
Monday, September 4, 2017

What I'm up to

Dear readers,

I wanted to apologise for the recent lack of updates and my departure from the self-imposed 1 post/2days schedule. I do hope to return with a lot more lady-to-maid content in coming days and weeks.

I must admit that I've been hit with a rather severe case of writer's block which derailed some of my abmitious publishing plans. Also, a number of my regular writers (no doubt during a secret meeting) decided to take long summer breaks at the same time.

Please do not worry. I don't think the well's dried up and there is a lot more where it came from. I do have a number of posts planned already and now it's only a matter of sitting down and writing them. Please watch this space for more stories and other lady-to-maid related content, including movie reviews and a rather long history of a traditional maid's uniform that I've been working on for a long time now.

As always, I really welcome your suggestions and submissions.


  1. I'm working on something you might find interesting.

    It's about a left-leaning girl who falls on hard times, and her house is purchased by a snobby rich bitch. This woman then puts our heroine beneath her thumb, turning her into her domestic servant and live-in foot slave. And our heroine must take increasingly demeaning jobs in order to pay her outrageous rent.

    I can email it to you once I get closer to being finished -- not sure how long I want it to be at this point.

    1. Of course, please do. Sounds intriguing.

    2. Include girl' mom being slave to rival girl's slave. Include mature women dominating mature women. Also can you include mom riding on slave mom's shoulder (they have same weight) for transportation please.
      Its a humble request Mana Ray.

    3. I meant one girl's mom being ponygirl/ shoulder riding and footslave to the other girls mom. The average age should be mid 30's. Mana Ray.

    4. ManaRay, I'm interested in your specification of your heroine's being "left-leaning". An explicitly progressive woman being reduced to a servant is of course especially delicious, whether her downfall is the result of financial distress or an attempt to better understand the life of the working classes.

    5. I think Losing Valentina by Idea Factory had all the right beats for what I would want to happen to a left-leaning character (even though their story wasn't really political). It wouldn't be unreasonable a person with that kind of ideology to swap lives with a Dreamer in order to protect them. They would arrogantly think that the United States government couldn't possible deport one of their own citizens even if they were pretending to be an illegal...

    6. @Arcadia: By "left-leaning" I mean the sort of girl you would find at a yoga studio in Manhattan: mid 20s athletic vegan type who likes/shares articles about class consciousness and marches in protests for womens' issues. Pampered and upper middle-class, buys fair trade coffee and yoga pants.

      @Anonymous: Yeah I like that idea a lot; a progressive girl swapping roles with a Dreamer only to find herself under a cruel bitch's rule.

      It would be interesting to see the physical differences between a rich girl and a working class girl: the Dreamer gets organic food and her complexion clears up, while the progressive eats deep fried chicken and loses sleep wearing her down.

      @Berry: I will see what I can do about the mid 30s woman, and the shoulder riding. Not quite my niche, but I enjoy a challenge. Would a ricksha be okay, or do you want to see it more personal?

    7. Mana Ray
      You can just make left leaning girl's mom slave to her enemy girl's mom's slave. Also it is on you on shoulders riding thing. You can for example put one mom riding for 30 min on shoulders of other mom where both weights the same for morning walk. Thanks for you time.

    8. Can you continue chapters of A More Permanent Position for free. I really liked the concept

    9. @Anonymous: what is it you liked about A More Permanent Position? Until "China Maid" I had considered it my best work. I don't know about revisiting that world but if you explain what you liked I can try to blend that into future stories.

    10. You gonna put it for free or patreon only

  2. I wondered if you were on holiday considering the time of year but I sympathise with the writer's block thing. It seems the same disease has struck some of your contributors with a few unfinished (and enjoyable) stories hanging in mid sentence.

    It must be difficult trying to keep a fiction site running single-handed. The important thing is not to run out of steam permanently and if the odd break achieves that, then all is well. Daring Diane takes quite long posting breaks on her web site as nearly everything she posts is her own. Her fans are patiently waiting for the next episode of 'Car Seat' - me included! Perhaps you might add her site to your links? (

    Anyway, your 2 stories on Amazon have attracted some positive reviews which, I hope, is reflected in sales. If you need a little proof reading you know where I am.

    1. Thank you for you support, Robyn. I do hope to use your editing services sooner rather than later! Yes, I am also following Daring Diane's latest story with bated breath!

  3. Please continue with Daphne and the White Apron and Molly Apuya. Hope you're well.


    1. Thank you. Next chapter of Daphne should be out within a week I hope. Molly's revival will take a little bit longer.

  4. If the pressure of writing a huge sprawling epic has given you writers block, try going back to your roots and doing some captions that are only a few paragraphs. The task won't seem as monumental if your entire story has to fit on a single page. Maybe your incomplete ideas will inspire someone to expand on them. At the very least, it will provide content for the site.

    1. I was actually thinking of that, thank you for your suggestions. The only thing holding me back is lack of feedback most captions seem to be getting.

  5. Whatever happened to Klavdia Kuznetsova?

    We all write what suits us,the kind I like most (young women descending willingly and serving men including sexually) is not the focus here but I still look with interest to see what turns up.

    1. I don't think Klavdia will ever be completed unfortunately.

      I am glad you find some stories here enjoyable. As I keep saying you can't make everyone happy as peoples' kinks often tend to be mutually exclusive but who says we can't at least try?

  6. I wish someone would continue/expand Madame Nguyen's story!

    1. I would also like to see that story extended and expanded

  7. I once read a story (sadly the writer didn't finish the story) where a the wife of a very rich man ran off with an employee. They had 2 very young sons and the husband never abused her and was actually a love interest from teenage years.

    Still the woman felt a attraction to her current lover, a young guy much younger than her. She was in her early thirties and the young guy was little over 20. After a couple of years the charm was broken. There were many differences between them and they went separate ways, thinking it was the best.

    The woman had too much pride. She too was from a high class family and very well educated. Though she was cut off from her family (for her actions); she found a good job that paid very well.

    But after living alone for 5/6 years (except some one night stands and small fling here and there) she felt very lonely. And suddenly she felt bad for the children she left and decided to see them.

    When she contacted her former husband and expresses her wish, he met her at a restaurant; along with his new wife - who is a little over twenty, young and vibrant. The husband introduced both her wives, ex and new. His new wife was actually the babysitter of the boys, who are in their early teens now. And they very much like their new "mother".

    Then she told her husband that she wish to stay close to her boys. She won't fight for custody (she is likely to lose after running away and also the boys probably won't like her if she cut them off of their father) but like to meet them regularly. She casually mentioned that she would like to have a job in the family business and stay somewhere close. Given that she is highly qualified and knows the business for a long time, she would take some role (if available) and manage it better than most. The salary is not important as long as it comes with food, shelter and chance to see her boys.

    Then the "new wife" spoke up. She told her off. She thinks that their mother would be a bad influence on them and the boys already hate her enough and it would be probably the best if she never try to see her boys again. Then she (ex wife) looked at the husband and try to find some hope. But he casually mentioned that he has a business to look after and the household is run by the Lady. Whatever she decides, he wouldn't object.

    Again she pleaded. She confessed her guilt and understand that she can't wipe it off. But she is ready to anything for the boys. And now she actually want to make amends for her crimes. Then the current wife propose an alternative - She is to stay as a "Live in Maid" with nothing exceptional that the others. There is food and shelter and she will get the standard payment. While on duty (which is 24/7) she is to dress appropriately (that means maid's uniform and no jewelery) and obey every command without any question. She is to address everyone appropriately (Sir, Madam, My lady etc), including her sons. And as she is the newest, other maids would be ranked above and she has to obey them as well. The slightest complain or negligence would mean the deal is off and she can go back on her way.

    She never thought that it would come to this situation. She was told that a answer to be given within 24 hours. After going through all of this in her head, over and over again, she decided that it was the just punishment for her crime. She deserves the humiliation and deserved to be taken down few pegs.And she actually felt admiration for the young wife. Then she phoned her and told her it is a "yes".


    Unfortunately the story ends here. The writer wished to continue but like most of his tales this one was also abandoned at mid way. I think if someone can do a re-write and contain this even further, it would make a classic.

    I didn't revise this. So there might be grammatical and spelling errors. I apologize for them.

    1. That is quite interesting. Do you have the link to the original? Did that author write anything else?

    2. Sorry I can't provide the link or even remember the story title (then I could google). The writer went by the name "NaughtyBrad" (if I remember correctly). He wrote a lot of stories and posted them on-

      If you are into spanking, you can take a look but I doubt he wrote anything similar. From his point of view, as I can guess, it would be another spanking story where the ex Wife would suffer various humiliations and would be spanked for her many faults; but as I mentioned earlier, he didn't continue.

  8. Is there any hope to see new chapters from the original Maid in China by Barefoot Servant? I really loved that he kept his story so realistic.

    1. Hard to say, I've asked repeatedly! Let's hope he reads the comments section.

  9. Can I ask someone to please take on the mantle of finishing Emma Finns classic "cleaner" would be nice to see it finished out for her

    1. I dare say that her retelling of the original story was so massive it would have equaled the length of everything that has been published here combined. I do not believe that many would have the skill to match her writing and the wherewithal to finish two full-length novels. She was certainly a treasure.

  10. Hi dear... Awesome blog.... Can u write a story. Where a young maid and her sister or mom. Makes a plot and make the lady as there living maid

    1. Almost role reversal and humiliation can be used... Better try indian

  11. How would you describe your experience with writer's block?

    For me, it is not a failure of imagination but rather the execution or lack thereof. The process of translating thought to the written word can be a tedious one to the point that I begin to entertain other ideas that seem more appealing than the one I am currently on. I will temporarily abandon that story to work on another and for a time, I am energized by how fresh everything is. Gradually, I will fall out of love and then move onto something else. Rinse and repeat. It is easy to understand why people simply stop writing their stories part way through. Once you take away that which made them special, they hold no appeal. It as if a spell has been broken and you ask yourself, "Why on Earth did I ever spend so much time on this? This is complete garbage."

    1. Well, it's a combination of factors. First, there is a traditional writer's block manifested in unwillingless/lack of motivation to write. This can be explained by lack of time or, more likely, poor time management. This is multiplied by the ill-understood perfectionism (i.e. if I can't do it perfectly or at least better than previously, I'd rather not do it at all). Second, there is an elemet unique to lady-to-maid/social drop stories. This is a very niche subject and there are not that many plots you can explore. No matter how productive and creative you are, there are still only a handful of plots that you can explore. And why bother writing the same story over and over again only with different names and slightly different settings? I am not saying I necessarily agree with it, just trying to explain the inner logic of writer's block. However, truth be told, I do think it boils down to laziness!

    2. I have read that perfectionism is a form of procrastination. You've convinced yourself that you're going to fail for one reason or another and so you don't even make an attempt. My advice would be to stop trying to outdo yourself. You described Her Most Remarkable Performance as your magnum opus, which was quite possibly the worst thing you could have done to yourself. If you have it in your mind that you will never surpass your first novel, it will end up becoming a self-fulling prophecy. You’re not going to get any better as a writer by not writing. Allow yourself to fail and that will help to relieve the pressure you've put on yourself. Write under a different pen name if you must. No one will have any expectations for this other person.

  12. An Appreciative ReaderSeptember 8, 2017 at 8:44 AM

    Dear Camille - aw you do have my sympathy, I think what you have done with this blog is amazing, I'm exhausted just following it... ;) We do all have different sub genres of this kink that appeal to us more or less, you have done brilliantly fitting in a wide spectrum of stories and content.

    I can understand if that thing called life has got in the way too, things are mental with me right now, one reason I'm a bit more hit and miss on the PC, and I highly doubt that I am alone. But at least you know you are very, well, appreciated is surely the only word I can use, even if posts and reviews don't come as often as they should!

    With best wishes, love, and hope for that talent that you absolutely have in spades to bloom once more.

    1. Thank you so much. I will do my best to carry on the banner!

  13. Wasn't there a story where one of the ladies was a writer and their maid convinced them to trade places, so she could have an easier time writing? That could be one way to cure what ails you...

    1. And then we all know how plots like that always end, don't we?

  14. A concept I've pondered for many years is a tycoon is murdered and the guy who investigates finds out he was really a figurehead/frontman for the seemingly ditzy sexy maid he was having an affair with...and the investigator winds up taking that role himself,obliged to stay the apparent boss with the noted benefits.

  15. You gonna put it for free or patreon only
