
Saturday, January 27, 2018

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 20. Epilogue.

By Jackie J

Taken through into the lounge Michael sat opposite Pauline and nervously adjusted the hem of his dress over his knees.
Pauline stared at Michael, sipping her wine and letting him stew for a few moments before speaking.
Michael had been flattered concerning his en femme persona by Pauline and Camille, not like Jacqueline who had mocked him and, having witnessed first hand what had become of his lover and wife, he did not want to risk a similar fate, or did he? Michael had for years depended on physical bondage to satisfy his urges but this, this emotional and psychological control was no less erotic for him. Jacqueline Frobisher had tried the same with her blackmail to commence the subjugation of his wife but half heartedly. This was much more intense, more real. His lover, a smart, well educated, career women reduced to a simpering maid. His wife vivacious, rich and pretty was now the belted veiled maid of his neighbour. Michael was becoming uncomfortably hard within the restraint of his gaff and discreetly squirmed in his seat.
“So Michelle, I take it you are happy to save your own neck and comfortable with my ownership of your wife and Camille having your lover for her maid?”
Michael nodded and whispered his reply his lashes blinking.
“Yes, you said I could carry on as normal, that you wouldn’t say anything, you can trust me.”

Michael stared back at Pauline tempting fate with an additional caveat that is arousal could not prevent.
“But is that it I just carry on like normal or is there something, something else you want from me?”
Pauline smiled and chuckled not a smile of amusement but from knowing that the last piece of her jigsaw would soon be in place and all trace of her scheme would vanish like a beach washed clean by an incoming tide. She will have the Lucas wealth an obedient maid and Michael, well from his disclosures during the meal any worries in that regard were well and truly resolved Pauline already having a plan to secure his silence permanently.
“O’ yes Michelle there are things you are going to do for me and I will tell you what they are.”
Pauline having given Michael his instructions gathered up the neat pile of his clothing and placed it in his lap.
“Now you understand it is not too late for me to change my mind about the authorities, do like I have told you and all will be well, cross me and, well I know you won’t.”
Michael stood and having smoothed down his dress picked up his pants, shirt, underwear, socks and shoes and was shown to the door to face the short walk back to his house. Down the drive and onto the avenue the warm breezes teased and danced the hem of his dress and slip around his knees and blew through his hair. With his heels clip clopping on the paving he hugged his clothes and was soon entering the sanctuary of his home thankfully unseen on his short journey from his neighbours.
Michael was hardly over the threshold and with his cock straining like a spear he ripped away is flimsy panties and restraining gaff to grip his tool its head glistening like a jewel and he staggered into the lounge. Falling from his heels Michael threw himself down onto the sofa and masturbated wildly. His mind filled with what he had seen what he had been told Pauline’s smiling gloating face, Camille, Jacqueline, his wife the chastity belt. Michael screamed, his fingers sticky his breathing heavy, his cock melted into his trembling hand. Michael lay in the dark panting until his breathing steadied and he caressed his stocking clad thighs squirming pressing his fingers gently and teasingly into his crotch. In the cooling afterglow of his solitary sex Michael considered Pauline’s last words, words he knew he must obey or face the consequences. Consequences in truth, had he known the full extent of what lay before him, no matter how dire they had been presented, would have been the better option.
The following day after returning from his office Michael took his tub of pills, the pills that he had taken each evening following the intervention of the college doctor all those years ago, kicked down the pedal on the trash can and dropped them in. Ditching his pills was his half of the bargain with Pauline she would teach him how to expertly apply his make up if he would stop taking his medication until he became competent in its application.
 Michael then waited watching the clock he was to go to Pauline’s home at precisely seven thirty. The door would be open and he was to go through to the lounge. Michael had been given his script and was not to deviate from it no matter what. Michael poured himself a stiff drink and gulped it down this was not going to be easy for him but he knew it had to be done.
That afternoon Pauline had invited a number of the fund raising ladies to her home for nibbles and drinks to be served of course by her veiled maid Cathy. The rich Catherine Lucas had attended many such events indeed she had held such occasions herself and the glamorous ladies in attendance at Pauline’s soiree were all known to Cathy who passed anonymously amongst them with tray in hand.
With her belt tugging into her crotch, pressing at her sex with each step unseen beneath her flowing robe and hidden by her veil Cathy was wet and aroused moving between the beautifully adorned guests curtsying and nodding her deference. Pauline chuckled silently watching her maid at work knowing how her frustrated arousal would be growing.
The gathering drawing to a conclusion  the last of the guests left and Cathy, closing the door, could hardly contain herself and scurried to the kitchen pressing and pulling on her belt. Pauline entered the kitchen and smiled.
“What a good maid you have been today Cathy and I can see you are quite excited, I think your mistress should reward her maid for being such a good girl.”
Cathy was almost numb in frustration her eyes blinking wildly through the slit in her veil.
“Please mistress the belt could I take it off just for a short while please mistress.”
Pauline chuckled
“Mmmm we will see, now there is no one here so I want you to change out of the clothes you are wearing, leave the veil and into your maid’s uniform then come down to the lounge.”

Cathy didn’t want to dispense with the veil she had grown used to her concealment but she was sure she would go mad if she couldn’t find release, play in her wet folds.
Cathy dressed back in her maid’s regalia looked into the mirror her face a little better but still heavily disfigured and her hair just sprouts and tufts across her scalp.  Her short black bob wig in place she clipped in her cap and headed down to the lounge. With only her mistress and she in the house how she looked with her scars did not matter and full of expectation of being released from the tormenting belt entered the lounge and curtsied.
Pauline had also changed she was wearing one of Catherine Lucas’s fine negligee’s and peignoir and bathed in one of Catherine Lucas’s exotic perfumes. Sprawled on the sofa Pauline beckoned her maid forward.
“Kneel here Cathy.”
Cathy kneeled and Pauline’s thighs spread her fingers gently peeling the delicate fabrics upwards to reveal her glistening sex in a waft of her scent.
Cathy wriggled on her knees her stout belt pressing tight a wanting expression on her face.
Pauline smiled opening her legs further and with a soft touch caressed Cathy’s head forward and her face into her. Pauline moaned feeling Cathy’s probing tongue engage tickling into her wetness then thrashing across her clitoris. Cathy’s tongue went wild within and about her Mistresses pussy venting her pent up frustrations. Pauline lifted her bulbous negligee over the head of her maid the perfume rich gossamer thin material covering Cathy’s engorgement of her Mistresses flowing riches. With her tongue rattling within the wet warm folds and her face smeared Cathy writhed and pressed her fingers forlornly in frustration into her belted crotch and at her captive soaking slot locked beneath.
Cathy raised her head suddenly and struggled to free herself from between her Mistresses thighs and within her silky cocoon hearing a familiar and raised voice.
Seven thirty and right on cue Michael unseen and unheard had entered the lounge.
Cathy struggled free from the constraints of the negligee and in panic stared up at her husband adjusting her wig and cap. Pauline for the benefit of her maid covered herself and feigned a look of surprise.
Michael stared down suppressing his own arousal having seen his wife lapping at Pauline’s warmth.
“Catherine, Catherine is that you? What happened to your face and why are you dressed in a maid’s uniform, that’s Jackie’s uniform and what are you doing here and that, that, you are disgusting.”
Michael turned to the bar.
“I need a drink; I can’t believe this I just can’t.”  
Pauline sat back hiding her satisfaction Michael was good very good this was going to go well and seal Catherine Lucas’s fate permanently. Catherine spluttered wiping her Mistresses cum from her lips on the sleeve of her uniform and looked up from her knees starting to stand.
Michael turned from the bar drink in hand.
“Stay down there on your knees, you filthy bitch.”
Catherine pleaded with Michael.
“Please, Michael, I can explain I have been waiting for you to come home.”
Catherine tearfully retold what had happened helping Jackie, wearing her uniform, the accident to her face and hair. How Jackie had covered for her socially, That Jackie had seduced her then left to become a maid elsewhere. That Pauline had sheltered her that she had agreed to become Pauline’s maid in payment for her help until her face healed and her hair grew back. Pauline had retrieved a file from the desk whilst Catherine feebly tried to explain her plight. Michael took another drink and smirked down at a tearful Catherine on her knees by the sofa.
“Seduced you, Jackie seduced you, from what I have just seen you don’t need much seducing, you were feasting on that pussy like rabid dog and don’t tell me any different, so Catherine Lucas, my wife, wants to be a maid does she, a lesbian whore?”
“Well gather your things and get back to the house this is over.”
Catherine was starting to stand when Pauline pushed her back onto her knees and walked towards Michael handing him the file and the agreement Catherine Lucas had signed.
“I don’t think so Mr Lucas, your wife, well no not your wife,  my maid Cathy needs to fulfil the obligations of our agreement.”
Michael studied the agreement then looked at the pictures in the album before looking scornfully at his wife Catherine.
“Did you sign this agreement Catherine, did you, and these pictures this is you and this is you veiled wearing Islamic garb?  I walked past you said nothing?”
 Catherine was becoming distraught.
“Please Michael I can explain, yes I signed the agreement and the veil was to hide my face my Mistress I mean Pauline got it for me, I didn’t know what to do when I saw you, I have been so confused you have got to help me .”
Michael forced a laugh
“Mistress, Mistress what the fuck Catherine or should I say Cathy?”
Michael continued looking at the photographs graphically illustrating Catherine Lucas’s exploits of being a maid tut tutting and periodically glaring down at Catherine. Turning to the last section he tossed the album down onto Catherine’s apron.
 “My goodness what have you done I think that just about confirms the agreement with your MISTRESS CATHY.
Catherine looked at the series of pictures showing her willingly, not being coerced, stepping into and locking herself into the chastity device. Catherine started to try and explain but Michael turned and glared at her.
“Shut up Cathy being a maid you should know your place I need to speak with your MISTRESS.”
Michael turned to Pauline.
“Well this is a state of affairs, I take it you still have your maid in chastity, I need to see?”
Pauline nodded.
“Yes that’s correct.”
Pauline half smiled seeing Cathy distraught and did not refer to Michael or husband
Cathy lift your skirts drop your knickers and show Mr Lucas your belt.
Cathy meekly rose to her feet and complied.
Michael looked then turned away
“Tell her to cover herself up I have seen enough.”
Cathy stood in front of Michael and Pauline her fingers fumbling in her apron her eyes lowered in shame tears rolling down her face.
“Well it seems you are correct Pauline your maids face is not healed and you are quite within the terms of the agreement that you have with my wife Catherine Lucas to continue to fulfil my wife’s wishes and if she were here I am sure she would agree. I speak on behalf of my wife that it is quite clear in the agreement Cathy will remain to be your maid until such time that the terms of your agreement with my wife are met.”
Catherine fell to her knees at Michael’s feet sobbing her plea
“”Please Michael you can’t do this to me I am your wife, I am your wife Catherine Lucas what if my face doesn’t heal I can’t remain Pauline’s maid I can’t.”
Michael stood back from Catherine who was pawing at his feet.
“Cathy that is not what it states in the agreement you are Mrs Crabtree’s maid Cathy not Catherine Lucas. My wife it seems was quite explicit in the terms demanding that you are to be treated like a common maid until your face heals and your hair grows back it was her wish and being her husband it would be wrong of me to interfere with those wishes.”  
Michael turned to Pauline.
“Well I cannot say I am happy with this arrangement Pauline but I understand my wife’s wishes looking at the state of your maid, those are ugly scars. I will keep in touch and hopefully see my wife again sometime in the future.”
Catherine grabbed at Michaels ankles pleading.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.”  
Pauline reached down and pulled a sobbing Cathy to her feet and chuckled.
“Say goodbye to Mr Lucas, Cathy”
Cathy sniffled and stared at her husband who stood looking at her disdainfully. He had seen maid Cathy in the maid’s uniform feasting in her Mistresses honey pot, wearing her Mistresses chastity belt, seen the photographs of maid Cathy’s descent into the life of a common housemaid, seen and agreed to the terms of the agreement that Pauline Crabtree’s neighbour the rich and pretty and vivacious Mrs Catherine Lucas, his wife, had made. An agreement that demanded that maid Cathy remains and be treated like a common house maid until her scars were healed. Cathy mournfully and gently stroked her fingers over her teary disfigured cheeks Mr Lucas was right she was not Catherine Lucas was she, she was maid Cathy, Miss Pauline Crabtree’s maid.
Cathy lowered her gaze and curtsied.
“Goodbye Mr Lucas.”  


The watershed moment of being discovered in her maid’s uniform, wearing a chastity belt and between the thighs of her Mistress by Mrs Catherine Lucas’s husband left maid Cathy desolate. Her frail sanity only surviving by the self contrived thoughts and eventual self convincing that it wasn’t his wife he had seen but Miss Crabtree’s maid Cathy. The separation of the two persona’s, of the rich pretty neighbour of Pauline Crabtree, Catherine Lucas and maid Cathy, encouraged at every opportunity by her Mistress, had provided a sanctuary into which to retreat during her subjugation. Now Mr Lucas, Catherine Lucas’s husband had endorsed and reinforced that separation. Maid Cathy was not a sanctuary to retreat into it any longer it was who she was.
The Abaya and Niqab  were dispensed with shortly after that fateful evening at the insistence of Mr Lucas maid Cathy no longer allowed the concealment of her veil. It was his wife’s wish that Cathy be treated like a common housemaid and there was no mention of this being kept a secret. Mr Lucas also demanded that he alone and in person would decide when the terms of his wife’s agreement had been met, not the maid’s Mistress and definitely not the maid herself. This aggressive intervention by Mr Lucas, under the direction of Pauline of course, served to reinforce further the isolation and separation of Cathy from her privileged past.
Beyond the public unveiling of Miss Crabtree’s maid and the gradual introduction and humiliation of maid Cathy to the wider social circle, a social circle in which Catherine Lucas once circulated in her finery, brought suspicion and disbelief at first. But with sight of the agreement, Michael Lucas’s condoning of the arrangement and Cathy’s own testament and admission of Catherine Lucas’s wishes, the suspicion and disbelieve turned to polite amusement and acceptance. Cathy’s scars never healed and neither did her service to her Mistress.
It was two months before Michael became truly competent in the application of his makeup under the tuition of Pauline. With the house to himself he spent most of his time within his home dressed en femme, something encouraged by Pauline of course. The lack of his medication was having an effect and with his mood swings and his increasing manifestation of feminine traits it was raising some concerns at Dawson and Laing. Eventually having burst into tears during a meeting and following a consoling meeting with John Roberts the head of HR it was suggested he take some extended leave which a tearful Michael accepted.
When Michael’s parents arrived from Florida, at the invitation of Pauline, to find a shocked Michelle opening the door looking radiant in her makeup and flowing hair, wearing a pretty dress, Michael’s mother embraced her son. Having stayed two days Michael was convinced to return to Florida with his parents under the pretext of resting and recuperating but in truth to begin the life his mother always wanted for him. With his mother’s chastisement and encouragement Michelle blossomed in the sunshine of the Keys waitressing in the restaurant of his parents.
With Jackie the established maid of Camille and her husband, Catherine Lucas’s husband, Michael now Michelle, back in the clutches of his mother and the belted Cathy willingly obeying her Mistress, Pauline sat back in her chair sipping on a glass of wine and smiled to herself nothing could go wrong now could it?
Six years later when an inquisitive and dedicated bank inspector Bill Hastings unravelled the level of intrigue he took his findings to his boss and laid the evidence before him. William Franks, chairman of the bank, scanned the files and smiled at his subordinate. Under no circumstances could what had been revealed see the light of day. The ensuing publicity, which would surely follow from such a scurrilous exposé, would bring the bank into disrepute and he slowly slid the files to the side of his shredder.
“Good work Hastings. Who else knows about this?”
“No one, sir. I brought it directly to you.”
“Good, you did right. Best we let sleeping dogs lay and forget this ever happened, do you agree?”  
Bill Hastings adjusted his tie he had his pension to consider.
“Yes, sir. I understand”
Both then watched the files disintegrate in the growling of the shredder.

The end.


  1. Lovely. I specifically liked the reduction of Jackie. She certainly deserved it and being broken by Camille was appropriate

  2. Well I'm glad no one got what they really deserved and no one learned anything. Well crafted indeed.

  3. What a good ending. Can't wait to see what other awesome things come out.
