
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Story: Dancing With My Soul. Chapter 5.

by Andy Engines

“The Chief Inspector has decided to hold Miss Van Den Berg for further questioning and he requested Inspector Novak to come and inform you of Miss Van Den Bergs temporary confinement.”

Marije had been gone for two hours when a banging on the door startled me and warily I looked into the spyhole to see the inspector and translator standing outside. We now sat facing each other in the lounge.

“Confinement, I don’t understand… and who is the Chief Inspector.”

“Sorry Miss Zuzic, my English isn’t perfect…” She turned and conferred with the inspector again before turning back to me. “Confinement is wrong, sorry. I believe what I am trying to say is Miss Van Den Berg is making a second statement and may be delayed until tomorrow. I can assure you she is perfectly well and she requested the Inspector to tell you this. And the Chief Inspector is Inspector Novak's superior, naturally.”

I was getting more worried as each word left her mouth. I could feel my fingers start to tremble.


“Yes tomorrow.” She smiled.

The three of us sat looking at each other and the silence was deafening as I waited for more.

“Why tomorrow, what’s happening… tell me.”

Another round of discussion followed between the two and then Ana turned back to me.

“The clerk.”

“The clerk?” my voice raised repeating her stupid word.

“Yes she has gone home and she records and files the statement, without her it is impossible. You see.”

I was starting to get frantic and angry all at the same time. “No I don’t see, please help me here. Why can’t she come back tonight and go back to the Police station tomorrow? What is going on… Please just tell me.” as I spoke the words poured out as my mind spiralled.

“Because she has to make a statement.”

“But not today.”

“No not today.”


“Tomorrow. Correct.” She finished, sat back and smiled as if to a child who finally understands.

As she finished anger rose as a realisation dawned on me. “But you took my statement here… What exactly is going on?” anger overtaking caution and then bravey “and I demand you return her… Now.”

“Miss Zubic, if you wish to accompany the Inspector to the Police station he will be more than happy to escort you. Maybe there you will start to understand that you do not make demands.” She paused and rearranged the smile back onto her face. “We are here to help and all we wish is for you to understand and learn.”

“To learn? What does ‘to learn’ mean? What the hell is…” and then caution poured over my anger. I recognized the threat and the last thing I wanted was to go anywhere other than this apartment, especially not the police station.

The inspector spoke again as if he was bored and then Ana turned to me once more, any matter of police stations dropped. The conversation about turned and left me mentally walking in the wrong direction.

“Miss Van Den Berg has asked for money for her dinner and bedding. She said you could arrange this.”

“Money, dinner, bedding. Seriously?”

“Oh yes very.”

“And why does she need this, please explain to me I don’t understand.”

She looked at me as if I was a child. “Because she is staying overnight, I thought you understood. And Miss Van Den Berg was quite explicit in that you were to give the money to the inspector.”

“And how much am I to give to the inspector, how much does food and bedding cost?”

Whilst she conversed once more with the Inspector I looked at him and realised I had no choice. I knew what was happening but I also knew I was absolutely powerless. I had no doubt in my mind that Marije had not asked for money and that I was being conned, scammed, but what was I to do? I was truly powerless. The next words only confirmed my doubts.

“Oh not much Miss Zuzic. He says you know, he says this has been done before.”
After they had left I dropped into the sofa and could barely keep myself from crying, I was shaking on part fear, part frustration and part fear. This whole situation was running out of control and I had no idea what to do. Marije wouldn’t be back tonight and all I could do was pray she would return tomorrow. My worry was disturbed by a soft knock at the door. It was Ana again, but this time alone.

“Miss Zuzic, may I come in please. I want to explain to you a few things that I think you should know.”

I backed into the room as she entered and I knew she could see the puffiness of my eyes and for some reason that upset me more than any thing else. I watched as she sat.

“May I call you Marije please ?”

I nodded silently.

“Good. Now Marije please understand that I know that this must be…  how do you say, horrible…  no terrifying for you. Inspector Novak has decided that your name shouldn’t appear in any of the files for the accident. At your Mistresses urging he has removed all trace of your name. This is why you never were taken for statement. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” My voice was timid, frightened and I knew it. “But why, there is no need. I don’t understand.”

She smiled again. “Marije you are Croatian but uneducated in our language and your culture. Allow me to explain.” She paused whilst she gathered her thoughts. “There is no case to answer, absolutely none, an accident happened and paperwork needs completing, that is all. There is no need to worry but the Inspector has carried out Miss Van Den Berg’s wishes and in that has endangered his career and reputation. For that Miss Van Den Berg wishes him to be rewarded. A little something to help him and his family if you understand me. It is the way in our country.”

This was so transparent I could see exactly what was happening, from sadness anger raised in my chest. They were shaking us down.

“And you expect me to believe this?”

“I do.”

“Sorry but I don’t believe you.”

“Your Mistress said you would say this and she said that you should be told that she is carrying out her promise to you… Whatever that is.”

Those words hit hard as I realised that they could only have come from Marije. She had promised to protect me and this was her way of doing it. Anger drained instantly and was replaced with a new level of fear. Oh my God what was happening and why did she feel the need to protect me. I felt the blood drain out of my face. My hands started trembling and tears started to flow down my cheeks.

For the third time that day I watched a departure that compounded my sense of loneliness and in that moment I decided to stop this stupid ride. It dawned on me that this was unravelling faster that I could tolerate and for all Marijes’ good intentions we needed help, proper help.

Picking up the phone I dialled a number that I knew as well as my own.

“Mark, its Val. I need your help.”


  1. The disappearance of "Marije" from the record puts our heroine in an even more precarious position than before, of course, and of course she doesn't recognize this . . . yet.
    She won't, until it is far too late . . . .

  2. the ground is opening under her feet. Looking forward to more.
