
Monday, October 16, 2017

Story: Mrs. Catherine Lucas. Chapter 6.

by Jackie J
Whilst ingratiating herself within Catherine’s circle of friends during the week Jacqueline had not been idle in the continuing subjugation of her Mistress.
Unknown to Catherine Jacqueline added a measured amount of caustamonia to the basic foundation she had been using resulting in further irritation aggravating the already tender skin of her face. This, at the suggestion of her duplicitous maid, resulted in the use of no makeup at all.  With Catherine’s hair becoming increasingly brittle, from the permanent damage caused by the ovens, the insidious formula having worked into the follicles of her scalp, Catherine welcomed the gift of a neat black bob wig to cover her balding tuft covered pate.  
Fucked into raptures by Jacqueline’s introduced strap on her sexual and eventual total capitulation to her maid’s will and wishes lay unopposed. Each night she begged for more of her maid’s contrived affections for which she willingly paid the price of her continuing servitude.  The rota of tasks and chores, for keeping the mansion in pristine condition that had been prepared by Catherine herself, which Jackie the maid had so diligently followed, became established under the sole stewardship of the household’s Maid adorned Mistress.
For one particular screaming orgasm Jacqueline was given access to the Lucas bank account for another the combination and keys to the safe.  Jacqueline took every opportunity during the week to chastise and denigrate her maid for her lack of domestic skill constantly chipping away at her already fragile confidence making Catherine nervous and unsure and constantly on edge in her presence. Jacqueline confusingly blowing hot and cold, cold during the daylight hours reinforcing the demarcation of Mistress and maid, hot in the evenings treating her maid like a sex toy, in what was her mistress’s own bed.
It was Friday and there were no social commitments in the diary. Cathy was busy with the laundry when Jacqueline entered the doorway to the utility room.  

“Cathy, a word, come through to the study will you.”
Cathy entered the study and displayed her now customary curtsy splaying the skirts of her heavy dress.
Jacqueline smiled the poise and subconscious assumed arrogance and superiority of her Mistress all but flushed away. Her dowdy role defining garb, lack of cosmetics and neat black bob wig much more typifying a domestic servant than a lady of leisure.
“Cathy take a seat, look we cannot continue like this we just can’t”
Jacqueline lets that thought sink in.
“You see I don’t mind doing all this for YOU covering for you but I have looked at MY diary there are events scheduled every week going forward for many months. It’s unreasonable for me to keep saying you are a little under the weather? Eventually people are going to start asking questions, they are bound to?
“ I am willing to let you remain being my maid and of course I will remain your mistress meeting all the social commitments until your hair and face return to normal, however long that may be, but if I am to continue helping you like this I must tell your friends something else to explain your continued absence.”
Cathy thumbed her apron and looked at Jacqueline again resplendent in one of Catherine’s outfits. Jacqueline was right of course the under the weather excuse will already have worn thin and that particular subterfuge could not continue.
Jacqueline stood and walked around her seated maid and chuckled under her breath.
“If I am to continue protecting you we will need something with a little more permanency won’t we my maid?”
“Now Pauline, you friend and neighbour will be returning this weekend but we have that covered don’t we, this is what started you wanting to be my maid wasn’t it, her suggestion to do something completely different? We can just tell her that you chose to take her at her word and decided to be my maid, we can even explain how you messed up cleaning the oven by your stupidity and left yourself in this state. She will understand why you want to remain hidden away being my maid under the circumstances.”
Jacqueline stroked her manicured nails softly down Cathy’s cheek making her quiver.
“Of course we won’t tell her of your nocturnal adventures will we that will remain our little secret”
Cathy squirmed in her seat feeling the lace collar of her maid’s dress pulled down and a gentle kiss placed to the nape of her neck.
“Thank you, Miss, please don’t tell her she mustn’t know about that”
Jacqueline stood back and smiled.
“Don’t worry, our little secret will be safe, given that is that you convince her that you are happy to be my maid and of course you behave appropriately when she visits, like a good maid should?”  
“As for the rest... The rest of your social circle, well you leave that to me I will think of something more permanent you will have to trust me with that.”
Cathy could not have suspected that this matter had already been dealt with by her scheming maid.
When Pauline’s car pulled through the gates and into her driveway, returning from her vacation, Jacqueline would be her first visitor.
“Hi Jackie, wow you are dressed to the nines, no uniform today then, what is it, a wedding? Wait a minute, I recognise that dress and those shoes, they are Catherine’s, what’s going on?”
Jacqueline entered and closed the door behind her a look of concern on her face.
“Pauline, I am so glad you are back I really am can I have a word.”
Pauline ushered Jacqueline into one of the reception rooms.
“What is it Jackie, come on spit it out.”
“Its Catherine Pauline, what you said to her before you left on vacation remember?”
Pauline had to think.
“Said to Catherine? Before I left? No nothing specific what did I say?”
“You told her to do something different, something completely different.”
Pauline offered Jacqueline a seat and sat herself.
“Mmmm yes I do remember now, yes something like that, she was all upset about Michael being away again. Yes that’s right I did so what”
Jacqueline pulled her phone from her purse and showed Pauline the same pictures she had shown Elizabeth and Margret at the Tennis and country club Cathy the maid washing pots and scrubbing the floor.
Pauline stared at the picture then at Jacqueline then back at the picture then back to Jacqueline.
“She took you at your word, asked to be my maid, for me to be her Mistress I thought it was a joke at first then she told me what you had said to her about doing something completely different and so I went along with it, just for the odd afternoon we agreed.”
Pauline looked back at the picture.
“But her hair and her face she looks awful. I hardly recognise her.”
Jacqueline put on her most contrite expression.
“It happened the first day she dressed in one of my uniforms. She insisted on cleaning the oven’s of all things and somehow she got the cleaning liquid all over her. I got her to the medical centre but the damage was done, not sure how long it will take her skin to heal and her beautiful hair, frazzled to the roots?”
“You know how vain she is and after the accident she said that she couldn’t be seen like she was and made me agree to deputise for her at some charity events, told me she would remain in the house being my maid until, well I don’t know, I really don’t. The problem is she is taking the role of maid to seriously, I can’t stop her, she calls me Mistress, curtsies and listen to this, insists on sleeping in my old room the maid’s room and only wears my maid’s uniforms not just the dress underwear, hosiery, shoes the whole outfit top to toe everything.
“I have to admit I don’t mind being the Mistress I am getting used to the luxury but perhaps you can talk some sense into her.”
Jacqueline had already warned Catherine of the consequences of not confirming she was happy being her maid but what Pauline said next stunned her.
Jacqueline watched a sneering smile grow across Pauline’s face.
“So let me get this right, Jackie. You have Catherine Lucas serving you as your maid, she wears your uniform, your whole uniform top to toe like a proper maid, curtsies to you, calls you her mistress and with her disfigurement agreed to remain so. You now wear her clothing and have been deputising for her socially.”
Jacqueline nodded.
“Yes that’s right.”
Pauline sat back and chuckled.
“Indeed, well, well Catherine Lucas a maid, and not just a maid but the maid of her maid. How bizarre!”
Pauline asked to look at the pictures again and smiled.
“And happy you say interesting very interesting.”
“So what, you want me to talk her out of this nonsense and why would I want to do that Jackie? She  has lorded it over me for years with her condescending attitude frittering her money away at the Spa strutting up and down like a model in her designer clothes not such a pretty little thing now though.”
Pauline chuckled
“I will have dinner with you this evening, if like you say the stupid cow is content to be your maid then, well why should I interfere. Michael is away for another five weeks why shouldn’t I have some fun at her expense.
Pauline laughed out loud.
“Perhaps instead of me telling her to stop we can work together subjugate the bitch show her what something completely different really means. I will come over at seven this I must see for myself.”
Jacqueline walked the short distance back to the Lucas home surprised at Pauline’s reaction. She had thought that getting Pauline on side would take some convincing but on the contrary, Pauline’s latent jealousy of her neighbour had come to the fore even offering to help reinforce Catherine’s position of housemaid in her own home.
Jacqueline smiled to herself entering the kitchen hearing the vacuum at its work in the hands of her maid.
“Cathy, Cathy the kitchen quickly now.”
Cathy after a short delay entered and curtsied to her seated Mistress.
“Cathy, Miss Crabtree will be joining me for dinner this evening.”
Cathy looked confused at first.
“Miss Crabtree, Miss? Oh you mean Pauline from next door?”
Jacqueline stood.
“No, I mean Miss Crabtree, remember you are a maid and a maid will give deference to her Mistress's guests.”
Cathy was a little put out but had to accept if she was the maid and she was, well yes Jacqueline was right she could not be so familiar with her neighbour.
“Sorry, Miss. Yes, Miss Crabtree of course.”
Jacqueline informed Cathy that she had spoken to her neighbour and explained how her suggestion to do something completely different resulted in the role reversal that was temporary of course, until the damage from the accident healed. Jacqueline reiterated their agreement that she would be a compliant maid when she met her neighbour and confirm that she was happy in her role of maid.
Cathy curtsied with a tinge of apprehension but also excitement at the thought of not dining with but serving her neighbour and Mistress Dinner in her maid’s regalia that evening.
“Yes, Miss I understand. I will be the perfect maid, Miss.”
Jacqueline smirked.
“Good now back to your cleaning and a fresh uniform for this evening of course and if you are a good girl and keep it clean, I may let you wear it to my bed tonight.”
Cathy dropped another curtsy giggled and blushed. The thought of being taken again whilst still dressed in her maid’s uniform bringing an instant wetness of anticipation. Her lustful desires keeping her under the manipulative control of her maid.
“Yes, Miss. Thank you, Miss.”

1 comment:

  1. Is there a Jackie J library somewhere on the internet? "Jackie J" is not something so easy to search for.
