
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Story: The Secret Slave. Part 7.

by SW

After taking care of her mistress's hair Sophia went quietly to the little closet that housed a small pallet-bed, a plain wardrobe (and atop it her wash-basket), a little table with a candle upon it and the tinder mill for lighting it.  The room was almost entirely taken up with those furnishings and, though somewhat smaller than the slave rooms near the kitchen, she was glad to have been moved there.  She had felt very alone the night before and it pleased her to be near her mistress - though the reason for the relocation was, of course, that she might be on hand to be called through the night if needed.

She curled on her side, it being painful to lie on her back, and recalled the events of the day.  Her mistress had been quite right; she really had little cause to complain about her treatment for it was no worse, really, than she gave her own Sally.  Whilst, she herself, never whipped, except in the privacy of her own room, Mistress Caroline had only done what many, if not most, owner's did to punish disobedience.  But, it could not be denied that Mistress Caroline's management of the house was stricter and more oppressive than at the Morgan place and she would pay very close attention to all orders henceforth to ensure that she gave no further cause to be disciplined.  Then she thought of Elizabeth and it warmed her that she had been assured the mistress's protection.  She told herself that she must try not to be so excitable in her mistress's presence, though, nothing that might help her do so, occurred; bathing had been rather too arousing and, as she was Elizabeth's personal maid, there would undoubtedly be many more occasions of such intimacy in the days ahead.  

She reconsidered Elizabeth's actions that day: the whipping and the bathing.  There had been nothing said or done that might have been taken as anything but in the ordinary way of relations between mistress and slave; and yet - she could not help but feel that Elizabeth was taking pleasure from their situation.  Now that her ill-temper and sullenness had subsided she had come to accept her mistress's explanation of why those final four strokes of the whip had been necessary - however, she also recalled Elizabeth's little smile before it began.  And the mistress's delight at having Sophia soap and rub her seemed to run deeper than just the natural but simple pleasure of bathing before the fire.  There was something about her mood, and the look upon her face, that signified more.  She warmed a little at the recollections and, without thinking, moved her hand to her secret place where she began to rub gently and she bit her lip - after all, it wouldn't do for her to disturb 'Missa'.  

A slave's morning always comes quickly and as the dawn of yet another cloudless day broke over the plantation Sophia awoke to the new sun's light streaming through her shutterless window and the distant sound of the conch horn blown to rouse the field hands from their quarters.  She put on her dress from the day before then carefully gathered clean items of her work and serving uniforms and slipped downstairs.  She took great care not to waken her sleeping mistress as she tip-toed across the large room.  In the kitchen, Miss Jane managed to make 'Mawnin'' sound like an insult before saying;

“Befo' yo' wash, you take care of yo'sel' down there gal,” and she pointed to Sophia's loins.  “Massa Philip comin' home this evenin'.  If he gits a chance he'll wan' ter inspec' yo' an he ain' goin' ter want ter see no wool.  Kin yo' do it righ' this time or has I ter do it fo' yo' again?”

Sophia's cheeks warmed and she went off to do as ordered.  As she glided the razor carefully around that most private region of her body she considered how accepting she had become.  Whilst she didn't find the prospect of 'Massa Philip' inspecting her in any way appealing, neither did she feel the revulsion that she would have done just a few weeks before.   She recalled her outrage when the scoundrel Johnstone had laid his grasping and probing hands on her.  She remembered too, Milly's laughter afterwards - the slave girl's passive acceptance of how things were.  She quickly washed herself over and put on clean under-rags and work dress then stepped to the kitchen where she was given a breakfast of clabber with a small division of Mistress Elizabeth's leftovers from dinner.  As soon as she had eaten, Miss Jane put her to work cleaning downstairs windows and that endeavor took up all of her time before she changed to uniform to serve breakfast.

The morning meal passed without incident; both mistresses had evidently slept well and appeared to be agreeably disposed.  Sophia served with a little less apprehension too for she was settling in to the routines of table and she felt more confident to deliver the required standard of service.  She and Rosa, her partner in attendance, did glean certain nuggets of interest from table though; as Master Philip would be returned home there was to be a small garden party - weather allowing - commencing in the early evening of the following Saturday and it would be hosted on the front lawn.  The guests would number twelve and they would be made up, principally, from the scions and daughters of neighboring plantations - although two couples of elders would attend and there, in effect, as chaperones.  Sophia glanced at Rosa when Mistress Caroline announced the gathering but the slave's expression gave little away of her feelings on the matter though, undoubtedly, it would mean much extra work for them all.  Elizabeth, however, expressed delight at the plan and asked a multitude of inquiries regarding the invitees and their backgrounds.   

Caroline then said, “We shall go shopping in town tomorrow and see if we can find anything delightful for the party.  I'm altogether bored with my jewelry!” Elizabeth rejoined with great enthusiasm, “Why yes, I declare. That's what we must do!  And I have been meaning to buy a garden hat for some time now.”

Caroline continued, “I've been thinking Elizabeth, It is tiresome seeing the servants in black and white most of the time and their function dresses are a dreary shade of blue, quite singularly disagreeable; mother's idea of course.  I believe I shall purchase a bright material for them tomorrow and for your girl too - they must be uniformed.  Jane is an excellent seamstress and she has three days in which to make four serving dresses.  Ample time to have them looking neat and bright for the occasion,” and when Sophia glanced again at Rosa she saw that she was smiling widely.

And so it was that a trip to town was arranged for the next day; the two young ladies would take luncheon at a hotel and then spend the better part of the afternoon shopping and Rosa and Sophia would accompany them.  As the two maids cleared table Rosa could hardly contain her joy at the prospect of 'gittin' off plantation' for a few hours - so much so, that she was, temporarily, quite friendly toward Sophia.

The following few hours passed uneventfully, though busily, for Sophia and after the mid-day repast the two mistresses went for a long walk without attendance.  They might have taken two girls with them to carry parasols - the day being sunny and hot - but Mistress Caroline told Jane to keep them busy and to make sure that her young master's chamber was in readiness and that the house was cleaned and polished 'top to bottom'.  

Sometime soon-after the evening meal, Jane announced that 'Young Massa's' carriage was coming up the long drive and the girls were hurried along to the portico to stand in pairs on either side of the doors.  Sophia had been instructed not to look at Master Philip as he arrived but to stand straight, eyes ahead and to smile and curtsey as he passed into the doorway.  She had little opportunity, therefore, to make an appraisal of him when he strode by to embrace his cousin and sister warmly in the hall; but she thought him well-spoken and respectful to the ladies.

Sophia did not meet him that evening; she had been kept at work polishing silver and with other kitchen tasks. He had been so fatigued by the long railroad journey that, after a light supper in the drawing room, he withdrew upstairs to take a bath prepared by Ruby.  Later, Sophia was released from the kitchen when told that her mistress was retiring and she was to take up a cup of warm milk.  She then helped Elizabeth undress and into a linen shift for, what would become, the ritual of attending her mistress's hair.  

As Elizabeth sat at the fireside with Sophia standing and brushing out she said, “Well Sophie, are you excited to be accompanying me on an outing to town tomorrow?”

Sophia replied brightly, “Yes'm, Ise looking forward ter going Ma'am, we ain' been no-wheah since we got heah.  Reckon it will be mighty fine ter see the town,  I hope it ain' goin' ter rain Missa.”

Elizabeth spoke excitedly, “Why yes, it will be an adventure shan't it, and I'm sure it will be sunny.  And what about the party on Saturday?  That will be such a delight too!  Did you hear at table?  Mistress Caroline is having bright dresses made for you gals.  You won't let me down and forget to thank her when it's given you, will you?”

“No Missa, I'll be sure ter thank the Mistiss, it mighty gen'rous of her ter give me a dress fo' it since I ain' really her gal Ma'am,” and she continued, “Ise goin' ter like lookin' at all them purty party gowns; it goin' ter be real nice ter see them smar' gen'lemens and the ladies in their finery an' jew'lry Ma'am.”

“Yes, it will, and you will make sure that I am well turned out, I believe many of the wealthy young gentlemen attending are eligible.” Elizabeth smiled and said, “Come Saturday, I shall reserve two hours of your time in the late afternoon in which you can bathe and dress me then you will fix my hair.  I shall want ringlets I expect.”

Still brushing dutifully, Sophia remarked, “Yes'm, but I reckons yo' could go in that there cotton shift yo's wearin' now an' still be the purties' lady of the 'ccasion Missa.”

Elizabeth laughed loudly, “Oh Sophie, you are a sweet and funny creature aren't you?  You are quite the most delightful maid I have ever had.”

“Thank yo' Missa,” replied Sophia, smiling, and she felt a little thrill.  Elizabeth went on:

“But, I may have to fight with Mistress Caroline over you, I know you will be wanted for a deal of house work and party preparations - it shall be a busy day for us all girl.”
Elizabeth dropped her voice a little and continued in a more measured tone, “One thing I should tell you about tomorrow's excursion - Master Philip says he heard at the railroad station that there has been some slave-stealing going on in town.  Awful!  Even maids on errands have been snatched right off the street.  Can you imagine!” she tutted and went on, “Well, as a precaution, Mistress Caroline has, very sensibly, decided that you and Rosa will wear-,” and there she stopped abruptly.  

After a moment Sophia momentarily stopped brushing and said, “Yes'm?”

But Elizabeth said, “No girl, it's alright, you shall find out tomorrow and there is nothing for you to worry about.”  She quickly changed the subject from what had been about to be broached by saying, “Now, another thing; when your Mistress Caroline and I took our walk today she told me one or two things about Master Philip that I should warn you about.”


“Master Philip, it seems, like almost every man in the south under the age of eighty years, has an eye for pretty slave girls.  To put it plainly, he will ask you if you want to pleasure him and if you decline he will order you so to do.  Do you understand Sophie?”

Sophia answered calmly, “Yes'm.  An' I ain' 'llowed ter do nothin' fo' the Massa. Yo' already done tellin' me that Missa.”

“Well girl, you are not to fully pleasure him, I insist upon that - you will remain intact!”  Elizabeth paused and appeared a little uncomfortable thought Sophia - her cheeks were quire rosy.


“However, if he persists in his attentions, then I think it best if you accede …. oh, that means do as he wishes you to do ….  in every respect except, well …. except for that particular thing.”

Sophia blanched a little but she thrilled too and noted that Elizabeth's discourse and behavior toward her had really become exactly as if she were a perfectly uneducated slave trained only for the work of parlor and chambermaid.

“I have thought this through carefully.  You will submit in ways that please him sufficiently to …. to satisfy …. but without surrendering your purity.  If you deny him all pleasure then he may take your opposition badly and I would fear the consequences; he is your master here after-all and you are such a pretty little thing.”  Elizabeth paused a moment and continued, “So, you must obey him as far as I allow, but never forget; my orders take precedence and if it comes to it you must apologize and tell him as I told you before - that you are simply not permitted!” She sighed and continued, “You know, it really is no different for you as a slave girl than it is for a lady - men must be appeased or they turn sour and we of the weaker sex - mistress and slave alike - must yield.  However, you will please him but only to a certain point and you will not fully submit.”


Sophia continued brushing, her thoughts consumed by the mistress's words.  She had heard enough of her young lady friends' talk at balls and parties to know that she may well be expected to massage Massa Philip's 'thing' and, in a way, she was quite curious enough to do so - if not willingly - then at least without offering resistance.  She had been very protected in her upbringing and she felt it time that she was becoming more worldly wise.  Moreover, her feelings for Elizabeth in no way precluded or reduced her interest in men, even if, heretofore, that interest had resulted in little more than a stolen kiss on a dark veranda while she broke from dancing at a ball.

Elizabeth grimaced a little, “Do be careful with my hair.  Attend!  That was a tug!” and Sophia answered urgently and humbly, “Oh pahdon me Missa!  I be mo' careful Ma'am.”

Almost as if Elizabeth had read Sophia's thoughts she said, and with a little pinkness still showing at her cheeks, “Now, I know you have been, shall we say - safeguarded - thus far, and you have no experience but you have after-all attained nineteen.  Think of this as good training for when you do become married.  When the time comes you will not be so ...... so surprised by certain requirements of the wedding-night bed.”


Elizabeth turned her head and then took hold of Sophia's hand and said, “It will be alright girl, and this way he can ….. he can enjoy your company from time to time and not become angry with you.  If he were to become angry then he might .... well ....  Oh!  You do understand don't you?”

Sophia replied lightly, “Yes'm, I please the Massa if'n yo' says so Missa, 'ceptin' I ain' ter lie back with my legs open wide fo' him,”  and Elizabeth giggled.  Sophia asked,  “What's the Massa like, is he a han'some gen'leman Missa?”

With very obvious relief that her girl was taking the matter with such composure Elizabeth said, “Good girl Sophie!” and Sophia tingled again as Elizabeth continued, “and yes, he is a very handsome gentleman indeed.” She faced away from Sophia and smiled,  “Good!  Now, you are done with my hair.  Off to bed with you, I can turn the bed back myself this evening.”

Sophia replaced the brush on the dresser and returned to her mistress and said before curtseying, “Goodnight Mistiss 'Liz'beth Ma'am.  I hopes yo' sleep good Missa.”

Elizabeth rejoined light-heartedly, “If I don't I shall call on you.  Now, go to your quarters and straight to sleep, do you hear?  Tomorrow will be an exciting and busy day for us both.”

Sophia smiled in reply, said, “Yes'm,” and gave a little dip before stepping quickly to her little room.

Elizabeth congratulated herself as she slipped into her luxurious bed in the Cypress Hill guest chamber.  Certainly, Philip would want to use the exquisite slave fully, but she believed that her sensible calculation of providing some, if limited, comforts from the girl would be enough to placate him; and too, it would be a family embarrassment if he impregnated his cousin's maid - a concern that would help dampen his ardor.  Moreover, she had - albeit in subtle and general terms and without mentioning Philip by name - intimated to Caroline that she 'didn't want the girl devalued by the performance of any services peculiar to the wants of masters' and Caroline would warn Philip accordingly.  She would sleep well; her precautions to protect Sophia from ill-use were stoutly in place.  As the day, surely, was not too far off when the beautiful young planter's daughter would marry in society's upper reaches, Elizabeth did not want to be responsible, however indirectly, for any lack of blood on the bride's bed sheets when that time came.  She smiled and contemplated matters with satisfaction and thought; one word to him from Caroline would surely suffice in itself!

Sophia was already at her position in the breakfast room when Master Philip entered behind the two ladies and, though she could do little more than catch a glimpse of him a few times, she found him to be not unappealing in appearance.  He took little obvious interest in her at table but there were, she thought, one or two stolen glances in her direction.  When the three rose from table he said and with feigned disinterest,  “Do we have a new girl Caroline or is this the one that came with you Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth replied, “Oh, that is Sophie,” adding with just a hint of emphasis, “my personal girl,” continuing, “I brought her for my hair.”

Philip smiled at Elizabeth but said nothing.  Later though, when Sophie was upstairs dusting hall furnishings, he emerged from his chamber and stopped by her:

“Well Sophie, it seems your mistress has bought well though I hear that you don't always do as your told,” he said, chuckling.

Sophia curtseyed and lowered her eyes.  She remained silent but her cheeks warmed.

“After dinner you can come to my room and polish my boots.  Jane is more or less confined to the kitchen until cook is back and Ruby will be busy while you and Rosa are out this afternoon.  I will arrange an hour that suits your mistress,” and he strode off, chuckling again.  “Yes suh, Massa.” Sophia curtseyed and returned to her work but she was not so naive to think her duty would be confined to rubbing his boots.

In the late morning, after the mistresses had been attended to and dressed for town, Miss Jane instructed Sophia and Rosa to wash and put on 'goin' out' dresses.  Sophia was provided with, what was for a servant, a smart light-blue dress which fitted quite well given that it was borrowed and also a very white bonnet which, pleasingly, boasted a dainty and delicately embroidered frill.  Completed with her best serving shoes and the absence of apron, the outfit was of much better quality and style than anything she had worn before as a slave and she would liked to have stolen a moment to view herself in her mistress's mirror.  But, as soon as the two were attired they were sent to the drawing room where, with Master Philip out on a round to inspect the plantation, they found the two mistresses alone.  They were immediately told to kneel close by Mistress Caroline - each girl on either side of her large armchair.  Sophia wondered what might be about to take place and her heart raced at the unusual command whilst Elizabeth looked on with interest - though, perhaps, a look of slight concern troubled her lovely face.

Having knelt as ordered the girls were made to bend forward and as she looked at the floor Sophia heard the clink of metal and became aware of Mistress Caroline fussing at Rosa's side and there soon followed a further click.  Very soon it was her turn and after the mistress had unclasped and removed her copper necklace she felt something - a metal band - placed around her neck and realized, even before it had been locked, that she had been collared!

Her body reacted instantly at the outrage upon dignity; she stiffened and raised her head sharply and her eyes flew wide open.  Then a tremor of pleasurable excitement shook her abdomen and she became momentarily weak and trembling.  Mistress Caroline said in a most 'matter of fact' and flat tone, “There girls, for your protection.  You don't want stolen by scoundrels when we are out do you?  Now, on your feet and stand before us - let us see how you look.”

The slaves rose and Sophia looked to Rosa, who's face exhibited no discernible emotion, and she quickly studied the narrow and bright yellow band of brass and its dependent ring gleaming upon the pretty girl's dark neck.  The slave collar!  That most lurid symbol of debasement and one which she now wore - and soon for all the world to see.  

They moved as directed.  Sophia's face burned with shame as she stood next to Rosa while the two mistress gazed up at them.

Elizabeth had worried over Sophia's likely reaction to the collaring and had anticipated the possibility, if not promise, of trouble.  However, she had hoped that the girl's fear of Caroline would inhibit her from making any to-do, and watching Sophia's countenance anxiously she said hastily and with much enthusiasm, “Oh my, these are fetching adornments, so brightly polished and shining.  Why, I do declare!  They look so very much like fine jewelry.  The girls do look splendid.”

Caroline replied tersely, “They are Cypress Hill house-maids and shall be seen in town.  The slaves must look their best, it would not do to-.” Mistress Caroline hesitated then continued, “I hear the carriage arrive!  Very well, we shall go now.  Rosa, fetch the baskets.  Sophie, go stand ready with the parasols.”  Sophia dipped and hurried to the hall  - aware of very little save the novel and very strange feeling of metal and weight encircling her neck and the delightful frisson it had triggered below.  

Elizabeth breathed once more with relief; it pleased her that Sophia was, when all was considered, taking things rather well and without much trouble.  Even her rebellion after the whipping had been easily dealt with.  She smiled with satisfaction as she gathered her skirts and glided from the drawing room ahead of Caroline; she really didn't enjoy a fuss and the more accepting and yielding Sophia became the more at ease Elizabeth could be.

As their carriage rattled along towards town Sophia, who was seated next to Elizabeth and opposite Mistress Caroline and Rosa, held a parasol above her missa's head and she wondered what effective deterrence their collars might provide should the reviled slave snatchers attempt to wrest Rosa and her away from their owners.   

Then, with the driver dispatched with the order to return at three o'clock, the little party made their way along Broad Street: the two slaves carrying an empty basket each and shading their mistress's from the fierce mid-day sun.   

The indignity of following Elizabeth as a collared slave through the streets of a busy town had a profound effect on Sophia - one step behind her mistress and holding the parasol high - the shame for the young plantation mistress was supreme and her abdomen and sex responded with deep sensation: a quivering fluttering warmth and moistening, but her breasts, too, reacted and she knew that the rosebuds beneath her bodice had become enlarged and prominent.  Sophia and Rosa followed their mistress's and took in the many sights and sounds of the town and Sophia tried in vain to suppress the urge to rub her throbbing secret parts.  At one street corner a soberly dressed gentleman stood upon a pallet and, amid the bustle of the thoroughfare, he bellowed with great passion and vehemence about the sin of slavery and exhorted owners to free their chattel if they sought redemption - for no man had the right to own another.  At this, Caroline Cranstone tutted with strong disapproval and increased her step.  Several passers-by laughed at the fellow and others derided him but he carried resolutely on with his message and mission despite the jeering insults.  Mistress Caroline said sharply over her shoulder, “Don't listen to that man girls, he's a Quaker and they are all quite, quite mad.  Why! Just imagine how forlorn and incapable you'd be without us to guide you!” and together the girls dutifully replied, “Yes'm Mistiss,” and hastened their step to keep up.

Some few minutes later the party arrived at their first destination: The Excelsior Hotel, and it was there that the mistress's would take luncheon.  But Augusta's most elegant and lavish auberge did not allow visitor's negroes to be admitted.  There was, however, an area provided to the rear where servants might await while owners lunched or dined within and it was to this yard that Sophia and Rosa were led.

The girls stood until their mistress's receded from sight and then sat down upon the rough stools provided for waiting slaves and they set down their baskets.  There was already there another slave girl, well-dressed in good uniform, but she showed little interest in the Cypress Hill girls and kept to herself.  Sophia had time only to ask Rosa if she thought they might be fed when the three slaves were obliged to rise: a gentleman had entered the yard and made towards them.

He was a man of about 50 years, attired in a good suit and with a mild expression and countenance that suggested a not unkindly disposition; he moved first to Rosa and asked cheerfully:

“What's your name gal and what can you do?”

“Ise Rosa suh,” she replied with a dip and smile, “Ise used ter housework an' I kin cook some an' I kin work a needle an' thread an' I kin look aftah-.”  He nodded and his hands moved to her chin interrupting her.  He told her to show her teeth and then he said, “You're a handsome wench Rosa.  You have any children?”

Rosa grinned,  “Thankee suh an' I ain' nevah had no chilluns.  Massa an' Mistiss wan's me ter stay in the house suh so I ain' 'llowed none.  Reckon it 'cos Ise fully trained an' knows what's what when it come ter good house service suh.”  Sophia watched the proceedings from the corner of her eye and with some nervous anticipation that she would be subjected to a similar interrogation and inspection.  The man examined Rosa's collar and Sophia noticed then that it was inscribed.  He said, “Cypress Hill eh? You're a Cranstone nigra then,” and he began to feel her shoulders and bosom.

Rosa smiled and thrusting her chest towards him she answered brightly as his hands roamed over her, “Yes suh, Ise a Cypress Hill gal.  Reckon I be a good servan' suh.  Only real good gals gits ter be servan's in Cypress Hill Big House.”

The man nodded with approval and lifted her hands and turned them palm upwards:  “Yes, I'm sure you are a good gal.  Rosa eh?”

“Yes suh,”  

“Well turn round and let me see your shape from behind.  Rosa quickly did as bid and stood docile as he patted and felt her shoulders, back, waist and bottom.  Satisfied, he gave an approving grunt and a little slap on her rump and as she turned back he moved to Sophia.

She managed not to recoil from him or show any distaste for the same handling that Rosa had been subject to and she answered the questions in similar fashion - though with markedly less zeal when enumerating her abilities.  But, though she did not find the man to be particularly appealing she did, all the same, find the situation arousing.  Once again, the gentleman made approving noises and gestures as he looked and felt her over and when he had satisfied himself to the girl's worthiness he said:

“I'll be going inside to speak to your owner gals, I'm in the market for two good house wenches and I'm prepared to pay a high price.”  He smiled and continued, “You'll see if I don't come to collect you this very evening,” and both girls curtseyed, and Rosa grinning too, as he turned from them and towards the hotel.

Presently a kitchen girl from the hotel came out with a tray and three tin bowls of food with water for the waiting slaves in the yard and as they ate Sophia said:

“Rosa, yo' could sell a gal betah than any auctioneer.  Why, the way yo' threw yo'sel' at that man was quite shameful!”

Rosa giggled and answered, “He don' look none too bad, I hope he do buy me.  It ain' so bad fo' yo' but I'd be mighty glad ter git sold on - I'll take my chance wid that gen'leman.  He got money an' he don' look mean.”

Sophia had found Rosa's eagerness to be appealing for the man quite distasteful but the girl's words made sense and she supposed that if she really were a Cypress Hill girl then she might be equally wanton in pursuit of a more benevolent owner.  At last Elizabeth and Caroline Cranstone emerged from the hotel and as they collected the girls Mistress Caroline addressed Rosa and said with displeasure:

“The gentleman that looked you two over offered twelve hundred for Sophie but only eleven for you girl!”  Rosa dropped her gaze and her mistress continued, “If he'd offered another fifty I'd have taken it and be glad to be rid of you.”  Rosa's head dropped and she gave a slight nod but Sophia knew that her submissive demeanor had more to do with her own disappointment than to appear contrite for her owner.   Elizabeth smiled at Sophia though and she said, “Well Sophie, you must have made a good account of yourself because the gentleman was anxious to have you.  Twelve hundred dollars no less.  Good girl!” and Sophia felt a rush of pleasure in response to her mistress's words.

After some time spend in a jewelry and milliner's stores, and lastly a shop where some lengths of a pale yellow and white striped material were purchased for the slaves, their adventure in town was over and they found their carriage awaiting them at the appointed hour.  The inspection by a stranger and the ignominy of being walked through the busy town while collared had excited Sophia considerably and she squirmed a little in her seat.  As they sped and bounced along into the country and towards Cypress Hill Sophia's thoughts turned to 'Massa Philip' and to what, exactly, it might be that she would be expected to do for him after dinner.


  1. Again a very good chapter. Thank yoi so much!! I am excited to see what will happen to Sophie. Is she going to get sold or stolen? Maybe first she is banned from the house and forced to work on the cotton fields. And who will be the people at the party...

  2. Wonderful story.
    My hope after the last chapter was that Elizabeth is getting much more demanding at Sophie even in the privacy of her own chambers. I would like to read more of demanding scenes where Elizabeth is being dressed or bathed by Sophie.
    Nevertheless I appriciate the continuation and I'm excited to read more.
    Maybe Sophie is being sold to a demanding and ruthless southern belle whiping Sophie for the smallest mistakes when dressing or bathing her mistress.

    Please go ahead SW and many thanks for everything.
    Many thanks for Camille as well for sharing all these wonderful stuff with us.

  3. Nice chapter ,I hope she back home, she beg elizabeth become her maid and shopia's parent accept their daugter to become maid

  4. This is an interesting story.. Can’t wait what to see will happen to Sophie and Elisabeth. Sophie night be punished bevause of her uppity by sending her daily for some midday hours to the cotton fields to get a deep and also surprisingly lastining tanning. She could be stolen. Or loose her reputation. Or she the only child could be a child of a slave.... Many possibilities. When do we get the next chapter? p.

    1. Many possibilities indeed, but no spoilers, you will soon find out. Next chapter should be available shortly after New Year.

    2. Cant wait. This is my favorite story along with maid in china. I wonder if it will ever be continued...
