity of expression upon his face but then he leaned forward and looked at her.  With some passion he grasped her hand and pulled it from his manhood and Sophia thought then that all was done and over.  But then he reached to her collar and pulled the depending ring with his forefinger.  He jerked her closer and hissed, “Use you mouth slave, quickly now!”

Sophia turned her head in alarm and fear and tried to pull away from him but he held the collar firmly and delivered a stinging blow to her bottom with the crop.

She pleaded, “Oh Massa! Please don' make me do that Suh!”

But no refusal on her part was to be indulged.  He released the collar but only to gather and yank a handful of her hair and he forced her face to his staff; he struck her bottom again with the little whip.  Sophia's master held her cheek against his stiff prick for a moment and when he made a show of raising the whip again she yielded and began to caress him with lips and tongue and allowed herself to be guided onto him.

He started to mumble and moan and again he controlled Sophia's movements - fast and slow - each change in pace punctuated with taps to her left buttock.   Master Philip released her hair and reached down and began to play with her breasts and he murmured encouragements such as, “Good nigra,” and, “That's it, gal.  You're doing just fine,” to which Sophia mewed in return.

The feel of his manhood in her mouth - which filled her and touched her throat - the aroma of his manliness and, not least, the humiliation of being instructed by the tap of his whip, had brought Sophia to exquisite excitement.  Never in her life had she been more aroused.  Her sex ached with the need to be filled and her breasts and nipples tingled deliciously - though almost painfully under his very firm fandling.  Indeed, her whole body had become so heated and stimulated that the desire to offer herself completely to Master Philip was overwhelming and she would willingly have submitted to him had it not been that he quickly came to the pinnacle of his pleasure in her mouth.  He groaned and shuddered and the egress of hot fluid from his prick took her by surprise but she accepted what he had bestowed without complaint and savored the taste of him.  He sighed after the culmination and then, placing his hand on her forehead, he held her head steady and beat her lightly three times.  Then he forcefully pushed her head up and away from him and said gruffly, “That'll do gal.  You get yourself dressed quickly now and run along to your mistress.”

Sophia nodded and replied humbly, “Yes Massa, righ' away Suh,” and she thought it strange that he should be so abrupt and unfeeling with her.  But after she had dressed and straightened her cap and apron he smiled to her and said kindly:

“You've been a good nigra and your master is very pleased with you Sophie.  I'll put a half dollar in a box for you.  Let's see how many you can earn before you go home with your mistress eh gal?”

Sophia smiled and replied, “Yes Massa, thank yo'!  That be mighty kind of yo' Suh,” and she dipped and left his room feeling that she wasn't quite as much of the virgin that she'd been when she had entered not fifteen minutes before.

Rosa had just filled Elizabeth's bath when Sophia entered Elizabeth's chamber and the very moment that she picked up her empty buckets and left the room Elizabeth, her eyes sparkling, asked:

“Well girl!  Did you do well for Master Philip?”

“Yes'm,” Sophia replied demurely, “I did ev'rythin' Massa tol' me 'xceptin' that thing yo' says I ain' 'llowed ter do.  He say Ise a good gal Missa.”

Elizabeth rejoined,  “Excellent Sophie, good girl!  Now, here, come at once and help me undress and into the bath, I want to hear about everything that went on.”

Sophia flushed a little that she should have to describe the intimate events but she nodded and curtseyed and stepped briskly to assist Elizabeth who did indeed seem anxious to undress and bathe and learn her slave's account of the time just spent with Philip.

Though the evening was not unduly cool the fire had been lit and Sophia knelt by the copper tub and in the soft light from the fireplace and the evening lamplight she leaned over its wide rim and gently soaped Elizabeth's hair.  Her mistress then began the interrogation:

“Well now, tell me, did he take you onto his bed?”

“No Missa, I wus kneelin' down, doin' his boots, when Massa unfastened his breeches an' his thing stood up Ma'am.”

Elizabeth giggled, “What is it like, is he a big gentleman?”

Sophia nodded vigorously and blushed, “Yes'm, it big alrigh'.  I didn' expec' it ter be so long an' thick Missa.”

“But surely you have seen bucks naked at River View gal?”

“Well once, when I wus a chile, I wus playin' with the slave chilluns at the quarters an' I wen' inter a cabin to hide an' saw a man nakkid but I ran out.  Anyways, he wus jes' washin' Missa an' his thing weren' all standin' out proud.  Massa's there is the fus' one Ise seen standin' up Ma'am.”

Elizabeth laughed and recalled her wedding night and her own surprise at how large her husband's member had seemed to her.  She said conspiratorially, “They come in a variety of sizes and shapes Sophie, perhaps Master Philip is really quite small it's just that you have nothing to compare him against.  Anyway, then what?  You were kneeling by his feet and he made you touch him?”

“Yes'm,  Massa made me take off my dress an' then I had ter git on down between his knees an' rub him an' then-,”  she hesitated.

“Then what girl.  Did you have to use your mouth?”

Sophia blushed deeply and nodded.  She had been unsure if that had been some freakish demand - it seemed to her to be a very strange service to have been made to perform - but Elizabeth's question implied that it was quite normal for a man to want to have that done for him.

Elizabeth laughed at Sophia's shyness and discomfiture and said, “Why, that is perfectly unremarkable, gentlemen like to have their member nursed in such a way Sophie.  Now gal, take off your dress, there's no point in getting it wet as you work.”

Sophia quickly stood and obeyed and knelt back down and Elizabeth ordered, “Rub my body now.” She took hold of Sophia's right hand and guided it to her cleft saying, “It has been a hot and busy day, I need cleaned well.  Get to work down there with the soap and tell me more.”

Sophia bit her lip and began to soap Elizabeth's secret parts and she felt her arousal start up again.  Elizabeth half-closed her eyes and listened intently as Sophia worked dutifully upon her while describing how master Philip had held her hair and how he had instructed her movements with the whip and how, too, he had fondled her titties.  Elizabeth's body tingled under Sophia's attentions and she said softly, “I hope you haven't lied to me,  I hope you didn't surrender your spot to him,”  and she moved a wet hand to Sophia's belly and slid it down and under the rag between Sophia's legs.  She inserted a finger onto the girl's moist lips and as Sophia spread her knees to help accommodate her mistress's movements the slave girl replied, “Oh no Missa!  I only did what yo' tol' me ter do Ma'am.”

“Good, but I must check you now.  Slaves can never be entirely trusted, not even a good nigra like you.”

Elizabeth probed deeper into Sophia's velvety purse and began to explore the inner lips and the entrance to Sophia's love canal.  Sophia squirmed under the fingering and moaned a little while her own finger traced Elizabeth's sex lips in similar manner.  Though eager, both responded quietly to the other's touch and a long moment of silence passed - silent save for the crackling fire, their soft moans and the gentle lapping of water as slave tended mistress with sensual caresses.  Presently though, Elizabeth recovered sufficient self-command to withdraw her hand and as she examined her finger for signs of blood she said abruptly:

 “Good!  You are still intact, and that's how you shall remain d'you hear?

Sophia, shaken out of her reverie by Elizabeth's stern voice, nodded and replied, “Yes'm Missa.  I do like yo' says an' I ain' nevah goin' ter lie to yo' Mistiss!”

Elizabeth suddenly seemed a little embarrassed and, still with a brusque tone, she said,
“Alright girl.  Tend to my feet and take care to soap them well, they are so very tired after all that walking about town.

Later, as she brushed out her mistress's hair, Sophia reflected upon what an exciting day it had been; she had been collared, like a common slave for market, or dog even, and she had been made to attend master Philip and see, touch and mouth a man's 'thing' for the first time.  Moreover, she had tasted him and then, moments later, Elizabeth had demanded that she caress her intimately while she, in return, had fingered Sophia.  Of course, Elizabeth had disguised the matter as a simple requirement to determine that she, Sophia, had not surrendered her virginity, but Sophia felt certain that the moment had meant much more than just that.  It had, in truth, been a remarkable day and one that she would never forget!  Soon after she had been dismissed from duty she lay in her little slave bed and was obliged to use her fingers to bring some much needed, though quiet, relief to her tensions.  Later, as the feeling of release subsided, she lay back and closed her eyes and she thought that she heard soft moaning in her mistress's room;  Sophia smiled and went off happily and almost immediately to sleep.


  1. Wow! Love this story and this last charter is so good... look forward to reading more.

  2. Lovely just lovely a gentle introduction for what is to come I hope. The divergence between Mistress and slave progessing ata perfect pace.
    Looking forward to more

    Jackie J

  3. Thanks again SW. As said above the gap between the (former?) friends and equals is deepening. The acts what Sophia/e is doing separare her from proper southern ladies and are ruining her reputation totally (if exposed). And she is connecting to slave lafe also emotionally. The compination of humiliation and exitememt is a powerfull one.

    What she and the young master (only so far) did while she was wrongly imposing being a slave and he deceived would make her an outcast and unmarriageable if known.

    Please do continue. p.

  4. Thank you for this chapter. It very good again! I cant wait to see how sophie is going to become a slave on a regular basis... i like the footmassage parts.

  5. Can't wait for more
    She should not be touching herself with out her mistiss permission
    Keep up the good work sw

  6. I'm not caught up on the story, but it seems to be really popular so I thought I'd check it out. The dialog is laugh out loud hilarious, I literally can't even.

  7. Love this story. I check this site constantly to see when the next update is out.

  8. The slave staying 'intact' is a nice part of the story, a powerful part, her Mistress having control of it.

    Enjoying this series immensely

  9. Any hope for the next chapter?

  10. Dear SW, can you give us a hint when the next chapter will be published? Looking forward...

  11. Just want to start off the New Year by joining the praise being heaped on this site and this story in particular.
    Looking forward to catching up with Sophie. Rumor has is it that the uppity girl will so anger Mistress Caroline that she will be deemed unfit for work as a house servant. Caroline knows of a field worker who just lost his wife and needs a strong young woman to raise his six children and take care of him. Sophie is just the girl for the job. Mistress Elizabeth, smiling smugly, will go along with this.
    Of course, this could all be just idle gossip. You know how those southern plantation belles chatter.

  12. It was my idea several chapters ago to have Sophie provide oral sex to a master. It would have been kinkier if she were forced. Authors on this story site are definitely more conservative when describing sexual interludes than those on The Changing Mirror.

    1. I found it much more interesting that she was relunctanty curious, humiliated but consenting and aroused.

  13. Truly a great story. I agree with some of the comments: Sophie should not be allowed to touch herself without permission; Sophie should lick her Mistress's toes clean before washing them with soap; Elizabeth should lend Sophie to Caroline for one night with Caroline doing her worst to the slave: breast whipping, toilet services and more. And perhaps Sophie should be sold to a cruel Southern belle. She might not enjoy that all that much.
