
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 8.

by Jackie J
With Cathy dismissed to the kitchen by a smirking Jacqueline, Pauline and Camille did not linger long at the table. Pauline had seen what she wanted to see having witnessed the uncomfortable truth of her neighbour, Catherine Lucas, happy to accept the role of a maid within her own home.
Jacqueline, Pauline and Camille retired to the lounge whilst Cathy cleaned and tided away the debris in the kitchen.
Sat on the comfortable sofa, Pauline pulled a phone from her purse and played back the recording of Catherine Lucas confirming her role as a maid.
“Well, Jackie, that was pretty convincing. Or should I call you Jacqueline now?”
Jacqueline smiled and poured drinks.

“If you wish, Pauline, but you see the situation I am in. Mrs Lucas is adamant that she fulfils her role of maid to the letter. If that is what she wants, well, I am happy with that, why wouldn’t I be? Perhaps with her hair and the scarring to her face she feels more at ease with herself retreating into the persona of a maid?”
Pauline sipped on her drink and turned to Camille.
“So, Camille, what do you make of it?”
Camille paused before replying.
“Mmm, well if you had not told me beforehand about the situation I have to confess that I would not have known that Jackie was not your neighbour and Cathy, what she eventually told us she was, the housemaid here. Jackie is probably right. Catherine Lucas could be hiding in the role of a maid until her looks return. There could be problems then but until such time, well why shouldn’t Jackie enjoy the moment?”
Pauline chuckled.
“Yes, you are both probably right. Anyway, come on, Camille, it is time we were going.”
Jacqueline’s guests were seen to the door and Jacqueline smiled watching them make their way down the driveway and into the darkness. The evening had been more than she could have hoped for and closing the door chuckled.
A knock on the bedroom door and told to enter Cathy, with tray in hand placed her Mistress's night time beverage on the nightstand by the bed and stood back dropping curtsy.
Jacqueline wearing one of Catherine’s beautiful negligees’ eased herself up on the pillows and smiled at her maid the lacy cap she had given her still perched on her head.
Cathy spoke.
“Miss, tonight I hope I did not go too far with Pauline about what we are doing but she was goading me, it just came out, I couldn’t help it. Probably best if I try and explain things a little better next time I see her and her friend Camille what must she have thought?”
Jacqueline smiled at Catherine and pulling back the sheets moved to the edge of the bed letting her negligee slide high on her thighs exposing her sex. Cathy’s eyes being drawn immediately to it her expression betraying her desires.
“Nonsense Cathy, nonsense you will say nothing more to Miss Crabtree, nothing do you understand, you did very well this evening and the meal was perfect just like you were a perfect maid. You did right to tell her what you did and you do want this don’t you Cathy, to be my maid.”
Cathy was starting to tremble in anticipation and thumbed her apron nervously watching Jacqueline’s thighs spread and her beckoning glistening pink folds begging for her tongue.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Good girl now on your knees and come and take your reward for being such a perfect maid.”
Sinking to her knees weak and wanting Cathy’s eyes never leaving the warmth spread like a banquet before her she took her place obediently at table and her tongue feasted within her Mistress's wet pink folds.
Eventually dragged between the sheets and her ravaged body fucked into delirium she repeatedly reaffirmed her desires to the taunts of her Mistress. No thoughts of her husband, her neighbour, her friends, her life of luxury, in her lust filled frenzy ravished in her maid’s regalia she was Cathy a simple maid promising her all, her everything, body and soul to her manipulative maid Jackie, her Mistress.
When Pauline and Camille had left after the meal they returned to Pauline’s home not palatial like Catherine’s but none the less an impressive residence. Pauline poured drinks and they sat together the lounge. Camille stripped to her underwear and snuggled up against Pauline. Camille was married but trapped in a loveless marriage. Pauline, always single and women of a certain persuasion, had met with Camille some years ago and their friendship had blossomed into something more than just friends. Pauline wistfully stroked her fingers through Camille’s hair.
“I am not having it Camille. Something is not right next door. That Jackie is up to something I am sure of it. Catherine was a little too convincing if you ask me and did you notice the way she looked at Jackie? No something is not right helping out around the house whilst Jackie goes out to the charity things and her hair and face Ok, I get that, but all that curtsying and Mistress stuff the uniform?
Camille giggled mischievously feeling Pauline’s lips to her cheek.
“Yes it does seem odd but you heard her, forget Catherine Lucas I am Cathy Miss Jacqueline’s maid, you even recorded it. I must say though Jackie doesn’t seem your typical domestic, very pretty, well spoken, obviously well educated and travelled she spoke of places this evening even I haven’t visited. How long is it since Jackie started being the maid for Catherine?”
Pauline thought for a moment.
“Er not sure quite recent about three months something like that?”
Camille took a sip of her drink and turned to Pauline.
“Really so recent and you said that you thought Jackie was at it with Michael, Catherine’s husband, perhaps you are right Jackie is up to something, turning Catherine into her maid for when Catherine’s husband returns.”
Pauline giggled.
“Preposterous Camille how could she possibly do that she would have to......................................
A realisation of what Jacqueline had already done with her Mistress struck Pauline.
“O dear Camille my love it looks like she won’t have to do much more perhaps I am going to have a new neighbour?”
The following week things changed within the Lucas household Miss Jacqueline becoming more demanding of her maid and Cathy, reminded of her promised unquestioned allegiance to her Mistress, given between the sheets, meekly complying with the more draconian regime.
When Jacqueline returned from the salon on Wednesday Cathy stared at her Mistress her hair now blonde in a style not dissimilar to that she once enjoyed. When Cathy questioned why Jacqueline had changed her hairstyle Jacqueline smirked dismissively at her maid fondling the highlighted tresses hanging on her shoulders.
“Don’t be jealous Cathy your own hair will grow back in time let me look.”
Roughly pulling Cathy’s cap and wig from her head to reveal a balding tuft covered scalp she mocked her maid before tossing the wig back into the desperate hands of Cathy who fumbled quickly replacing it on her head.
“But not yet Cathy, what a mess put your wig back on girl and how your Mistress chooses to have her hair is no business of yours is it?”
Cathy once again reminded of her disfigurement apologetically curtsied.
“Sorry Miss it looks lovely I had no right to question you. “
Jacqueline leaned forwards and straightened Cathy’s lacy cap.
“That’s better Cathy it does look nice doesn’t it, you want your Mistress to look her best don’t you.”
Cathy looked at her Mistresses luscious flowing blonde locks forlornly
“Yes Miss, of course Miss.”
Cathy returned to her duties and it was early in the afternoon when the telephone rang. It was Pauline telling Jacqueline she was on her way over to see her.
Jacqueline told her maid to prepare coffee for Pauline and herself, to be served in the lounge and waited for Catherine’s neighbour.
Pauline arrived and, sat in the lounge, they were served by a contrite curtsying Cathy.
Pauline remarked on Jacqueline’s new hairstyle asking Cathy what she thought of it.
“It is not my place to comment Miss Crabtree but it does look lovely, very nice.”
Jacqueline dismissed Cathy and taking a sip of her coffee straightened the hem of her expensive dress over her knees before turning to Pauline.
“So Pauline what is it why did you want to see me.”
Pauline returned her cup to its saucer, set it down on the table and smiled at Jacqueline.
“I see you still have Catherine dancing to your tune and well, I want to know how and why. I have my suspicions and before you start I didn’t know you were Catherine’s Cousin Miss Mayo? Yes I have asked around at the Country club and  such a shame that Catherine lost all her money isn’t it JACKIE.”
Jacqueline just stared at Pauline confronted by her revelations colour draining from her face.
Jacqueline nervously struggled to gather her thoughts
“Erm I don’t know what you mean, Catherine wants to be my maid, the Mayo thing it was Catherine’s idea you can ask her, the money I don’t know I just said she had financial difficulties that’s all.”
Pauline laughed.
“No Jackie, you have told those who would listen at the club that Catherine is broke and dressing and behaving like a maid , just like you told me and I doubt the accident with the oven was an accident at all. So tell me, how have you kept Catherine like she is and why. Don’t worry Jackie I have no problem with what you are doing I like seeing the rich bitch looking and dressed like she is.”
Jackie confirmed what Pauline and Camille had discussed following the dinner that Jackie intended to subjugate Catherine Lucas into being her maid, not just whilst her hair and face returned to normal, confirming that this would never happen anyway, but when she confessed to fucking Catherine into her submissive whore Pauline’s eyes widened.
“Mmmm so you swing both ways Jackie I suspected you were fucking Catherine’s husband but his wife too? Well that is interesting.”
Jacqueline began to relax Pauline not being judgemental and seemingly accepting of her scheme to take over Catherine’s life, stealing her husband and keeping her to be their maid. A giggling Jacqueline also telling Pauline she had Michael prettied up and into her underwear like a sissy on numerous occasions. Not a mistake but she should have realised there would be consequences to her admissions.
Pauline smiled.
“Well Jackie let’s see how keen you are for me to keep your secret shall we?”
Pauline lifted her skirts and pushed back on the sofa lowering her panties letting them trickle to her ankles, kicking out one leg and spreading her thighs.
“Come crawl to me show me what a good pussy licking Mistress you are Jackie.”
Jacqueline had no choice had she? She had confessed all and if Pauline was to keep quiet, let her complete her scheme then.......................
Jacqueline took a breath and slithering from the sofa to her knees in her designer wear crawled the short distance to the expectant and already sloppy slot. Jacqueline’s tongue engaged and Pauline placed her hands on Jacqueline’s head pulling her tight into her. With Jacqueline on her knees slurping in Pauline’s hot sex Pauline groaned her satisfaction.
“Mmmmmmmm good girl yes good girl.”
With Jacqueline’s face smeared in Pauline’s cum she was pushed down onto the floor in a gasping heap. Pauline hooked her leg back into her panties raising them over her steaming heat and let her skirts fall.
“Well Jackie it seems we understand each other and you can continue with you plans for Catherine Lucas, it matters not to me that you are to have her for your maid. If you can convince the stupid bitch of her new role in life then it serves her right.”
Unannounced the lounge door swung open and Cathy stood transfixed in the doorway with tray in hand, to retrieve the coffee pot and cups, staring at her Mistress on the floor at Pauline’s feet looking bedraggled her face sticky and breathing heavily.
Pauline smirked at Cathy’s confused expression stood framed in the doorway.
“Come in Cathy don’t be shy collect the pots for your Mistress.”
“Jackie and I have just been discussing your progress and your Mistress agreed that you will serve dinner at my house this evening I have some friends coming for dinner and having a maid serve will be quite a novelty.”
Cathy looked at her Mistress Jacqueline getting back to her feet.
“But Miss please I can’t I ...”
Jacqueline annoyed but knowing she was in the pocket of the smirking Pauline had no option.
“Look Cathy you are my maid and Miss Crabtree knows you are so you will do what I tell you no if’s and but’s understand now get these pots into the kitchen. “
Pauline stood and smiled at Jacqueline.
“Good bring her over at six and you, you get your glad rags on you will be joining us for dinner.”
With Pauline gone Jacqueline washed her face in the bathroom glaring at her reflection. Bloody Pauline the bitch still she is happy with me subjugating Catherine Lucas perhaps Cathy serving dinner to her guests will help reinforce her status of maid we will have to see.


  1. Jackie J's a good writer, but this story could use some editing. Maybe too rushed ? Really liked Chapter 8. Was wondering if she has ever sold any of her stories?

    1. I liked this story, I liked the way you took care of Catherine husband, with him under Jacqueline spell, he won’t be saving her. Can’t wait to see what happens at Pauline’s dinner party.
