
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Story: The Secret Slave. Part 5.

by SW

Caroline Cranstone stepped quickly across the drawing room, opened the door and shouted “Slave!” and moved back to her chair.  An uncomfortable silence prevailed until a moment later Rosa appeared at the open door and Mistress Caroline ordered:

“Rosa, go to my chamber and bring one of my crops here, we have need of one.”

Seeing Sophia positioned for a whipping at the fireplace, Rosa quickly nodded and curtseyed and immediately set off on her errand.  The wait for her return seemed interminable to Sophia and to add to her anguish her arms and legs were beginning to hurt from the unnatural pose she had been forced to take.  Looking down at the fire grate she was unable to see either of the mistresses behind her but she was fully aware that they were provided with a very good view of her bottom and she supposed that they might very well be taking advantage of it.

At last Rosa tripped lightly into the room and Mistress Caroline rose from her chair.  She took the crop from Rosa and, after telling the slave girl to wait and watch, the mistress took up a position beside and slightly behind Sophia.  She slid the stiff little whip beneath the thin ribbon of cotton that emerged from between Sophia's buttocks and raised it as high as the little amount of give in it allowed.  As the material jerked upward it caused the straps and triangle of cotton to bite most uncomfortably between Sophia's legs, across her mound and around her waist.  As she did this, Mistress Caroline said, “Well Sophie, I think eight strokes for your trouble to me; four for disobedience and four for insolence.  Are you whip trained girl?”

Sophia had never heard of such a thing and, very forlorn, she replied, “I dunno what that means Mistiss Caroline Ma'am.”

Caroline Cranstone, using the crop, toyed and tugged at the tiny slave garment a few times and said in a disparaging tone, “You don't? No, I'm really not very surprised,” and she gave Elizabeth a disapproving glance before continuing, “Well I shall explain it for you girl.  Every aspect of a slave's behavior should be trained, and that applies as much to the receiving of punishment as it does to how you must serve at table.  You will not kick up a fuss - if you do I shall add a number of strokes.  Do you understand Sophie?”

Sophia was on the brink of weeping but she managed a doleful “Yes'm,” in reply.

“You will not scream or squeal, you will not remove your hands from the mantelpiece and you will not collapse.  You must hold position straight-legged and with as much dignity as you can preserve.  No pleas for the punishment to be cut short will be tolerated; any such groveling will also be rewarded with further blows.  Is that understood?”

Sophia bit her lip, and nodded - her white work bonnet bobbing - and then she mumbled another anguished, “Yes'm.”

“Very well, I shall allow you to cry out but no more than that.  Let us begin,” and the mistress released the crop from beneath Sophia's rag strap, swung it high and brought it down hard on the upper part of her bottom - the pain seared as if a red hot poker had been placed across her buttocks.  Sophia had resolved to keep her mouth tightly shut during the beating and she had bitten her lip and closed her eyes but, when it came, the blow was much too painful for her to retain composure.  As the sharp report of the stroke echoed across the large room she threw her head back and - eyes startled wide - she let out a very loud gasp.  Sophia's lovely bottom quivered and danced while Elizabeth and Rosa looked on - one sat with an inscrutable expression of interest upon her countenance while, the shrinking and fidgeting other, stood and stared reluctantly with her head dropped to a half-bow.   

The second blow elicited a loud moan and further wriggling though the sufferer maintained her position with straight and parted legs and arms extended above.  And so it continued.  With each successive well-spaced - one might say expert - blow there came a loud moan, cry or, sometimes a squeak, and the beautiful brown bottom acquired a very dark and angry purple hue.  At last, the eighth stroke landed and although Sophia had started to sob quietly she told herself that she had borne the flogging almost as well as her girl Sally did under her own whip.  Notwithstanding the stinging pain and degradation she had held position and had not begged for lighter strokes.  For this, she allowed herself a prideful thought.

She waited for the command to stand but Mistress Caroline surprised and horrified her with what she said next, “Very well Sophie, I am done with you, for now, but you have shamed your missa with your bad behavior, I believe your bottom owes Mistress Elizabeth a further four.  Elizabeth, do take this if you wish,” and she turned to Elizabeth and proffered the little whip.

Sophia's belly tumbled and she seemed to shrink at her position.  The very idea that Elizabeth might beat her filled her with even more shame than she had felt under Mistress Caroline's discipline - a degradation, that she had believed, could not have been exceeded.  Sophia almost made an entreaty to her mistresses but she recalled the warning that the punishment would, on no account, be peremptorily stopped, indeed, it would be increased if she begged for it to cease.  She listened intently in the long moment of silence that followed Mistress Caroline's words and fervently hoped that her friend would decline the offer of the crop.  But, when Elizabeth rose, at last, from her seat she said calmly, “Thank you Caroline dear,  I agree - four should go someway for her to answer for humiliating me with her intolerable behavior before you.”  

The strokes were a deal lighter than those of Mistress Caroline, but when the whip landed under Elizabeth's hand Sophia squirmed and wriggled as much as she had done before. Her open-mouthed and wide-eyed expression went unseen by her mistresses - after all, their attentions were concentrated upon her nether regions, but both saw and exchanged glances and smiles at the spreading stain of damp upon the little strip of white cotton pulled tightly across the division between their slave girl's legs.

When all was done Sophia was instructed to stand and told that she was allowed to rub her bottom if she wished.  She had been too debased by the whipping to concern herself with any indignity in doing so, and besides, she was glad of the relief it might bring to her burning buttocks.  She stood before her tormentors and rubbed herself lightly though vigorously for a few moments when Mistress Caroline said,  “Now Sophie, before you go to fetch those flowers as I ordered an age ago, you should ask forgiveness.  Get down.”

Sophia immediately dropped to her knees before Mistress Caroline with her head lowered and began to mumble to the floor, but Mistress Caroline removed Sophia's work bonnet and swatted her head.  She barked, “Look at me girl, I want to see your sincerity.”

Sophia looked up, her eyes moist; and she said very humbly, “Please fo'give me fo' my disobeedjence and ins'lence Mistiss.”  Caroline Cranstone looked down at the girl at her feet and questioned, “You are forgiven, but I trust that you have learned a valuable lesson girl?”  Sophia nodded and answered, “Oh yes'm.  It ain' goin' ter happen no' mo' Mistiss.”  

“Very well, and now to your Missa, for you have humiliated her very badly indeed.”

Sophia shuffled a little on her knees to turn to Elizabeth and, looking up into her eyes, she said, “Missa, Ise sorry I let yo' down, please fo'give yo' gal Ma'am.”

Elizabeth gave Sophia an intense gaze in return and she waited for a long moment before saying very firmly, “Very well Sophie, I shall forgive you this time, but never dare to disappoint me again.  You are my slave and as such you represent me and your behavior reflects upon me.  Never forget that girl!”

Sophia felt a strong stirring deep in her abdomen and sex and she lowered her head and answered. “Yes'm Missa, thank you Missa.”

Caroline Cranstone said, “Very well Sophie, pick up your bonnet and stand up now.  You can go and get those flowers.  Can you remember what colors I ordered?”

As she got painfully to her feet - for her bottom objected to every movement of her legs -  Sophia replied, “Yes'm Mistiss, Ise ter fetch mos'ly yeller an' red flowahs Ma'am.”

Caroline Cranstone beamed a beautiful smile to Sophia and said in a tone calculated to convey the utmost insincerity and humiliation:

“Good Sophie! You are quite correct.  What a smart nigra girl you are!” then continued, “Now, go to your quarters and put on your dress and then get yourself out to the beds below the veranda as quick as you can.  Pick the largest and prettiest flowers you can find, I do like to see the house nicely adorned.  Run along.  Oh, and use the kitchen door girl.”

Her face still flushed, almost as purple as her bottom, Sophia curtseyed painfully and replied, “Yes'm, Mistiss.  Righ' away Ma'am,” and moved quickly - though stiffly - from the room.

Mistress Caroline turned to Rosa, who had remained standing near the door throughout the proceedings, and she said, “Take the whip from Miss Elizabeth girl and hang it at the end of the mantelpiece - it will help serve to remind the lot of you what happens when you displease us.”

The frightened maid curtseyed and stepped to Miss Elizabeth and after she had done as ordered she was glad to be dismissed from the drawing room for she was quite certain that her Mistress was in no mood to suffer her slaves to make any fault - however trifling.


  1. Thank you for the new chapter. Always a pleasure to read a new part of this story. I especially liked that also Elizabeth punished sophie and that Sophie had to kneel and beg for forgiveness. Will Sophie start to oppose against her slave role?

  2. Hello. Thank you again for this great story and the new chapter. Sophie is deeper in a life of a a slave. Her sexual emotions are binding her. Looking forward to see something legal change in her status. But, naturally be free to write the story.

  3. OMG what a wonderful continuation of this well written story.
    Like comments before already mentioned I do alsovery appreciate that Elizabeth has wipped Sophie problay without the sligthest hesitation.
    Sophie not used being punished will now do everything to please her mistress in every way just because she don't want to feel that pain again.
    I would like to see Sophie as Elizabeth personal maid which provides the slightest menail tasks for her mistress. She will dress her, bathe her all these intimate thing who can be so exteremely humaliation if the mistress is never satisfied with her personal maids work. Of course Sophie will be whipped again for any fault however trifling.

  4. I'm really pleased the chapters are coming so regularly. :)

    Poor Sophie seems to have three things to concern her now, each one more ominous than the last.

    First of course she has been whipped for the first time in her life. That's bad of course, for she's a Plantation Mistress in reality, and such a thing would surely be unthinkable for her, but in retrospect she will realise that there was always the theoretical possibility of a punishment while she posed as a slave, even if she didn't imagine it might actually happen. After all, Caroline thinks she actually is a slave, and slaves do get whipped. Even Sophie has whipped her girls like Sally before.

    Rather more worrying for her is the fact that her close friend Elizabeth didn't intervene to stop the whipping. Perhaps Sophie desperately clings to the self-rationalisation in her mind that Elizabeth was wary of doing anything that might make Caroline suspicious that possibly Sophie was 'precious' to Elizabeth, and cause her to make enquiries into Sophie's assumed slavery? As bad as a whipping is, it is as nothing compared to the absolute shame and ruin if Sophie's secret came out in the open.

    But then there's the third thing - that Elizabeth actually whipped her too! Intolerable! How does Sophie rationalise that! What possible reason would her dear trusted friend have to give her four lashes? Surely it must be some sort of mistake in the heat of the moment! Surely her dear friend Elizabeth was confused, wasn't thinking, maybe she panicked when Caroline thrust the whip to her with the expectation she joined in? No doubt Elizabeth will be distraught when she realises what she has gone and done, thinks Sophie. For after all she is her friend! I'm sure Sophie will have the expectation of a full and contrite apology from Elizabeth when she has a chance to talk to her in private. ;)

    Quite obviously Sophie has nothing more to worry about, for surely Elizabeth will be aghast at what has happened and will ensure nothing like this happens again... ;)

    - Emma

  5. This quatation from the 4th chapter can tell a lot. The motivation of Siphia/e is deep and binding her step by step:”For an instant, Sophia wanted to run from the room and the house and find her way home, but then she felt an intense arousal start up between her legs - the now familiar feeling that compelled her to demean herself; that made her want to act as a slave, to feel like a slave. The excitement was indescribably delicious and a hundred times better than she had ever experienced by merely stimulating her sex in her lonely bed at night. It was overwhelming, consuming, and it took her breath away.

  6. To be able to make a chapter out of a discipline event and make it so gripping, deserves high praise, the scene built and built.

    The intricate level of detail described was par excellence, covering the emotional, physical and psychological aspects.

    Sophie most definitely is a trooper, though having seen her entering into the slave role for 'experience', she seems to have got into fulfilling the role quickly, perhaps her own experience as a Mistress/slave owner, knowing the rule of, the Mistress will say and the slave will obey, no if, buts or may be's, and if fail to obey. then the slave will pay, has something to do with her ability to assume slave role.

    This story is up there with the best of the best.

  7. An Appreciative ReaderDecember 7, 2017 at 7:52 AM

    I agree, another excellent chapter. Sophie is being slowly pulled in to the trap she has wrought for herself. I like the Elizabeth character too, Sophie's friend, yes, but is she being, well, what you might term as seduced to the dark side? I think especially if Sophia was richer than her and she had reasons to be jealous, having this hold over Sophie would be very appealing...

  8. I like your story , i cant wait next chapter

  9. Some good writing here, but the changes are going way too rapidly to maintain psychological credibility, especially the changes in Elizabeth. Those who are just looking for bdsm erotica will probably be happy. Those who are interested in the inner dynamics of the urge to self-degradation will find little of interest. The description of the whipping, especially Caroline Cranstone's lines, rings false. It's all too fetishistic in tone. (A bit of "fan service" here?) With real-life slaves and their owners in the antebellum South, whipping would have been a quotidian event, not one that required such dramatization. (Read Eugene Genovese sometime.)

  10. I agree with anonymous above, for me these stories should ideally be about a gradual loss of status and ever increasing immersion in the new down-graded persona, that's where the wonderful Molly Saga on this blog was so powerful and the way Daphne and the white apron appear to be heading. There's plenty of bdsm fiction out there on the web. For me these stories should touch on that but it's the psychological element that tends to lift a good story above the norm. Nevertheless I hope you write more soon.

  11. To me the story maintsins psychological credibility. Elisabet’s change is well rounded. She is influenced by her strong friend and a new urge to top Sophia. And something else. Maybe being jealous, secret vengeance...

  12. This excellent story is set in a period of history where a slave who had not complied with a instruction by Mistress of the house, would have been severely punished in physical form, so any change from this by the author would make the theme/story unrealistic.

    There is a clue in the story title "SECRET SLAVE", submissive has choice, a slave does not.

    BDSM is basically erotic role play. Mistress/slave in this period was most definitely not erotic role play with agreed roles, in fact the role of slave owner was protected in law and the slave was legal property, slave having nigh on zero rights.

    I for one believe the author is writing a true classic, it is reality of the period, yes i find it erotic, very in fact, i in no way view this as bdsm, as all parties in bdsm scene are aware it is role play, Mistress Caroline most definitely is not aware, and if anyone knows anything about bdsm then they know a safe word is agreed by all involved, i have heard of no safe word.

    Sophia as a Mistress and slave owner, knew what scenario she was getting into, Elizabeth had warned her of the wrath of Mistress Caroline, yet Sophia wished to continue.

    The author has first of all written a excellent piece of literature, they have created a most powerful, historically correct and yes erotic story, BDSM it is not, if readers wish to read it as a BDSM story then so be it.

    I rate this story very highly, I like it in all its aspects, I can find no fault in it at all, it ticks all the boxes for me, I am truly in awe of the authors literary talents.



    1. "In the end, what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No... A man chooses, a slave obeys." - Andrew Ryan

  13. Dear SW, any hope to read a new chspter? p.

    1. It's in my hands-) Coming very soon, do not worry. Check tomorrow morning!
