
Monday, October 30, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 9.

by Jackie J
With Pauline’s invite to dinner on her mind, Jacqueline was quite distracted at the charity event she was attending that afternoon.  Jacqueline had already told the organisers that she would not be able to stay for the auction and it was already approaching five and she had been told to have Cathy at Pauline’s for six.
Having left a promissory note for two thousand dollars Jacqueline made her way to the parking lot and nervously awaited the valet to bring her car, repeatedly looking at the Rolex of Catherine’s she now wore.
Speeding her way back home Jacqueline raced up the driveway screeching to a halt and hurrying inside.
If Jacqueline had an anxious afternoon Catherine was a nervous wreck. She would have to venture outside, walk the hundred yards or so from her driveway to the entrance to her neighbour’s home. Not strutting in her heels and designer dress with her head held high and blonde locks flowing in the breeze. No she would be scurrying in heavy low heels, swathed in her bulky shapeless maid’s dress, an apron tied around her waist, her head low, a maid’s cap upon her low-rent brown bob wig.

When Jacqueline entered she found Cathy sat on the stairs almost in tears, a bag of nerves.
“Oh, Jackie. Sorry, I mean, Miss, I can’t do this I can’t, what if I am seen outside like this and who will Pauli....sorry, Miss, I mean Miss Crabtree, have invited? Please, Miss, don’t make me do this.”
Jacqueline smirked at her distraught maid and dragged her to her feet she too was apprehensive even angry and vented her frustration at Pauline’s assumption of control over her on poor Cathy.
Bending Cathy over a stool in the hallway raising her skirts and ripping down her bulbous cotton knickers she laid a heavy hand on her buttocks slap after slap.  
“Can’t do it, SLAP, won’t do it, SLAP, how, SLAP, dare, SLAP, you, SLAP. You are, SLAP, My, SLAP, fucking maid and you, SLAP, will, SLAP, do, SLAP, what I, SLAP, say, SLAP. Understand?”
A sobbing Cathy rolled from the stool to the floor tears streaming down her face gently rocking in a balled up foetal position.
Jacqueline’s hand was no less sore than the last time she had spanked her maid and seeing Cathy on the floor like she was, even she, for all she had done , was doing to Catherine Lucas felt remorse at what she had done out of her own anger.
Slowly raising Cathy to her feet with a fleeting tenderness that Cathy had not felt during all the time of her manipulated subjugation, Jacqueline rocked her gently in her embrace. Cathy clung to Jacqueline like a limpet her tears and sobbing slowly subsiding.  No words were spoken for what seemed an age.
Jacqueline drew back and raising Cathy’s apron dabbed the remnants of her maid’s tears from her mottled cheeks.
“There now, you compose yourself whilst I get ready.”
A still tearful Cathy sniffled.
“Yes, Miss, sorry Miss.”
Jacqueline hurriedly dressed and freshened herself for Pauline’s dinner.
Cathy gathered herself and straightened her uniform replacing her apron dampened by her tears. Her bottom aching but the thoughts of being held so tenderly was it lovingly by her Mistress gave her a warm feeling inside.
When Jacqueline descended the stairway looking resplendent Cathy bobbed a curtsy looking a little doe eyed.
“You look lovely, Miss, you really do I will be fine now sorry about before I was just being silly just nervous I will be all right now, I promise, Miss.”
Jacqueline stared for a moment at her maid, sure Catherine had been compliant but Cathy’s expression it was different, a genuine look of true devotion in her eyes? The aggressive spanking of ownership then the tenderness of her Mistresses embrace had taken the relationship of maid and mistress to another level.
Jacqueline smiled adjusting Cathy’s lacy cap.
“And you too, Cathy. You look very smart and a clean apron is very nice.”
Jacqueline pulled large gabardine coat from the stand in the hallway and sympathetically wrapped it around Cathy’s shoulders to mask her uniform for the short walk to Pauline’s home.
Jacqueline fastened the top button creating a cocooning cape.
“There, my pretty maid. That is better.”
Cathy giggled shyly and dropped a curtsy.
“Thank you, Miss.”
The door opened and welcomed by the warm breeze of the early evening Cathy linked her Mistress.
Jacqueline smiled at her maid Cathy’s anxious eyes looking up at her and gripped her arm.
“Come on then, silly, you will be fine.”
The short walk was uneventful and Mistress and maid stood at the entrance to Pauline’s home.
The door opened and Pauline invited Jacqueline and Cathy to enter. Cathy removed her coat and Pauline snatched it from her and tossed it in the corner by the door.
Pauline pointed to the lounge.
“Through there, Jackie, and you, Cathy, come with me.”
Cathy was taken down the hallway to the kitchen.
“You will be working in here, girl. All the things you require are here, now get on with it. I do not expect to see or hear from you again this evening until the meal is over. Do you understand?”
Cathy dropped curtsy.
“Yes, Miss Crabtree.”
Pauline turned and left Cathy alone in the kitchen and looking at the menu that had been prepared Cathy made a start on preparing the meal wondering how she could possibly serve the meal without being seen or heard?
Pauline strode into the lounge, Jacqueline sipping on a glass of wine which had been offered by a smiling Camille.
“Well, Jackie don’t you look pretty all dolled up. I hope you haven’t gone to too much trouble, totally unnecessary really. Cathy will be tied up in the kitchen preparing the meal for this evening and that leaves me with a little problem that you are going to help me with, aren’t you, Jackie, dear?”
“Take those clothes off, Jackie.”
Jacqueline stared at Pauline then at a smiling Camille.
“What, why?”
Pauline her eyes tightening stood close to Jacqueline.
“You heard me, Jackie, now strip out of those clothes.”
Camille unzipped a suit carrier that had been laid on a sofa and held up the contents a pretty French maid’s uniform and giggled.
Pauline smirked.
“Cathy is in the kitchen cooking I am not having that serving my guests but I do need a maid to serve  now strip and get into your uniform. Of course I could just let everyone know about your little scheme with Catherine Lucas.”
Jacqueline looked at Pauline and took the hanger from Camille.
Pauline chuckled.
“Good girl, Jackie. Now strip and get changed. My guests will be arriving shortly.”
Jacqueline looked at Pauline
“Where, where shall I get changed?”
Camille smiled and stood next to Pauline and Pauline wrapped her arm around her.
“Here of course. We like watching pretty things dressing.”
Jacqueline dropped her zipper and wiggled from her dress and started to draw the short frilly maid’s dress from the hanger.
Pauline laughed.
“O no, Jackie, your underwear is in the carrier, everything off, everything.”
Jacqueline walked to the carrier on the sofa and removed a pair of fru fru knickers a push up bra, garter belt, black seamed stockings and a pair of killer heels and folded neatly a short lacy apron
Jacqueline turned to the smirking couple
“Pauline, please, I can’t wear these, the heels I won’t be able to walk they are ridiculous.”
Pauline with a more stern expression glared at Jacqueline.
“Pauline? No I don’t think so, Jackie. Miss Crabtree and of course Miss Camille but Miss will suffice. You will wear what you have been told. Now strip out of that designer lingerie and get into your uniform.”
Jacqueline slowly stripped off her lingerie under the admiring gaze of Pauline and Camille almost salivating watching Jacqueline’s lithe body revealed.
Caressing the garter belt around her narrow waist Jacqueline placed each foot in turn into the seamed stockings and drew them up to her thighs clipping the clasps, the push up bra lifted her breasts high and firm which exaggerated Jacqueline’s already defined cleavage. With some reluctance Jacqueline lifted the fru fru knickers, bedecked in frills and ribbons and stepped into them pulling them high to her waist.
Camille stepped forward and handed Jacqueline her low cut short black satin dress and with the tiers of lacy petticoats to the skirt spreading the dress, to expose Jacqueline’s frilled knickers, raised the zipper which tightened the white puffed sleeves on Jacqueline’s shoulders and arms.  Pauline joined Camille by Jacqueline and lifting the lacy apron completed Jacqueline’s ensemble tying the tapes in a neat bow the lace trimmed apron laid over her flared skirts almost horizontal with the ground Pauline smoothed her hands over her pretty French maid and chuckled.
“Oh yes, Jackie, perfect just perfect. Now, Camille, help our maid into her heels.”
Camille sniggered placing each foot into the heels and closing the locking clasps.
“There, we don’t want you removing those, do we, Jackie?”
Pauline and Camille stood back admiring their sultry looking maid.
Pauline walked over to the small table by the far wall and beckoned Jacqueline to her.
“Come, Jackie, walk to me.”
Jacqueline wore heels but never ones like these. Jacqueline tiptoed towards Pauline her tiny steps and balancing hands made her look quite cute and vulnerable. Camille watching Jacqueline’s frill-covered wiggling bottom beneath her petticoats and dress wandering across the room.
Pauline smirked.

"One last thing, Jackie. Your hair. Sit here whilst Camille pins it up for you.”
Jacqueline’s hair was drawn into a tight bun and a clipped a lacy cap was pinned on top of her head.
Helping Jacqueline to her feet Pauline gripped a wobbling Jacqueline’s chin and smiled.
“Now my little floozy you may be Mistress to that maid in the kitchen but tonight you are our maid and you will greet my guests and serve table with a smile do you understand?”
Jacqueline wriggled her chin free to speak and hissed her reply
“Yes, yes, I understand.”
The inferred insolence was met with a sharp slap across Jacqueline’s face making her stumble back into the catching arms of Camille. Camille groped Jacqueline’s tits standing her upright.
Pauline stepped close.
“Yes I understand, MISS. And a curtsy now. Let me hear you say it, girl.”
Jacqueline rubbed her cheek looking into the dominant eyes of Pauline and dropping a curtsy spoke without a hint of arrogance or disdain.
“Yes I understand, Miss.”
Pauline smiled
“Good now charge the glasses with champagne for my guests they will be arriving shortly.”
The sharp tone of the doorbell soon heralded the arrival of the first guests and Camille pointed to the door.
“Well girl don’t just stand there answer the door show our guest in.”
Jacqueline curtsied.
“Yes, Miss.”


  1. this set up to jackies also becoming a maid is too long the story is supposed to be about cathy but the idea of a double lady to maid transformation is a good one

  2. I Don't know more maids the better, i would like to see the tables turned on pauline and camille.

    1. An Appreciative ReaderNovember 1, 2017 at 9:41 AM

      I agree with Ian, I do hope Pauline and Camille have the tables turned... I know where I think the story might go, I won't say but curious to find out!
