
Saturday, December 16, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 17.

by Jackie J
Cathy stood before her Mistress, cloaked in her concealing garb, was made to reveal every intimate detail of what Jackie had her maid do to her and what Jackie had done to her maid. Any hesitation was prompted by the album of photographs that Jackie had taken which were now in the possession of Cathy’s neighbour Pauline. Cathy, graphically reminded of her debauchery confessed all and with little coercion needed, admitted that she enjoyed the intimacy that they had shared. Pauline was not judgemental she herself having enjoyed the full lexicon of Sapphic pleasures and reflected on missed opportunities to have seduced Catherine Lucas before Jacqueline Frobisher had taken the initiative. But that was history she had her now and in circumstances she could never have imagined.
It was obvious from the pictures and Cathy’s accounts that she had been used like a toy by Jackie and had indeed taken pleasure from being used and abused.
Cathy had found her confessions to her Mistress somewhat cathartic and the illustrations of her exploits had left her wet. Hidden beneath her veil she had freely confirmed again the feelings she had felt whilst serving the friends of Mrs Lucas the previous day and how she had masturbated at the thoughts of her helplessness and weakness in their presence and of being used by them.

Pauline closed the book of explicit photographs and placing it back in her desk drawer along with the recording of their revealing conversation, spoke in soft voice.
“Best we keep all this to ourselves Cathy. For you Cathy I see no problem but for Catherine Lucas it could be ruinous! But she isn’t here is she Cathy?”
Pauline let the separation of the two persona drift in the mind of her maid.
“So Cathy I sense from what you have told me that you are excited at the prospect of being enslaved to serve your betters in your anonymity? That you found serving Mrs Lucas’s friends quite erotic. I told you the other evening that your Mistress could enhance all those feeling for you? Would you like that Cathy?
Cathy watched Pauline reaching for a bag by her desk, what was her Mistress proposing she had mentioned the tantalising prospect of enslavement her own enslavement? Cathy’s mind relived the exquisite feelings of willing servitude that ran through her when she had instinctively curtsied in her anonymity to Catherine Lucas’s friends Jennifer Lopez and Caroline Linley. She had shared many a lunch with Jennifer and Caroline, equals, ladies of leisure, dressed in fine clothes but that was Catherine Lucas not Cathy? The conflict and contradiction of the clashing persona lasted only fleetingly, Catherine Lucas could never have know and wallowed in those exquisite feelings and now her Mistress was offering and tempting her to descend deeper into her imaginings.
Cathy gazed out through the slit of her niqab and her eyes went wide seeing what was withdrawn for the bag and now resting on her Mistresses desk. Cathy gave out an audible sigh and her knees went weak at the revelation.
Pauline smiled
“Wear this and you will be mine body and soul, does that excite you Cathy, and when next I entertain the friends of my rich neighbour Catherine Lucas that unseen beneath your robes the robes of my maid you will be held in chastity. I have something else for such occasions but that will come later.
Cathy stared at the adornment presented by her Mistress; she had read of such things but had never seen such in the flesh. It oozed control, restriction, submission she couldn’t could she? She mustn’t must she? Cathy thought again of how she had felt in the company of Jennifer and Caroline, Miss Lopez and Miss Linley and squirmed at the prospect of not only being cloaked and veiled but beneath her robes unseen and unknown her sex would be shackled. Cathy’s imaginings made her queasy and weak and spoke in a trembling voice.
“I, I, I am not sure Miss.”
Pauline chuckled seeing Cathy drawn to the stout device.
“Go ahead touch it girl feel its sensuality it is yours for the taking.”  
Cathy reached for the belt it was lighter than it appeared, shiny leather with a steel band running through the crotch. Although light there was no doubt of how effective the device would be and the snap locks reflected a degree of permanency that made Cathy shudder not from fear but from excited anticipation. The prospect of this self denial of her own intimacy grew within her like a simmering pan slowly brought to the boil she was going to do it. She could try it couldn’t she? What harm could there be in that?  
Pauline stood from her chair and took the belt from the trembling hand of her maid.
“Drop your knickers and raise your skirts Cathy”
Cathy almost in a trance like state kicked her damp knickers from her ankles and sighed softly feeling her feet and ankles fed though the straps.
Pauline having stepped Cathy’s feet through the straps of the belt raised to stand scrunching Cathy’s Abaya high above her maid’s waist handing the belt back into the anxious hands of Cathy.
“Pull it high and tight then thread the waistband through the clasps.”
Cathy felt the coldness of the belt on her thighs then panted, drawing the crotch strap and plate tight into her crotch before threading the waist belt and snapping closed the clasps.
Pauline stood in front of Cathy and smiling sealed the snap locks and let Cathy’s Abaya cascade down to her ankles and beyond.
“There we are Cathy, comfortable I hope.”
Pauline picked up Cathy’s knickers, the crotch of which was sodden, and pressed them into Cathy’s hand.
“A clean pair I think Cathy now about your duties I have some arrangements to make for this evening.”
Cathy bobbed her usual curtsy and felt for the first time the tug of the restrictive belt and her imaginings were now a reality and softly whimpered her response.
“Yes Miss.”
The rest of the day at her work Cathy remained aroused and wet the modern yet medieval device insidiously and continuously stimulating the feelings of subjugation she had only felt fleetingly when in the company of Catherine Lucas’s friends. These the same feelings that had led to her furious masturbation but there could be no release now, the awareness of which only served to arouse Cathy further. Cathy about her duties looked forward to the solitude of her room when the belt would be released or so she thought?
When Pauline returned from a visit next door she dumped bag of laundry at the feet of her chaste maid and chuckled.
“Wash and perfume this lingerie I want it pristine understand and set the dinner table for three this evening. Soup and Lamb to follow and I do not expect to see you again until I call for dinner to be served at eight.”
Cathy picked up the bag and curtsied
“Yes Miss.”
After her shower Pauline smirked slipping into a very special pink dress. All was prepared and having collected the laundered lingerie sat in the lounge sipping on a glass of wine taken from the Lucas cellar.
Michael had returned from the office and with no sign of Catherine decided to take Pauline up on her offer to join her for dinner. Michael made an effort, shower and shave, a clean shirt and he was ready.
The doorbell rang shortly before seven a little later than Pauline had planned but no matter. Opening the door Pauline feigned surprise.
“Michael, what a surprise I didn’t think you would bother having been at work all day but do come in, go through to the lounge.”
Michael took a seat and accepted a glass of wine from his host.
“Still no sign of Catherine, not really like her not to get in touch, I have been calling her cell all day.”
Pauline smiled and, walking by the seated Michael, made sure a waft of the perfume she had taken from his holdall hidden in the wardrobe, drifted into his senses then stood by the fireplace turned to face him.
“Do you like this dress Michael?”
Pauline made a slight twirl letting the hem dance just above her knees.
“Do you recognise it Michael Mmmmmmmm.”
The room was now filled but not overpoweringly so with the perfume that Michael had so fastidiously hidden.
Pauline walked slowly towards Michael watching him nervously gulp.
“Yes Michael it is yours isn’t it the one I saw you wearing before I spotted the mascara on your lids?”’
At the realization that his secret was known and sat frozen Michael didn’t know where to look at Pauline, at the floor, at the door an uneasy blush filling his cheeks?
Pauline chuckled already stepping from the warm dress and placing it onto Michaels lap.
“Don’t worry Michael I will not judge you a little dressing up is just harmless fun right.”
Pauline strolled to the large sofa at the back of the lounge and removed Michaels holdall from behind and smirked dropping it at Michael’s feet.
“I like a little harmless fun myself Michael, everything is in there, get yourself dressed and I will do your make up for you.”
Michaels palms were sweaty his breath short and panting and his fingers nervously ran around the inside of his collar before his other hand gently fondled the soft sensuous fabric of his dress.
“Pauline please I can’t, I won’t you can’t make me I will............................ “
Pauline cut Michael short her face stern.
“So you prefer that I contact your firm and let them know what a little sissy you are do you? I want to see you dressed en femme and I want to watch you do it. We are alone so you have nothing to fear, now you looked quite pretty when I saw you last so let’s get to it shall we?”
Michael his senses filled with his own perfume and excited by the feel of the fabric of his dress slowly stood and unhitched his trousers contemplating his situation. Pauline obviously knew about his “little hobby” so there was no point denying it and, if she would have wanted, she could have just told my firm anyway. Perhaps Pauline is into this sort of thing it may turn out to be quite an evening at least she doesn’t know about the other stuff, the bondage. We are alone like she said and Catherine is away so no issues there, what the hell let’s see where this leads.
Pauline smiled watching Michael beginning to nervously strip in front of her
“Good girl, fold those discarded clothes neatly and then give them to me then you may dress in your lingerie I have had it laundered specially for this evening.”
Stood naked, his tool semi rigid holding out his neatly folded clothes Pauline took them from him and sat to watch him dress.
A tight gaff panty offered a degree of flattening to his cock and drew up his balls before Michael slipped into his lingerie. Pauline had added a pair of fine denier nude stockings to his ensemble which were soon clasped to his garter belt straps. Pauline could sense Michael’s excitement when his dress shimmered down over his body and the hem bounced above his stocking clad knees. Pauline nodded her approval when Michael stepped into his heels. With his wig in place Michael tossed back is hair in a most feminine way and Pauline beckoned him to sit by a display of makeup she had spread on the coffee table. Pauline worked efficiently, foundation, blusher, eye makeup and mascara with the finishing touch of a pale pink lipstick expertly applied.
“There now Michael who is a pretty girl then, but perhaps not Michael I think this evening Michelle will be more appropriate don’t you dear?”
Michael licked across his glossed lips and stood to face the mirror above the fireplace flicking back his hair and admiring Pauline’s work on his face. His makeup had never been this perfect and forgetting any embarrassment or concern replied in his soft practiced feminine tone.
“Yes Pauline, Michelle, I would like that, my makeup is just gorgeous it’s perfect thank you Pauline.”
Michael turned to Pauline adjusting the fit of his breast forms within his bra.
“Well what do you think do I make a pretty girl?”
Pauline smiled running her fingers lightly and sensuously over Michael’s shoulders making him tremble.
“O yes Michelle, a very pretty girl I doubt anyone would recognise you dressed like that, I am very impressed. That is a very high quality wig you have and your slight build flatters that lovely dress you are wearing, I am quite jealous.”  
Sipping on a refill of wine Michael began to relax, he was safe wasn’t he? Pauline wasn’t judgemental on the contrary she was quite flattering and not in a condescending way. After an awkward silence Michael adjusted the hem of his dress about his knees that were demurely drawn together his legs set at a slight angle in the most feminine way.
“I don’t like to ask again Pauline but did Jacqueline say anything before she left anything at all?”
Pauline took a sip of her wine and looked directly into Michelle’s eyes and watched his lashes flutter when she spoke.
“Jackie, your maid, indeed she did, she told me a great deal perhaps more than she should”
When the doorbell rang panic gripped Michael and he stared at Pauline.
“You said we would be alone, I can’t be seen like this.”
Pauline stood and smiled
“Don’t worry dear you pass very well and I said we were alone not that we would be alone. That will be my friend Camille I invited her to dinner, she knows exactly what happened to your maid, Jackie is Camille’s maid now.”
Michael looked quizzically at Pauline his mind trying to comprehend what Pauline had just said. Jacqueline Frobisher actually a maid? But that was just a ruse a scheme she is not a maid?
Before Pauline answered the door she pulled a second smaller bag from behind the sofa and handed it to a concerned Michael who recognised it immediately.
“Perhaps you can explain this later MICHELLE?”
Pauline left the room before he could reply.
Michael clutched the bag containing his toys, a shiver of fear running through him, and sat awaiting the entrance of Pauline’s guest and what would follow for his female persona Michelle!


  1. That was another awesome chapter. I really like this series. Thanks alot :D

  2. I’m also enjoying this story, love all the twist and turns, chastity belt for poor sweet Catherine and how Michael or Michelle being explored and maybe another glimpse of Jackie has been turned into.. and Pauline.. wow! She is developing into a very interesting character.

  3. I really like this story in the beginning but this gender play is a bit weird now...are both cathy and michael gonna become slaves to pauline?
