
Friday, October 20, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 7.

by Jackie J
With Pauline, the next door neighbour, invited to have dinner Cathy busied herself in the kitchen. Catherine Lucas had entertained Pauline many times previously but this evening it would be very different. She would not be joining Pauline at the table, maid Cathy would be serving dinner and waiting on table for her maid, her Mistress and her guest Miss Crabtree.
Whilst Cathy was occupied in the kitchen Jacqueline was at the computer. With access to the Lucas accounts she wasted no time in draining these accounts and swelling her own. Jacqueline had already transferred significant amounts and with the last of the savings bonds now siphoned off and squirreled away Catherine Lucas, although she was oblivious, was truly broke. The cancelling of direct debits and standing orders, in the main to Catherine Lucas’s stylist, salon, tennis and country club and the Spa would bear testament to the lies that Jacqueline had been spreading about Catherine Lucas’s financial situation.

Placing the bank details back into the safe and closing the safe door having changed the combination Jacqueline chuckled and strolled back to the kitchen when her cell pinged.
Hi Jackie hope you don’t mind it will be two for dinner this evening Pauline X
Jacqueline replied
Fine no problem see you at seven Jackie X
Entering the kitchen Jacqueline watched her maid at work for a short while before speaking
“Cathy Miss Crabtree will be bringing a guest, so three for dinner I said that would be fine.”
Cathy turned from the work top a worried expression on her face. Serving her maid, that she had done for almost two weeks now and her neighbour, that Jacqueline had already explained the situation to, well that was fine, but who was this third person that would see her in her maid’s livery serving table.
“Please Miss I thought it was just yourself and Paul....., I mean Miss Crabtree for dinner who is the other guest.”
Jacqueline walked closer to her maid and smoothed some loose hairs hanging loose on her wig from her face.
“Cathy, Cathy, Cathy When you were Mistress here and I was your maid did I ever once interrogate you about your guests, no never, so why should my maid be asking about her Mistresses guests?”
Cathy thought for a moment then started to speak again only to be silenced by the slap of Jacqueline’s hand on the work top.
“but, but.............”

Jacqueline spoke in a stern tone.
“But nothing Cathy, nothing do you understand, don’t let yourself down now girl you are the maid here and have no say.”
The sternness of Jacqueline’s voice and her expression took Cathy by surprise it was the first time her Mistress had raised her voice and the slap of her hand on the work top had made her wince.
In that instant she remembered how she felt when Jackie, then her maid, had called her a silly cow when she tripped over the mop and bucket in the hallway she felt the same feelings again, weak, foolish, timid.  Cathy looked at her Mistress and with those feelings running through her uttered words she would learn to regret.
“Sorry Mistress please don’t punish me.”
Jacqueline’s demeanour and expression changed a smile slowly growing on her face.
“Punish you Cathy; do you think you deserve to be punished?”
Jacqueline chuckled at the thought of punishing her maid at the thought of Cathy offering a veiled acceptance to be punished.
“Well Cathy, do you because if you think so I surely will.”
Cathy just stood silent and blushed, tantalising thoughts of being punished by her Mistress for her misdemeanours’ filling her mind.
Jacqueline laughed noting the lack of denial from her maid
“Oh dear Cathy Perhaps this hand should have slapped your bottom girl instead of the worktop is that what you want.”
Cathy felt a numbness growing within her not from fear but excited anticipation the thoughts of being punished and now the suggestion of having her bottom slapped made her feel humiliated and humble still she did not refute her Mistresses taunts.
Jacqueline knew at that moment that another level of control over her former Mistress had been offered and she accommodated Cathy’s projected wishes.
“So girl you feel that you deserve punishment for questioning your Mistress? And so you shall be, bend over that stool.”
Cathy was quivering her knickers wet and slowly leaned over the tall stool at the breakfast bar.
Jacqueline tugged at Cathy’s skirts
“Raise them girl.”

Bending over the stool, being called girl again, told to raise her skirt’s Catherine Lucas was about to be spanked by her maid a mixture of apprehension and excitement poured adrenalin into her system at her impending degradation. She couldn’t could she, she shouldn’t should she but she did and the cool air floating across her bare buttocks when her crotch soaked cotton knickers were lowered to her knees made her shake and quiver.
Jacqueline stared at her maid’s perfect rump then slap, don’t, slap, ever, slap, question slap, me   slap, again slap. Six slaps delivered in quick succession.
Jacqueline stood back shaking her stinging hand and a whimpering Cathy hung over the stool her buttocks red and tears in her eyes.
Jacqueline raised Cathy’s knickers and smirked at the sodden crotch then pulled down her skirts.
“There girl now carry on with your work and no more of your insolence.”
Jacqueline left the kitchen hardly believing what she had done what her Mistress had allowed her to do, what her Mistress had wanted her to do?
Cathy dragged herself up from over the stool a dull ache growing across her bottom and wiped her drying tears on her apron. She was in shock, had she willed this to happen had she wanted this to happen whether she did or she didn’t it had happened her bare buttocks had been ruthlessly spanked by her maid.
Cathy returned to preparing the meal for her mistress and her guests occasionally looking back at the stool from the worktop her mind reconciled that she deserved to be punished Jacqueline was right a maid had no rights, no right to question her Mistress.
Jacqueline was anxious about what she had done and returned to the kitchen unsure whether she should apologise for spanking her Mistress, physical abuse was never in her scheme. When she entered, much to her surprise Cathy turned and curtsied.
Jacqueline looked into Cathy’s weak eyes and smiled.
“Cathy about your punishment your spanking.”
Cathy stepped forward away from the counter and dropped another curtsy then stood her hands laid across her apron her head slightly lowered and spoke meekly.
“Miss I am sorry I deserved to be punished I deserved to be spanked it will help me become your perfect maid.”
Jacqueline quickly changed tack looking at and listening to her contrite maid, she had encouraged it perhaps she wanted it, needed it?
“Mmmmmmmm indeed, indeed it will Cathy and that is what I will help you to become my perfect maid.”
With all things prepared for the dinner Cathy had changed into a clean crisp uniform. Jacqueline smiled when her maid entered the lounge and curtsied.
“Everything is ready Miss and I have changed into a clean uniform”
Jacqueline could see that her maid was nervous, why wouldn’t she be she was about serve dinner to her neighbour and friend, for her neighbour to see her not like she was when she left for her vacation, much had changed since then. Not only willingly dressed in a maid’s regalia her beautiful golden hair gone now sporting a black bob wig in its place, covering her ravaged scalp, her smooth silk like complexion mottled and reddened, unable to enhance her looks with cosmetics looking all of her years, her toned shapely figure hidden within the folds of her frumpy shapeless uniform. The confident smiling Catherine Lucas who entertained and welcomed guests to her house and table was continuing to be driven deep within the persona of a timid maid, a budding persona to be brought to full bloom, skilfully orchestrated by her scheming manipulative maid, her Mistress.     
Jacqueline approached her maid and straightened the lace collar of her dress.
“Don’t be nervous I have told Pauline, Miss Crabtree that is, the situation. Like a good friend and neighbour she just wants to know that you are alright and confirm you are doing this willingly until your scars from the accident heal. She will be discreet, she promised that, all you have to do is be a good maid this evening and all will be well. Now I have something for you with this being a special night stand still.”
Jacqueline placed a pretty lace cap on her maid’s head securing it with two grips and stood back.
“Perfect, when I was a maid I wore it for special occasions now it is yours.”
Cathy glanced to the large mirror over the fire and had to admit that the lacy cap clipped at the front of her hair complemented her ensemble a perfectly attired maid looking back from her reflection.
Cathy Curtsied.
“Thank you, Miss”
Pauline and her friend, suitably attired, arrived promptly at seven and welcomed by Jacqueline, wearing one of Catherine’s finest gowns and sparkling necklace with matching earrings, were shown into the lounge. Pauline introduced her friend Camille, Camille Pickering. Jacqueline pecked cheeks with her guests and poured them drinks before sitting to join them. Pauline complimented Jacqueline on her dress and jewellery, knowing it to belong to her Mistress Catherine Lucas, and Jacqueline stood offered a knowing smile and gave a twirl.
“Yes it is lovely isn’t it and look at you two thank you for making the effort you both look splendid.”
Jacqueline raised her glass
“A toast to an enjoyable evening and for your safe return to Rockport, Pauline.”
Glasses chinked and the evening began.
When Cathy entered the lounge curtsied and announced dinner was ready to be served Pauline nearly choked on her drink but quickly composed herself, Cathy avoiding eye contact with her neighbour.
Cathy left the room and Pauline momentarily stunned into silence stared at Jacqueline.
“Wow, Jackie, bloody hell, that’s Catherine Lucas? Shit!”
Pauline drained her glass in one gulp and her shaking hand offered it for a refill.
“Jackie her hair, her face the uniform she bloody well dropped curtsy, Catherine Lucas dropped bloody curtsy to me? If I did not know her well I truly would not have known it was her?
Camille could not help but titter, Pauline had told her what Jacqueline had explained to her and had also heard the rumours at the Country club.
“So it seems what Jackie told you and the rumours going around are true Pauline seems we are in for an entertaining and enlightening evening.”
Jacqueline smirked.
“So ladies shall we go through for dinner.”
Making their way through to the dining room Pauline smiled at a curtsying Cathy by the entrance.
Jacqueline introduced her maid.
“Camille this is Cathy my maid she will be serving us this evening and Pauline you already know Cathy.”
Cathy curtsied again
“Good evening Miss, Miss Crabtree, Mistress, please take your seats.”
Pauline hid her concern at how Catherine Lucas now looked and behaved calling her Miss Crabtree
Dinner was served and Pauline watched Cathy’s every move. She was intrigued how Catherine looked at Jackie sure she was subservient and seeking to please but there was something else, something she could not put her finger on then she realised and smiled to herself.  The courses impeccably served by an attentive maid and the table cleared Cathy delivered coffee and mints to finish the meal.
Pauline halted Cathy when she prepared to leave the dining room.
“Cathy, don’t go please a word if I may.”
“Your Mistress tells me you are happy being the maid here, is that correct?”
Cathy glanced at Jacqueline sat in one of her own finest gowns, this was her chance to break the shackles of her subjugation, her friend and neighbour had returned, this role reversal with her maid could be over. Of course it couldn’t and the promise of her mistress to take her that night when the guests had left held Cathy to her script.
Cathy curtsied
“Yes Miss.”
Pauline smiled at Catherine Lucas curtsying to her in her maid’s attire and calling her Miss.
“So you are happy to be your maid’s maid to serve her as your Mistress, really?”
“Yes Miss.”
Pauline continued
“And your face and hair an accident with the oven I understand is that true.”
“Yes Miss I was stupid I didn’t take care.”
Pauline became agitated at Catherine’s somewhat robotic responses
“Look, Catherine, I am your neighbour and I have known you for years a friend even, so you can cut out all this Miss nonsense, I am Pauline, OK? Jackie told me that that you wanted a change to do something different something completely different because I mentioned that before I left for my vacation. Why you would possibly want to dress up like a maid I don’t know and stupid or not you ended up looking like you do from the accident. Because you are such a vain creature you wouldn’t leave the house and agreed to trade places with your maid Jackie who now sits in one of your finest gowns bedecked in your jewellery and you say you are happy?”
Cathy looked at Jacqueline then back at Pauline.
“All that is correct and I am happy to serve my Mistress, I call you Miss out of deference being my Mistresses guest. I am the maid and I must behave accordingly. Miss Jacqueline deputised for me at various functions and dressed and behaved like a lady not like a maid so I also must dress and behave according to my role, that of housemaid. I ask that you accept and treat me for what I am, my Mistress's maid until ... well until the situation returns to normal when my scars are healed  and I have my own hair again. I will not leave the house looking like I do so until such time please forget Catherine Lucas. I am Cathy, maid to Miss Jacqueline.”
Pauline smiles and places her phone on the table, switches of the recorder and sits back.
“Very good CATHY, you have made things very clear and I have recorded your little speech to remind me to forget Catherine Lucas and that you are Cathy, Miss Jacqueline, your Mistress’s maid. Without you confirming your wishes I would have always had doubts that perhaps you were being coerced in some way but obviously not. You want to be a maid and from what I have witnessed this evening I must say you make a perfect maid Cathy, your mistress is lucky to have such an attentive loyal maid in her service. I will now feel much more comfortable treating you for what you are, a common maid and not the Lady I knew.”
Cathy curtsied.
“Thank you, Miss.”


  1. love how Jacqueline just embezzled all of Cathy's wealth and Pauline recording Cathy saying she wanted to be a maid. They really trapped her permanently into the role of housemaid.

  2. Excellent, I would really like to see her permanently become the maid of Pauline.

  3. It certainly seems as though Catherine Lucas has vanished pretty completely, nevermore to be seen, and Cathy has no way of ever returning to that other status.
    What comes next, though, is anyone's guess. There are many different turns this story could take.

  4. The arrogant Pauline must also become a maid too! Together with Catherine.
