
Monday, September 25, 2017

Olivia Holt in Generous: A Lady to Maid?

I've come across a new music video by Olivia Holt called Generous. Lyrics, as one would expect from an aspiring 19-year-old American pop singer, feature gems like "gonna give you that uhm" and "just want you on me/hey, say that you want me", but it's rarely that a music video comes along that features a traditional maid uniform so I couldn't help but share it with you. The plot is clearly inspired by that romantic hideousness known as Maid in Manhattan, but to an avid lady-to-maid fan it can also easily be interpreted as a rich socialite playing dress up as a maid. I've attached a few screen grabs under the youtube video. 


  1. Replies
    1. Nice proper uniform for a change. As opposed to the "French maid" variety that seems to be ubiquitous these days.

    2. I agree the French Maid has her place but I too prefer the traditional maid's dress, even more so the older style

    3. For me it's a fine schoolgirl uniforms,I want them sexy but not to the point of absurdity...they're not lingerie.

    4. Can't agree more, another good example. Sexy does not mean "showing as much skin as possible".

  2. Behind the Music

    When Abigail Winters’ residence was burglarized, she was distraught by the horrible thought of someone entering into her home uninvited like they owned the place. The perpetrator had unrestricted access to a life full of riches that were not theirs to experience. Worst of all, the designer gown, diamond necklace and pearl earrings she intended to wear to an upcoming charitable function were all missing.

    She felt violated once again when the authorities escorted her down to the station to identify the stolen goods. The suspect they had in custody was caught red-handed wearing her fashionable apparel. They thought they had an open-and-shut case, yet Mrs. Winters curiously declined to press charges then angrily insisted that they were mistaken.

    “I think you have harassed this young woman quite enough already. You are wasting my valuable time and hers with your sloppy police work. Good day, gentlemen.”

    Mrs. Winters couldn’t fully explain her change of heart. Something inside her was switched on at the sight of this beautiful blonde Goldilocks getting a taste of her life. Perhaps it was her vanity. “Pretty girls deserve pretty things,” was what her late husband had said when he courted her. She had married into a lifestyle beyond her wildest imagination based on a smile that would fade and wither.

    The event brought back old memories of her worst nightmare, of her husband falling victim to a temptress that was younger and more attractive. Someone who was better at the game than she was. Luckily, the fat oaf croaked before another gold digger could convince him to dump her and change his will a third time. The legal challenges over his estate were all behind her now, so what did she have to worry about?

    For years, she was under the impression that she still had an irresistible allure. That she could do it all over again, if she so desired. This illusion was shattered by a brazen thief who just happened upon her finery. Her youth was well and truly gone.

    Mrs. Winters soon became a recluse in her own mansion. She canceled all of her regular cosmetic appointments and refused to RSVP to any parties where she sipped champagne and pretended that she was helping the less fortunate. The lack of a good night’s sleep was evident on her tired face when the toxin paralyzing her facial muscles wore off. The undyed roots of her hair displayed an altogether different color. She was reverting back to what she would have been if she hadn’t hit the jackpot.

    To relieve the tension of this neurotic obsession, she had to get it out of her system by experiencing her fear head-on and overcoming it. Asking one of the help to play dress-up with her was out of the question. None were sufficient for the task and moreover, a scripted scenario lacked the authenticity of the real thing. Therefore, she decided to explore her nightmarish fantasy in secret.

    A sizeable chunk of her hair was snipped off at the salon and what remained was colored to match the natural brown she was born with. Without her bright blonde hair, elegant formal wear, fancy jewelry and signature makeup, Mrs. Winters was virtually unrecognizable as the socialite she had once been.

    She applied to work as a maid at the posh hotel where all the men who cheated on their wives stayed. It was where she had met her late husband. The man scrutinizing her blank resume had no reason to suspect that she was anything other than a stay-at-home mom who was forced to return to the workforce after a bout of infidelity. He was accustomed to these sorts of sob stories, though hired her against his better judgment. A woman down on her luck would appreciate the opportunity to earn some extra income under the table.

    1. Never having worked a day in her life, Abigail almost quit during the probationary period. This was what people everywhere did day in and day out for their entire lives? It was simply unfathomable how anyone could put up with a grueling 9-5 schedule. Worse, the guests were among the rudest individuals she had ever met! They had the nerve to call the front desk and complain that their rooms needed to be cleaned of a mess they themselves had made.

      The rubber gloves she wore were terribly uncomfortable and her uniform made her all sweaty. It seemed that no one understood how hard her job was. Her manager even made her pay for the snacks she ate out of the minibars by deducting the costs from her paycheck. Those things were outrageously expensive and they reduced her meager income to nothing.

      “Look more closely,” he said. “You have a negative balance and I would like to know how you intend to pay me back.”

      Abigail had plenty of experience spending money but next to none in balancing a budget. She could easily walk over to an ATM to settle the matter though that would present certain complications. People would ask questions as to how a woman living paycheck to paycheck came up with the cash so fast.

      As she struggled to compose a suitable answer, he unceremoniously unbuttoned his pants and exposed himself. She would not debase herself in such a manner. Her mouth was what won her a husband. To pleasure the man before her for a debt of only a few hundred dollars when her technique was worth millions was unimaginable and yet, she did so anyway to not get fired.

      She felt used and dirty afterward. Nevertheless, Abigail had earned his trust and was finally allowed to service the high-end clientele like her alter ego, Mrs. Winters. She put her plan into motion by signing a lease for a luxury apartment at the hotel and filled it with the very best life had to offer as bait. All the things that every fine young woman would covet. The trap was set.

      On the floor the elusive Mrs. Winters was staying in, the hallway resembled a catwalk at a fashion show with how many beautiful women walked down it. They were all aspiring actresses/musicians who thought they were this close to getting their big break. In truth, the wealthy men who paid them for their time weren’t industry professionals and neither was what they did behind closed doors standard practice. She knew all this because she walked down this same hallway herself, once upon a time. While Abigail was specifically instructed to ignore what was going on, she kept track of their comings and goings.

      One fair-skinned beauty, in particular, caught her eye. She went by the name Olivia. When this girl wearing ripped jean shorts, a military camo jacket and knee-high boots was in the process of leaving her “audition”, she arranged a little display for her to witness. She used her cleaning cart to prop open the door to an empty room where she could be seen rifling through a bag in search of valuables to steal. A thieving maid peaked Olivia’s interest as she knew it would. The girl had all these bad thoughts in her head and swiftly snatched up the keycard that was left out in the open which would unlock every room, including the one belonging to Mrs. Winters.

      Unfortunately, the stupid girl got the idea to sneak into the staff room and borrow a uniform first. Abigail surreptitiously watched as Olivia changed into a maid’s outfit, the black dress with a white collar and sleeves. She wasted time ensuring that her white apron and cap were on properly so as to follow the dress code to the letter.

      Abigail looked on in disbelief as she wheeled out a cleaning cart of her own that was full of supplies and got to work. The girl was suspicious as hell as she pretended to use her feather duster on the wall while scoping out a room. The luggage she unzipped was full of worthless clothing. It didn’t take her long to notice the lockbox near the floor. She opened that for a quick score.

    2. After she got bored trying on the various necklaces and rings she hit up the minibar. She was leaving evidence of her crime all over the floor as she tossed aside the nuts that were not to her liking. Chocolates, on the other hand, were mercilessly devoured. The girl was evidently hungry as she proceeded to eat someone’s untouched pancake breakfast that room service had sent up.

      Olivia eventually made her way to Mrs. Winters’ room where she hit the mother load. She correctly concluded that her disguise as a maid wouldn’t save her if she were caught and promptly undressed, exchanging her uniform for a purple backless dress in an attempt to pass herself off as this other woman. She admired herself in the mirror and was so excited she started dancing and mouthing the words to a catchy song.

      “You know I look good on you,” Abigail whispered to herself. “Is there anywhere you want to go? Just ask nice.”

      With a pocket full of gold, Olivia elected to go for broke. She used Mrs. Winters’ bath to clean herself up, making herself presentable enough to wear an eye-catching red suit with a deep v-neck. She pulled her hair back into a tight bun and imagined that she was as fabulous as her patron. Abigail was short of breath as she invisibly surveyed the transformation. This starlet got it right and deserved all her pretty things.

      She was a bit disappointed when Olivia seemingly came to her senses and removed the mask she slipped on. She put everything back and departed the hotel in the same hip apparel she arrived in. Abigail wasn’t sure if she had learned anything from her scheme other than the knowledge that she was positively predisposed toward irrational behavior.

      Her eyebrows unconsciously scrunched together at the sight of a black antique car that looked familiar. The man at the wheel was unmistakably her driver. He parked near the entrance and got out to open the door for his passenger. Olivia nonchalantly got in the backseat of Mrs. Winters’ car, acting as if she was some famous singer who was used to this kind of special treatment.

      The realization that Olivia was taking more than she was given hit her as the pair drove away. Abigail’s grand experiment had escaped the confines she set for it and was beyond her control now. As she contemplated what came next, she decided that the golden-haired youth had caught her on a good day. She was feeling generous and the way Olivia was looking got her in the mood to go back to work.

  3. Well Ms Holt wore the exquisite outfit well, and i concur with the proper uniform comments.
    Pop star to maid has a nice ring to it.

  4. I have mused in the past on an heiress getting to know a man who thinks she is her maid and keeping up the role for a while as they start dating.

    With other characters there might be a man who wants unequal relationships,and the socialite with a crush on him understands that for the relationship to work she has to live as his maid.

    1. It's a common trope in "Regency romance" and romance literature in general. A heroine dressed up as a maid to find out what her love interest "is really like". Of course, a lady-to-maid fan in me wants to take it a lot further with the heroine ending up stuck. Somehow that never happens in such novels!

    2. I am looking forward to reading that novel, Camille.
      I remember reading my first romance novel in high school, and feeling as though I had found a secret password that allowed me access to the hottest porn on the market, which I could buy at the supermarket as a fifteen-year-old without so much as a funny look from the cashier.
      The idea of reading a romance novel, a "girl-gets-house" story where in order to get the house she must become its housekeeper, undergoing a full and permanent L2M transition . . . !
      Write it!!!

    3. A protagonist who was literally in love with a house would be a very different take on the genre. She dresses up for him and gets all hot and bothered waxing his floorboard. They take showers together. He makes her feel safe during a storm.

    4. Anonymous, I literally spit my morning coffee when I read that!

  5. Arcadia, there's an actual story, caption really, that's sort of a variant on the girl-gets-house genre. The girl has a house, but decides to rent it out sort of like an Airbnb rental. The gimmick is that the house comes complete with maid, the girl herself, who, on a lark, decides to work as the maid. The story ends when a family who rented the house is so impressed with her "maidenly skills" that they offer to hire her as their maid and won't take no as an answer.

    T. H. Enerdly

    1. That's actually a very reasonable transformation.

      Most women wouldn't aspire toward becoming a maid in their own home, but if they can make more money doing that than at their job, why not? Maybe there is a woman who thinks she is being clever by saying the property comes with a live-in maid to give herself free room and board. There are many pitfalls an inexperienced landlady could fall victim to, not to mention how much a nightmare bad tenants can be. If she did not do her due diligence, she could be stuck in an extended lease with no way out.

  6. Again,I like the woman to like her change in life.Whether it's finding that the rogue is not cut out for marriage but enjoys shagging subservient domestics,or the cares of homeownership are eased by living in simple servitude.

  7. Not sure you got the plot of that video correct. After watching it, I believe Holt is a thief who snuck into this hotel to steal from it. She takes a key from the maid, a uniform from the changing room and pushes a cleaning cart to remain inconspicuous while she robs the rooms. She tries on fancy clothes and plays with the inhabitants belongings because she can't resist.
