
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Story: The Secret Slave. Part 2.

by SW

The rest of the evening passed largely uneventfully, if slowly, for Sophia, though it was not without its little humiliations.  Back in the parlor she carried herself with the manners and courtesies expected of her and, though no incident of note occurred, she, of course, found having to curtsey, smile and wait upon the men to be degrading and wearisome and her back and legs ached with the labor.  In addition to almost constant to-ing and fro-ing to serve there were further tribulations for the slave girls, though Sophia, as she was not accustomed to them, felt them most keenly.  

Remarks were freely passed to Morgan about 'what fine wenches you have here,' and the gentlemen, their tongues - liberated with the effects of alcohol - would speak of their figures and features and stare at the girls without inhibition - especially so, when they had to move close to serve.  And too, an inebriated hand would, from time to time, find its way onto a girl's hip, buttock or, bosom.  Sophia avoided Johnstone as best she could but once, when he snapped his fingers in the direction of where she stood by the fireplace and called 'whiskey gal', she caught his eye and saw how he regarded her still with a lascivious yet steely gaze.  Then, when she crossed the room and bent to serve he gave her bottom a little rub and slap and humiliated her further; saying with a leering smile:  “You're being a good girl aren't you Sophie?” to which she was obliged to respond with a curtsey, a smile of gratitude and, “Thank you for saying so Mister Johnstone, suh.”  

At those short intervals when she stood to attention by the fireplace Sophia had time to reflect on how differently gentlemen behaved and spoke when permitted to reveal their true nature away from the company of wives and ladies.  She thought, how indeed, her strange experiment in servitude was yielding interesting results and not just from what she was learning about house slaves and their work.  She resolved to write down an account of her experiences when she returned home; a document, she thought, that would have to be kept under lock and key, and secreted in her closet - safely away from any prying eyes.

After some passage of time, a girl from upstairs came down to announce that the ladies had retired to their chambers and several gentlemen, perhaps those most aroused by the presence of the slave girls, bid goodnight and left immediately.  A few lingered for another hour but then, at last, the remaining two men thanked their host and made their unsteady way from the room.  Morgan had risen from his armchair to see the last guests leave and, yawning, he told the girls to clear away the ashtrays and glasses and that the tidying and cleaning of the room may be left until the morning.  With that final order of the day, and after the slaves had bid their master goodnight, he made his stumbling departure - for he had consumed much wine and whiskey.  As the door closed behind him the girls, at last, allowed themselves a proper and natural smile; the important and exhausting day was done and not one of them had earned the touch of the crop.

Sophia crept quietly into the quarters and opened the door to Milly's little room to find that the girl was already in her pallet.  She had left a candle burning for Sophia and it rested on the chest of drawers between the rude beds but the girl appeared to be asleep.  Sophia quietly undressed and hung up her serving dress and slipped, naked, onto the empty pallet.  Sitting on the rough mattress and feeling how hard and lumpy it was, she sighed a little, bent forward, and blew the candle out.  The very moment the flame extinguished a soft voice murmured:

“How is you gal? Did everythin' go alrigh' in the parlor?”

Sophia lay herself down upon the uncomfortable mattress and sighed again, “I suppose so but I'm dead with exhaustion.”

Milly giggled: “Reckon that Mistiss of yourn mus' be soft on yo', yo' don' seem used ter hard work.”

Sophia returned:  “Perhaps you are right for I have never been so tired in my life!  I feel too tired to sleep and my body aches all over.”

Sophia heard a rustle of bedclothes in the darkness and a moment later the slender black  girl was insinuating herself into Sophia's bed and she said: “Move over gal, ise goin' ter give yo' a rub ter help you sleep.”

Sophia startled at the intrusion but did make sufficient room to accommodate her - though the bed was narrow - and she thought how odd to be in this situation - sharing a bed with a slave, if only the girl by her side knew the truth of the matter; and if her mother could see her now!

Milly urged Sophia to turn away and onto her side and she began to massage Sophia's shoulders and neck.  Sophia closed her eyes and started to relax at last, she said, “Oh Milly, that does feel good!” adding unnecessarily, “I've been on my feet all day.”

Milly laughed quietly, for the walls were thin, and said, “I figure it should be good, I has ter do this fo' Mistiss sometimes.  Reckon I is an expert.”  

Sophia nodded in silence; she often had her own maid massage her after taking a long walk or ride to the river at her own place.   Then she asked Milly, “How do you like it here, is this a good house to work in?”

Milly worked her hands from Sophia's shoulders; one to the shoulder blades and the other to the dip of the waist and she replied, “Oh yes, Massa an' Mistiss ain' too bad - we don' git beat much an' when we does it jus' with the crop.  We gits good food an' clothin' an' this room an' bed is the bes' I has ever had.  Two years ago I was in ol' Massa Baker's fields back west.  I likes this place jus' fine.”

Milly smoothed a hand over Sophia's arm and squeezed it, “You is a mighty fine wench, reckon you'd fetch eight hunnert dollars on the block gal, mebbe more.”   Sophia blushed in the dark and felt a little thrill between her legs and she said:  “Oh Milly, don't say so, I've never been at auction and can't stand the thought of it.”  

The girl laughed quietly and whispered:  “I jes sayin' the truth that's all.  You is what them auctioneers calls a real prime slave gal!”  Sophia felt herself tingle and moisten a little more and she said - and to her surprise - with sincerity: “I'm not any prettier than you girl,” she looked over her shoulder and she observed, even in the dim light of the moon that came through the small window without curtains, the flash of the black girl's smile.  

Sophia thought how sweet Milly was; rubbing away her aches even though she herself had worked a full day of arduous cleaning and serving - she was attending to Sophia not because she had been ordered to, but from pure and simple kindness.  Sophia, now even more at ease, allowed the constraints of her upbringing and prejudices as plantation 'Young Mistiss' to slip away sufficiently so that she could truly enjoy the comfort that the black girl was giving her as an equal.

Sophia said:  “There was a man tonite that would have,” she blushed again and hesitated before continuing almost in a whisper, “used me, you know, if he could.”

Milly stopped massaging Sophia for a moment and giggled: “That man Johnstone was it?”  Sophia shuddered and replied, “He was awful!  He felt me all over like I was an animal - like a prize mare.”

Milly giggled again, “Soon as I saw you runnin' in the hall I reckoned he'd been at you.  I ain' never seen him befo' so I cain' say nothin' 'bout what he's like with otha' gals.”

Milly's tender touch reached thigh and buttocks and Sophia stretched herself in delight, the girl was much better than her own personal maid at easing away pain from tired and tight muscles.  

Milly asked:  “Has you got a man back home?  I ova'heard Massa tell Mistiss that your mistiss is a widder, don' you have no massa?”

“No,” replied Sophia, and she said drowsily, for she was almost asleep under the girl's soft ministrations, “I don't have a man back home and no master to pester me.”

Milly said: “I don' have a man eitha', this bein' a town house an' no bucks aroun'.  Only times I gits ter pleasure a man is when Massa's son young Massa James comes ter visit ev'ry three months or so.”

Sophia asked: “He forces you in his bed Milly?” and the girl responded, “Well yes, reckon so but I don' mind; he quite han'some an all and he ain' mean so I likes it.”  Then she added with pride in her voice, “Young Massa James says I'se a good gal an' that he likes me bes',” then she said, “sometimes he bring me Sunday ear-rings an' necklaces too.”

Sophia thought Milly a beautiful and innocent creature with a very sweet nature and that it was wrong that she should be so ill-used.  She thought, too, that it was a shame that the girl might be so easily corrupted with baubles.  However, she was not at all surprised as she had frequently heard it whispered in drawing rooms after dinner that some men liked to use their slaves, and from what she'd seen and heard in the parlor, she now knew it to be true.  But a thought occurred to her and she asked: “What if you get pregnant though, won't you be sold on?”

Milly laughed:  “Oh, he take care I won't git knocked up - he uses the sheep gut when he does me.”

Sophia startled out of her sleepiness enough to say:  “He what?”  Milly said, “Oh gal, livin' with a widder mistiss! Don' you know nuthin'?”  Then she explained,”  He puts a cut-up bit of sheep 'testine on his thing befo' he uses me.  It's tied at one end and that way he kin take his pleasure an' know he ain' goin' ter knock me up.”  Sophia replied, “I hope he cleans it first!” and Milly said, “Oh no, he gits them clean from the butcher, but yo' kin be sure, if evah he gits one that ain't cleaned right he'll make me do that.” Milly giggled and Sophia, quite shocked and disgusted at what she'd just learned found that, despite herself, she couldn't help but giggle too.  Then Milly kissed Sophia lightly on the cheek and gave her one last long rub upon her thigh and said: “I goin' back ter bed gal - we bes' git ter sleep, wese goin' ter be busy soon as dat ol' sun is up and Mistiss don' take kindly ter yawnin' nigras.”

Sophia nodded and in her drowsiness she said in her ordinary voice: “Goodnight dear Milly, I'm so very pleased that we are friends,” and she was asleep by the time the slave, who was then giggling again at what Sophia had said and how she had said it, had got into bed and pulled her own coarse blanket up to her chin.  

Sophia awoke to a shake on the shoulders and a slave's voice - low and hushed, “Mawnin', now come 'long, time to git on up.”  Sophia groaned and looked up at Martha through half-closed eyes and nodded sleepily, but then she did what she always did when her maid at home gently roused her; she curled into a ball and closed her eyes.  Martha, gave a little laugh and slapped the bulge of Sophia's buttock beneath the coarse blankets, “Come on gal, time ter get started, waken up and be spry, plen'y work ter do befo' yo' git's home.”

Sophia, now alive to the full realization of where she was, groaned and looked at Martha properly and said, “Oh Martha, I'm so very tired, can't I be allowed a little longer?”  Martha's face hardened and she said, “Jes' wheah does yo' thinks yo' is Sophie gal? Dis ain' no hotel fo' visitin' nigras.” Milly gave a giggle and Martha continued, “Git on up, an if yo's smart about it I'll tell cook ter give yo' de bes' egg fo' breakfus'.”  As Sophia clambered out of bed Milly was already on her way to the door and heading for the washing room by the kitchen.  Milly said with mock irritation, “Why!  That ain' fair Martha.  I was up befo' dis heah sleepy-head gal,” and the two slave women laughed quietly.

Then Martha said to Sophia and in a tone more serious, “You go get washed with Milly gal but don' make no noise.  Mistiss will go in a fit iffin any white folks is disturbed befo' dey gits up, 'specially as mos' of dem will have sore heads.  Wese got to go abou' and do our work real quiet y'hear?”

And so begins a morning of humiliation and drudgery, thought Sophia as she followed Milly to the slave wash room, and she hoped that Elizabeth would not be delayed for the appointed hour of noon when she would be released from her ordeal.

The cold water poured over her by Milly shook her fully awake and when she looked to the window she could see that the sun was barely above the horizon.  Never before had she spent a night in such a rough and uncomfortable bed - if that was what it could be called.  However, she had been so fatigued after her work that she had slept until Martha had roused her.  But she was yet very tired and her limbs ached.  She yawned and sighed as Milly handed her a rough towel as the other slaves stepped naked into the washing room.  

The girls exchanged a curt 'Mawnin' with one another and Milly ushered Sophia back to their little room where they found a fresh work dress had been laid on their beds for them.  Milly said, “Don' let Massa or Mistiss catch yo' yawnin' gal.  Yo' got ter look bright, 'specially when we is servin' at breakfust with all them guests here.  Sophia nodded and slipped the dowdy garment on and she replied, “I'll try Milly but I'm so deadly tired, I can't be certain that I'll manage not to.”  

Milly gripped Sophia by the arm and said, “Sophie, tell me the truth.  Yo' ain' really no slave is yo'?  Or if yo' is, then yo' ain' been one long.”  Sophia was startled by the slave girl's remark; it seemed she may have fooled the Morgans but not their petite young house maid.  She blushed deeply and said flatly, “Why silly gal, what makes yo' say that?”  Milly's face brightened into a wide smile and she replied, “That's the fus' time I heard yo' say 'gal' and it don't sound like the way a slave says it, it sound more like the way a Mistiss says it.”

Sophia looked to the floor - she had been discovered - there could be no doubt.  Milly loosened her grip on Sophia's arm and began to caress her shoulder, “It's alrigh' Sophie, I ain' goin' ter say nuthin' to nob'dy.  Not unlessin' yo' wan's me too?”

Sophia pleaded, “Oh no Milly, please! Not a word to anyone.”  Thinking quickly, she concocted a story from something she had heard when a friend had recounted a scene from a scandalous and salacious novelette - for some reason it was a silly story that Sophia had never been able to forget.  Speaking quickly she said, “I was a free woman in New Orleans but kidnapped and taken to Charleston.  The men that stole me sold me to Miss Elizabeth two months ago, but just two days ago, when Mistress was out riding, I managed to write a letter to my family and they will come to claim me and take me home soon.”  

She looked at Milly and continued, “Don't worry about me dear Milly, I'll be alright,” then she straightened and said,  “Now, we must go get our orders from Martha.”  The expression on the black girl's face seemed to somehow hold amusement, pity and curiosity, all at once.   Whatever else, it was perfectly clear to Sophia that the slave girl didn't believe her story - not in the least degree.  Milly smiled and said, “Yes gal, yo's right, we bes' git along.”

After breakfasting on a portion of left overs from the dinner accompanied with scraps of pork fat and egg at the rustic kitchen table - and at which Martha had instructed the cook to 'Give de bigges' egg ter Sophie' - the girls were sent to their work.  Sophia had been assigned the duty of polishing the silver for the breakfast table and she worked quietly in solitude as the others cleaned the public rooms that had been so well used the evening before and while the cook prepared breakfast for the 'white folks'.  After finishing the polishing to Martha's satisfaction she was told to help two girls with some dusting in the hall.  The slaves worked in silence - careful not to disturb those above still slumbering in their bed chambers - and Sophia thought with shame, how, at her own place, she had frequently scrambled from bed to shout a severe reprimand to a girl if she had been awakened by a dropped bucket or the closing of a door.  

Sophia began to realize that she had been in the past, perhaps not a cruel Mistress, but certainly a demanding one, and she determined that she would soften her ways with her family's slaves at River View when she returned home.  Especially so with her own girl, Sally, with whom she was frequently short-tempered and impatient and who, from time to time, Sophia would order to lift her dress so that she might give Sally a cropping for some trifling failing of duty.  The slaves seemed more at ease at their morning work thought Sophia, and she assumed that would be because they were not under the close supervision of their owners.  All of these observations were of great interest to her and she would certainly record them in her journal when she returned to River View.  She would be sure, too, to note Milly's interesting description of the method used by masters to prevent pregnancies for their concubines.

At length, stirrings above signaled that the Morgans and their guests were beginning to rise and there began the calls for slaves to attend the chambers.  Martha told Sophie that she would not be sent upstairs but that she should go and change into her serving uniform as breakfast would begin before long.
Somewhere just before ten o'clock the late breakfast was served, at last, and Sophia managed to remember all of the many serving instructions that had been given to her by Martha.  The Morgans and their guests paid little heed to the slaves and the company of hosts and guests at table was subdued.  It seemed that all of the gentlemen, and some of the ladies who had partaken of rather too much hospitality during the evening just gone, were suffering for their excesses.  There was, though, one incident for Sophia - and that with the loathsome Johnstone; she had been sent round with tea and as she dipped at his place at table her tray was struck by his knife which he had been waving as he spoke to his wife.  

There was a metallic tick as silver clashed with silver and Johnstone turned to Sophia and said sharply, “Take more care girl!”  Sophia immediately dipped a curtsey and apologized and looked nervously over to Mistress Felicity who was seated at the far end of the table, but it seemed from her countenance that she had observed the incident and knew that Sophia was blameless.  The Mistress affected a stern look and ordered across the room, “Stand further back when you are serving, girl,” but it was plain that this was said with the sole purpose of appeasing her guest.

Not long after breakfast had finished and the plates had been cleared away the slaves were told to attend to the departing guest's coats, cloaks, hats and parasols. Presently, all departed - although Johnstone had managed one furtive and final caress of Sophia's bottom before she was obliged to curtsey a goodbye to him and his rather mousy wife.

As Martha closed the doors, Morgan went upstairs to his chamber and his wife said, “Alright girls, all of you, into the drawing room now, and Martha, go fetch Chloe from the kitchen.” Sophia and the others curtseyed and answered, “Yes Mistiss,” and followed their Mistress to the drawing room and Sophia wondered what might be coming.  She entered the room last and joined the line of four girls standing before the, now seated, Mistress; her heart beat faster.  The Mistress said, “Not you Sophie, you come stand by me girl.”  Sophia curtseyed and said, “Yes Mistiss,” but her voice cracked; she was already nervous and now she had been singled out.  For what purpose she thought - had she done something wrong?

Sophia watched the slaves waiting, at attention, in line before their owner.  The atmosphere in the room hung heavy as Felicity Morgan remained silent, and the girls appeared to be as fearful as Sophie felt.  When Martha returned with the cook, Chloe - and both women had joined the line, their Mistress at last spoke,  “Now girls, earlier this morning, your Master and I discussed your performance last evening,” here she paused and Sophia felt her hands begin to tremble, and as she looked at the others they all seemed to stiffen and take in a deep breath.  Felicity Morgan stood up and stepped closer to her slaves, “We are both satisfied with your conduct.” Sophia observed the obvious relief upon the face of each slave woman.  “Now, that's not to say you were all absolutely without flaw, but I believe you gave a good enough account of yourselves and the house.  And Chloe, the dinner was tolerably well prepared.”  She paused again to allow the slaves to express their gratitude and, as expected, the women chorused, “Thank you Mistiss!”  

Felicity Morgan continued, “I will buy some lengths of material for Martha tomorrow and you will each be given an evening free from duty this week in which time you will begin to make up for yourselves new Sunday dresses.  Is that understood?” She paused again and an effusive chorus of 'Yes Mistiss, thank you Mistiss!' followed.  Felicty Morgan turned to the housekeeper and said,  “Martha, you will decide which girl gets which evening free from seven o'clock, I leave all details to you.”  Martha curtseyed and, smiling, she replied, “Yes Mistiss.”  The Mistress smiled with satisfaction at the show of gratitude from her slaves and Sophia thought she must believe herself to be quite the beneficent owner after promising such largesse to her chattel.  Then she said, “Now, all of you, put on your work dresses and go to your chores.  Quickly now.”

The women answered, “Yes Mistiss!” and they stepped briskly from the room and each one smiling.

Sophia's nerves had calmed somewhat, she was not a Morgan slave so it might be expected that she would not have been so addressed by the Mistress, she was, nonetheless, wary of what might be said to her.  

Felicity Morgan looked to her and said, “Sophie.”

Sophia dropped her gaze to the floor and straightening her pose she replied, “Yes Mistiss?”

“Mr Morgan and I talked about you too.” She paused, waiting for Sophia to respond.

Sophia nodded, and said,“Yes Mistiss,” and she knew that Felicity Morgan was employing a sort of torment by making her wait for whatever was coming.  It was a ploy Sophia had often used with her own slaves.

At last, Felicity Morgan said, “We shall give your Mistress a good report of your conduct girl,”

Sophia pretended to be grateful, as if it would mean that her own Mistress would have no cause to whip or otherwise punish her, and she smiled widely.  Then, making a very low curtsey she answered, “Oh! Thank you Mistiss F'licity Ma'am.”

Madame Morgan continued, “We were very pleased with you and we may write to your Mistress in the future to have you help us here again.  Would you like that Sophie?” and she was obliged to answer, “Oh yes Mistiss, I'd like to come here again if Mistiss 'Liz'beth allows it Ma'am.”

“Good girl.  Now, for your last duty here you can change into a work dress and set to scrubbing the porch, I see that it's filthy after the party.”  Sophia curtseyed and said, “Yes Mistiss, right away Ma'am,” and she stepped out of the room and longed for Elizabeth's arrival.

She didn't have quite as long to wait as expected.  Elizabeth had been concerned about her friend, and she had left early to be certain to collect Sophia in good time.  Thus, it was about twenty minutes before noon when she alighted from the carriage at the front gate of the Morgan house and Sophia was still at work scrubbing the steps of the portico.  Martha had spotted Elizabeth Deveraux's arrival from the balcony and immediately informed her master and mistress and had hurried to the hall to open the doors.  Sophia had been working with her back to the street and had been unaware of her friend nearing the steps.  

When the house doors swung open, Morgan said, “Ah, Mrs Deveraux, delighted to see you again,” and he introduced Elizabeth to his wife.   Hearing Elizabeth's voice, Sophia looked over her shoulder and immediately stood up and grinned.  Once the greetings and pleasantries had been exchanged between the Morgans and their visitor, Felicity said light-heartedly, “Do forgive us, we are getting every last cent out of Sophie as you can see.”  Elizabeth rejoined, “Oh, it's my fault, I believe I am considerably early.”

Sophia felt as if she had been released from a hundred chains and she continued to smile widely at her friend - who now seemed more like a savior.

Elizabeth looked at Sophia, and though greatly amused to find the young plantation mistress put to such a menial task, she adopted a stern look and said brusquely, “Sophie girl! Where is your curtsey for your Mistress?” Shaken back to their charade, Sophia replied, “Oh Missa!” and curtseyed deeply to Elizabeth, “Please forgive me; I forgot 'cause I'm so pleased to see you Mistiss.”

The Morgans laughed and he said, “That's a loyal nigra you have there Mrs Deveraux.”

Sophia lowered her head and stood demurely, and in truth, she felt shamed that her friend had seen her on her hands and knees scrubbing steps, but, what troubled too, was that she felt aroused by the humiliation of it.  Elizabeth said, “Maybe so, but I hope my slave has behaved better than this while in your care.” These words also caused Sophia to squirm a little - she couldn't understand why she found these shaming moments exciting.

Felicity Morgan answered, “That is the first fault since you left I assure you,” and turning to Sophia she said, “You may leave your work Sophie, one of the other slaves can finish it.  Just leave the bucket and go and get cleaned up and changed for going home.  Martha, fetch tea to the drawing room,” and with Martha and Sophia dismissed, Morgan led Elizabeth and his wife into the drawing room.

As soon as she had washed and changed, Martha took Sophia to the drawing room; she entered and curtseyed and stood by the door.  Felicity Morgan nodded to the fireplace and Sophia stepped over and took up her waiting position by it.  The Morgans and Elizabeth sipped their tea for a moment and then Felicity Morgan said to Sophia:

“Sophie, we have told your Mistress that you have served well and that you have been a very good girl.”  Sophia curtseyed and said “Thank you Ma'am.”

Felicity turned to Elizabeth and smiling she said, “She slept in a very good bed and has had sufficient to eat - isn't that so girl?”  

Sophia replied, “Yes Ma'am, thank you Ma'am,” and then Morgan felt in his pocket and produced a coin which he handed to Elizabeth saying, “You might buy the gal a bauble with this if it pleases you.”

Elizabeth smiled, and accepting the half-dollar she said, “Why, thank you!” and immediately turned to Sophia and instructed her to thank the 'Master and Mistress' for their generosity which she did and with a dip and a smile.

After a few moments of chatter of little consequence, Elizabeth drained her cup and announced, “Well I must take my leave, I simply must be home to have Sophie fix my hair for an appointment later this afternoon.  None of my other girls come up to the mark with my hair I am afraid.”

Felicity nodded and inquired, “Why, yes of course.  And - if we might write to you for Sophie again should we require the services of a hired girl?”

“Of course,” answered Elizabeth, smiling, “I am pleased that she did well for you.”

Sophia then spoke up, “Please may I speak Mistiss 'Liz'beth Ma'am?”

All eyes turned to her and Elizabeth said, and with a slightly terse tone, “You may Sophie, what is it girl?”

Sophia answered, “It's just Mistiss, I wonder if Mistiss F'licity would let me say goodbye to her gals Mistiss.”

Felicity Morgan laughed and after sipping her tea she said in an indulgent tone - rather as if allowing a child to have one last piece of candy, “Why, I think so Sophie.  If your Mistress permits it that is.” Sophia looked to Elizabeth who fixed a superior smile and gave her a curt nod.  Sophia curtseyed and said, “Oh, thank you Mistisses.”

Elizabeth said, “Run along and don't take long Sophie.”  Sophia dipped again and hurried from the room, as she did so she overheard Felicity Morgan laugh and say approvingly, “She is such a simple and good-natured creature.”

In the kitchen Sophia embraced Chloe and the girls in turn, for each of them had helped her in some small way or other and none had been unkind.  After thanking Martha heartily - to which the housekeeper replied that she hoped Sophie might return some day - she stepped lastly to Milly and embracing her tightly she whispered, “Thank you,” in the black girl's ear.

Milly suddenly kissed Sophia quickly on the lips and, rather than feeling revulsion at such an intimacy from a slave, it warmed her heart and she tightened her clasp around Milly's slender back.  She felt a stirring in her loins too but the embrace was brought to an end when Felicity Morgan's voice called from the kitchen door.  “That'll do Sophie, your mistress is ready to leave and you should not keep her waiting.”

Sophia broke away from Milly and noticed that, like herself, she too had moist eyes.  She said, “Yes Ma'am, I'm coming,” and hurried out of the kitchen and into the hall where she was told to fetch her mistress's parasol and shade her to the carriage.  Then Elizabeth led Sophia quickly from the house, down the newly scrubbed steps and out to the street.  

As Elizabeth waited for Sophia to open the carriage door for her she thought that it would be an interesting journey home; after all, Sophia would have much to tell of her experience as a slave.  Little did either of the friends know then that there would be another such adventure - one shared by both.  An adventure that would last much longer than Sophia's twenty four hours of service at the Morgan household.


  1. OMG, this story seems to go exactly in my prefered direction. I can't wait to read the continuation. What will be the next step of sophie's orderal?
    Thank you so much Camille.

    1. Yep, I sure hope it goes in the direction that I think it's going! Wonderful beginning and lost of opportunities.

  2. An Appreciative ReaderNovember 23, 2017 at 11:21 PM

    Great story and... ooh... that tantalising ending!!!

  3. A great story. And a nice tease for another installment.

  4. Love it, can't wait for more.

  5. This story is developing well, some stories just grip the reader, this is certainly one that does that for me.

    Elizabeth facilitating/enabling this transformation for Sophia, through to formal servitude, with its strictly expected and enforced demarcation between those served and those serving, and the post service summons to the drawing room, to hear Felicity make her statement to the slaves “We are both satisfied with your conduct.” A wonderful story

    The picture painted by the authors words, would not be out of place in the finest of art gallery.

    1. Thank you! Sophia will soon discover a much more demanding situation. SW

  6. Thanks for the feedback. SW
