
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Story: The Secret Slave. Part 6.

by SW

Later, Sophia assisted at dinner and, though very nervous, her task was made somewhat easier because Miss Jane had instructed her to attend her Missa at table.  Unlike Mistress Caroline, Elizabeth, perhaps by design - Sophia could not know for certain - gave her serving maid clear signals for instruction; she tapped her wine glass with knife or spoon when its contents had nearly emptied and she pushed her unfinished plate away slightly when she had reached sufficiency of the main course - so that Sophia knew to step forward to replace with the trifle.  But Sophia marveled at how Ruby seemed to know Mistress Caroline's requirements by some mysterious intuition or instinct.  

Sophia's bottom was still quite painful after her beating and it took great effort, as she had been warned by the housekeeper, to maintain a 'pleasin' face fo' the mistisses' - her mood was sullen and resentful after her punishment and a remark by Elizabeth to her cousin 'how pretty the center-piece flowers look' did not improve her humor.  She had come, in her short time at Cypress Hill, to despise Mistress Caroline and she considered the woman nothing but a twisted termagant.  In her thoughts she conceded that Caroline may be wealthy and physically appealing, but, even had they met as equals at a society occasion she would have shunned the woman's company - Elizabeth's cousin or not!  

However, she was annoyed with her friend too, for there were unmistakable signs that Elizabeth was enjoying the charade a little too much.  Admittedly, she had to keep up appearances for that hell-cat cousin but did she really have to whip?  Sophia resolved to confront Elizabeth when she could; surely, in the aftermath of the beating Elizabeth would willingly allow her to talk freely?   Regardless, she would have her say; the beating, and Elizabeth's participation, would not be brushed aside and forgotten.  All of these concerns agitated her mind while she stood rigid and held her 'pleasing face', but behind the mask she quietly seethed.

She was ill-humored with her sisters in bondage too.  Since she had been punished there had been not one particle of sympathy from them.  Instead, she suffered dark looks from all three and Rosa had told her that she had been lucky to 'git only a dozen an' them laid on real light.'  Then later, in the kitchen, the housekeeper had gripped her arm and hissed 'Yo' bes' be a good gal, yo' heah?  Yo' gits Mistiss riled up then we all suffer b'cause of it.  Yo' hold yo'self good an' do like yo's told.  We ain' wantin' no stripes jes b'cause of some no 'ccount uppity house pet from town that comes heah an' cain behave hersel''.

Sophia recalled the warm and comforting presence of Martha and Milly at the Morgan place - they had been so very sweet and had protected her like family and, it could not be denied, negro or not - she missed them.  But then she caught herself: what on earth was she thinking!  She should not be wishing to be with those two slaves but to be at home; reclining in the River View drawing room after dinner and taking tea served by her own maid Sally!

Sophia's troubling thoughts were interrupted when the ladies rose from table and Mistress Caroline said brusquely, “You two.  Put water in the cauldron for two baths and then clear table.  After that you can set and light the bedchamber fires - it's a clear night and going to chill later.  Ruby, you shall attend me for bathing.”

Ruby and Sophia dipped and hurried to begin their tasks and it was something like an hour later when Sophia struggled upstairs to Elizabeth's chamber with a yoke on her neck and two large buckets filled almost to the brim with hot water for the copper bath which had been taken up not long before.  She hefted the heavy burden with Miss Jane's admonition ringing in her ears: 'Yo' be carefu' with them buckets gal, spill any watah and yo'll have Mistiss in a tempah again!'  When, slightly breathless, she entered the bed chamber she found Elizabeth sitting by the glowing fire and reading a book.  Her friend raised her eyes, smiled to Sophia and said mildly:

“Ah! Very good Sophie.  Rosa has already put cold in so make sure you add enough but not too much, else I should have to wait for it to cool.”  Sophia avoided eye contact and replied quietly, “Yes'm.”  Elizabeth continued in a friendly yet condescending tone; the same intonation Sophia used when she was not displeased with the River View slaves:

“I'm looking forward to you bathing me Sophie - I'll take a long bath, then after you have dried my hair and brushed it out I shall be directly to bed.  I have told Rosa to tell Jane that you will attend me for the rest of the evening so you are released from further chores downstairs.” She smiled and then pointed to a closet door.  “Oh, and you shall sleep in the maid's room from now.  Rosa has already brought your things up,”  Elizabeth smiled fondly at her maid and, as if offering a great favor, she continued, “You can tell me all the gossip that you must have accumulated from the kitchen about what goes on at Cypress Hill.  I wonder if your Mistress Caroline has any suitors.  Do tell me later.”

Sophia felt her resentment mounting at this discourse; that her friend was prattling on so when she should be offering an immediate and profound apology, but she contained her anger just enough to say sullenly, “I don' know nothin' Missa, them gals downstairs don' hardly talk to me none, reckon they thinks Ise an uppity town-house nigra Ma'am.”

Elizabeth giggled, “Oh Sophie, you can't know how much I love to hear you speak like this.  It is perfectly delightful girl.  So pleasing to my ears!”

Sophia had been on her knees before the fire and emptying the hot water from her buckets when she quietly erupted.  She had had quite enough of her friend's demand that they play their roles in private and Elizabeth's nonchalance and casual manner - so soon after the degradation of what had taken place in the drawing room - angered her intensely.  Why, Not five hours earlier Elizabeth had wielded a whip on her naked bottom!  Sophia turned, scowled and said, though careful not to raise her voice so that it might be heard along the landing, “You like having me as your slave don't you?  This is more than just having me act out my role to preserve caution against discovery.  You actually enjoyed whipping me this afternoon didn't you?  You're not much better than that spiteful vixen - that dreadful witch-creature along the landing that you like to call dear Caroline!”

Elizabeth took a risk - she knew that Sophia was at the limit of her endurance but she reasoned that the threat of the scandal that would ensue if they became exposed would be enough to suppress any mutiny.  She smiled at Sophia and placed her book upon the side table and then said very calmly and very quietly, “Must I take you to Mistress Caroline's room to let her hear your explanation of things?”  Sophia dropped her eyes and Elizabeth continued, “Shall we say you are already bored with your charade and wish to leave?  And will I ask her to lend you a silk dress and arrange a carriage for you to the railroad station so that you might return to your fine home at River View?  If so, come along now and on the way home we can look forward to Caroline's letters to your parents and my family that would surely follow.”  

Sophia looked up miserably - she had been defeated in an instant!  She said softly, “Oh, Elizabeth dear, it's just that she is such a-”

Elizabeth interjected, still in a low voice, and there was much gravity and authority in her words, “Enough!  We will go on as before, and for the sensible reasons I have already explained you will perform your role even in our private moments together.  This whole affair was arranged at your request and you must see it through - neither of us can go back on this mad game of yours now.  We have gone too far for that.”

Sophia nodded but the words stung; it may not have been quite, as Elizabeth had stated, her 'mad game' but it was undeniable that she had entered freely into the adventure.  She protested, “Yes but why did you whip me Elizabeth, I don't understand why you-”

Elizabeth interrupted again, “Listen to me Sophia.  Mistress Caroline thinks you have been accustomed to treatment and conditions much too gentle at my home, and now, if I don't behave as your mistress here then she will conceive that you are not, in fact, my slave.  We cannot risk any such suspicions taking root do you understand?  I had little choice other than to beat you, had I declined then I have little doubt that such suspicions would have been aroused.  Besides, I laid on very lightly for you.” Elizabeth paused and was gratified to see that her words were met with a reluctant nod and an expression of acceptance upon Sophia's pretty face.  She went on, “No dear, I played my part and you will play yours, for the sake of us both.  I will ensure that your Mistress Caroline's demands upon you do not become excessive.  I will admit that she is a very unforgiving and formidable mistress but you will put up with things as they are and trust me to look after you.  Here we remain unless and until you are in danger of permanent physical harm - or of losing your purity - and you, will, be my body slave.”

“But can't we just return home?  Tell her that you have taken unwell and must see your physician.  Please Elizabeth, this house is simply unbearable.”

Elizabeth answered, “Have you forgotten that my servants have been sent away for two weeks!  Don't be ridiculous, do you expect me to cook; to wash my own clothes and dress myself?  And, let me remind you that your treatment here, thus far, has not in any way been extraordinary.  You have complained to me more than once that you had to whip Sally for some fault of forgetfulness or accidental disobedience.  If you are so ill-suited to the role that you have arranged for yourself then it occurs to me that you have not thought things through very well.  Certainly, not if you expected serving here for two weeks to be nothing other than an enjoyable girlish prank.  Now, I know what a clever and bright girl you are and it would seem quite out of character for you to have carried this out without some expectation of the realities of your situation here.  After all, you yourself are a mistress who beats her maid.”  Sophia shrank and lowered her eyes to the floor.  Elizabeth smiled and continued with a slight yet well-calculated air of disapproval, “One might almost begin to speculate upon what it was, exactly, that possessed you to wish for this my dear.”  

Sophia hung her head and blushed furiously at this.  Elizabeth had cut to the heart of the matter and any further examination of affairs would very likely expose her to some deeply uncomfortable questioning.

For her part, Elizabeth knew perfectly well that Sophia had embarked on the enterprise at the Morgan's place, and now at Cypress Hill, to fulfill a very secret desire.  She had suspected so from the day she had collected Sophia from the Morgan house and it had been confirmed beyond doubt when she observed the evidence of her friend's arousal when she had whipped her.  

And Elizabeth had advantage in that; though she had the sureness of knowledge of Sophia's yearnings, Sophia could not be certain of her friend's - if Sophia did suspect that she had enjoyed flogging her then it remained that; no more than a mere suspicion.  Sophia most assuredly did not know that while she had been busy picking flowers below the veranda, Elizabeth had been obliged to go up to her chamber and take the air at her window - she had found that whipping Sophia had made her feel a little flushed and faint.

Sophia having remained bowed and silent for some time, Elizabeth said, “Then it is agreed.  Stay we shall and you must not attract attention with inappropriate or bad behavior, and, unless Mistress Caroline threatens to treat you in some exceptional way you will keep any grievances to yourself.  Keep in mind that I am your true mistress here and it is not in my interest to have you harmed.  Is that clearly understood?

Sophia bit her lip and fretted with her apron for a moment, and then she signaled her submission: she said very humbly, “Please Missa, I is goin' ter be a good gal fo' yo' an' Mistiss Caroline and Massa Philip when he comes Ma'am.  I ain' goin' ter cause no trouble again Missa.”

Elizabeth sighed in pleasurable relief and urged, “Look at the mantelpiece and tell me what hangs from a hook.”  Sophia didn't take the trouble to turn her head but she replied, correctly, “A whip Missa, reckon Mistiss Caroline musta had one spare fo' yo' Ma'am.”

Elizabeth laughed and said lightly, “Quite right and I can tell you, my hand itches to use it this very minute.  However, I will let your insult to my dear cousin go, but this time and this time only,” and motioning her hand to signal Sophia to stand she said, “Now, be on your feet and help me undress before the bath water gets cold.  Don't dally girl.  Up, up,”

Sophia's body warmed and tingled at the command and she immediately began to moisten.  As she rose she said, “Yes'm, Sophie goin' ter give yo' a good bathin' Ma'am.  Shall I fetch rose watah from yo' dresser to add ter yo' bath Missa?”

“Yes girl, do that and then help me with these confounded stays, I can't wait to get them off.”

As the undressing proceeded Sophia mused that she had never seen her friend in anything less than petticoats and drawers before and kneeling to remove Elizabeth's shoes and stockings she blushed.  When Elizabeth stood naked, Sophia averted her eyes and Elizabeth giggled, “Why Sophie, no need to be abashed at seeing your mistress unclothed girl.  You shall bathe me in a moment, and your soft hands will be upon me, all over, do you find your mistress ugly to behold?”

Sophia shook her head vigorously, “Oh no Missa! Yo' is truly beautiful Ma'am.  It jes I reckon since I ain' seen yo' nakkid befo' yo' don' wan' yo' gal eyein' on yo' Ma'am.”

Elizabeth laughed and said, “Nonsense girl, how can you do your work properly if you don't watch what you are doing?  Besides, being naked in front of you is hardly different from being seen naked by a dog or cat. I don't mind in the least!  Now here, help me in,” and Sophia blushed and goose-pimpled at the words as she extended her arm for Elizabeth to hold as she stepped into the bath.

Elizabeth sighed with pleasure as she slipped into the rose-scented water, she smiled and looked at Sophia saying, “Start with my hair and make sure you keep soap from my eyes,” and then she lay back and closed them.

Sophia nodded and taking up the soap she knelt by the bath and said, “Yes'm, I be careful Missa.”  Her sex had been tingling ferociously as she undressed Elizabeth, and looking at her friend, now mistress, at ease in the bath whilst the glowing yellow firelight danced upon her silky smooth white skin, Sophia shuddered with desire.

The bathing was exquisitely arousing for mistress and slave.  At first, Sophia's hands trembled with the strength of emotion and Elizabeth very nearly succumbed to the desire to pull Sophia to her and to kiss and fondle her.  As Sophia worked gently on Elizabeth's body - soaping and smoothing with a light and delicate touch - both mused in silence how their friendship had irrevocably changed since their arrival at Cypress Hill Plantation.  Elizabeth felt a new possessiveness and responsibility for Sophia, particularly so in the trying environment of Cypress Hill.  For Sophia, Elizabeth had become very much more than a very dear and beautiful friend - her best friend - whom she deeply admired and respected.  She was entirely powerless at Cypress Hill and without even the company of friendly slaves to comfort her, she looked to Elizabeth as her protector and she would rely on her guiding hand.

Sophia, still, could not unravel the turmoil of deep emotions that had conflicted her ever since she had been a slave for a day at the Morgan place, but she knew that her need to serve and be placed almost at the very base level of society was no mere passing fancy.  Her strange and dark desires were part of her, whether they were, perhaps, beginning to define her she knew not, but she was certain that if that strangeness meant that she must serve then she wanted to serve Elizabeth more than any other.  If that was sinful then so be it - it no longer mattered to her.  

Her laughably weak rebellion earlier had been brushed aside as quickly and easily as it deserved.  Elizabeth knew best and she would trust her.  As she soaped and massaged Elizabeth's beautiful breasts, she fully accepted that she must give herself entirely to being her slave whilst they remained at Cypress Hill.  In any case, she had little option.   As for what came after Cypress Hill - well, she would save these concerns for another day.

“Is I doin' this alrigh' fo' yo' Missa?  I hopes it feels good fo' yo' Ma'am,” Sophia asked, anxious to show Elizabeth that she had become, once again, truly compliant.

Elizabeth sighed with pleasure and opened her eyes and smiled to the girl squatting by her side as she gently rubbed shoulders and breasts, and then she stretched a long and elegant leg and rested it on the rim of the bath.  She reached out and cast Sophia's bonnet to the floor and began to run a wet hand through the silky black tresses.  As she caressed, she said tenderly, “Oh yes Sophie, I can't recall when I ever had such a pleasing bath, you are very skillful with your hands.  Rest assured that your mistress is very pleased with you now girl.”  Sophia gave a beautiful and wide smile - her teeth gleaming pearl-like in her dusky face, and as Elizabeth withdrew her hand she continued, “You can do my leg now, begin at my foot and pay special attention to my toes will you.”

Sophia took Elizabeth's delicate foot in her hands and replied, “Yes'm, Ise glad ise doin' it good Missa, I wan's ter be pleasin' fo' yo' Ma'am.”

“I know you do girl,” and Elizabeth sat up reached forward and gave Sophia a gentle stroke on the forehead.  Then she moved her hand and held Sophia's chin firmly.  She turned the beautiful face gently towards her own and while Sophia lowered her eyes and fixed on her mistress's wet and glistening breasts Elizabeth almost whispered, “Now Sophie, do your work quietly.  I am enjoying my thoughts and I don't need any silly slave chatter to disturb them.”

Sophia answered, “Yes'm, sorry Ma'am, I be quiet now Missa.” and she returned diligently to work; gently soaping and fingering between her mistress's toes.  As she did so she wondered what her mistress's thoughts might be if she were to know that the little cotton rag between her legs had become really quite damp.


  1. I still haven't figured out if this story is supposed to be read straight or as satire. If it's meant straight, it has too many silly asides. If it's meant as satire, it delivers a lot of laughs, but it never really hits the mark solidly.

    1. Ambiguity is often a sign of great literature. At least there is little doubt as to how classify this comment.

  2. Author here: I'd like to mention Camille and thank her for some gentle nudging/light editing and a great idea which I'll use later in the story. Thanks Camille!

    The first comment above made me smile. Let's just say I have fun writing this and hope the finished piece will be; erotic, horrific, lightly amusing and broadly believable.


  3. Thank you for this propably best chapter so far. The changing relationship and changing of Sophie and Elisabeth is told very well.

    By the way, do you SW or any of us readers know a similar story? In internet or as a book? Where a lady becomes a slave in the old South. p.

    1. I don't, but I am writing this on the premise that it was not impossible. It would be amazing to discover any evidence that it really happened. SW

    2. There's a fairly well-known story, "The Memoirs of Dolly Morton," about a white abolitionist woman who more or less becomes the mistress of a white plantation owner. There is an entry in the Wikipedia for this novel, containing a link to an online version of the novel.

      There's also a similar novel about a lady plantation owner who enslaves the lady plantation owner of a nearby plantation. I simply cannot remember the name of the novel, however.

      T. H. Enerdly

    3. The Dolly Morton book I read years ago. It is very entertaining and pretty well written, but though Dolly was subject to Randolph's every whim she was never, in fact, a slave to him. Please try and wrack your memory banks for the other one! ;)

    4. There is a book/film I mentioned a few times in this blog already called Band of Angels. I haven't read Robert Penn Warren's novel so can't comment on its merits, but the 1957 movie it is based on is a romantic mess, a Gone With the Wind wannabe, complete with ageing Clark Cable and enough antebellum South and Civil War stereotypes to fill the Grand Canyon. The main character, played by Yvonne De Carlo, is a daughter of a rich plantation owner. After his death it is discovered that, despite her white appearance and privileges upbringing, her mother was a slave and she is put up for sale in a very risqué (for 1957) scene, but she's quickly saved by Mr. Bond (Gable), who treats like a lady and they fall in the love etc etc. The first 20 minutes with her downfall are something any fan of lady-to-maid stories would surely appreciate!

  4. Very good chapter. The logical confrontation between Sophie and Elizabeth worked well and is believable enough that Sophie would be prepared to carry on and let the deception run its course once she realised her (limited and dangerous to her reputation) options. Elizabeth's words are just reassuring enough to Sophie that she doesn't go for the nuclear 'get out' option, but just ominous enough as well for us to know things are only going to get slowly worse until Sophie loses even her back door way out. Glad to see Sophie isn't a door mat who simply accepts the way things have been going. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)

    - Emma x

  5. This is good, well-written and believable.
    I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out


  6. The quality of the writing continues to be beyond criticism, the way it encompasses sophies range of experiences from the harsh elements with the albeit fleeting moments of human 'kindness' through to the erotic is truly amazing.


    This story offers the reader a complete word picture but with enough areas left indistinct for the reader to put their own emphasis/interpretation on the story, that for me adds greatly to my reading pleasure, taking the story to places i wish it to go, personalising the story.

    Move over Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, King, Dickens and other such noted authors, your positions at the top of the literary ladder are under threat by SW, gets my vote anyway.

    1. Thank you for yet more enthusiastic praise betsy. You are, of course, completely wrong in your estimation of this story's worth but it's nice for me to read it all the same. We still have a quite a long way to travel along Sophia's path and it will wind through some dark woods. I hope you'll enjoy what is still to come with the same pleasure. SW

  7. An Appreciative ReaderDecember 12, 2017 at 1:42 AM

    I really enjoyed this chapter, love how you are developing both Sophia and Elizabeth, you really have found a new angle. From the reviews clearly I am not alone in my enjoyment.

    And Camille - your cultural knowledge never ceases to amaze me! And it's good to hear from the author how supportive you have been, so thanks from us all :)

    1. You are very welcome. It is a wonderful story and I am more than happy to help with an idea or two.

  8. ooooh i really hope she gets sold off accidentally!

    1. Even the most hapless slave trader this side of the Mississippi will find it pretty damn hard to sell someone accidentally.On purpose though, that's a whole different story!

  9. I love this story and it progressing so well.
    I was driving the other day thinking of Sophie and please accept I would never push an agenda into an authors mind but, and you have already considered or written this. SW I could not get the vision of Sophie taken to work in the fields to pick cotton her ankle managled to the chain adjoining other slaves Elizabeth unable or unwilling to prevent what Caroline decides for the upity town house slave.

    Love the story wait for more
    Jackie J
    Anyways I

    1. Must no spoil. Must not spoil. Must not spoil.
      Only a few days until we find out though!

  10. Getting deeper tanning on the fields... Maybe some garden service would help. I’m so excited sbout Sophia’s and Elisabeth’s growing relationship, I would not see her on the fields instead of that.

  11. Dear SW, when can we read the next chapter?
